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Bonsai Container Landscape Grow


Occasional User
Howdy Folks.

If you have seen the 1oz Shot glass grow you might be interested in this idea.

I have been thinkin about doing a MJ Bonsai Grow just for the fun of it and since the 1oz grow is turning into so much fun and so many people are following aloing and growing I figure after we finsish up with that we should all try something a little bigger. (But just a little)

I started this thread a little early so that peeps could chime in and give their ideas as to how we should set up the "Contest". Again it will most likely be on the honour system and there might not be much in the way of prizes but do we really do this for prizes anyway? Isn't it just about bringing like minded people into the same place?

anyways. here's a shot of a bonsai landscape. basic design "Root over rock"

Bonsai Landscapes are supposed to give the look of an area of natural placement. In other words if you were in nature and came across a miniature tree and cut around the tree what would you be left with.

for the contest we could have a few catagories maybe. based roughly on Bonsai Growing competitions rules.

Single tree / forest of trees / diahrama,landscaping / container use.

as for container size we could limit it to amount of soil used as some people might want to grow on a rock or on a slab of stone with a pile of dirt. a little hard to compare container size at that point.

The honour system would have to be honest peeps. I think you can see what I mean.

so...what y'all think?...I know for a fact there are tons of people that love bonsai trees on ICMag. I have even seen a few peeps on here in micro grows that could really grow some nice bonsai given the opportunity.

For instance I bet MrG pops up soon enough seeing this.

So I've posted this about 2 months before start time. that way most of the 1oz grows will be done and veryone can prepare to have a little spot in their flower areas ready to fit an extra little pot.

Good idea for fun or am I crazy?



New member
hey bud. i was reading about bonsais in a book this very morning and from what i read i understand that they manicure the rootball at least once a year. wild stuff. i also like to see grafting. for instance i bought a weeping pussy willow tree that was grafted onto an apple tree stem and root, as the apple tree is hardier. have a great day BG


Take Five...
Great idea BG, I like it!

I think it would be too cool to see little miniature gnarled old trees over rock with a couple beautiful frosty buds sitting on top!

I agree 100% that the 1 oz grow is turning out better than I had hoped!
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Occasional User
Hey Vin. Nice to see ya chime in my friend. Just this morning huh? there ya go, like minds eh? For sure all the LST and Scrog folks would benefit from bonsai growing. There is a vast amount of info online about bonsai and I can bet my last penny I grow MJ better now because of my years growing bonsai and simple house plants. Grafting is easier than people might think but I'm still leaving that for a latter day too. ha. Most roses that are shipped around in the spring have been grafted for an example. That weeping willow you have would make an awsome backyard bonsai. is that your plan Vin? a centre piece maybe? Apple and crab apple trees make excellent backyard bonsai as well.

I tried searching it out this morning but couldn't find it again. alas a bit of the downside to ICMag. but there's a few peeps on here that already have grown exactly what I'm trying to parlay here. Hope they see this and give us some pics.

That's basically my reason to try. I wanna see some wild lookin MJ Plants.

Like somethin like this only a beautiful MJ Plant, am I nuts?


Edit- ya slipped in there Heady. Nice to see your support my friend. Excellent. :wave:
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I am in.. :) I without a doubt will create somthing quite interesting for this one..

Was thinking of perhaps carving the perfect addition out of stone.. perhaps a skull or an indian design in stone .. then growing over/around it.. Like an artifact within the bonsai?

How's that sound.. is it along your guidelines? Perhaps in a dish say 5' X 7-8"??



Occasional User
Exactly the idea. I don't really want to take charge of this "Contest" so to speak. I just think it's a great idea and something fun to do over the summer. Since several peeps that would enjoy this are already in the Shot Glass grow I thought it good to start the thread now and have everyone kinda run it along the way. Judging of any kind would be internal and the "set-up" of rules would be internal so to speak. a co-op of guidlines.

Since it's summer maybe we could have a few outdoor categories maybe and allow larger pots and thus inspiring larger landscape designs

I'll be down for this BG. I won't be able to do anything 'till I get moved into my new house on 1st july though.
Whens your predicted start date, and how long do you see the natural length of the "internal competition"?
I mean, if I was to create a bonsai landscape of epic proportions, which I would take my whole life over to perfect, including the training of ladybirds to drive micromachines. Can you guarantee the thread will still be open?
I guess what I am trying to say is do you have a timescale in mind?



Occasional User
Excellent SM and Doobie are in. Right on Guys!!

Well SM I was thinkin Veg is going to be the most important part of this grow so you make a great point. What are your thoughts for that? I was thinking no limits really. The best looking trunks might come from someone that's had a mom going for years that they want to flower out. Maybe that could be one category and then from Clone as another category and then from seed as another. Would a year be too long? How long can a stoner stay focused?

