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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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Ok so I have been going over and over what to do... I hate politics! I don't see any other choice. Ron Paul has to be the candidate for our cause.

Obama has done extremely little in my books. A memo was his greatest accomplishment for MMJ and he didn't even do that himself. I think he means well but way too little to late. Now, he is not even holding back the DEA or ATF.... and allowing them to threaten our ability to defend ourselves and our families.

The other candidates for the GOP are going to give us the same run around. It is time to bring in Ron Paul. He scares me a little but I think he will at least try to do what he says. As far as I can see he is the only one who hasn't been bought and paid for by someone.

What are your thoughts?



I agree Snagglepuss... That is partly why I put this thread up. I been watching a lot of his stuff on YouTube last night and really think this guy would at least try to make a difference but like you.... that was my thought. I don't understand it either... only a few or our fellow brothers of the "Craft" even seem to care this election.

Not to mention I think he really would shake up some of the financial turds we have afloat....



Active member
What baffles me is how everyone is so concerned about the economy yet, no one seems to care for him even when he wants to cut over a trillion dollars immediately the first year. If anyone has watched any of the debates, all the candidates except Ron Paul, are so very eager to go to war. This country is fucked without him, period.. Only chance to turn this nation around.


Active member
Smearing...Paul disagrees with "giving money" to ANYONE....he is 100% against corruption...and THAT is why he will NEVER be president...

His whole thing is....let the states decide what the laws should be on non critical issues (drug policies ect)shrink the government to only essential programs...reduce military presence throughout the world...literally bring our troops home...stop sending all of our money overseas...

That isn't good for the status quo.....the industrial military complex is the most politically powerful "thing" in the world...

Corporations make HUGE dollars from war......and those corporations spend lots and lots of money in washington making sure war is always either happening or about to happen...

I'm by no means a political expert but I'm smart enough to know that money makes the decisions in this country...and Ron Paul will get downplayed on fox news because he actually wants to do what others just talk about to get votes...

Liberal media will shut him out because he's hyper conservative....(fiscally anyway).....

I consider myself a liberal.....here's the problem...

lib·er·al   [lib-er-uhl, lib-ruhl] Show IPA
favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.
( often initial capital letter ) noting or pertaining to a political party advocating measures of progressive political reform.
of, pertaining to, based on, or advocating liberalism.
favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.
favoring or permitting freedom of action, especially with respect to matters of personal belief or expression: a liberal policy toward dissident artists and writers.

Now I don't know about u...but those definitions sound pretty good to me?

The problem is people in this country hear the word liberal and they think....socialism....or...pussy....

When in reality Liberalism is EVERYTHING we ALL should want....I take "progress" in that definition to mean "more freedom"......because right now in this country....we are very very far from free.

IMO the whole liberal and conservative shit needs to be put to bed....I promise u if u take 50 republicans and 50 dems......atleast 80-90% of the dems will agree with the republicans on atleast 1 issue....

Another funny thing is Democracy...

de·moc·ra·cy   [dih-mok-ruh-see] Show IPA
noun, plural -cies.
government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.
a state having such a form of government: The United States and Canada are democracies.
a state of society characterized by formal equality of rights and privileges.
political or social equality; democratic spirit.
the common people of a community as distinguished from any privileged class; the common people with respect to their political power.

That sounds wonderful right? but in reality we don't live in a democracy...we live in a country that is not "goverened by the people"....our country is goverened by people who are bribed by lobbyists.....

The U.S. gov better be careful......some shit is brewing and if something doesn't change soon....change is gonna be forced....good or bad.


I've been a Paul supporter since 2007. His message about what's wrong with our country and how to fix it is a bit complex and takes a few days or reading or listening to his speeches to really comprehend. Unlike other politicians, it cannot be summed up in a simple talking point. But it is powerful and motivational, and it's been consistently backed up by his actions in Congress for years. Lucky for us, it also includes the belief that substances we choose to put into our body are nobody's business but our own. Paul has introduced numerous marijuana legalization bills during his tenure as Congressman; I'm confident that one of his pet causes would be a high priority in the White House as well.

