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humus and organic matter


wanted to share this info i collected and posted else were..i think the information may help shine light the magic of organics..
Humus and organic matter
Organic matter,compost,humus, humates, humic acid and fulvic acid are all related to, and are parts of, decaying plant materials.These organic materials are food for soil life and a storehouse for minerals, energy and water. They also serve as mediums on which certain organisms can grow.
Organic matter
_Non-living components which are a heterogeneous mixture composed largely of products resulting from microbal and chemical transformations of organic debris. Soil organic matter can exist in different morphological patterns, which are the bases of the classification of so called forms and types of humus.
_Is bes described as consisting of decomposed organic matter, along with the remains of soil microorganisms, and is extremely rich in nutrients.
In nature, humus accumulates very slowly over decades. But human intervention can speed up the process by incorporating large amounts of organic matter in the soil. When organic matter is digested (decomposed) by soil microbes - bacteria, fungi, etc. - humus is created.

Organic matter,humus and soil health

~soul of soil
Soil health and humus are indivisible: soil's health is the vitality of the soil's living population, and humus is the manifestation of its activities. As the cornerstone of the soil ecosystem, humus influences and is influenced by every other aspect of the soil.
All humus is organic matter, but not all organic matter is humus.Raw organic matter consists of the waste products or remains of organisms that have not yet decomoposed. Humus is one form of organic matter that has undergone some degree of decompostion.
Humus is actually more a generic term then that a precise one.Its qualities will reflect different origins and composition.Just as wine can very widely in quality,so can humus. And, just as different wines are suitable for different culinary purposes, the varieties of humus serve varying soil functions.
Humus that still decomposes readily is known as efffective or active humus.It consist of a high proportion of simple organic acids (fulvic acids),wich will dissolve in either acids or bases.

the follwoing info was derived from ~ http://www.bioag.com/
Humic and Fulvic products for sustainability & wellbeing
Terminology of Humus-related Materials

Humus--product resulting from decay of organic matter. Contains both humic and non-humic material.
Humin--the alkali-insoluble fraction of leonardite. (The usage of this term does not correspond exactly with the usage by other workers.) .
Humic substances--(plural) the collective name for the acid radicals found in humic matter. Typically separated from humic matter by alkaline extraction.
Humic acid--(singular) the acid radical found in humic matter which is soluble in alkali but insoluble in acid, methyl ethyl ketone, and methyl alcohol.
Humate--the salts of humic acids, collectively, or the salts of humic acid specifically. (The usage must be determined from the context.)
Fulvic acid--the acid radical found in humic matter which is soluble in alkali, acid, methyl ethyl ketone, and methyl alcohol.
Fulvates--the salts of fulvic acid.
Leonardite--a soft brown coal-like deposit usually found in conjunction with deposits of lignite.
Lignite--a type of soft coal.

Humates have been used in agriculture for many years, possibly thousands of years by early corn, squash and bean farmers in the Southwest U.S. In other countries, humic and fulvic acid use has been ongoing for many years with continual dollars put into research. However, In the U.S. there has been much misinformation regarding the use of humates, unintentionally spread by suppliers, distributors and marketers who are not scientists and who do not understand the humate research available (this is also due to lack of uniform testing, which we will go into later). Only in the last decade or so have we even understood how humates work. We now talk of an auxin-like response, not really knowing what causes it. It was never realized how effective humate was at very low application rates and how much soil change it can effect in a short time. Stimulation of biomass production at the bottom of the food chain is a part of the benefit of humates. Release of essential minerals from the soil for plant uptake is part of this process.

Humic acids are crucial to life on earth and when they become depleted via oxidation or deactivated by sodium or aluminum, soil problems develop and can cause negative effects all the way up the food chain. Conditions of soil depletion resulting in low yield and/or susceptibility to diseases and pests have resulted in devastating effects for many civilizations of the past. Once humus (organic matter) is depleted, trace element availability along with phosphorus and calcium availability starts to decline. Anthropologists have observed this in many ancient civilizations. Human skeletons have shown the effects of deficiencies such as dental problems, osteoporosis and bone degeneration possibly resulting in many dying at young ages. When zinc is depleted learning ability is lost in the population along with fertility, and that is the end of that civilization. Analyzing the bone of the “mound builder” civilization of the U.S. Midwest has proved this. Bones found at the bottom of the mounds were in good health, whereas those found towards the top of the burials (or the end of the mound builders civilization) teeth and bone problems were very apparent through analysis of low-level zinc, calcium and phosphorus mineral content. Therefore, we can learn about mistakes of past civilizations concerning the need for improving agricultural soils through use of humate product, but are we doing enough in this country to reduce this problem? Other countries of the world are becoming more and more interested in humates, have completed large-scale research projects in many areas of humic use and have incorporated use of humates into their agricultural practices with much success.

