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Ibechillin's Dank Chronicle


Masochist Educator
Hey everyone, Im back again to share my grow experiences. 2018 season grow starts here on post #1. 2019 season grow starts on post #75)

2018 will be my second season growing outdoors and using organic nutrients, also my first attempt at recycling, amending and cooking my own soil.

3/12/2018 @2:36am

I placed an order through MSNL Seeds for 20 Pineapple Kush regular seeds and also got 5 White Widow X Skunk reg freebies.


I blended my soil for this year, its a 70/30 blend soil to perlite for good drainage.

12 bags 1.5 cu ft kellogs Patio Plus organic soil with 8 cu ft perlite.

(Aged recycled forest products, aged rice hulls, composted poultry manure, perlite, peat moss, hydrolyzed feather meal, dehydrated poultry manure, dolomite & oyster shell limes (as pH adjusters), bat guano, kelp meal, worm castings.)

1/2 of this soil is recycled from my 100 gallon blue cheese plant from last year.

I then amended with:

12 cups dolomite lime
6 cups gypsum
5 cups neem seed meal
10 cups alfalfa pellets
30 teaspoon Roots Organic Uprising Bloom
3 cups (1lb) kelp meal
1lb diatomaceous earth
1lb humic acid
1lb azomite powder
couple drizzles espoma liquid grow 2-2-2 125,000,000 cfu
Watered in 4 cups of 82 brix molasses.



I germinated 31 bagseeds a friend gave me that he had been saving over time from an underground medical Co-op that was raided and shut down just recently, called Patient Cannabis Exchange.

Strains these seeds came from include:

Acapulco Gold
Chocolate Thai
Panama Red
White Rhino
Red Dragon
???? from other dank nugs over time.

all 31 bagseeds about to be germinated



Seeds Arrived already!?
Shipped from UK 3/13/2018 at 8am.
arrived USA 3/19/2018 @noon.

MSNL Seeds before germinating:


21 of the 31 bagseeds sprouted:


21 bagseeds planted in greenhouse:

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Masochist Educator
3/23/2018 @noon:

Pineapple Kush seeds 4 days after germination:


Pineapple Kush seeds spread out, some healthy taproots damn lol:


Only 2 of the 5 White Widow x Skunk reg Freebies Germinated Hopefully a keeper male or female:


I moved the MSNL Seeds into the greenhouse and it snowed all that night, good vigor test for seeds lol!

3/29/18 10 days later bagseeds above soil:


rest of the bagseeds, lost 1 to cold night 20 left:

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Masochist Educator
3/29/18 6 days after planting, Pineapple Kush seeds in greenhouse:


3/29/18 6 days after planting, White Widow x Skunk seeds in greenhouse.



transplanted all seedlings to 1 gallon trade pots with my amended soil.

have left:

16 Pineapple Kush
2 White Widow x Skunk
19 bagseeds


5/4/2016 bagseeds day 7 outdoors.


5/4/2016 Pineapple Kush and 2 White Widow x skunk in front day 7 outdoors.



Masochist Educator
5/8/2018 day 11 outdoors:

Seedlings haven't grown much, but alot of them have roots starting to come out of the bottom of their trade gallon pots.


Gave plants first feeding today:

5 gallons water
5 tablespoon Alaska fish Fertilizer 5-1-1
5 teaspoon blu moon mega roots
2.5 teaspoon espoma liquid grow 2-2-2

Gave each plant 2 cups (1/2 liter) of feed water.


Pineapple kush and 2 White Widow x Skunk in front


Masochist Educator
5/11/2018 day 14 outdoors, start week 3:



Pineapple Kush and 2 White Widow skunk in front


Closeup shot bagseeds for perspective. Thickening the stalks up nicely after first feeding.



Masochist Educator
5/15/2018 day 17 outdoors

Some Interesting Anomalies:

The Mutant Survivor Bagseed Plant!:

Since starting all of my seeds and putting them in the green house i ended up with 3 bagseed runt plants and 1 Pineapple Kush runt.

The 1st bagseed runt just gave up on life in the greenhouse shortly after sprouting lol.

I killed the 2nd bag seed runt because of its ridiculously slow (although healthy looking) growth.

The 3rd bagseed runt, even though it was the same size and speed of growth as the 2nd I wanted to keep. It was a mutant from seed, instead of growing its normal 2 single finger serrated edged leaves after its cotyledon leaves, it grew 1 leaf on one side instead of 2 at its first node. Even more interesting was the way that leaf developed, Down the center of a leaf blades finger is a vein, and the leaves grow symmetrically on either side of the vein normally. This plant only grew serrated leaf on one side of the vein of its one finger, and only on the upper 1/4 portion towards the tip of the other side of the vein. The 2nd node grew in VERY close to the first node (literally like almost on top) and grew out just fine, So i assumed it had grown out of its funkyness.