Try this. Ron Paul predicted Bush's failure in Iraq, the Middle East uprisings, the dot-com bubble, the housing bubble and subsequent 2008 recession. His understanding of economics and foreign policy is astounding. Seventeen months before 9/11 he gave this speech in Congress:

“We are placed in greater danger because of our arrogant policy of bombing nations that do not submit to our wishes [referring to the bombing in Iraq and Serbia].

"This generates the hatred directed toward America, even if at times it seems suppressed and exposes us to a greater threat of terrorism, since this is the only vehicle our victims can use to retaliate against a powerful military state… The cost in terms of liberties lost and the unnecessary exposure to terrorism are difficult to determine, but in time it will become apparent to all of us that foreign interventionism is of no benefit to American citizens."

In his book, A Foreign Policy of Freedom (which is just a collection of Paul's topical House floor speeches) he demonstrates a keen understanding of why we go to war, who it really benefits (hint: not us) and how putting sanctions on and bombing countries contributes to resentment toward us around the world. It starts with Serbia during the Clinton years, then Iraq with Bush and even hints at Iran. Once you read it you'll see that not only are our military interventions predictable, but they are motivated by a Congress and military industrial complex that is rotten to the core and does not hesitate to sell out American lives for the smallest amounts of political power or money. I nearly threw the book across the room on multiple occasions.

It's no wonder the Establishment and those riding its gravy train are terrified of him.


Active member
What baffles me is how everyone is so concerned about the economy yet, no one seems to care for him even when he wants to cut over a trillion dollars immediately the first year. If anyone has watched any of the debates, all the candidates except Ron Paul, are so very eager to go to war. This country is fucked without him, period.. Only chance to turn this nation around.

Amen, "the sleeper must awaken". if ron doesnt win this country is doomed. Its that fucking simple. I cant comprehend anyone not seeing this clear as day. wake the fuck up.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
our votes don't really count.

elections are bought... if you don't believe me look into past Presidential elections to see who spent the most money. there is your winner...

the rich control who gets elected.

it's not really the dems against the repubs, it's the 1% against the 99%...


Ron Paul doesn't have a prayer...


Re: Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

"A president for our cause..."

I am so fucking scared at this point that weed I could care less about. Even if Obama, or whover explicitly says that's their number 1 priority over anything no matter what...I would not vote for him. Folks this shit is fucking real and if we don't do something we are gonna be DEAD. Or in a martial law state, prison state I guaranFuckingtee. Its real and its not getting better its ratcheting up day to day and I am SCARED AS FUCK I see and speak to all kinds of people day to day in the medical field. People scare the fuck out of me with what they are "worried " about or what issues matter. I am telling you this shit is all rigged...obamaromneygingrichcain is gonna still be the fucking puppet president just a figure head while the real NWO lurks in the military industrial complex and ultimately at the very top of the power pyramid moving to global annihilation FUCK I AM NOT WORRIED ABOUT WEED BEING LEGAL THEY PUT FUCKING POISON IN THE GOD DAMN FUCKING WATER AND TELL YOU ITS GOOD FOR YOU WHILE GRABBING YOUR SONS DICK BECAUSE YOU WANT TO MOVE WITHIN YOUR OWN COUNTRY OR GO TO A MALL FUUUUUCK I NEED A FUCKING ASPRIN!


Active member
Quoted for truth
"A president for our cause..."

I am so fucking scared at this point that weed I could care less about. Even if Obama, or whover explicitly says that's their number 1 priority over anything no matter what...I would not vote for him. Folks this shit is fucking real and if we don't do something we are gonna be DEAD. Or in a martial law state, prison state I guaranFuckingtee. Its real and its not getting better its ratcheting up day to day and I am SCARED AS FUCK I see and speak to all kinds of people day to day in the medical field. People scare the fuck out of me with what they are "worried " about or what issues matter. I am telling you this shit is all rigged...obamaromneygingrichcain is gonna still be the fucking puppet president just a figure head while the real NWO lurks in the military industrial complex and ultimately at the very top of the power pyramid moving to global annihilation FUCK I AM NOT WORRIED ABOUT WEED BEING LEGAL THEY PUT FUCKING POISON IN THE GOD DAMN FUCKING WATER AND TELL YOU ITS GOOD FOR YOU WHILE GRABBING YOUR SONS DICK BECAUSE YOU WANT TO MOVE WITHIN YOUR OWN COUNTRY OR GO TO A MALL FUUUUUCK I NEED A FUCKING ASPRIN!


