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Here's The Real Difference Between Sativa & Indica Pot Strains

Storm Shadow

Well-known member


if it smells like fish
sativa whispy long flowering huge heights possible, up high, indiga short statured compared, faster flowering, dense buds couchlock high...simple yeehaw... hybrids can be interesting..hoping to cross sb with the 5 % th haze...and sort through the seeds


Well-known member
I read that too.

Surprised some folks can't tell the different between the 2.

Then they never had the Real Strains.

Sativas makes one sweat before taking a hit along with other symptoms like paranoid,awareness after awhile.

Indicas just like the posters says.Relaxed,couchlocked.

Since being from Overgrown and now icmag.Pleased to say that the knowledge of knowing and reading and trying the fine genetics out there from those 2 websites is outstanding.Didn't have to go to other websites to pick its brains or seeds.Birdseeds.:)

I can tell between those 2 smokes.It's Real.Guess some folks just have to keep looking.
Cindy99 is Racy while couchlocked.That was a weird one.:tiphat:


Active member
...and there we are, I spend thousands and thousand of dollars learning English ..at least learning Google Translate....and some artist turns all that weed knowledge into a simple traffic sign ...? lol

Turn Left for Sativa vs Turn Right for Indica

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
Two extremes of a continuum. And these have been messed with by people for ages. Do we even have any true wild populations anymore for the species concept to rightly apply?


Active member
Almost everything is a hybrid these days this classification is worthless. Due to the possibility of recessive gene expression the rule just simply doesn't fit.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Cindy99 is Racy while couchlocked.That was a weird one.:tiphat:

The original C99 had a uniform "up" high from my experience. The F2s on the market today are more variable. I grew out 20 plants in my last seed grow in 2011. A couple females made me feel nervous and uncomfortable, which never happens with me. One made me relaxed and lazy. A little less than half had the same quality sativa high as I got with the originals from Brothers Grimm.

I've been taking a break from growing this past year, but I'm planning on starting at least 20 or 30 C99 seeds in my next grow. It's still my favorite strain.


Active member
I read that too.

Surprised some folks can't tell the different between the 2.

Then they never had the Real Strains.

Sativas makes one sweat before taking a hit along with other symptoms like paranoid,awareness after awhile.

Indicas just like the posters says.Relaxed,couchlocked.
i know thats right.
sometimes i can smell a good sativa before i smoke it. i get really nauseated and nervous. i know this might be a wild ride and i got shit to do later lol.


I have never smoked anything thats close to 100% Indica .
Any recommendations for some no BS , ie no fancy brand name, cheap seeds for growing outdoor in the tropics. Some nights I just want to crash.


Active member
ICMag Donor
I don't have experience with outdoor growing, but Sensi Star is the best indica strain I've grown indoors. It's euphoric and relaxing along with being easy to grow and a high yielder. I don't remember how much the seeds cost. It was way less than I would have spent buying a pound of bud + a pound of trim of that quality.

Nirvana's White Rhino is also awesome. It was ultra-cheap, something like $15 for 10 seeds. It's one of the best indica strains I've ever grown or smoked.


Well I veg mothers and cuttings indoors and flower in pots outdoors.
Fed up with all the 'prima donna' delicate cup winning hybrids so am looking for
a strong grower. Mandala Seeds has a good reputation for this but they are out of stock.

Storm Shadow- hope I'm not hijacking your post man. I've stopped drinking booze,
and the sativa keeps me up till 3 am and worse without booze.


Andinismo Hierbatero

"sativa" and "indica" are terms that do not even relate to chemotypes...

The chart is pure stoner "science", nothing more.

The term 'sativa' implies a cultivar, or in other words, a population of plants that have undergone a degree of selective breeding. A cultivated specimen, in other words.

The term 'indica' implies a place of origin, i.e: India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc...

Now people in the know are using the terms 'narrow leaf' and 'broad leaf' to refer to phenotype expression, still not terms used to refer to chemotype, which is what determines the "high" anyway.

You can have a long flowering narrow leaf Colombian that will put you to sleep, like the Cafuches, or a short flowering, broad leaf that will be very psychoactive, like a Lesotho, or a Satori etc...

Where are Sam, Chimera and Tom when you need them?



hang the sonofabitch anyways
ICMag Donor
Aren't all strains technically indica ( of India ) or afghanica ? . With the northern acclimated types showing the typical indica traits & the southern acclimated plants .. closer to the equator growing with all traits typical of the so called sativa .

That being said , pretty helpful chart for showing new patients & help them find the right medicine for their conditions .
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Well-known member
I've had "up" Indica weed and stoney Sativa (Some of the old Colombian Red was on the lethargic/stoney side). Depends on environment, harvest time, cure time/method and other variables. Even phenotype variability.

We generally accept Sativa is thin leaved, long flowering and "up", and Indica is fat leaved, short flowering and stoney, but there is long flowering Indica, and short flowering Sativa too.

Hybrids run both extremes and all between. So much for stereotypes.


Aren't all strains technically indica ( of India ) or afghanica ?
I've always assumed that cannabis's origin is Africa ─ it is ours after all . . . ?

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
I've always assumed that cannabis's origin is Africa ─ it is ours after all . . . ?

My understanding is that cannabis evolved/originated in China, and has been spread, cultivated, and modified from there by humans. All the drug strains whether cultivated or feral have had their gene pool altered by human selection.


Well-known member
Nirvana's White Rhino is also awesome. It was ultra-cheap, something like $15 for 10 seeds. It's one of the best indica strains I've ever grown or smoked.

I agree,It made me Chinese Eyed.White Widow lasts a little bit longer and a just a tad lower stonier.

Bluebonic is a very killer indica.Very strong pot with thick smoke.This knocked people out before any strains could.

Get ready for sleep-overs...it's that kind of weed :biggrin: