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Hell outdoors


It started about April, I had a plant which was a SD variation for Anna C seeds. It was a small clone. Threw it into a 20l pot, nothing elaborate... with basic nutes and a shit ton of perlite. Left it in a safe place, with only about 5 hours of solid sun a day. A 6" clone turns into a 1 foot bush, I decide to bring it to my home town. It gets a little complicated from there...

I decide to drop it off in a popular park, somewhat near some waterways. The only way to transport it is drop it, come back and run it down the railroads. The first night, about 20 minutes into moving the 40 pound well rained plant, I sense a loud noise coming. Keep in mind I was close enough to roadways that I could have questionably been narc'ed on by the local cars passing inbetween sketch ass dives and plant "hidebehinds". I seriously knew I was fucked when I hear a distinctive, louder than you ever hear, CHOP CHOP CHOP in the air. Guess who?... Its a heli with blades chopping up the air and a matching spotlight on the front. I left the plant on some stacked railroad logs (those 6X6 by 12's) and dove navy seal style into some thick briars only about 30-40 feet from the swiping path of the heli. It chops on for about 10 seconds. I'm frantically trying to dig myself deeper and deeper by moving laterally for a better patch. Nothing matters at this point, I'm an animal in a cage as far as I see it. I can't help but watch the spotlight. It had gone about 400-500 feet down the tracks and made a sweeping backward pattern. So bacially a Z shape the whole time, across the tracks. Suddenly I realize there is no way it can be anything other than LEO. I freeze and just lay there. After about 20 minutes, I say fuck it, "why else am I carrying this 10 shoot m.j. bush in the middle of spring?"

I get onto the dirt, and start running, I run through muck, 1 or 2 feet thick, and get it to my spot in the nearby patch of woods.

Bring it to the thickest briars I believe I've ever seen, let alone climb. It was somewhere you knew an animal wouldn't fuck with. Even before, I had spent about 5 hours one day trying to tunnel through this stuff about 50-70 feet. That, unfortunately, well overgrown by now. This place was a former potential site that I hadn't visited in about 2 years. I just remember grabbing barehanded onto piles and piles, I'm talking bushes bigger than most icmagger's ;). 10 feet tall briar fences, that ought to do it. Flash forward from late May to later in July. Rain has been plentiful, but I had never done a airpot type of deal before, and knew if it existed, the plant was nice.

So it had been there for 2 months with nothing but rain. With a vine LST the only thing that's helped it in the last few months... I grab it stupidly and start heading for somewhere that doesn't give my hands 30 briar holes in them. There's no cutting in this shit, just swimming in briars... I bring it back to the main path (stupid, I know) because it was under some power lines. It made more sense in the long run to be away from where I know it was at least going to cross someone's vision.

In a drunken night, I put it somewhere near the main path.

Take one trip back, I see nothing but paths and am experiencing a crazy manic episode, also drunk as a skunk. I realize it must have been compromised, I got the fuck out, not before somehow planting another mother plant from something reminiscent of a G13-diesel. I got out fast, it was probably 3-4 am.

Go back, this is where it gets tricky and some back story is important. About 1/2 mile away, in a public park, I was seen probably by a plane in february. They did about 3 passes directly after seeing me. I made it through trees and fields. Knew they knew something was up, but figured they didnt see the final running or the car I entered and bounced in.

The next time I visit, recently I'll say, I go to see if I can find this shit in the daylight. The paths are ever present. I was always camo'd out in the face, this was no exception. I find the 2nd planted desperate mother, smaller plant... hope...

about 10 minutes later I find the big ganj. It's about the same size as last time (had 2 major branches break off the previous trip a month before). I freak, I had come out about 8 am after a night of drinking induced mania. I'm freaking out, head to toe fishing gear till about 10 minutes before I hit the plants. All I can think is to bring it home (more towards safety, not my actual home). I pick up the plant, remember seeing a possible LEO parked out towards the entrance of my secret entry point. I'll just say it requires rappelling to get there. I hear a buzz.

