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AUS to export sativas to Canada - PART 'B'


Active member
(Mods this now covers 3 threads, I wanna keep them apart but almost together, as they have a volume of followers, and may run for some time, thx)

...and the Canadians respond:

Canadian Marijuana Growers Say: Don’t Import Sativa from Australia
Why does the Canadian government show blatant disrespect for Canadian marijuana growers?
That’s the question many of us are asking when we learn the Canadian government is facilitating a marijuana importation
scheme in cahoots with the Australian government and an Australian “medical marijuana” company called AusCann.

AusCann is based on Norfolk Island, off Australia’s coast.

The company says it’s using two hectares of grow space to produce at least a ton of “medicinal cannabis”
for export to the Canadian medical marijuana distribution system. It intends to create a “multi-million dollar” business exporting marijuana to Canada.

According to AusCann, the company will grow “Sativa and Sativa-dominant marijuana” that can’t be properly grown in Canada.

AusCann claims that individual Canadian marijuana growers and the handful of companies licensed as official medical marijuana growers
by the Canadian government aren’t capable of properly growing Sativa marijuana genetics.

According to Michael Straumietis, who founded international hydroponics nutrients manufacturer Advanced Nutrients in Canada
in the 1990s, Canadian marijuana growers “have been growing killer Sativa cannabis for decades.”

“My hydroponics nutrients company did extensive medical marijuana cultivation research in Canada.
And we ran cannabis grow op assistance programs for economically disadvantaged patients who couldn’t
afford to cultivate their own buds,” Straumietis explains. “I’ve seen it with my own eyes.
Canadian marijuana growers produce premium-grade Sativa buds.”

Straumietis notes that AusCann and Australian officials say exporting medical cannabis to Canada will create many jobs in Australia.

“Why does the Canadian government want to hand jobs to Australia? It boggles your mind to see Canadian government
policies create a handful of corporate growers who can’t supply enough cannabis,
while enabling import of marijuana from other countries,” Straumietis says.
Canadian marijuana growers could supply all Canada’s needs if the government followed the Colorado and Washington model.”

Straumietis says a country’s economy and citizens benefit most from a free market legalization approach
that empowers individuals to grow cannabis domestically, rather than importing it and/or allowing government
to create cannabis-producer corporate monopolies.

The Canadian government recently tried to end the medical marijuana cultivation licensing program
that allows tens of thousands of Canadians to grow their own medicine, Straumietis notes.

Canadian police agencies and other government entities discriminate against legal Canadian marijuana growers,
landlords who rent to marijuana growers, and others associated with Canada’s marijuana industry.

The result is licensed Canadian corporate marijuana producers and licensed individual marijuana growers aren’t able to keep up with demand.

“I totally support people’s right to create a marijuana-growing company, but I also support the rights of individual Canadians
to grow their own medicine so they don’t have to purchase marijuana from monopoly businesses selected by the government,” he says.

Straumietis notes that when Uruguay first legalized marijuana, the country found it couldn’t grow or procure enough to meet demand.

So Canadian and Uruguayan officials discussed exporting Canadian marijuana to Uruguay…
even though corporate Canadian cannabis producers can’t satisfy Canadian demand.

He points out that shipping cannabis long distances degrades it, unless the cannabis is carefully
packed and handled, and kept in a dark, climate-controlled environment.

“The best marijuana suppliers for Canadians are Canadian growers, not Australian marijuana exporters,” Straumietis said.

Based on AusCann’s website and other AusCann information, Straumietis doubts the Australian company has
the marijuana expertise necessary to produce and export quality medical cannabis.

“They falsely claim Sativa marijuana can’t be grown in Canadian indoor grow ops,” Straumietis says.
“As someone who designs and manufactures hydroponics nutrients specifically for marijuana,
I can assure AusCann that indoor Canadian growers are successfully growing pure Sativas and Sativa hybrids.”

In the 1980s and 1990s, Straumietis recalls, Canadian marijuana growers producing “BC Bud”
(BC is the abbreviation for Canadian province British Columbia) grew hundreds of millions of dollars worth of Sativa cannabis indoors and outdoors.

“Before California, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington marijuana growers were as established as they are now,
Canadian marijuana growers kept North Americans medicated and high,” he says.

The biggest worry Straumietis has is that the homegrown marijuana industry,
created by individual growers, users, and activists along with the dispensary industry and the hydroponics industry,
is threatened by mega-corporations granted monopoly marijuana production status by their allies in government.

“When Monsanto partner Scotts Miracle-Gro buys General Hydroponics, when the Canadian government blocks some
Canadian marijuana growers from having personal grow ops and hands marijuana jobs to Australia,
we see why the rights of individual marijuana growers need to be expanded,” Straumietis says.

ref 1: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=306676
ref 2: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=306727

link: http://bigbudsmag.com/canadian-marijuana-growers-auscann-australia-importation/


Sure NLD varieties, (Sativa to the uneducated) can be grown in Canada indoors or in greenhouses for sure. But that said can anyone list the last time they saw a 100 KG import of NLD varieties grown in Canada? If ever? It can be done but it is not done to any extent at all. Basically because the costs and time under lights of NLD is twice that of early fast maturing high yielding WLD/NLD varieties that are grown under lights in Canada.
As for hydro growing that was fine for small crops but for bigger muti-ton crops you might want to consider Organic Bio-dynamic growing in the ground in a greenhouse or even outdoors with a darkening system. Just a suggestion from someone that has been there done that.
I am sure Mr Michael Straumietis will disagree but I am looking at costs Vs quality, and he is looking to sell more of his products. He is the same guy that said more weight is better, regardless of the quality of the herb. Can you name a single grape grower for wine that maximizes the grape yield of each vine to improve quality? Why is that? It is the same for Cannabis, you want it big, sure, but not maxed out with fertilizers that produces more Cannabis not better Cannabis. From someone that knows.... Feed the soil not the plants directly, if you want better herb......



Active member
^ not in a long time, but in the old days, freighter loads of tons of Thai used to come into the west coast of Canada on the regular...not to mention all the Mexican and Columbian grasses ;) although not pure NLD's, there's a plethora of auto's that would finish and smoke like a true NLD