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OG Royal Grower's 2006 Outdoor Grow


OG Royal Grower

I apologize for starting with the thread and pictures a few weeks into the grow; however, from now on I will be updating on a biweekly basis. Since the two years i have been smoking I have collected seeds from every type of cannabis I could get my hands on. Somehow collecting over 50 varieties, and almost all of it being dank or headies, I chose to stick with a local variety.

Its an Indica dominant (probably 100%) strain with an extremely piney taste and a delightful stone. Since the beginning of the grow our plants have stayed at a very low height (compared to our other outdoor grows). No stretching at all really, and the consitency in plant symetry is quite good. They are already starting to smell pretty good, especially when you rub the pinkie sized stems.

We also have two plants, although I can't tell which ones anymore, that were grown from badseed out of a really stoney and dense batch of headies.

The plants are all sitting in 100%organic jungle growth potting soil. They now seem to be missing something because they all have nute burn or something.

Three of the plants are topped and one is "trained"(mutated) because
Peace Out,

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hey there mate

nice looking plants you have there

as a newbie to outdoor growing this year can you advise me of your soil mix and weather it is good to start the plants from indoor then transplant or not

cheers mate


OG Royal Grower

This year i didn't feel like mixing a whole bunch of soil so I ended up buyin the prepixed Jungle Growth all organic soil. They are ten dollar bags and they each fill up a 40L pot perfectly. We started them outdoors and they took a severe beating, but grew much stronger afterward. Many of them got knocked over but the stems grew back sooo thick. Thanks for looking

Peace Out,


Joint Date: Today.
as a fellow outdoor grower...god job mate..

ill look forward for sure..

good luck..



Hows it going with the jungle mix? I saw some yesterday at Lowes, but was leaning more toward the Organic choice mix from Miracle grow (with some lime and perlite, of course). Are you finding that your plants are still doing well?

OG Royal Grower

They seemed to take off really well, but now the soil is lacking something important...

New Grower

I like your name. I was the previous "OG Grower" on the Can.World and Overgrow.

peace OG!


OG Royal Grower

Yeah I can't even remember my real Overgrow name and me and my partner each had one so we just made this for both of us.

Update: the plants are doing better and there is a lot less burn they have definitely evened out but we also added a small amount of organic fert in our water today to try and eliminate it.

OG Royal Grower



Sorry for the delay but its been busy as hell. One died from nute burn and some are still having trouble( i think lacking phosphorus). Please help...
OGRoyalGrower :confused:

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OG Royal Grower



Lots of change has happened around here, everything needed more room so they were moved into two different fenced areas. All but few have completly been tied down and they are getting much bigger because of it. Some have had serious nutrient problems and we haven't been able to figure out what the fuck is happening or how to fix it( we think its a combination of lack of rain, the heat (100 degrees) and nute burn.) Anyone have ideas about when they are gonna show sex?


The Current Fuck Up

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hey man looking good. Yeah Im having the same problem with the leafs and I do not feed my plants any nutrients since they are still pretty young and Im broke so whatever, but I believe the problem is the heat indeed cause I live in an area where it also gets well above the 100s during the day make sure you keep em watered. Also what I did is put my plants by a tree so there not getting direct sunlight but since yours are big they should be ok I would think.


one in the chamber
Give 'em a little dilute urine...works wonders. Kelp is another good nutrient that I now swear by. I have a 3" white rhino that has like 6 nodes already...its insane


Leave this place better then when i arrived
Flowering depends on length of darkness. Here at Ontario 39N i believe they start to flower at mid august. Most plants will start to flower at around 14 hours of day light. As for the nute deficencies, ask at the sick plants forum because i dont know. GL. :joint:

OG Royal Grower

Does anyone know what the website is to find lat or longitude?


Active member
most of them look healthy, but remember sometime's less nutrient's is more. read the instruction's on your nutrient's. to find your latitude just google latitude and your location. for example. latitude for kentucky. then hit search


hey royal g.....have you found out what problems the plant had at pic 9 in your fifth post from 06-03-2006?

i have some of my plants in a different location all in the one location have similiar brown shitty spots, some more some less.
all in the other location are doing fine.


one in the chamber
bugs can totally cause leaves to die off like that. hang out with your plants for a while and keep your eyes open 0_0

OG Royal Grower

Im pretty sure that picture is of a potassium deficency. The plants have done a good job of recovering from the deficency/over nuting overall. The one that got totally fried looks like shit but its still growing somehow because new bud sites are poppin out still. We added a small amount of N to all of them because they seemed to need a little boost. I think that one of our problems is that we water them with so much so quickly it drains out some of the nutes in the soil. Now its not as bad with the pine straw on the soil because it helps retain and spread out the water. Its been around 90 95 here for a few days with no rain

BLOTTO said:
hey royal g.....have you found out what problems the plant had at pic 9 in your fifth post from 06-03-2006?

i have some of my plants in a different location all in the one location have similiar brown shitty spots, some more some less.
all in the other location are doing fine.
:fsu: :fsu:


thanks for your opinion, i'm startin to believe it has something to do with the heat....going to post some pix in infarmary.....

OG Royal Grower

Well we cut down four males after identifying them, and we have identified two definite females. Will post with pics soon...