Darth Fader
"Step one: cut a hole in the box ..." LOL
Hey guys, if you're like me - doing what u gotta do - growing in a tent in your bedroom/apt and you want to cut down that damn fan noise a bit, here's something you can try. Now I'm not gonna lie and tell you it's going to be silent or super-quiet even, but it does help. I'd say it cuts the noise level around 20-25% and costs only $30. I run a fan speed controller with a 4" extractor and this makes it easy to sleep next to. No complaints from wifey who supports my hobby.
Pretty self-explanatory. Captions beneath each photo.
Pick up a 4 sq ft kit of Extreme Dynamax at Best Buy for $30. One kit is enough for a standard 6" extractor fan. This is the same stuff car stereo installers use to soundproof cars and keep trunks from rattling.
Cover the entire surface area of the fan. It's pretty easy to figure this out for yourself. All you need is a box cutter.
Alternate view. Really mash it down good.
Parts needed: a box, roll of duct tape, box cutter, pen, screwdriver, hose clamp, length of flexible ducting.
Trace 2 holes on opposite sides of the box. Half a roll of duct tape worked perfectly for 4" ducting.
Cut a hole in the box (It's my dick in a box - LOL). Actually you probably need two holes.
Work one end of the ducting by hand thru the hole and connect the other end to the fan (input/sucking side).
Stuff sound-deadening material inside the box all around the fan. Shipping/packing foam/material works well. Don't forget to run the power cord out.
Now do the output end the same way & tape up the box nicely with duct tape.
I set the box on top of my tent, using the ceiling port, and connect to the scrubber inside the tent.
I cover the box and exhaust ducting (except the very end) with a blanket for further noise reduction.
Hey guys, if you're like me - doing what u gotta do - growing in a tent in your bedroom/apt and you want to cut down that damn fan noise a bit, here's something you can try. Now I'm not gonna lie and tell you it's going to be silent or super-quiet even, but it does help. I'd say it cuts the noise level around 20-25% and costs only $30. I run a fan speed controller with a 4" extractor and this makes it easy to sleep next to. No complaints from wifey who supports my hobby.
Pretty self-explanatory. Captions beneath each photo.
Pick up a 4 sq ft kit of Extreme Dynamax at Best Buy for $30. One kit is enough for a standard 6" extractor fan. This is the same stuff car stereo installers use to soundproof cars and keep trunks from rattling.
Cover the entire surface area of the fan. It's pretty easy to figure this out for yourself. All you need is a box cutter.
Alternate view. Really mash it down good.
Parts needed: a box, roll of duct tape, box cutter, pen, screwdriver, hose clamp, length of flexible ducting.
Trace 2 holes on opposite sides of the box. Half a roll of duct tape worked perfectly for 4" ducting.
Cut a hole in the box (It's my dick in a box - LOL). Actually you probably need two holes.
Work one end of the ducting by hand thru the hole and connect the other end to the fan (input/sucking side).
Stuff sound-deadening material inside the box all around the fan. Shipping/packing foam/material works well. Don't forget to run the power cord out.
Now do the output end the same way & tape up the box nicely with duct tape.
I set the box on top of my tent, using the ceiling port, and connect to the scrubber inside the tent.
I cover the box and exhaust ducting (except the very end) with a blanket for further noise reduction.