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The New Age of Cannabis Culture: Mutageneis Breeding


The New Age of Cannabis Culture: Mutageneis Breeding

Abstract: "DNA is the 'instruction manual' for the successful growth of a living thing, from a single cell to a mature adult. When the DNA of an organism is somehow 'damaged,' it can have an impact on the organism's development over time."

Process: There are different kinds of mutagenic breeding such as using chemical mutagens like ethyl methanesulfonate and dimethyl sulfate, radiation and transposons are used to generate mutants. Mutation breeding is commonly used to produce traits in crops such as larger seeds, new colors, or sweeter fruits, that either cannot be found in nature or have been lost during evolution.

Concerning the exposing of vegetable seeds to X-rays, here is a bit of information I found online: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutation_breeding - Mutation breeding, sometimes referred to as "variation breeding", is the process of exposing seeds to chemicals or radiation in order to generate mutants with desirable traits (or lacking undesirable ones) to be bred with other cultivars. Plants created using mutagenesis are sometimes called mutagenic plants or mutagenic seeds. From 1930 to 2014 more than 3200 mutagenic plant varietals have been released[1][2] that have been derived either as direct mutants (70%) or from their progeny (30%).[3] Crop plants account for 75% of released mutagenic species with the remaining 25% ornamentals or decorative plants.[4] However, although the FAO/IAEA reported in 2014 that over 1,000 mutant varietals of major staple crops were being grown worldwide,[1] it is unclear how many of these varieties are currently used in agriculture or horticulture around the world, as these seeds are not always identified or labeled as being mutagenic or having a mutagenic provenance.[5] (continued)

and I also googled: " how to make a homemade x-ray machine " which information from the various sites I found quite informative, in that it is really a simple task for a non-technical guy like me to construct a crude but effective x-ray device. However, it is really important that one should take sufficient precautions to avoid even slight exposure to the powerful rays!

Here is another article detailing x-ray experiments conducted from 1926 to 1933:
http://ww were in sprouted condition. No significant changes have been observed in the case of radishes, exposed sprouted as well as dry, and of corn exposed dry.

Employment of various wavelengths of radiations, intensities, duration of exposure, including as yet unknown, undiscovered energies, could offer untold opportunities for advanced cannabis botanical mutagenesis experimentation.

Capt. Kirk: [on ship-wide speakers] "Captain to crew: Those of you who have served for long on this vessel have encountered alien life-forms. You know the greatest danger facing us is..... ourselves, and irrational fear of the unknown. There's no such thing as 'the unknown,' only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood." ~ The Corbomite Maneuver (1966) Star Trek (TV Series) :kitty:

Only Ornamental

Spiritually inspired agnostic mad scientist
There's also a publication or two out there about radiation treatment of hemp seeds. IIRC it's in German and written by von Sengbusch. He didn't find anything useful...

A home made X-ray? That sounds like the thing you create in your garage just because you can :) . But honestly (though not in the mood of having children myself), who would risk his health (and possibly that of his to-be-progeny) for that? Maybe for self-mutagenesis LoL?

Anyway, chemicals would be safer though anything but safe. As a lab guy I do know how to safely handle them and I do have some left... maybe when I have time for it? Sounds like fun!


Unlocking the Cannabis plant’s genetic code

Unlocking the Cannabis plant’s genetic code


Genetically Modified Marijuana : The Future of Medical Cannabis?

Unlocking the Cannabis plant’s genetic code gives way to an array of possibilities


Genetic Engineering Cannabis (Marijuana) DNA




Cannabis Biotech: Creating A 30-Foot Marijuana Tree


Top 10 Craziest Cannabis Mutations

Pretty much everyone knows what a cannabis plant looks like, even those who don’t partake. But not many people know that cannabis is also capable of producing some weird and wonderful mutations, some of which don’t even look or smell like weed at all!

Whorled phyllotaxy



Australian Bastard Cannabis (ABC)

Vine-like cannabis

Leaf buds


Huge upright phenotype

Twin seedlings

Albinism & variegation

:plant grow:


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
I don't get the interest or time invested. Mutations to humans and animals are a disability. Peace


I don't get the interest or time invested. Mutations to humans and animals are a disability. Peace

I want to share four of my favorite quotes that remind me why knowledge is important for it's own sake, if for no other reason than to know how everything in this mysterious universe works. Throughout history, many new scientific discoveries were hastily criticized for their apparent lack of immediate practicality [such as Newton's experiments with prisms], by those intent on the profitable capitalistic utilitarian exploitation of technology. The same may be said regarding the controlled mutations of which the article addresses. But I do believe that it is fine to experiment with creation, as long as such actions are lawful and do not violate any being's sovereignty, for, as the following quote states,

All things are artificial, for nature is the art of God.
-- Thomas Browne


In their study of Nature's secrets, they not only find wonderful pleasure for themselves, but they believe that they please the author and maker of Nature. For they think that in the manner of other artificers, He has exposed this machine of the universe to
man's view because man alone is able to contemplate it, and that therefore a careful observer and eager admirer of his workmanship is dearer to him than a dull and unmoved being who looks upon this great spectacle like an animal incapable of thought.
-- Sir Thomas More's "Utopia" - 1551 A.D.


The Almighty Lecturer, by displaying the principles of science in the structure of the universe, has invited man to study and to imitation.
-- Thomas Paine


The universe seems . . . to have been determined and ordered in accordance with number, by the forethought and the mind of the creator of all things; for the pattern was fixed, like a preliminary
sketch, by the domination of number preexistent in the mind of the world-creating God.
-- Nicomachus of Gerasa


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