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Cool Shit, 2 plants spliced together?


Active member
This was a little experiment I did. I took clones....flattened them, then stuck them together in my EZ........here are the results.....its a mutant freak...I love it....plant is a bush...huge....expect double the yeild?lol :joint:



Traktor driver
Hey JB :wave:

I like experiments. :D Are you gonna documment this one?

Sure looks interesting. :chin:


Are they 2 different strains? that would be cool.
let's see the whole plant!

Why did you take the pics in the dark?

also why is this in the reservoir seeds forum? :confused:
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Hey JohnBudd, what two varieties have you grafted together? If they are 2 from Reservoir then I can see the thread staying in this forum, if they are something else, then the thread really should be moved to the grower's forum.



Cool grafting :chin: . Are they the same strain or different? If they are the same strain, it's kinda pointless(but cool) as you could top, trim, or train for more growth.

If they are diffent strains grafted together, keep that sucker as a momma plant :woohoo:


Can you be a little more specific as to what you did and show some pictures of the whole plants. I don't even really know what i'm looking at because it looks so weird..

This is really bizarre shit.. explain it some more


Wow, I've never seen that before! Thx for sharing.
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Active member
Thanks you all for stopping by. I will get some better pictures of the whole plant today. It is the strangest thing I have seen.
The 2 plants fused together to make one set of roots, one main stalk, and has now split again after 18-24" of the fused stem, into 2 plants again.

And it is the same strain. :joint:


Active member
Let's see some more pics - this thing looks pretty wild. Either you have small hands or that's a tree trunk! WOW


I have seen it many times. What I saw was not two plants fused together, it was one plant where the main stem flattened out and may or may not split.
It is called faciation, I have seen it many many times. I have a clone of one, it grows normal until a few feet tall then the main stock flattens out, I have grown them 10 feet tall, I still have the flatened out 10 foot stem. To maintain the clone just take any non-faciated branch and clone it, grow it out and it will flatten out. It offers no benefit as the buds are not as good, smaller bracts, less resin etc.
I have never seen a male plant do it. Unlike whorled phyllotaxy with three stems instead of two on the main stock, they seem to be linked with males mostly.



faciation is the flattening of the stem of one plant, johbd clearly says he took two plants and fused them

JohnBud said:
I took clones....flattened them, then stuck them together in my EZ

why would the guy lie?


Take two cuttings of different strains and scarify and cut a 45 degree angle on the bottom of each,putting the angled cuts so that they "fit together" and form 1 round stem them tie lightly with hemp thread and put in rockwool cube.Now you have two "fuzed" strains and if you believe any of this shit,you're a lot higher than I am lol


Active member
I need to get my photo skills up to snuff to show you all how weird this is. I may call in a "substitute photographer!"
When I transplanted this beast, you could see the roots had grown together....and one plant started a spiral twist around the other. The spiral continued up. Above soil level, you can see 2 distinct stems, fused together by a small bit of green matter.
The clones were taken off a mother plant that was normal, no genetic hoo-doo here.
This is nothing I actually tried on purpose, was in a hurry and hacked too much off a plant when taking clones.
I will document this well, and once its time to harvest, will dissect the plant/root ball for all too see.
But the Skunkman is as close to PHD of herbolagy, that I know of, so will go with his explanation until further dissection can take place. :joint:
Happy Holidays All!!!


What? :chin:
I'm not bashing anyone....I'm sure he knows what he's talking about.

What I saw was not two plants fused together

It IS two plants... does this not imply a lie/mistake on the part of the origional poster?
I'm simply asking why sam would not belive JohnBudd's claim that the pics are two plants growing together. :confused:

maybe I missread his post. But marijuanamessia seems to think this is not two plants.
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Non Conformist


Why couldn't ya graft two plants together? They have been doing this with roses and fruit trees for over a hundred years now.What do ya think Sam? Can it be done? later...BC

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