When i woke up today I had a curious urge to check on my mutant dwarf plant, since i hadn't given it any 1 on 1 time since putting it outside. Low and behold its a trifoliate plant, excited to see what becomes of it! Short, about half the size of all the others but with equal root mass to the others, its trying to catch up by cheating the system with triple leafs! (all these seeds endured a frost/snow storm while sprouting in the greenhouse, this one struggled the most with the cold but fought back it seems by the very red stems)



The 2 Ribbed Leaf Bagseed Plants:

By total coincidence both these plants have been side by side their whole lives this far, Ive grown countless strains but cant remember having one with leaves like this before, I thought they might grow out of it, but its getting more and more pronounced leaf ribs with the new growth and looks very healthy. (This will probably sound strange...but these leaves look enticing and I have an urge to eat them...thick, crisp, juicy looking greens.)

Any ideas?


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Well-known member
I'll ride along for a spell. Looks like you have quite the operation nice pix and description. Going outdoors myself with some Ace gear this year for the first time in 5 years. Pm, groundhogs and deer chased me indoors. I hope the Bangi Haze is immune to the PM and a couple big outdoor dogs pissing everywhere may deal with the critters.


Well-known member
looks like a root problem to me.... not enough development and causing em to be over watered a lil bit...

I'd give em a lil root love... and be easy on the water for those 2 especially around the base of the plant


Best advice is kill the bagseeds. even better to not germinate any unknown seeds.

PDX Dopesmoker

Active member
Great thread, its like a bigger version of my own home grow just a couple degrees further north. This is highly relevant to my interests, subbed and looking forward to the updates.
And some people's aversion to bagseed is kinda weird from my point of view. Is there a better way to pick new seeds than smoking a bag, deciding that you like the stuff and then finding a lucky gem in one of the flowers or at the bottom of the sack? OK maybe there is, but bagseed is still pretty damned reliable.


Masochist Educator
I'll ride along for a spell. Looks like you have quite the operation nice pix and description. Going outdoors myself with some Ace gear this year for the first time in 5 years. Pm, groundhogs and deer chased me indoors. I hope the Bangi Haze is immune to the PM and a couple big outdoor dogs pissing everywhere may deal with the critters.

Bangi Haze should do well against PM/mold and humidity its a tropical climate sativa, try to minimize the amount to pruning you do to the plant as well as spores/infection need an opening to infect the plant I learned recently. Ive been using diatomacious earth (powder silicon) as a foliar spray on my plants 2 tablespoon per gallon water intermittently though veg to deter/kill insets. I learned recently it also helps prevent infection/mildew and a few other benefits, check out the link on silicon in my signature. Your Bangi Haze out in the sticks or where you can watch it? I dont plant directly in ground because i dont like to chance it with moles etc plus fabric pots are great for growth, big dogs and your own urine especially will keep most animals away from your plants from what i understand.

Great thread, its like a bigger version of my own home grow just a couple degrees further north. This is highly relevant to my interests, subbed and looking forward to the updates.
And some people's aversion to bagseed is kinda weird from my point of view. Is there a better way to pick new seeds than smoking a bag, deciding that you like the stuff and then finding a lucky gem in one of the flowers or at the bottom of the sack? OK maybe there is, but bagseed is still pretty damned reliable.

Good to hear from you again PDX, you were around for my blue cheese grow last season. My grow space outside is 5x20 (100 ft2) Only running the Pineapple Kush females in the larger pots full season this year. I have 6 25 gallon fabric pots i filled to 16 gallons (70%) so to only use the same amount of soil as i did last year on my 1 plant (100 gallons), with better soil and feeding/watering habits i should easily crush last year. Still debating only doing 3-4 Pineapple Kush in bigger pots to save space for some early outdoor harvest force flowered clones, i got 20 3 gallon fabric pots for it.

Bagseeds are going to be saved for strain diversity as mothers indoors, just waiting on plants to show sex/get big enough to clone before i can do much really...I have two 3x3 grow tents indoors (mh veg/hps vertical bloom) with dimmable 400w lights waiting. Ill take clones of the Pineapple Kush males for the veg tent and flower the seed plants in the vert bloom tent to decide which one(s) i want to keep for breeding (strains advertised as extremely stable).
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Well-known member
Thanks Ibchillin
I am in the sticks for sure. I had planned to cut the bottom of the beds for a taproot to go down on the Bangi's although it can only go about a foot on my rocky ridge. I also plan to use 30 gal storage tubs to grow in. I cut a net pot into the bottom of one throw two 4" sanitary t's in the bottom of another, then I pack the net pot with rockwool and set that tub in the other one and put 6 gallons of water in the bottom tub. It gives me ten days of water. Indoors I run a airstone in the bottom tub and keep it filled . Last year I watered from the top and let the bottom one dry out except when I left to go camping. It worked fine. I saw some solar powered air pumps for ponds on Home Despot and I want to try one so I can keep the tubs full and just top off in late season. I have used actinovate microbe and fungi blend to fight the PM. I think if I get it in the soil early and continue foliar it will help. I also have some Goji and skunk clones getting ready to go out those are the ones I worry about most getting mushrooms.
Great info on day length I went out too early one year and it sucked.
happy growing:tiphat: