Really should be called 60w LED grow. Skip to page 3 for final light arrangement. 3 lights each on its own timer, morn, day, and eve. Until then thread should be called Gilligan tries a dangerous new hobby without enough know how and The Proffesor warns of impending doom.
Made my first LED growlight, a cheap 10w full spectrum chip is all that's in the case so far. I stuck the chip onto the bottom of a micro Tin lunchbox with thermal paste and magnets. Might as well have been an Altoids tin, it's that small. There is a fan in the lights box with some heat sinks. Drilled air vents on the top and two sides. This light was easy to hang with wires and 2 very strong magnets. Good magnets are expensive, but I had a bunch sticking around.
I put the LED driver on the outside of the case to lower temps. In general is this ok? Its DC current at this point which means it looses power the longer the wires?
Going to add 2 more of these chips on a second light soon, and thinking of getting 3 more for 60w total. I have a bunch of 3w leds I could use also. (Waiting for other chips to come from China)
Will also be testing out a new seed I got when a friends unknown Gsus OGx hermied and hit a Blue Dream clone. G13 in there somewhere supposedly. Was strong n tasty, but I've only ever had parent plant outdoors.
Seeds are cracking in a cup of water now.
Thinking to put 6 in 12/12, unless you all convince me otherwise. (Just veg and choose strongest female to LST then flip?)
Peace! And thank GOD for Cannabis. I would have thrown myself into a volcano ages ago if I had to deal with my 20+ years of chronic back pain without it. I'm definitely someone whose life has been saved by this plant.
Made my first LED growlight, a cheap 10w full spectrum chip is all that's in the case so far. I stuck the chip onto the bottom of a micro Tin lunchbox with thermal paste and magnets. Might as well have been an Altoids tin, it's that small. There is a fan in the lights box with some heat sinks. Drilled air vents on the top and two sides. This light was easy to hang with wires and 2 very strong magnets. Good magnets are expensive, but I had a bunch sticking around.
I put the LED driver on the outside of the case to lower temps. In general is this ok? Its DC current at this point which means it looses power the longer the wires?
Going to add 2 more of these chips on a second light soon, and thinking of getting 3 more for 60w total. I have a bunch of 3w leds I could use also. (Waiting for other chips to come from China)
Will also be testing out a new seed I got when a friends unknown Gsus OGx hermied and hit a Blue Dream clone. G13 in there somewhere supposedly. Was strong n tasty, but I've only ever had parent plant outdoors.
Seeds are cracking in a cup of water now.
Thinking to put 6 in 12/12, unless you all convince me otherwise. (Just veg and choose strongest female to LST then flip?)
Peace! And thank GOD for Cannabis. I would have thrown myself into a volcano ages ago if I had to deal with my 20+ years of chronic back pain without it. I'm definitely someone whose life has been saved by this plant.
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