Ormus is created from pure Organic Sea Salts. As Ormus is created through an ancient alchemical process, elements, in their high-spin, quantum or M-state, are manifest. These m-state elements in Ormus are trans-dimensional in nature and behavior. They subtly, yet directly, connect to the Quantum Field.
These Ormus m-state elements are from the Mineral Kingdom.
Use Ormus to awaken your plant life with Gaia’s Harvest I and Gaia's Harvest II Volcano opening the Ch'i or ether vastly increasing crop yield, vibrancy, hardiness and the life of your personal Eden.
For more information and research about Ormus and it's agricultural applications click on this link to Barry Carter's website www.subtleenergies.com
As civilization moves into the 21st Century, we are discovering that recent agricultural petrochemical fertilizing methods using primarily potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus have very nearly reached their limits.
We continue to experience resource depletion and rampant soil erosion on a global basis a huge burden is then placed on increasing agricultural productivity to overcome these obstacles so that it becomes possible to feed a world population of seven billion this year and an estimated 10 billion mouths within 30 years.
The ability to meet this growing need is here today; the answer is monatomics found in Ormus.
The monatomics or m-state elements, found in the Ormus, are released in an alchemical process from organic sea salts.
In addition to the m-state elements there is a precipitate consisting of magnesium and calcium hydroxide.
Many gardeners have already discovered that in just six weeks time their crop of choice has become larger, healthier with more abundant fruit than they've ever seen; all this with just a few tablespoons of the monatomics in the Ormus concentrate made by us here at Blue Water Alchemy.
The side-by-side comparisons of plants treated once with Ormus versus the untreated plants is nothing but profound. Have a look at these tomato plants as they get ready to really get to producing. One to three pounds of tomatoes per day per plant is not unheard of. And man are they sweet!
David Hudson named these elements ORMEs or Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements. These trillions of mono-atomic Elements in Ormus act to profoundly focus the "Ch'i" the life-force energy, thereby supercharging the plants as they grow.
The Ormus is to be used at the rate of one to two tablespoons per gallon of water at the beginning of the vegetative state and then again just as plant flowering begins. Time to maturity is shortened slightly while yields, at a minimum, are 50% greater... Some growers even get yields 2 to 3 times greater!
The plants are far more resistant to insects, disease, mold, fungus, and variations in light intensity... Because the plants are so vibrant it even buys the gardener some tolerance when grown with hydroponic systems if there happens to be some kind of mechanical failure that isn't corrected right away.
Because the ORMEs are trans-dimensional in nature, young plants that begin as clones have demonstrated genetic changes enhancing the plants best attributes. This is fascinating stuff.
When soaking seeds in a 1/2% Ormus solution seed eruption nears 100% and vigorous root growth is quickly seen.
For virtually every crop, especially crops that command a high dollar per pound at market time, there truly is no greater return on investment that you can make right now than the addition of monatomics found in Gaia's Harvest Ormus to your grow arsenal.
This is a partial list of the elements, in their monatomic or diatomic state, extracted from Sonoma Pacific and Dead Sea salt, that are found in Gaia's Harvest I Ormus:
Cobalt, Nickel, Copper, Ruthenium, Rhodium, Iridium, Palladium, Silver, Osmium, Platinum and Gold.
The ruthenium ORME is particularly good at relaxing the dual-stranded DNA and then recombining the genetics of the plant so it is able to evolve into a healthier more vibrant and productive plant.
The evolution continues as these seeds are then harvested and planted the following season. These elements are commonly referred to as Sea-11 or C-11. Each of these 11 elements has a critical role in growing the best plant possible.
Your bottle of Ormus is shipped in a EMF protection bag and should be kept in this bag when not being used. The ORMEs are very sensitive to light and to electromagnetic fields. Store in a dark location.
Great care should be taken to not 'drive-off' the ORMEs with ambient magnetic fields and EMF energies.
We look forward to working with you to begin growing the biggest and healthiest crops you've ever had using this ancient vibrational technology!
These Ormus m-state elements are from the Mineral Kingdom.
Use Ormus to awaken your plant life with Gaia’s Harvest I and Gaia's Harvest II Volcano opening the Ch'i or ether vastly increasing crop yield, vibrancy, hardiness and the life of your personal Eden.
For more information and research about Ormus and it's agricultural applications click on this link to Barry Carter's website www.subtleenergies.com
As civilization moves into the 21st Century, we are discovering that recent agricultural petrochemical fertilizing methods using primarily potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus have very nearly reached their limits.
We continue to experience resource depletion and rampant soil erosion on a global basis a huge burden is then placed on increasing agricultural productivity to overcome these obstacles so that it becomes possible to feed a world population of seven billion this year and an estimated 10 billion mouths within 30 years.
The ability to meet this growing need is here today; the answer is monatomics found in Ormus.
The monatomics or m-state elements, found in the Ormus, are released in an alchemical process from organic sea salts.
In addition to the m-state elements there is a precipitate consisting of magnesium and calcium hydroxide.
Many gardeners have already discovered that in just six weeks time their crop of choice has become larger, healthier with more abundant fruit than they've ever seen; all this with just a few tablespoons of the monatomics in the Ormus concentrate made by us here at Blue Water Alchemy.
The side-by-side comparisons of plants treated once with Ormus versus the untreated plants is nothing but profound. Have a look at these tomato plants as they get ready to really get to producing. One to three pounds of tomatoes per day per plant is not unheard of. And man are they sweet!
David Hudson named these elements ORMEs or Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements. These trillions of mono-atomic Elements in Ormus act to profoundly focus the "Ch'i" the life-force energy, thereby supercharging the plants as they grow.
The Ormus is to be used at the rate of one to two tablespoons per gallon of water at the beginning of the vegetative state and then again just as plant flowering begins. Time to maturity is shortened slightly while yields, at a minimum, are 50% greater... Some growers even get yields 2 to 3 times greater!
The plants are far more resistant to insects, disease, mold, fungus, and variations in light intensity... Because the plants are so vibrant it even buys the gardener some tolerance when grown with hydroponic systems if there happens to be some kind of mechanical failure that isn't corrected right away.
Because the ORMEs are trans-dimensional in nature, young plants that begin as clones have demonstrated genetic changes enhancing the plants best attributes. This is fascinating stuff.
When soaking seeds in a 1/2% Ormus solution seed eruption nears 100% and vigorous root growth is quickly seen.
For virtually every crop, especially crops that command a high dollar per pound at market time, there truly is no greater return on investment that you can make right now than the addition of monatomics found in Gaia's Harvest Ormus to your grow arsenal.
This is a partial list of the elements, in their monatomic or diatomic state, extracted from Sonoma Pacific and Dead Sea salt, that are found in Gaia's Harvest I Ormus:
Cobalt, Nickel, Copper, Ruthenium, Rhodium, Iridium, Palladium, Silver, Osmium, Platinum and Gold.
The ruthenium ORME is particularly good at relaxing the dual-stranded DNA and then recombining the genetics of the plant so it is able to evolve into a healthier more vibrant and productive plant.
The evolution continues as these seeds are then harvested and planted the following season. These elements are commonly referred to as Sea-11 or C-11. Each of these 11 elements has a critical role in growing the best plant possible.
Your bottle of Ormus is shipped in a EMF protection bag and should be kept in this bag when not being used. The ORMEs are very sensitive to light and to electromagnetic fields. Store in a dark location.
Great care should be taken to not 'drive-off' the ORMEs with ambient magnetic fields and EMF energies.
We look forward to working with you to begin growing the biggest and healthiest crops you've ever had using this ancient vibrational technology!