What are Humic Substances?
Humic substances (HS) are major components of the natural organic matter (NOM) in soil and water as well as in geological organic deposits such as lake sediments, peats, brown coals and shales. They make up much of the characteristic brown color of decaying plant debris and contribute to the brown or black color in surface soils. They are major components of NOM in surface waters and at higher concentrations can impart a dark color, especially in brown fresh water ponds, lakes, and streams. In leaf litter or composts, the color may be yellowish-brown to black, depending on the degree of decay and concentration.
Humic substances are very important components of soil that affect physical and chemical properties and improve soil fertility. In aqueous systems, like rivers, about 50% of the dissolved organic materials are HS that affect pH and alkalinity. In terrestrial and aquatic systems HS affect the chemistry, cycling and bioavailability of chemical elements, as well as transport and degradation of xenobiotic and natural organic chemicals. They affect biological productivity in aquatic ecosystems, as well as the formation of disinfection by-products during water treatment.
Humic substances are complex and heterogeneous mixtures of polydispersed materials formed by biochemical and chemical reactions during the decay and transformation of plant and microbial remains (a process called humification). Plant lignin and its transformation products, as well as polysaccharides, melanin, cutin, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, fine char particles, etc., are important components taking part in this process.
Humic substances in soils and sediments can be divided into three main fractions: humic acids (HA or HAs), fulvic acids (FA or FAs) and humin. The HA and FA are extracted from soil and other solid phase sources using a strong base (NaOH or KOH). Humic acids are insoluble at low pH, and they are precipitated by adding strong acid (adjust to pH 1 with HCl). Humin cannot be extracted with either a strong base or a strong acid.
Aquatic HS contain only HA and FA and these components are generally removed from water by lowering the pH to 2 and adsorbing both components on a suitable resin column. The HA and FA are extracted from the resin with strong base followed by lowering the pH to 1 to precipitate the HA. The resin column separation is also used to separate FA from the non-humic materials (amino acids, peptides, sugars, etc.) extracted from soils. At low pH the FA adsorbs on the resin, but non-humic materials pass through the column.
Humic substances are highly chemically reactive yet recalcitrant with respect to biodegradation. Most of the data on HA, FA and humin refer to average properties and structure of a large ensemble of components of diverse structure and molecular weight. The precise properties and structure of a given HS sample depends on the water or soil source and the specific conditions of extraction. Nevertheless, the average properties of HA, FA and humin from different sources are remarkably similar


Various forms of raw humus and humates exist including those produced by composting, industrial by-products and those created during ancient geological events. However, for the purpose of using humates and derivatives including humic and fulvic acids, we will provide a brief overview of what you, the buyer of products, should understand if you want the best product for your money. When shopping around, it is in your best interest to know where a company sources their raw materials, processing methods, their scientific knowledge of the products and scientific research documents to back their claims. We encourage you to explore this and remember that price is not the most important factor when deciding on a product. There's a lot of junk out there so buyer beware!

Leonardite, coal or fossilized peat?

Leonardite refers to slack (oxidized) lignite; typically found in North Dakota, Wyoming and other locations around the world [the term was first coined by Dr. Leonard at the University of ND]. This exact material has a good amount of humic, but is lower in fulvic. However, now this term has spread and many people refer to humates in general as Leonardite. Some humate is fossilized peat from broad-leaved freshwater plants. Leonardite is salt water reed/sedge based.
Why is this important to distinguish? Bottom line is the bioactivity of the final product (humic and fulvic acid products). Analysis of various forms of humates from different sources have been conducted. Results show that some fossilized peat material contains 12% bioactive fulvic acid based ore whereas Leonardite contains approximately 8% fulvic acid and high humic (up to 80%). However, unlike many claim, bioactivity is low...this form of humate material is great for drilling mud, not for bioactive products.

Similarly, many Chinese and German humates are slack lignite and they recommend 10 times what fossilized peat recommends to achieve similar results. Even worse are companies in the Eastern U.S. and many Canadian suppliers offering coal-based humates; toxic waste products from coal mining that they do not tell you about.

