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ACE Purple Haze Thai breeding


Hi everybody I am snuicide and I will grow some Purple Haze Thai from ACE Seeds

to make some crossings which fit to my needings: An active creative sativa high with the taste of strawberrysprinkled scotchbuttercreamfilled lemonfrosted Donuts ;).

Not sure about the right partner.

There is:
KC Brains Haze Special Regular 10x
Nirvana Bubbleicious Fem 1x (Bonus Seed)
Malorca Seeds Dead Zone 4x (Bonus Seed, they are breeding for early Outdoor Ladys)
ACE Seeds Purple Haze Thai Regular 10x
Female Seeds Grapefruit Fem 4x
Female Seeds Lemon Kush Fem 4x

I have 3 x Pruple Haze Thai under 2x 18 W neon tubes.
The big Challange is the 90 cm I have in hight.
I found a 250 W MH Lamp with will do the vegitation.
On the other hand I am not sure about the blooming because I would love to flower it without disturbing my sleep in the same room. I could use a 250 W Natrium tube as well but the heat would be properbly to much! Well, I have a lot of equipment from back in the days flying arround, maybe I can trade some for cool lamps, any recommendations?

I think about creating two hybrids. Bubbleicious x Purple Haze Thai and Grapefruit x Purple Haze Thai. So I would need 2 nice male Purple Haze Thais. I know the Bubbleicious as a very strong Plant with a nice and easy high and a soft and sweet smoke. Yield is very nice as well.
The Grapefruit is new for me. Should be ready very fast and as small as Bubbleicious with a rich taste of lemon and sweet. Both strains should come without heavy indica stone which I first know when I smoke it.

Any Experience with Haze Special, Bubbleicious or Grapefruit in growing or crossing? I would love to read it! :thank you:

Let's grow!


Thank you Dr. Willy! I like the medium to low high of the bubbleicious very much and the genetics are very healthy. It grows heavy in the vegitation and yields nice. The bagappeal is just sexy :).

The 3 germinated PHTs are actually like 3 different plants. One thai pheno which is super healthy an smaller slower thai pheno and a columbian / haze pheno which is super weak. There was a big problem with stretch in the first 3 days but I did not know the age of the tubes so I changed them to new ones and now they are growing fine :)) have a look!



Active member
Ok, those seedlings need to be transplanted ASAP.

They need more light. Low light = lots of stretching and flimsy plants.

If all you have is 90 cm of grow height. Don't put them in a big pot.
I would put them in a 4 inch pot right now though. Anything bigger
than a 6 inch pot and they'll grow too tall for your setup.

Good Luck.


Thanks corky for your advise.
First of all - I got a nice room for the grow, it is not micro anymore. 2 m in height, enough space for 2x 600 Watt.

The Purple Haze Thais are doin fine. What I first thought is more thai leaning turned out to be more hazey and the hazey to be more thai. Both are really vital phenos. Only the small one stays small. Had the same with one of the Haze specials. Btw. I germinated 4 x Haze Special 1x Grapefruit and I am waiting for 6 Bubblelicious Seeds :).

Have a look on this nice plants:

more thaiisch

the hazey one bellow

and the small one:

They got bigger pots after the old one were rooted far enough. And also now 250 W MH lightning.

I will make cuttings to test for gender soon. The hazey one also smells allready a little bit sweet and fresh. Still under 20 h of light.


Well-known member
First I would discard the Mallorca Seeds unless that's some underground awesome breeder I just haven't heard off. I would bet they are not "top notch genetics" ;)

Second I think PHTxBubblicious sounds good. I would however wish you had more Bubblicious seeds to grow out and find a good pheno that has the actuall bubblegum smell and taste, not all of them do (I never had one).

Basically no matter what strain, I would say you first have to find the right pheno from it.
Grapefruit from female seeds (and their offerings in general) has a great reputation. But that doesn't mean every seed will yield a "grapefruity" pheno...

Long story short:
The lemon kush, grapefruit and Bubblicious all could make potentially awesome partners for your PHT. But it does depend on the phenos you get and how the traits you prefer carry over to the next generations.

