Hi - this was posted on Overgrow and I've had many requests for information on it. This is my closed system for bho extractions. I hope you like it. Of course, a few safety thoughts -
Please don't berate me with "thats gonna blow up". Yes it might, and if you can't make a judgement for yourself about how safe this is, then you don't even need to consider doing it for youself. I personally think it is safe if done as I describe, and certainly outdoors, safety glasses on, fire extinguisher available. So if you think this is too dangerous, then in your hands it is.
I have done about 8 runs, and have made some modifcations over time, so some of the pics are from earlier runs, Ill try to comment on the changes, mostly my oil is now clearer than the early pics (shorter steep time and maybe even precool the butane using the recovery pump), and Ive omitted the filters and dryers cause I dont find it matters.
I know of one other functioning system and 2 more that are being built. Ill try to answer questions if you get really serious about this, but I hope its all here, and if you cant figure some of it out and improvise, then you shouldn't probably be doing it anyways.
Please don't berate me with "thats gonna blow up". Yes it might, and if you can't make a judgement for yourself about how safe this is, then you don't even need to consider doing it for youself. I personally think it is safe if done as I describe, and certainly outdoors, safety glasses on, fire extinguisher available. So if you think this is too dangerous, then in your hands it is.
I have done about 8 runs, and have made some modifcations over time, so some of the pics are from earlier runs, Ill try to comment on the changes, mostly my oil is now clearer than the early pics (shorter steep time and maybe even precool the butane using the recovery pump), and Ive omitted the filters and dryers cause I dont find it matters.
I know of one other functioning system and 2 more that are being built. Ill try to answer questions if you get really serious about this, but I hope its all here, and if you cant figure some of it out and improvise, then you shouldn't probably be doing it anyways.