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Is the Water You Use the Best It Can Be? Structured Water. Why? And an Easy DIY


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I’ve been using structured water for cooking, drinking, AND for mixing my F & D nutrients for 2 years now.

When I have posted about it within my threads, I get a few ignorant people calling it snake oil, so I thought it was time to provide solid evidence. There are several methods for structuring: cascading water over spheres, vortexing, which makes the water circle really fast, and magnets in repell to create a force field

In addition to structuring and vortexing the RO water prior to mixing nutes, on one rez I have a repelling magnet device that the nutes pass back and forth through on each feeding cycle

I have not done an honest A v B, but plants grown with the repelling magnets seems considerably (and consistently) bigger and fatter

The beauty is it doesn't really cost much to DIY. I have included pictures of 2 different devices I made. The turkey baster has hematite (magnetic) spheres. The glass blender carafe has both hematite (in the center) and glass marbles

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Here a great proof video with an easy to make DIY


Water Vortex Structure Frequency Experts Discussion


The benefit of structured water and water-soluble phyto compounds - PART 1


Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QNakAHBlBQ


Active member
yeah i know people that have a house unit and swear by it.. need to get one too.. many health benefits


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
woah. this is weird. some claim its bullshit, others say its true. got any pics of the plants? I gotta try this soon.

I haven't done any true A v B comparisons, but here's 2 plants under an Amare SE 250. Just prior to the feed tubes is a double magnet with a large nut in between. I'll take a pic of it later.

In the mean time, this is sort of a side by side, in that both had similar wattage LEDs (but the Amare is a beast). The skinny plant on the left had same nutes and feeding schedule.

Was it the light, or the magnets, or...? Dunno, but I am going to invest in more magnets. The small bud shot is from the plant on the left

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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
To the non believers that use junk wiki or some paid magician to show structured water refuted:

I watched the movie Concussion last night. Briefly, it is about how the NFL swept CTE under the rug. Just another example of how power, influence and money can keep the truth from us. Water is no different. The last few minutes of the movie reveal how long BEFORE it became public that the NFL knew



Active member
this is a big deal and it is way ahead of the curve of main stream science.

here's why it's a big deal:

Water memory shows how our own intentions can alter the material world. This has been demonstrated by Dr. Masaru Emoto, who has performed studies showing how simple intentions through sound, emotions and thoughts can dramatically shape the way water crystallizes
The science of Cymatics in water illustrates that when sound frequencies move through a particular medium such as water, air or sand, it directly alters the physical structure of matter

sound is frequency. ppl are using frequency to change matter to heal themselves and improve their immune system so they don't get sick in the first place. you can use frequency without sound to change the bad stuff in your system to kill the bad stuff. here's a post I made on using frequency from cannabis oil for that very purpose:

^ https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=301121&page=17

structured water can be achieved via a multitude of modalities ( lots of ways to structure water).

structured water is much more easily absorbed by the living organism than stale water aka unstructured.

ingesting the frequency of structured water has health benefits for the plant and for those that consume the plant.

I use a water vortex magnetizer to structure water. it is very inexpensive but kinda a pain in the ass and I don't structure water as much as I should before drinking.


I smear homemade qwiso cannabis oil on the underneath area of my forearm several times a day to use frequency to help improve my health.


Active member
Dr. Emoto is a pseudoscientist...none of his works ever been replicated...sorry
cymatics is a huge field with lots of independent verficiations under scientific conditions. Emoto was just one player in this field.


^ just click the link. look how much stuff comes up with videos and pictures demonstrating how frequency changes matter. ridiculous assertion. the field of how frequency affects matter is huge and is one of the reasons cannabis oil cures diseases as I posted.

no way imo can any informed individual doubt the value and veracity of this field of study. maybe a couple of Emoto's claims have/haven't been replicated but this field is way bigger than Emoto's small piece of the show.
I wouldnt let cymatics fool you into thinking things that arent true. You might be interested in John Lily and their cymascope...mapping the ultrasonic language of dolphins into visual mandalas. They did it in realtime with a piano too! Its cool as hell. But still...has nothing to do with what these other people falsely claim happens to water. This has been debunked for years.


Active member
To the non believers that use junk wiki or some paid magician to show structured water refuted:

I watched the movie Concussion last night. Briefly, it is about how the NFL swept CTE under the rug. Just another example of how power, influence and money can keep the truth from us. Water is no different. The last few minutes of the movie reveal how long BEFORE it became public that the NFL knew

lol. anyone with a modicum of common sense can see through this bullshit.

my post was deleted, but i suggest you google hydrogen bonding... or hydrogen bond length with respect to temp/pressure.

one need not defer to a bunk wiki, or "magician".... just to his or her logic.

the implications of somethign like this would be so enormous... one could never suppress it as asserted by moronic conspiracy theorists.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
debunked or was their a controlled opposition keeping the truth away from people? I think the theory makes sense, the marketing and expensive machines do not. I have seen the simple filter with pvc pipe & marbles/magnets inside. I want to test half of a room with this type of filter to see if there is any change. I am new to this(less than a week) so a part of me is still skeptical, but these videos seem like its the norm for some people.

controlled test:

simple filter:

check out the filter at 2:02(this is what I want to try with my irrigation system):

I was wondering if it would it be better to structure the water before it mixes with the food in the rez, or to install a filter in the room so it gets structured right before hitting the drip manifolds...