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
People scare the fuck out of me with what they are "worried " about or what issues matter. I am telling you this shit is all rigged...obamaromneygingrichcain is gonna still be the fucking puppet president just a figure head while the real NWO lurks in the military industrial complex and ultimately at the very top of the power pyramid moving to global annihilation

lets make sure the very top includes the biggest banks and richest fuckers in the world.

these are the people that make shit happen... people are assassinated, govts over thrown, wars started, pandemics started...

wake up people !!!!!

abortion, the economy, gay rights, mmj... <-- this is the exact shit they want us all fighting among ourselves while these fuckers rake in more and more cash every year at the expense of normal people

occupy wall street should be scaring the shit out of some of these rich fucks...


Active member
U see the shit where some cities have cut aid to the homeless to pay for removal of OWS protesters?

It feels like the movie demolition man...


Where did spell check go???? YIKES!

Where did spell check go???? YIKES!

Wow! I am so glad to see not everyone is either fooled or beat into apathy!!!!!!!!

It is all about money. Sometimes I feel like "what is the use" of even voting but then we have to at least do what we can. I voted for Obama because he wasn't McCain and that didn't feel good. Ron Paul more closely emulates what I believe is the correct positions but didn't vote for him because he couldn't win. BIG MISTAKE. At least I could have thrown my vote away for a good cause.

Republican or Democrat it is all the same... bought and paid for!!!! It is like being given a choice of being shot in the head by a .357 or a .44 mag-- The result is ultimately the same. Divide us and herd us all in the same direction just sometimes from this side and then from that side but the destination is always the same.

How do you get people to wake up and see where we are headed? Our fathers and for sure our grandfathers would not have put up with spying, wire taping, secret prisons, torture, bail outs (wealth reallocation), military assignment to domestic crowd control, suspension of the Constitution (Patriot Act), burning of the Bill of Rights by unjust laws, American FEMA detention camps... all in the name of safety. We fired Nixon for bugging the head quarters of the DNC but not too many years later said nothing when Bush admitted they have been bugging all of us for the past years. I don't get it.......

Cannabis is one very important reason to vote for Ron Paul but man it is not the only reason. We have to at least try to get someone in there who doesn't just smile, look pretty, tell us what we want to hear, then do what they are bought and paid to do anyway. Ron Paul is just the "good kind" of crazy to at least attempt to make a dent. The last time we had a "LEADER" like that... he was assinated.

We headed down a very dark road when we declared war on a concept!!! Terror... or Terrorist is anyone that does not agree with you and is willing to do something about it. Don't get me wrong... there are crazy bad guys out there that need dead. The problem is if it ever comes to our own people being the ones to do something, they will be labeled terrorists. The Boston Tea Party would have been a terrorist act in today's terms.

Voting for Ron Paul is at least an attempt to move in the right direction peacefully!!!! God only knows if it is too late.



Hey everyone Ron Paul is gaining ground!!!!!!

Hey everyone Ron Paul is gaining ground!!!!!!

Since McCain backed out Ron Paul has been gaining some ground in key states. :dance013:

He might be able to do it!!!!! Can anyone out there say they would rather see Newt or Obummer ah I mean Obama get in........ more lies and favors for rich friends



Active member
Wow! I am so glad to see not everyone is either fooled or beat into apathy!!!!!!!!


Without disagreeing with anybody's points of view expressed in this thread, RP has not a snowball's chance in hell of being the republican party's presidential candidate. Half of his positions, no matter how brilliant or correct they might be, are in direct conflict with the party's official political platform. Same is true for the democrat party, where he would stand even less of a chance.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't still support him, now and in the future, but its best to be realistic.

And the best a third party candidate, in case that crosses your mind, has ever pulled was 9% of the electorate (Ross Perot). And that was insanely rare ... typically it's like .03 % for 3rd party US presidential candidates.

Dr Paul has also asserted that he does not intend to run 3rd party, but who knows, he might change his mind if he continues to do well in the primaries.

He's well into his 70's as well, so I'm not sure a big run on '16 is in the cards either. Perhaps a next gen version is needed in the long run.

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