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Grow Help, Have never seen this before


New member
For the most part everything looks healthy and happy. This is my 12th run out of this room. All cuttings for ever round have come from the same mother, which is GDP. Veg went normal, plants looked fine. I'm Day 21 into a 60 bloom cycle. I use GH and I'm about to start Extreme Bloom. I follow everything on a calender and do everything the same each run. I have noticed some bleaching look on the buds. This is even happening on the buds that are not directly below the lamps. Im running 2 1000 watt bulds over each 4x8 Table with 16 plants a Table, each with there own 70 gal res. Also I have noticed little things coming out of the buds that almost look like black hairs as if its half white hairs and half black. I have another room the same size which is now @ Day 30 into bloom and the buds are nice, white, and reasonably larger. No signs of bleaching or this black hair syndrome. Deff does not look like they should for day 21 into bloom. Please let me know if u have any ideas. I will attach photos tommorow. Thank You


New member
Here are the pics,

Here are the pics,

Any help would be real appreciated.


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High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Black hairs, bizarre, they're not to close to the lights are they?
Nute burn?

Might be one for the experts in The Infirmary.


Well-known member
Check your roots. Im not sure if thats it but funny shit happens when roots get messed up


New member
What is the best way to check the roots ? The only thing I can see with the smart pots are the little finger roots sticking through the sides. The plants are very firm in their medium. It does not feel as if there rotted. I have 2 air stones in each res and also have a small pump in the bottom of the res always on moving water. I have lids on all my res


Active member
I agree with BigGreen root problems are the likely culprit. Have you used the smartpots before? I'm assuming you have. Maybe try adding some h2o2.
Good luck.


New member
hmmmm even thought its every single last one ? 3 diff res ? I have used smartpots multiple times. What is h2o2 ?


H202= Hydrogen peroxide. That's about all the input I have on this one- they do seem healthy otherwise. Weird.
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Well-known member
your plants are reaching for the sky like crazy. what levels are your ferts at? I smell a lockup coming on due to overferting. have you flushed at all?


New member
Several things:

Make sure its not just getting burned from the lights. Im sure you've done that already. Don't use H202 too much. Not only does it kill foreign entities but it kills beneficials and damages roots. You can read an article on maxyield magazines website about the dangers or hydrogen peroxide.

In this case, I might even suspect some sort of systemic infection. If you don't have any beneficials, you can do a flush with some H202, let it set, then flush again with plain water, then feed. You dont want to weaken the plant, just kill some stuff without hurting the root/plant.

Could also be a fungal infection. I almost think this is more likely. I would probably try a sulfur burner if you can. Just don't use it in the last 30 days to avoid any possible sulfur taste or residue on the buds. Obviously a fungal spray would be a good thing to try if you cant hit them with sulfur. In either case, I strongly recommend getting Pro-TeKt from Dyna Gro. I love the shit and tell everyone I can about it. It has a whole list of benefits you can read about on their website (retail literature protekt sheet) but it would help you with your fungus in two ways. First, combining it with a fungicide spray increases the efficacy of the fungicide. Secondly, when you include protekt with in your nutrient solution, the silicon greatly increases your plants production of polyphenolic compounds which are its natural defense against fungus.

The more I think about it the more I believe that fungus could be the cause. I just don't know what else it could be.


New member
Probably too much nitrogen in flowering. Specifically ammoniacal nitrogen. Or too little light of course, but I dont think thats the case here.

(above is indicative of stretch. After re-reading the question and looking that the pic again, I think you might actually be talking about the leaves reaching up. They are simply trying to angle themselves to catch the most light they can.)


Active member
your plants are reaching for the sky like crazy. what levels are your ferts at? I smell a lockup coming on due to overferting. have you flushed at all?

Reaching for the sky = Over fertilization...Can you explain this to me???...I like walking in my room and seeing them praying..




Well-known member
reaching for the sky can be a great thing. there can be too much of a good thing however. If your plans are reaching and dark green w/o tip burn your obviously doing great. if chlorosis (discoloration) is appearing and your shit is aimed up 90 degrees towards the sky,
it usually indicates overferting.


New member
Thank You

Thank You

Thank you all very much !! I'm going to flush this evening. Tomorrow I'm going to change the water and add a light amount of nut's not hit it hard and see if the pull through. I have never noticed anything like this before like I have said earlier, but I'm really thinking Nut burn ... Could it be because I changed to new bulbs halfway through the round?

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
I can now recall a time when I nuked plants with nutes.

The end result was pretty close to your symptoms, Seemed to affect the growing tips more than anything else.


Active member
reaching for the sky can be a great thing. there can be too much of a good thing however. If your plans are reaching and dark green w/o tip burn your obviously doing great. if chlorosis (discoloration) is appearing and your shit is aimed up 90 degrees towards the sky,
it usually indicates overferting.