Apparently you did not look at my OP, which has DIY pictures


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
I’ve been using structured water for cooking, drinking, AND for mixing my F & D nutrients for 2 years now.

When I have posted about it within my threads, I get a few ignorant people calling it snake oil, so I thought it was time to provide solid evidence. There are several methods for structuring: cascading water over spheres, vortexing, which makes the water circle really fast, and magnets in repell to create a force field

In addition to structuring and vortexing the RO water prior to mixing nutes, on one rez I have a repelling magnet device that the nutes pass back and forth through on each feeding cycle

I have not done an honest A v B, but plants grown with the repelling magnets seems considerably (and consistently) bigger and fatter

The beauty is it doesn't really cost much to DIY. I have included pictures of 2 different devices I made. The turkey baster has hematite (magnetic) spheres. The glass blender carafe has both hematite (in the center) and glass marbles

View attachment 371865 View attachment 371866


Here a great proof video with an easy to make DIY


Water Vortex Structure Frequency Experts Discussion


The benefit of structured water and water-soluble phyto compounds - PART 1


Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QNakAHBlBQ

Back in the late 90's and early 2000's there was a company who sold these magnetized water do hickeys....

Supposed to align all the molecules in a straight line, for easier absorption to the plants....

That company is no longer in business....
This device makes use of cyclic harmonic repetition bonded on a quantum level with isotropic transfer functions in order to generate sub-harmonic sympathetic responses. I have recently succeeded in using the reactive manifestation of cyclic harmonic repetition in sympathetic resonance with total holistic resonant emanations to produce semi-quantum energy transfers. This technology combines fractionally enhanced gravitational modes in sympathetic resonance with a higher order harmonic series to elicit the poly-circular vortex.

I have a bridge for sale.


lol. anyone with a modicum of common sense can see through this bullshit.

my post was deleted, but i suggest you google hydrogen bonding... or hydrogen bond length with respect to temp/pressure.

one need not defer to a bunk wiki, or "magician".... just to his or her logic.

the implications of somethign like this would be so enormous... one could never suppress it as asserted by moronic conspiracy theorists.

try to be civil and stay on topic and no one will have to delete your posts. we do have a terms of use if you need guidance. specially when we disagree with a thread starter we need to keep it civil and on topic away from insults and the like.


Active member
Back in the late 90's and early 2000's there was a company who sold these magnetized water do hickeys....

Supposed to align all the molecules in a straight line, for easier absorption to the plants....

That company is no longer in business....

problem is these people know just enough science to confuse people.

water WILL respond to a very strong magnetic field.

best example of this phenomena is the classic blob of liquid oxygen clinging to the strong magnet.


water exhbits the same phenomena, only in reverse... and to a far far far less extent. i think oxygen is one of the strongest paramagnetic elements.

but what happens when you remove this very strong magnetic field? that cloud of electrons goes straight back to their normal state.

for shits...


to levitate this teensy frog took one of the strongest magnets on the earth at the time.


Active member
try to be civil and stay on topic and no one will have to delete your posts. we do have a terms of use if you need guidance. specially when we disagree with a thread starter we need to keep it civil and on topic away from insults and the like.

fair enough, but im not trying to attack the OP or any one person here in particular... im attacking this horribly uninformed idea.


Andinismo Hierbatero
The gadgets are an obvious scam, but sound affects matter as a matter of fact, pun intended, there's no debate about it either. You can make someone have physical reactions to sound in very precise ways, all scientifically replicated too.

Back when I got one of my degrees, this was demonstrated by two examples, one old and one new. The old one is the use of drums before battle, this sound goes to your stomach, and can increase fear. The new example was about fm waves synthetized to produce sounds that made you want to go pee.

Sound technology is very well studied, but not well known, plus you need expensive equipment to just replicate experiments.

That's why I stay away from shitty music, it makes you dumb, well, dumb to dumber for most people.


Andinismo Hierbatero
Sound can also obviously trigger chemical reactions in your brain.

Dunno about plants, but sound on humans and how it affects us is no joke.


Active member
drums have almost always been a means of communication and coordination during marches/battles.

although i think the roman army used hornes and no drums.


Andinismo Hierbatero
drums have almost always been a means of communication and coordination during marches/battles.

although i think the roman army used hornes and no drums.

Small horns are light and easy to carry and can make a lot of noise too.

But the deep drums, or low drums (think of a floor tom for example) played at certain rythim and strength, produce a very tense and scary atmosphere.


Active member
well. the roman horns were very large... like hoola hoop large.

im guessing they had no means to produce a tightly folded instruments.

regardless of how scary they may or may not sound, its my understanding that drums had much more pragmatic roles in maneuvering etc.