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Nirvana White Castle 100w HPS


Alright here is my third micro grow and so far it is proving to be my best. The setup is divided into those two boxes. The top one has the hps and the three exhaust fans with carbon sheets over them. The bottom is lined with car windshield reflector and a 23watt daylight supplement, also 2 passive intakes. The temps range from 74-78 during the day and 65-70 at night.

The strain being grown is White Castle from nirvana. It's a cross between white widow and nirvana's own Ice. There are two plants and two distinct phenotypes which I am assuming are white widow dominant and ice dominant in terms of structure, the taller being white widow dom and the shorter being ice dom.

They are currently at about 6 weeks flowering and have been flowered from seed. There third plant is some bagseed.


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ha shit thanks for the heads up


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The plants are really starting to put on weight now. About two weeks ago it looked like both phenos would produce equal amounts of bud but now it's pretty evident that the white widow is out producing the ice dom. The ice dom is maturing very nicely and feels like it should be about two weeks til chop:) And the bagseed.

ice dom

ice dom close up

white widow dom

ice dom on the left white widow dom on the right

bagseed juggernaut

bagseed loli


I was curious about the organic bubbler bath tubs but I didn't have any organic components so I gave it a try using perlite and ocean forest. There are two small air stones at the bottom covered with the layer of rocks.
I barely rooted a tiny clone from the white widow dominant and the bubbler gave me some results so I figured I would post them
Definitely an easy setup for under 20 dollars and the plant seems to love it. Super easy to take care of, I just look at the water level and when it gets low I just pour more water in, simple as that.






Looking sweet Random! That bagseed looks so nice, I just want to eat it... :yummy:

That clone bubbler looks cool man! Hows it working out for ya?



Thanks Seany, the bubbler is working out great. I had a friend take almost the exact size clone as I did and there is a massive difference in growth(his in just soil). His doesn't have a single side shoot and just looks like a bud sitting on the soil. In fact, my clone grows at least a quarter inch on each shoot every night, i'm still amazed every morning.

This is hands down the way I am micro growing from now on, it's so cheap, simple and effective I wish I would have done this with the big plants.
Oh, I almost forgot the main ingredient to the whole bubbler system. Bio-Tone with fungi and bacteria cultures or whatever seem to make the difference. In short, the air stones keep alive the good shit and kill the bad while at the same time allowing constant air/water to the roots/mychorrizae. Mix of soil, hydro, and basic organics are the shit.


Well-known member
Hey RN how goes it. your setup looks great. and now I am gunna build a bubbler just like yours.

hope U don't mind. I have never seen anything that cool ever in my life.
wow wow wow. u rock.


Hey thanks cheese buds. Haha I don't mind at all, I am fully convinced that this is easier and better than just soil so spread the idea. I got the original concept from here or from RIU I can't remember, I believe the user is Ladyluck or Lady something. The only things I changed are the scale (she used 5 gal buckets) and the clear container so you don't have to worry about overflow valves and level indicators and shit.


I am looking for a nice strain for my father, he has a lung cancer and because chemotherapy he is in big pains. Could someone tell me what kind of smoke this strain White Castle is? It sounds (and looks!!!) great.


Now thats one cool cloner! Is this your invention? How many days 'til clones show roots? Nice plants too!


Well, here's the thing it sucks nuts as a cloner. I put in a couple of unrooted clones and after about three weeks I pulled them out of curiosity to find about four, inch long and about a quarter inch thick roots. Terrible, it's like the clones didn't want to veg anymore. However, the clone that I rooted before hand simply flourished, almost mutant like growth. The clones I used were only about an inch and a half long so they were definitely immature.
The next grow I will use more mature cuttings and try them in the bubbler.


Nice to see great buds on such cute little plants. I am sick of seeing all these huge semi-pro gardens. I am more interested in small scale low budget grows like this one. Keep it up! :woohoo:


smoke report

smoke report

Alright the White Castle buds have been dried and smoked. In one word "awesome". The smoke is as fruity and delicious as it smells. I am still learning when it comes to drying so there is still some harshness in the throat but other than that there is a very pleasant fullness to pipe hits and pure flavor rips out of a bong.

After about five minutes of steady creep I was glad to only have taken two hits. I would describe it as a thundering stone with a surprising clear and fast head. I was even a little more adventurous and comfortable in public which is very rare, even considering placebo effects or whatever.

Left me with a feeling of natural calm after 15 min of rush, nothing I had to search for or consciously maintain.
Several people have been blown away by the potency and smell of the freshly ground bud. "This here is some pot."

Highly highly recommended. Easy to grow and take care of, buds are outstanding quality with 'two hit wonder' or about a 9/10 potency.



