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new lighting system??


Plant Manager
The super-efficient Sunleaves Satellite II fluorescent fixture delivers high yields with just 210 watts. Its two TT-105 fluorescent bulbs easily illuminate a four-foot area, and the shallow unit design requires less vertical clearance than most other lighting systems. Best of all, both fluorescent "grow" and "bloom" bulb types fit the Satellite II so you can stimulate vegetative growth or fruiting and flowering as you like and grow plants to maturity. Satellite II Bloom includes two "bloom" bulbs.


Satellite II Fluorescent Surpasses Metal Halide in Side-by-Side Trial

In a three-month, side-by-side test, habanero pepper plants growing under a 210-watt Sunleaves Satellite II fixture exhibited healthier, more compact growth than habanero peppers grown under a standard 400-watt metal halide lamp. Aside from spacing and type of light offered, pepper plant growing conditions including hydroponic systems, type and amount of nutrient, growing media, and light cycle duration were identical.

All plants were grown in continuous aeration hydroponics systems. In each system, a submersible pump suctioned to the bottom of the nutrient reservoir continually splashed Technaflora’s Recipe for Success vegetative growth formula onto plant roots. Pepper plants were started in horticultural grow plugs and then placed in plastic net cups containing expanded clay pellets.

With regard to light intensity, the Satellite II, equipped with two full-spectrum TT-105 fluorescent “grow” bulbs, emitted 21,000 lumens total and the metal halide lamp put out 30,000 lumens. Pepper plants were positioned as closely to each light as possible without scorching—18 inches under the metal halide lamp and four inches under the fluorescent fixture. Despite the marked difference in total lumen output, light meter readings taken at the plant canopy level registered higher for plants growing under the Satellite II. Plants received 18 hours of light daily.


full time daddy
sounds like the tek light's

sounds like the tek light's

very cool... i hope there cheaper


Plant Manager
Sunleaves Satellite II Bloom
"A Bloomin' Wonder!"
Item # SSB110
Size: 210W
Weight: 10 lbs.
Low wattage technology is getting better everyday. As soon as someone figures out how to grow 1000watt bud under 100watts legalization might become a reality because it will just be too goddamn cheap to groe indoors. I can't wait.

Fluoros have gotten a lot better over the past ten years and I have seen some kick-ass cheap fluoro grows...including my own.

HPS will deliver denser bud, but fluoros are a bit underrated it is possible to grow bud worth smoking under fluoros, if you don't mind them a bit fluffy...but that new light might be just the trick for some low-wattage vegging....

What we need is some:alien: tech...


Plant Manager
these satellite systems are the real deal...for veg!! lol You wont find tighter nodes anywhere. You get 22,000 lumens coming at the plant from a 4' linear source, and there is little to NO heat at all from this fixture...so lights can be slammed on top of your plants..

follow me here..."law of diminshing returns"
Intensity = light output / by distance squared
still with me...

400 watt agro sun = 40000 initial lumens

40,000/2 =20000 lumens at 2' from the plant
40,000/9 =4444 lumens at 3' from the plant
even if you air cool the halide it will still need to be at least 2' from the tops of the veg...


Satellite System = 22,000 lumens
they can get as close as 3" from the tops without risk of burning!!! NO NEED FOR THE CHART as long as you stay within the initial foot...

So my theory is that this light would be GREAT for scrog use as well

not to mention they only use half of the electricity as a 400 watter :eek:
Last edited:


Cannabis Helper
Sunnyside: You might wanna recheck those Lum spec, a 400watt hps son-t pulls a min of 65000 lums at 10cm... (most people use HPs these days)


I have a 400 mh and definately do not keep it 2' away from the plants..
more like 8-10" with no burn.. yet.. Knocked on some wood nearby.. I also agree with harry they are to slow.. even though i still will veg with them.. lol. peace.

sack :friends: :canabis: :joint:


Ok i have a quick question speaking of lighting. :chin:
I in my veg box have 4 flourex Sunlight bulbs.. On the top right hand corner it says. Uses only 20 watts, Same as 75 watts. OK are my plants getting 80 watts or 150 watts? :confused: Yes i am a dummie.. thanx.. peace.

sack :friends: :canabis: :joint:


Cannabis Helper
Your 20 watt flouresent bulb gives just that, 20 watts of flouresent light, which is equal to 75 watts of INCADESENT light...


Plant Manager
Growdoc said:
Sunnyside: You might wanna recheck those Lum spec, a 400watt hps son-t pulls a min of 65000 lums at 10cm... (most people use HPs these days)

I am right on with the numbers...I am talking about halides vs. satellite for early to middle veg...
I am not debating wether or not the satellites can compete with a HPS, because they can't....

sackoweed said:
I have a 400 mh and definately do not keep it 2' away from the plants..
more like 8-10" with no burn.. yet.. Knocked on some wood nearby.. I also agree with harry they are to slow.. even though i still will veg with them.. lol. peace.

ok lets think about this from a different angle... I trust that you keep your plants slammed as close as possible, but think of how far your plants on the outside of your garden are from the bulb. if your footprint was 2'x2', the plants on the outer edge would be 2' from the bulb...

Don't knock em till you try em is all I say...

Go into your garden and check your light and distance... and do the numbers, it will give you an idea of what your working with :) :)


I have been using cfl's 125wx2 for veg for months now. I switched over form using 2-150w hps bulbs. I generate much less heat; nuts not evaporated; I veg at the same rate I used to, I can still bloom with these dual color frequenxy cfls', and they cost much less to operate.

I use seperate 400 hps for blooming, but I use cfls' for vegging and seedlings.

Very happy with the results.


chopper 13

New member
sackoweed i hav been using the same ones in veg and have had some really good luck
but i still flower with the hps ...i run them along the side with 2 4ft t8 on top...over all have been real happy with results


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Sunny I've heard rave reviews of those lights the guys I know were I get my supplies swear by them. I wonder how they would compare to the T-5 lights. It seems to me that with and option with the T-5 to intermix 2-8 seperate tubes it makes it a worthy thought. I think Maistre uses a T-5 ? I have a 125 Compact Fluorescent I got from Worms Way and have great success but those tubes are sweet.



Active member
Hey Sunnyside and Wags - I use a Tek 5 flouro for veg and it is awesome. Here's a pic of mine in my Mother Cabinet. I use this for seedlings, clones and (eventually) mother plants.


My friend uses 125w cfl's; blue; for bloom enhaalong with their hps lights. Fills in the dark spots. They are hung from a cord vertically from the ceiling.



Plant Manager
relik and wags...as far as I understand...the t5's and tek 5's are the same...and the satellites use tt105's which are just two standard t5's fused together...


T5's how much wattage?
And whats the overall dimensions of the light? please..

sack :friends: :canabis: :joint:


The Tek5 4 footers are 208 watts @ 20,000 lumens (96 lumens/watt) while the TT-105 4 footers are 220 watts @ 22,000 lumens (100 lumens/watt). Both are available in 4 foot and 2 foot lengths. The main difference is that the Satellites allow you to squeeze more light in a smaller space, due to the fact that one TT-105 bulb is essentially 2 T5's.

The true advantage lies in the use of a linear light source over a single-point light source. Simple physics my friends. You cannot get the penetration of the HIDs, but fluoro's definitely serve an important purpose in the garden.

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