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Finally got some photos of some higher quality permanent type swamp tubes that are able to be used year after year. This is my goal; to place swamp tubes in different areas year after year so that they can be used year after year.Im not trying to put down or insult any other swamp methods; I just go for a more permanent installation.

There are now up to a grand total of 13 swamp tubes in two different swamps over the last three and a half years or so (middle 2006). There is also a 100 gallon rubbermaid trough out in the cattails with appx. twenty 1 inch holes drilled in the bottom.This trough cracked and sprung a leak on me a few years ago, so I figured "what the hell", instead of throwing the trough in the garbage i dragged it out into the swamp and filled it with grow mix. Over the winter and into next spring, a third location with another 4-6 swamp tubes will be installed. I figure, put in the hard and dirty work for two or three years hauling soil and camouflaging the tubes, and, come year 3 or 4:


There has been a lot of activity on IC mag the last couple of years concerning the swamp tube, and I just wanted to show everyone that it can be done-that no extra lime is needed in the grow mix (just the amount that is normally added to a grow mix)--that it doesnt matter that the bottom 1 to 1.5 foot of grow mix is sitting in the standing (and stagnant) swamp water-and that cannabis seems to absolutely love a moist (or even wet) peat-based grow mix, as long as there is a foot or two of buffer grow mix in order to keep a portion of the roots oxygenated.

I estimate that I have about two hours of work, hauling, and camouflaging into each swamp tube. They are all filled to the top with a local grow mix called HECO 1 or HECO 2 (depending which one is on sale at the time) consisting of finely shredded peat moss and a little bit added lime. Heco worked great in my other location with 8 swamp tubes, so I am going to use it again-don't mess with success. This stuff comes in compressed 4 cu ft bales (uncompressed opens to about 6 cu ft of grow mix) with each 80 lb bale being carried by hand at least 1/4 mile into the swamplands.


Almost to the swamp entrance


Believe it or not-you are looking at three large swamp tubes just 40 feet away


Topping off one of the tubes with Heco grow mix

you can see in this picture that the tubes are made of heavy duty plastic. Yes, that is a cable TV box cover, I had a friend who worked for a cable co. last year and when I saw these things sitting in his garage I knew EXACTLY what they would be good for. The top of the covers were cut out using a jigsaw. The tubes are supported by three 6 foot tall metal fenceposts, sledge hammered about 2.5 feet into the ground. The tubes are then wired to the fenceposts using heavy duty steel baling wire. Not even a hurricane could move these babies! They are rock solid!
Always be looking for stuff that can be used as a swamp tube at garage sales, flea markets, craigslist, etc.-large diameter pvc, short sections of plastic 12 -30 inch culvert tubing, etc.


swamp tube #1-THE BIG ONE-holds 1/3 more soil than the other two swamp tubes-you can see the wicking action of the peat moss in this photo. This tube was placed out and filled about 10 days prior to this photo being taken, and you can see that the top layer of the peat is already supporting some plant life. The top 12 inches or so is just damp enough that, when squeezed in your hand, it gives up just a few drops of water. The next twelve inches or so is definitely moist, kinda like peat moss just after it has been well watered almost to full capacity. But not waterlogged in any sense of the word. Just the bottom 12 inches or so will get really wet.


swamp tube #2


and swamp tube #3


The base of the tube is simply pushed a couple of inches into the soft swamp and does not really form a "seal", but allows the bottom 6 to 12 inches of soil to be completely saturated-the cannabis plant will send a fat taproot right down into this waterlogged soil and drink from it like a straw in a bottle of soda pop.


Now, you didnt think that I was going to leave those BRIGHT green swamp tubes sitting there under the sun, just calling out to the spotter planes or the choppers now, did you? Hmmmmmm, what we need here is some camouflage!Although, as you can see here, even the bright green swamp tube starts to fade into the surrounding swamp at just five feet away.


For camouflage, these burlap coffee bean sacks were picked up at a local garage sale. Three colors of camouflage color (green, black, grey) spray paint were used to paint camo patterns on the sack. The sacks were big enough that they could be pulled over the top of the swamp tubes, and the supporting fenceposts, like a T-shirt.


Here is the completely camouflaged swamp tube. The bag was pulled over the top and down to just above the waterline.