The buzz becomes louder and I start stomping through brush, its very thick and wild. About 100 species in that bitch I assume. I make it to thick swamp water, close to my original entry. Splash in feet first, knowing its not going to be any fun (based on the previous heli encounter). So I start hearing this plane buzzing around. Whenever I feel its close (its obviously probably 700 feet or less), I just hide my lower body in the mucky swamp, stay still, and bend my boony hat over as much of my body as I can. I'm close to a bridge, its my out from this situation, also.... my sticking point. Its made about 2-4 passes when I hear the next plane show up.

30 seconds apart, 2 min intervals. These low fixed wings (didn't have a chance to look up and identify ;) - I knew who they were)... these fucking fixed wings are running me. Somehow I know they can't see me. I'm in deep swamp thicket brush inbetween moves. Yet I'm still holding this damn ganja plant, keeping it out of the water to prevent a heavy ass mess. 20 or 30 feet at the time, I'm making my way back to the main waterways and more cover. The planes are spaced out now, its running about 30-45 seconds between planes. So evenly spaced, I know I'm so fucked no matter what. They have each circled my half mile area or so at least 10 times at this point. I know, as stated earlier, what the fuck is going on. They want me in chains.

I start making my way under the bridge, about 50 pylons worth with 15 foot spacing. I've made it down about 10 towards my destination.

Finally hear a break. Stash that shit right next to one, start smearing mud all over the airpot (homemade reusable grocery bag). I'm freaking and so ready to have this shit off my hands. All I can think is freedom. I have none-- they have me pinned like a pig in pen; I'm so fucked.

A break, all i see is about 40 seconds. I start sprinting. My sandals (sized wrong purposely) have already fallen apart at this point, 10 minutes before actually. I had been barefooting nettles (as the call them here), briars, swamp ass snake infested waters I'd never seen anyone step in, and just plain grass and mud(footprint swipping the best I could the whole time) for minutes which just rang heart beats. Every pass, I would try to disguise myself in thorns and thick brush and just hold still. They weren't directly on me, but knew I was there somehow. Probably 600-700 distance directly as they passed sideways around me. It was just complete circles, complete hell. I was pinned. So I dreaded it, but knowing I was barefoot, covered above the chest with swamp water, I had nothing to lose. I pop onto the main gravel path (clearly for cars and such). Start sprinting barefoot across the dry ass gravel. At this point, I know I'm accentuating the path I'm taking. I see the 2-3 foot weeds growing on either side of the tire tracks, I know my direction and speed would be easily indicated by someone who knew. Clearly the people I was dealing with should know.

Running down the path, I just know they will hit me in the open. I am weak and obvious as you could get. I don't even remember if I was covering my face at that point. I was basically a caged animal with one chance of escape.

I make it to the end; the bridge connection point to the main ground. I get under it as fast as I can, somehow I got out of their direct sight for the moment. But I'm far from at ease. I know something is going on. I think back to the light ass sounds of something high high high up in the air between plane runs. I'm wondering how they have sensed me. It was very clear I was a marked target at this point, which puzzled me, 1 or 2 plants? What the fuck? I'm assuming the worst, thermal somehow. This was one of my suspicions the first time with the heli, but how the fuck would they have that in my part of NC? I've loaded up about a half mile run across a gravel bridge in front of me. I hear a buzz just as I made it. Im laying in a hobo spot I had discovered before. About 3 feet at best from the granite rocks to the concrete bridge ceiling. I think of FLIR references I've learned on ICmag. The only thing I can think is, "I'm almost in a cave, this shit is thick.... it might work" Start stacking rocks on my more open side of the now 'cave' I'm trying to hide in. Look beside me and see weathered clothes of homeless and crackheads alike. Stacking. About 5 rocks in, I smash my finger on a 5-10 pound rock, fracturing it and completely ruining my fingernail in seconds. Fuck it, I'm thinking, "Nothing compared to jail, nothing compared to jail" or something like that. "Now I am really pinned," is all I'm thinking.