This is what I meant about not wanting to "run" this. If we all chime in with ideas over the next little bit we can compile the "rules of engagement" ourselves and as a co-op

Peace everyone
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this is a cool idea, I got some rooted cuts too, just waiting for a home. I am going to smoke a bowl and let the creative juices start flowing and hopefully I can up with some thing cool.

Great idea BG. peace_highst
The way I see it I need a couple 'till July to even think about this project. When it happenS i don't think it should be over complicated, one category either grown from seed or from clone, judged entirelly on 3 or 4 basic characteristics:

1) Structure of set (landscape)
2) Originality when dealing with marijuana plant
3) Something
4) etc etc

As far as the natural length goes, I say open thread, join in whenever and wherever and maybe run a couple of "best of" or "most fantastic" competitions a year. I'd be more than happy to help compile and contribute the organisational and competitive sides of this thread as they arise.



BonsaiGrower said:
there might not be much in the way of prizes but do we really do this for prizes anyway? Isn't it just about bringing like minded people into the same place?

you've got the mindset down right there! Glad to see it.



Active member
once again i think its a pretty cool idea, however i wont be starting this one soon either as im still working on my first plant ever!! dont even know if its a female or not yet, its at 4 days 18/6, and still hasent outgrown the very first set of round leaves. but maybe one day ill join y'all. either way i thinks its cool and i'll be watchin the cool ideas that everybody comes up with. have fun, thats what its all about



Occasional User
Hey Folks :wave:

Great idea SM. Count on you buddy. Sure if you want to set something up feel free. If I have to do the update just send me a PM and I'll deal with it.

I'm thinkin as far as any "Awards" are concerned, there's enough of us around here that can make notables be mentioned and an appropriate "award" sent out or appropriate pics sent to the right places. catch me?

If peeps want to get started now I say go for it. SM can start compiling something and any ideas are of course welcome.

I was thinkin of this idea too for the open thread;
- say for judging purposes post a pic and say "Judge This" otherwise all posted pics would just be that. progress. but when you think you got a winner or you are about to harvest and there's nothin left you can do. say.. "Judge This". Then at selected times those pics could be compiled and put up for vote.

alright that's my ideas for today

How we doin so far?



Snow Grower ~OGA~
Looks like you got quite the few takers BG :yes:

I think I can come up with something :chin: Might take a few joints to think about it though... :joint:


Active member
nice idea...I'll def. jump in!

u guys already know how much I love this shit.

I've looked into keeping a bonsai tree for quite a while, so I know a bit about it in general . The only actual bonsai tree I want is a Bristlecone Pine (oldest living thing on earth)..and I have access to them w/ in about a half hour, on top of Mt. Evans.

heres a pic of a bristlecone pine tree (wickedest looking trees ever too)
fullsize, not bonsia here:

I have what would be sort-of considered bonsai moms (MJ), but not exactly, as I dont prune them or their roots properly, I just hack them whenever I need clones or they get too big...but I dont get specific.

I like the idea of a nice little landscape....I may do something w/ some lavarocks and a small fountain pump that I have...kind of have her groing next to a little river/waterfall...we'll see tho. I'll need a few to think about it. (probably means its time to start another batch of clones)

ill keep ya's posted :wave:


The Dopest

[THC] True Hippie Coonass
i love that tree NOKUY!! first time i read the thread i thought, maaaan i have so much goin on that another task is just too much for me atm. well the only task is figuring out a nice lil landscape, after that is all mind numbing, grass growin fun! you guys got me thinkin now... :chin:

bbl :wave:
b10narybud, Have you ever taken one of those stretchy seedlings and tied em in a knot and let em grow out? that would be interesting.. or perhaps somthing llike these..

Oh and this is for everyone.. Cause this shit is VERY COOL..




Occasional User
This is awsome. Yukon I'm glad you're on board. I have no doubt you'll inspire some creativity.

TML... Can't wait to see the colors you flower out. With the strains you normally work with this should be fun to watch you.
The Dopest. wicked you're in? Sweet.
Cannerbanoid... I saw on here once and I just went lookin for it again...alas....ICMag's downfall. Couldn't find it. But someone on here has a neat flash pic that shows the knot in the stem get tied and then grows up into a knarly knot in the trunk....did ya see that along the way?...some things on this site if ya don't see it when it gets posted it gets lost into the archives and you better know what you are searching for if your ever gonna find it again.

I was never on OG...how did they compile things?..I hear everyone saying it was so easy to find info. I also hear the attitude is wasy better here so I dunno.

I love ICMag and the fact that all these awsome peeps are here. Just look at how many people are starting to jump on this fun little bonsai grow.

Too much fun....has anyone started to veg something?

One of these is what I'm going to start with.

Even though there has been no Official "Rules" laid out feel free to get started and post up some pics.

Taker easy folks..it's a pleasure to be connected to ya.
:wave: BG
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