Form, molecular weight and biological activity

The best humate is one that is high in biological activity, fulvic/humic acids, silicic acids and also high in oxygen in the phenolic and quinoid groups. Humic acids function best in the low weight fraction (fulvic) on the cellular level. Molecular weight is very important with the high oxygen types usually falling into the low weight (smaller sized molecules) category and thus more biologically active since only low weight molecules are utilized by beneficial organisims, enter cell membranes more efficiently, create greater permeability for the flow of nutrition into the cell and adsorption of excess heavy metals for removal from the cell. In agriculture, stimulation of each cell produces more energy from the plant and higher yield. The process starts with soil microbes, then plant root cells and eventually the entire plant. We can also do this by foliar spraying soluble fulvic acids and adding a humic solution to the soil at planting. Cellular stimulation at all levels is how it works.

The Bottom Line & Results?
This is an economic issue, boiled down to how much humic acid is one getting per dollar and what is the cellular stimulation level? Consider the fact that the more concentrated a humate product the cheaper it is to transport and apply. Therefore, the most concentrated source is the best buy due to transportation costs alone. Let's take a look at raw humate (before it's solublized and concentrated). A high-grade raw humate might be very effective at raising the yield by 20% or more with just 50lbs per acre of a 70-80% humic acid material. A humate of 34% humic requires 250-300# per acre of raw material to do the same job. What is the price, what is a pound of humic acid delivered going to be with current freight rates? Get your calculator out!
A company claims to have the highest guaranteed humic acid available at 35% humic acids, 35% carbon and 35% organic matter. Is this the highest guaranteed humic material when another company has a product guaranteed at 80% humic acid and one in WashingtonState has one guaranteed at 70%? Is this misinformation? Consider the standard source of humic acid provided by many suppliers and their distributors-Leonardite, which contains over 80% humic acids. On the surface, this would seem to be the highest. However, this is not the most effective unless it is made into a soluble form where it becomes effective at low rate and the humic acids of the soluble powder can be over 80%. It is also low in the fulvic portion, the bioactive portion. These claims are often misleading, and not the fault of any one company, but a result of lack of testing standardization in our industry. Humates are valuable products, and until our industry can agree on some forms of standardization, only deal with companies with a track record and a proven high-grade product.
Shipping sand doesn't make sense!

What you should know: toxic forms of humic substances are being supplied by some companies and their distributors
Coal IS NOT Humate

Over the last 30 years interest in humic substances has heightened then suddenly waned several times. Here at BioAg we refer to this as the humate cycle. This sudden drop in interest is directly related to misinformation and humic/fulvic scams. Honest sellers of high quality, and thus effective, high fulvic humate prove by trials and farm use the amazing benefits of a few dollars of "REAL" humate. False or coal dust and brown coal sold as humates, with a much lower price tag, not only have a higher recommendation per acre but they don't work. Pretty soon people who are swindled by the coal peddlers make broad statements such as: "humate and fulvic acid doesn't work, it's a scam". The original tests done with humate by Dr. Senn at Clemson in the 70"s that got everyone excited was done with New Mexico high- grade, high fulvic humate. The fact that later tests weren't so successful was due to the fact that oxidized coal was used, which has a very low fulvic content.
As an industry, we can't place all the blame on the coal-peddlers...as they say one finger pointing out four pointing back. If our industry had agreed to a form of standardized testing, these issues would not be so prevelant and half our website would not be dedicated to such topics. As a company we are members of the International Humic Substance Society (IHSS) and support their recommended testing methods. The IHSS is striving to unify our industry under one acceptable testing method, which if accepted, should help elliviate many issues of confusion.
However, in the meantime please do not be fooled by misleading information or the shiny cheap price tag on such products. Unfortunately people continue to buy into the use of "discount " humate and suffer the consequences. Some pay a large price and result in soils that bind up, crack and turn hard, greater erosion problems, low yields and other problems. It is very important to remember that coal-based materials can contain high levels of toxins including mercury, arsenic, lead, hydrocarbons; results that are costly and environmentally damaging


So whats the benefits of humus acids for my grow??

Current scientific studies show that the fertility of soil is determined to a very large extent by the content of humic acids. Their high cation-exchange capacity, the oxygen content as well as the above average water holding capacity are the reasons for the high value of using humic acids for improving soil fertility and plant growth. The most important feature of humic acids lies in their ability to bind insoluble metal ions, oxides and hydroxides, and to release them slowly and continually to plants when required.