So I would suggest popping all the lemon kush, grapefruit and Bubblicious and look for the tastiest, smelliest among them and cross them to your PHT and see what comes out of those.

The KC Haze Special could also be good but I would say you first should define what you are looking for in crossing it to your PHT.
If you are looking to improve flavor, aroma, etc. then I would say the other 3 strains are likelier candidates.
Yet again, it would depend on the phenos you get from the KC Haze Special...

Basically I would say you first gotta grow out the strains you plan to cross with your PHT, see if you find something in them that you like (in the particular plants/phenos you get through the genetic lottery) and define what exactly it is you like about them.

Then choose these plants (male or female) for your PHT cross and grow out the F1 beans. Then select the two "best" plants from that batch and cross them with each other to enter the promised land of F2s.

And here you would start growing and selecting and testing and repeating it all, till you found (a) plant(s) that have characteristics that either surpass your parent plants' or that are present in new combinations that aren't present in neither parental line.

If you found that, you basically are looking to inbreed and "lock down" those strains by going into F3 and beyond in order to slowly "stabilize" the strain.

Lots of fun ahead! :D


^Hi bigbadbiddy, good to see you over here :) you are also a man with smooth visions :))

I have growen bubblelicious before. It is more stable than most of the strains you can get, so no worries about her. I also bred with the bubblegum from th seeds before and the results were amazing odors. A very large spectrum of sweetnes (sounds strange XD).

Bubblelicious x Thai Pheno is definitly in focus. I will grow Mother and Father Plants out of the Seeds and than I make cuttings. It is more representiv if you grow 4 clones than a single plant I guess. Before I flower a cut of each plant to determine the gender. Allready got some clonex, will do it for the phts at the weekend :)

My plan is to choose 2x males and 2x females of the F1 to bred 2 different lines of the same genetics with the same traits. I am looking for a motivating, uplifting high with a dense and soft hazey smoke/taste and suitable for indoor cultivation. When I reach F3 I want to recombine them to increase the vitality. So F4 is the holy land for me :))

I worked with different kind of plants in a scientific way before and if I have enough time, I will collect scientific parameters like average growth per day, habitus, leave bud ratio etc.
The last thing I did was creating feeding shedules for 9 and for 13 weeks. One one hand all plants which are not suitable for my growing style will die ;) and on the other hand that is the only way to really compare them to each other based on data collected in an equal environment.

Do you bred as well? You have a lot of strain knowlage which I discovered in the german sub.


Well-known member
Short answer: No

I haven't grown anything in over 15 years. But I have been preparing for more than half a year now and am nearing Day 0 so to speak ;)
A bit more work to do on the room, gotta mix the soil and then im on it.

When I started preparing and researching and planning, breeding became a core goal of mine for this project quite fast.

I guess "amateur breeding" is what I gotta call it, I have never done any but will try my hand at it and see what comes of it.
So far I can only share theoretical knowledge and my research.

So long answer: Haven't yet but soon will :D

Your posts indicate that you know what you are doing and are a man with a plan.
Cudoes to you, I will stay here to watch the show :D

Best of luck, looking forward to your success!


Active member
I haven't grown anything in over 15 years. But I have been preparing for more than half a year now and am nearing Day 0 so to speak
ah so...now i understand...;)

I worked with different kind of plants in a scientific way before and if I have enough time, I will collect scientific parameters like average growth per day, habitus, leave bud ratio etc.
so it will be easy for you to get information....im so lazy when it comes to that point


Active member
Your posts indicate that you know what you are doing and are a man with a plan.
Cudoes to you, I will stay here to watch the show

Best of luck, looking forward to your success!
yep dito :headbang:


It's been a while!

At the moment I am flowering 3 Haze Specials and the Grapefruit.
I will perform two different crossings with 3 plants.

Purple Haze Thai 1 (male) x Grapefruit (female)


Purple Haze Thai 1 (male) x Haze Special 2

The Purple Haze Thai 1 is a very vigour plant. Cuts build roots very fast and it showed preflowers during the vegitation. Switched to 12/12 light cycle it builds male flowers after two weeks. It smells very nice like fresh lemons. Compared to the Haze Specials and the other Purple Haze Thais I grow it has a small to medium size. Compared to anything I have growen it is medium size.