Im fucked. I hear the planes buzzing for about 5-6 more passes apeice. Then, I just hear one. At the same time, my mind starts playing with me. I hear SUV's pulling up to gravel (only 400 feet away). And something that sounds like dogs. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck, they did it right this time." I think of my training, and my reading... particularly this book by an ex miami cop who recommended "STAY THE FUCK WHERE YOU ARE, IF YOUR IN THE BUSHES AND SOME SKETCH SHIT GOES DOWN, STAY IN THE BUSHES." So I sit. Its about 10 minutes after the last plane. I decide to get up. Start sprinting down the track barefoot, trying to time my feet on the uneven wooden blocks. I can only think of my fishing gear left halfway down, on a piling I had descended from earlier. I find the right one, and look up. There is an opportunity (had to hide here on a middle trip i completely forgot about where another heli made numerous passes while I was off the pylon hidden in tree overgrowth.) to hide. I say fuck it, grab my shit and start sprinting again. Only 1/4 mile left. I sprint and sprint, knowing I'm more fucked than ever. In regular dude beachwear coverd with scratches and mud, good god mud. I stink like a fucking otter. I make it across the final part of the bridge, hop onto my exit ride (won't say what for security)... and make it about 5 blocks into deep downtown without anyone seeing me. Hop in my car, take the longest possible way home, doing all sorts of anti-surveilance dodges and manuevers learned from a popular "dont get busted" video :)). I get home, grab every one of my 10 (GASP-- KINGPEN) clones, every seed and spot of pollen I own, and just flee to a nearby safe haven. Get the fuck out of dodge, return a day later, and I am happy to see everything intact. Throw 2 blue sat 2.2's and 1 chemXmenage seeds into paper towels and here I am. I also decided I'm gonna grow the fuck out, instead of being the alcoholic I normally am inclined to head towards being. It just doesn't make sense, even including the cost of being busted. This is me, world, fuck it. I have medical reasons to smoke. Someone with nothing left to lose has little to lose by going bigger-- more proper. Also, little reason to throw away their life to fucking pigs in the sky (do you feel me?). Indoors is where it's at, and better genetics and clones. If I learned anything, it was don't plant next to airports (even with success before), don't make paths even if your frantic and think someone already got your shit, and by god be fast. I don't know whats up there, but if its in NC i know its in your neck of the woods. My idea is that drones have that shit tracked and just a 'hotspot'. Also, plant shit in the ground so your not tempted to move it. Do all the work at the begining, even bring in water and bury 500 ft away or something under tree trunks. I'll never be caught outside as vulnerable as I was before. That shit was the apocolypse. Two times with serious chopper activity (hiding like a damn rodent, face down and just hoping they don't directly see me), once with a plant in the early season making a half mile run during their 4 passes, then two planes-- circling evenly spaced in unison, what the fuck... how was yall's outdoors this year?


Aces - hahah exactly, I think Colorado is gonna be my midpoint on the way though. Cheaper for the time being. And if you don't wanna read, don't comment.


this is what your washcloth looks like after you've washed and tried to clean it


guess who? possible unmarked i photo'd after b.s.ing for a while on the way to plant.




ExcelAtIt, i hate to be a wet blanket thrown on someone that has suffered so, but i feel compelled. Your terrible experience was the direct result of a collection of terrible and ill concieved decisions on your part. You created the nightmare youve revealed to us, lived it and are now complaining about it.

Why didnt you come here and ask a few questions before embarking on such a disaster. Many of us would have advised you NOT to grow and transplant such a large plant. I assure you that a 6" seedling of a good outdoor strain in a 16 oz cup would quickly outgrow the seriously transplant shocked, sexually mature plant you tried to acclimate to the great outdoors.

Secondly, your discovery of the many pitfalls you encountered wouldnt have occurred if you had done a little research on your proposed planting site and the path to it before you were toting a huge plant through the dark.

The list of bad decisions goes on, but i wont harass you with them... and i will tell you that my first grows werent much more successful, but then there werent sites like this where you can get some good advice and avoid the kind of calamaty that youve had to endure.

Next time, take some time and do it right. Working smart, planning is always more productive and satisfying than is guessing and wondering.

good luck with next years effort.


Active member
i just love this thread! i've been doing exactly this for 20+ years. welcome to outdoor metro gorilla grows! peeps that don't do this don't recognize the nut sack and stealth skills not to mention the grow techniques necessary to make this pay off in terms of product.