Humic acids physically modify the structure of the soil by,
_Improve the structure of soil: Prevent high water and nutrient losses in light, sandy soils. Simultaneously convert them into fruitful soils by way of decomposition. In heavy and compact soils, aeration of soil and water retention are improved; cultivation measures are facilitated.
_Prevent soil cracking, surface water runoff and soil erosion by increasing the ability of colloids to combine.
_Help the soil to loosen and crumble and thus increase aeration of soil as well as soil workability.
_Increase water holding capacity of soil and thus help resist drought.
_Darken the color of the soil and thus help absorption of the sun energy.

Humic acids chemically change the fixation properties of the soil by,
_Neutralize both acid and alkaline soils; regulate the ph of soils.
_Improve and optimize the uptake of nutrients and water by plants.
_Increase buffering properties of soil.
_Act as natural chelator for metal ions under alkaline conditions and promote their uptake by the roots.
_Rich in both organic and mineral substances essential to plant growth.
_Retain water soluble inorganic fertilizers in the root zones and reduce their leaching.
_Possess extremely high cation-exchange capacities.
_Promote the conversion of nutrient elements (N, P, K + Fe, Zn and other trace elements) into forms available to plants.
_Enhance the uptake of nitrogen by plants.
_Reduce the reaction of phosphorus with Ca, Fe, Mg and Al and liberate it into a form that is available and beneficial to plants. The productivity of particularly mineral fertilizers is increased considerably.
_Liberate carbon dioxide from soil calcium carbonate and enable its use in photosynthesis.
_Help to eliminate chlorisis due to iron deficiency in plants.
_Reduce the availability of toxic substances in soils.
Humic acids biologically stimulate the plant and the activities of micro-organisms.
_Stimulate plant enxymes and increase their production.
_Act as an organic catalyst in many biological processes.
_Stimulate growth and proliferation of desirable micro-organisms in soil.
_Enhance plant’s natural resistance against disease and pest.
_Stimulate root growth, especially vertically and enable better uptake of nutrients.
_Increase root respiration and root formation.
_Promote the development of chlorophyl, sugars and amino acids in plants and aid in photosynthesis.
_Increase vitamin and mineral content of plants.
_Thicken the cell walls in fruits and prolong the storing and shelf time.
_Increase germination and viability of seeds.
_Stimulate plant growth (higher biomass production) by accelerating cell division, increasing the rate of development in root systems and increasing the yield of dry matter.
_Increase the quality of yields; improve their physical appearance and nutritional value.

How do go about adding humus and its benefits to my garden?
Compost and earthworm casting are the cheapest,easiest,and best ways to add humus to your soil.Both can be use as an soil amendment and/or as an water soluble additive.Both also can be made at home by recycling wich in return help you better understand the relation between the continuing life of soil microbes and soil health

_method of turning waste materials (organic matter) into humus.
Compost has the unique ability to improve the properties of soils and growing media physically (structurally), chemically (nutritionally), and biologically. Although many equate the benefit of compost use to lush green growth, caused by the plant-available nitrogen, the real benefits of using compost are long-term and related to its content of living-organic matter.
Compost improves the soil structure, porosity, and density, thus creating a better plant root environment.Compost helps buffer and stabilizes soil pH, Supplies a variety of macro and micronutrients,improves cation exchange capacity (CEC) of soils and growing media,improving ability to hold nutrients for plant use.And, supplies beneficial micro-organisms to soils and growing media, wich also control and/or suppress certain soil-borne plant pathogens.

Earth Worm Casting
_is the process in wich earth worms have tuned organic matter into humus.The earthworms digest waste and in its' passage through the worm, it is beneficially altered both chemically and physically. This "super humus" allows plants to quickly and easily absorb all essential nutrients and trace elements in simple forms, so plants need only minimal effort to obtain them.Worm casting is also rich in micro nutrients and trace minerals along with high numbers of beneficial microbes and bacteria.

buying humic/fulvic products
When shopping around, it is in your best interest to know where a company sources their raw materials, processing methods, their scientific knowledge of the products and scientific research documents to back their claims. We encourage you to explore this and remember that price is not the most important factor when deciding on a product. There's a lot of junk out there so buyer beware!

There are viable sources that you want to look for that use a cold-extraction process unique to the humic acid paradigm. Virtually everyone else uses and alkali/acid extraction process which dramatically denatures the acids. What you are actually getting are humic and fulvic salts and not humic and fulvic acids.

and some more links for further reading

all the info you could ever want in this PDF, a great read and eye opener


a few short qoutes on organic matter & humus
Controlled Microbial Composting and Humus Management: (Luebke Compost)
quote from the above source
"Humus is the end result of organic matter decomposition and recomposition by microbes. When fresh, undecomposed organic matter (green manures, animal manures, crop residues) is added to soil or placed in a compost pile, a rapid multiplication of soil microorganisms takes place.