Purple Haze Thai 1 (male) arround week 2 flowering

Left to right: pht1(m), pht3(m), pht2(f), pht4(f) during vegetation period

Here you see a growing cut of the Haze Special 2. She is a female and showed preflowers during the vegetation period. I will show you pictures the next days how she is doing at week 6 flowering. She gets very big and doesn't stop growing during 12/12 light cycle. Smells pleasant sweet and reminds me to bubble gum. Behaviour is pure Sativa. Very fluffy and long buds but will bring also a nice yield. She has overgrown the whole room. Startet with 40 cm she is now over 2.2 meters. Very vigour and takes a lot of nutrients. Good resin producer as well.

this is the flowering room at week 2.
There are 4x 11l-pots filled with:
On the left, front: Grapefruit. Left, background HS2.
Right front: HS1 and right in the back there is HS3.

And in front you see two small pots: Left PHT4, right PHT2
today is the beginning of week 7 and I did not have the time to make a lot of pictures but they are just startet to produce buds. They look like a plant at flowering day 10.
PHT4 is a little bit bigger and more branchy than PHT2 which is closer to the purple haze.


The Grapefruit has a very citrus and bitter smell. Reminds me on the upghigh hash you get from maroc. She stays small and grows about 100 % during the floweringperiod. Again she smells really lovely :). Compared to the Haze Specials she produces big buds and a lot of resin. She is my favourite so far and so I prepared 9 cuts in 6 l pots. I will put them into the flowering Room very soon. Just have to take some cuttings of the cuttings ;)

Some mixed cuttings.

Grapefruit at week2 (HS2 in the background)

I am sorry for the bad quallity of the pictures.


harvest time

harvest time

Harvest was arround 9 weeks. Haze Special 2 did an incredible job. Yielded over 100 gram of dried bud while the other plants all produced arround 60 gramm. It was 300 in the end. The smell of this high yielder reminds me on the SensiSeedsLogo a lot because its sweet and exotic. I can not describe the undertones but they are spicey in a good way.

The Haze Special #1 was the most indica trending plant. The high is very good to sleep for two days in a row. It starts with a slight sativa euphoric high and turns fast into a narcotic head high. I guess crossed with a nice Afgahn it would be very good for people with sleeping distortions.




Haze Special #3
the most hazey plant. Smells like strong parfum. Not sweet and not spicey but something inbetween with a hint of diesel. Pain in the ass to harvest but the dried buds look very nice. High is sativa like but you feel the indica as well. Its a good choice for philosophers.

this pictures are made a few days before harvest. Amazing smell and very strong and deep high. All the colores begin to shine and your world gets painted orange. Really good strain. We had water flooding into the basement during strong rain and so it was a little bit moldy on the main bud. Guess would be 75 gramms without the mold. currently running 8 of them next to the 2 Purple Haze Thais which are now in month 4.



Grapefruit at harvest.

I am really looking forward for Purple Haze Thai #1 x Grapefruit.
Seeds are in week 4 of 12/12 lightning.
I made a bunch of crossings. Also Purple Haze Thai #1 x Haze Special #2 is going to be very interessting. It was the fastest plant of all growen plants on the one hand and a very hazey high yielding lady on the other hand with an amazing smell.

Stay tuned for the Purple Haze #2 and #4 to get harvested and also the first crosses to show up.

Finally some randome pictures of the place:


I have a few Haze Specials in a 3' micro grow cab, at day 71 atm. Almost done too, really happy with the speed compared to the TFD OHaze I grew many times. They are slightly different phenos to yours, all 3 are 9 fingered fan leaves. Kind of a weak pine needle aroma. Bit of foxtailing but I think that's my exhaust fans are not cutting it and the temps are up. My seed stock was from 2001. Made some f2's which I will grow out next year i still have 4 more F1's to pop as well. I am going to cross with some Dutch Passion Durban Poison if my seeds are still ok. I don't think the DP will improve the Haze Special, but the HS might improve the DP :)

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