Jesus jumpin' Christ on a crutch. I can't believe you did all that! Balls out, man, completely balls out. I do get the impression that the drinking is fucking you up, but are you feeling manic before you're drinking? Because that's also the impression I get.


I hate to be a buzzkill, but the idea of multiple aircraft chasing somebody down over a single plant, is a little over the top.


He also pointed out he was in a drunken manic state. Plus, he's got pictures.


Active member
I hate to be a buzzkill, but the idea of multiple aircraft chasing somebody down over a single plant, is a little over the top.
wrong! you got no idea! i've shredded pants off on thorn plants getting down into creeks to avoid arrest more than once over one or two plants. i've played squirrel on an oak tree ( circling a big oak tree to keep the helicopter on the other side of view) over two very small plants. i've had a dea agent ( at least a guy wearing a dea jacket) staking out 1 plant 4' tall. the level of fanatical overzealous attacks from helicopters is beyond the belief system of anyone who hasn't gone thru it repeatedly. my roommate has trouble believing the accounts i try to convey.

three years ago a helicopter pilot took his heli down under power lines to see the plants (reported to poo poo by kids that saw me and found the plants (6 in total) because unless he got below tree top level the plants were too small to make out from the air (12" tall just after initial spring transplant outdoors). this was near a soccer field and a park area and if his blades had hit one of the power lines some people probably would have died from the crash. that zealous. i was there watching from the woods. i heard the thump thump thump and stayed hidden and watched this happen. if i had known kids were getting into the woods around there i would not have planted there.

you can't grow more than a few plants here in any location and tub grows are out of the question. go to my album and see how few plants i have and how well concealed they are. i can't keep an outdoor grow location for more than a couple of years in the past.

i suspect the helicopter pilots are bored and this is big time sport. the judges and district attorneys here are cool about small personal grows (will reduce charges to misdemeanors) but the skin head heli pilots are way way over the top.

let me make this statement: very very few do outdoor metro grows 'cause down deep they know! very few admit how dangerous it is for someone else who is doing it but they wouldn't dare try to pull this off. until you actually do outdoor metro grows in nazi territory you don't know.

i'm doing an od metro guerrilla grow. i've lost countless gardens to helicopters; we've got 2 full time heli.'s that are constantly "bass fishing for mj plants". i've also followed the beer cans to several of my od grows over the years (rippers). i try to stay out of my areas unless i need to be in there.

the reason i just love this thread is because finally fellow ic members are getting a true life account of what these od metro grows in neonazi territory are all about. that's why i just love this thread!


Maybe you need some good nite vision with an infrared light source that you can turn off and on real quick and easy...at night, you could have easily walked out there and done what you needed to with ease. If it's drones though, might not work very well. You also need to go from one close point to another (20-100 feet)staying at the edge of the road in the bushes. Run, stop hidden, look, listen for a few minutes, go again - like a rabbit would. And don't do that shit high on booze. Fuck booze. Government dope will always get ya! It's made to! You know. alcohol, tobacco, pills!
And don't try to use cheap (1or2) night vision - 3 or 4th generation only. Take a compass and a watch. Time it all out during the day so you know how far to go at night and at what compass reading. Write it down on a small paper and chew it up if you get the fuzz on your trail. If you get caught, you are a prepper learning to walk at night for when the big one comes...lol Manic is a good fucking time to stay home if it is bad enough or if you tend to get worse. Being able to notice when manic starts is a good thing to develop. If it's the real mania deal, you never know how far it will go each episode.


