As you move forward to the flowering stage,,,
you may have a successful harvest with a minimal or unnoticeable amount of repercussions due to the virus,,,and you take cuts .
If they are lucky enough to root ,you will see them quickly twist up,get dry leathery textured vegetation and go into shock...
see this pic from another member here....
nopeHey Gnome is anyone misting these plants? Just a thought.
It doesn't really look like TMV to me, but it's always difficult to diagnose from one picture. TMV usually has twisted (not curled) and blistered leaves. A lot of those pictures in the TMV thread are not TMV. I would go by the first pictures posted by the OP.
At any rate, let us know what happens with the test kit.
I had to stop growing because of some unknown disease attacking my plants which I was never able to solve, but looks nothing like what yours have.
Post back here after the test.
you could have fusarium wilt , plants look over fed , but then again thats what the wilt looks like , not common in soil though but does happen , are these in a glass house ?