Certain microbes (bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes) break this raw organic matter down into smaller particles (gums, waxes, lignins) resistant to further decay and simple organic compounds (sugars, amino acids) that are water soluble. Following the breakdown phase, a second group of microbes bind these materials together, especially lignins and microbial biomass, into more stable humic substances (fulvic acid, humic acid, humins) in the buildup phase.

The physical, chemical, and biological transfomation of raw organic matter into a complex humic substance is known as humification. Friable humus (also known as effective/active humus or nutritive humus), which supplies slow-release nutrients over a period of weeks or months, is a short-chain humic compound. Stable humus (also known as permanent humus), which has a half-life of years and may be viewed as the soil humus bank, is a long-chain humic compound.

When conditions are optimal, microbes attach these long-chain humic compounds to the clay fraction, resulting in clay-humus crumb. These clay-humus crumbs are full of "nooks and crannies" which provide shelter for soil microorganisms. The enormous surface area and negative charge associated with clay-humus provides exchange sites for cations, and building soil humus is one of the few ways farmers can actually increase the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of soils. Clay-humus crumbs are highly desirable in building soil tilth and maintaining good soil structure and water holding capacity.

The goal of humus management is to arrive at an active, high-quality humus that is insoluble in water and therefore resists leaching of nutrients.

Instead, nutrients are released through mineralization, a process driven by secretion of weak acids from plant roots and microbial action. In a healthy soil system, the Luebkes propose an interactive feedback loop exists whereby plants secrete root exudates that tell soil microbes what they need. In response, soil microbes regulate mineralization and feeding of crop plants."

& by MM~
"raw organic matter (such as plant matter) is utilized as a food source by one tier of microbes and is transformed into another food type known as humus which can be utilized by another tier of microbes. Humus (and in many regards compost) is a form of microbial food which is stable. [There may be (and probably is) an inbetween stage where raw organic matter is microbially mineralized and is directly available to plants but this likely occurs less frequently.] This stable humus is a source of food for the tier of microbes I described earlier which are responsible for feeding the plant. The ionization of the humus does take place microbially "(in the proper environment)" in the fashions described in my previous post but it is true that once in ionic form the nutrients are free flowing and carried to roots by water. Why don't the microbes just go to town and gobble down on all that good humus? Because the plant-life has some control over the microbial populations kinda like a farmer has control over livestock. When the plant is hungry for nitrogen she exudes carbon compounds with molecular bonds which feed a certain type of bacteria (or archaea) which then multiply like crazy [every 20 minutes] and in conjunction with fungi derive food from the stores of humus; this population explosion stimulates flagellate (or naked amoebae or bacterial feeding nematodes) to hatch out and divide like crazy [up to every 2 hours] and they begin consuming the bacteria/archaea. Not only does this control the bacterial/archaeal population (thereby conserving the humus) but they poo out ionized nutrients which directly feed the plant. There are many complexities involved but basically when the plant has had her fill she stops exuding bacterial food and sucks up any residual ionic nutrients which might get the bacteria going again, thereby starving out the bacterial (yes I mean archaeal too) population. This causes the bacteria to form dormant stages which in turn causes the flagellates, etc. and nematodes to also form dormant stages. In this way the humus is not all greedily gobbled up and the majority of nutrients are sequestered rather than being in ionic form where they could leach out.

Some good examples of humus like substances which sequester nutrients for years and years are sphagnum peat moss humus and Alaska humus(quality compost or casting). The nutrients are released when the substance comes in contact with living plants and the microbes come to life."

Neo 420

Active member
Bump'n cause this needs to be read by all who consider them selves a living soil gardener...


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
yes this is some worthy info on the value of humus and the dangers of lousy humic and fulvic products


Perhaps we could share any links to sources found to be consistent in quality and responsible in sourcing?

Thanks again Darc. I'm actually seeing a significant difference in a test batch of soil I've been observing for a few weeks.
im using humax...but it says it's made from the bad source? is it a bad product? i mostly just got it as an organic ph up, but i also read worm castings are pure humus? my mix is like a quarter worm castings, does that mean i shouldn't bother with liquid humus except for my ph up? also it takes quite a bit to counteract the acidity of my fresh soil, can you add too much liquid humus? i mean it's basically just liquid mud right?

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