New member
wrong! you got no idea! i've shredded pants off on thorn plants getting down into creeks to avoid arrest more than once over one or two plants. i've played squirrel on an oak tree ( circling a big oak tree to keep the helicopter on the other side of view) over two very small plants. i've had a dea agent ( at least a guy wearing a dea jacket) staking out 1 plant 4' tall. the level of fanatical overzealous attacks from helicopters is beyond the belief system of anyone who hasn't gone thru it repeatedly. my roommate has trouble believing the accounts i try to convey.

three years ago a helicopter pilot took his heli down under power lines to see the plants (reported to poo poo by kids that saw me and found the plants (6 in total) because unless he got below tree top level the plants were too small to make out from the air (12" tall just after initial spring transplant outdoors). this was near a soccer field and a park area and if his blades had hit one of the power lines some people probably would have died from the crash. that zealous. i was there watching from the woods. i heard the thump thump thump and stayed hidden and watched this happen. if i had known kids were getting into the woods around there i would not have planted there.

you can't grow more than a few plants here in any location and tub grows are out of the question. go to my album and see how few plants i have and how well concealed they are. i can't keep an outdoor grow location for more than a couple of years in the past.

i suspect the helicopter pilots are bored and this is big time sport. the judges and district attorneys here are cool about small personal grows (will reduce charges to misdemeanors) but the skin head heli pilots are way way over the top.

let me make this statement: very very few do outdoor metro grows 'cause down deep they know! very few admit how dangerous it is for someone else who is doing it but they wouldn't dare try to pull this off. until you actually do outdoor metro grows in nazi territory you don't know.

the reason i just love this thread is because finally fellow ic members are getting a true life account of what these od metro grows in neonazi territory are all about. that's why i just love this thread!

I dont get your point here. As a gurrilla grower the point is to pick spots exactly oppsite of "very few admit how dangerous it is".

Dude the whole point of coming to these forums is to learn how to be a better grower. Your statement/method seems to beg for unwanted attention. My opinion is to do the exact opposite of what you are doing. I have read a few urban environment grows and even done two myself but I haven't heard a bunch of chopper stories.

I totally don't doubt what you are saying is true but that doesn't make it the correct way to go about it. Unless you have no form of transportation there are always alternatives. Picking the right grow spot is job one not an afterthought.

I think moondog pointed out the fact that you have to do some up fount research. Just my 2 cents because I have made a million mistakes but I try to learn form them.

Organic joe

Dude sucks you had to go.through that but it made for a good story and the detail was great props for all the detail...

But I agree you could have avoided alot of your troubles by researching your plot a little better to begin with
never the less im happy your safe and hope you learned from your mistakes good luck next year


Active member
Why would they send a helicopter to check out a tip by some kids? I don't get it?
my area has two full time heli's in the air most times and dispatch sends out heli's for anything that a patrol car can't check out re tips. i'm out in areas that cars can't get to.

a metro area with enough people to support full time heli's is very populated. the public is told to report anything suspicious and anytime i am seen getting off asphalt i seem to get aerial surveillance my way. it's really hard to get into any area secure enough to support a small grow without someone seeing you go in. if you have a grow area you need to go in occasionally to prep the site, transplant, check on the girls and and perform routine maintenance and then finally several trips for harvest 'cause not all the flower nugs are ripe at the same time. that is a pattern that gives you up.

most of my lost gardens were to rippers, not poo poo. i've been running multiple small gardens for over 20 years so i've had over 100 very small od urban gardens. i back up each strain i run in at least 2 od gardens very distant from each other. they get me it's personal grow charge. like i said earlier, the area judges and district attorney's are pretty cool. i've had friends busted and the da usually worked with them to reduce charges. it's the heli ex-vet skinheads looking for sport that make the trouble. about 10 times i've had helicopter surveillance heat while i was in or near my area on those 100+ gardens. remember that i'm in each garden at least 10 times/year so i got hot 10/1000 times.

the key is to never give up the vehicle location 'cause if they get the tags they got you. this entails lengthy walks to and from each grow site and never park in a location that draws attention and never never park near where you go into the woods off the asphalt (so to speak).

i'm wanting to get out of the metro areas but if i get some land out in the country they can find those plants in the fall and if i grow on my own property they got me. if i grow out in the boondocks on my neighbors property they blame them for my crime and that ain't right and i won't do this.

in metro areas you got lots of scrap land from development, wastewater lines, gas lines, power lines and undeveloped commercial property where no one takes the hit for the "found" patch. you also got lots of places to park on public roads, lots where you are not trespassing on private land. parking the vehicle in a no no zone is bad business.

there are a lot of members here who went indoors 'cause the outdoor heat is too hot. my accounts shouldn't really surprise anyone per my view.

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