After pulling the bag all the way down, the top was cut open and folded over and secured to the top of the tube and the metal fenceposts. One cutting of Chimera Seeds Calizahr strain is going to be planted in each swamp tube. Once the cuttings are planted, the bag will be pulled back over to cover the top of the tube and the top of the soil completely, adding further to the camo effect.


20 feet or so back from the camouflaged swamp tube, once the cattails and the branches of the surrounding trees are bent, pulled over, and tied across this access path, the tube will be undetectable. For over the wintertime, I will take the green and brown camo bag off of the swamp tubes, and replace it with a bag painted tan, brown, and white; in order to blend in with the winter surroundings. Even the dead cattails remain 6-7 feet tall in the middle of winter and provide plenty of cover.


Entryway off of the path into the swamp tube area. You can look straight back and kind of see swamp tube #2. What you cannot see at all is swamp tube 1 and swamp tube 3; they are to the right and to the left of the tube that you can see, and are completely invisible. This entrance will not be used again after one more trip to plant the cuttings, and to water for the first time with 20-20-20 for a nice growth spurt right out of the gate. After that, I will take a different path through the cattails so that the initial path can become grown over with vegetation once again, making it harder to detect;the new path will only be used a couple of times up to harvest time, so that it will not be trampled down and easily spotted by a passer-by. If you can make a narrow trail through the cattails, without tramping down a lot of the vegetation, most people will look at it and think that it is just a deer trail that leads off into the cattails and to nowhere.

After another week or so, I will give them another 8 gallons of water, but this time I will go organic, using High N Earth Juice at about 4 times the recommended rate. I go this strong with the organics because the soil will always be moist or wet. When you are 100% sure that the soil will be very moist at all times, with no chance of drying out, you can "push" the plant with higher levels of N than they could normally survive. But, be careful, because if moisture levels do drop below a certain point, the roots and the plant will burn up and die very quickly. This is the reason that a permanent swamp is the absolute best place to grow cannabis outdoors-it just takes a hell of a lot of work during the grow season, and more working out over the off season, just to stay in shape for this bullshit.

Entryway to swamp #2-the entrance to this swamp is at the rear end of a buddies 40 acre spread. The swamp and wetlands area is just steps off of his land and forms the border of my buddys back 20 or so acres. So, short of trespassing 40 acres deep into my buddys property (his german shepherds would have you for dinner before you got 100 yards), you would have to enter the swamp from the other side (at least a half mile trek) of its border and somehow come across my swamp tubes, buried deep in the swamp for almost three years now, well camoed and grown over with vegetation and shrubbery. The entrance shown in the picture is probably the easiest way into the interior areas of the swamp, but even here the water is at least knee deep and at most times of the year, comes up to just below the pockets on my blue jeans.


These are the first 2 of ten total tubes back here. These tubes are formed using hog wire fencing (4 ft tall) rolled into a tube, with the two ends held together by steel baling wire. Cheap plastic tarps from Menards with grommet holes were purchased, in a size big enough to fold over the inside and the outside of the fencing tube.The green side was left facing out for camo purposes, with the brown side to the inside. Then, using the metal grommets in the tarp, the tarp was attached to the fencing in many different places, using the steel wire. The steel wire was run thru the grommets and then twisted around the fencing itself. In areas where there were no grommets, the wire was poked thru the three layers of tarp material, wrapped around the fencing, poked back thru the tarp again, and then twisted tight onto the fencing. The top 12 inches of fencing was then actually folded over on itself to the inside of the tube, and was bent and compressed against the inside of the tube so that the folded over part held the tarp even more securely. They end up being about 40 inches tall.

When the tubes are filled with grow mix, the weight of the grow mix actually pins the tarp against the inside of the tube, holding the whole thing together. 5 foot tall plastic fenceposts from menards were pounded into the swamp in three locations around the tube, and the fencepost was then wired to the swamp tube using the steel baling wire. You can kinda see the fenceposts in the pictures, just below the tops of the swamp tubes.


Tubes 3 and 4 (you can only see #3 in this pic) this one is attached to the small tree trunk, as well as the plastic fenceposts. These have been here-spring, summer, winter, and fall for three years now, and they are still rock solid. These $5.00 mesh plastic tarps are still holding their integrity-no tears or weakening of the material from solar radiation-and I tried actually poking thru the material with my finger, but it is still very sturdy and will not allow me to poke a hole thru it. After three years exposed to the elements. Maybe it was made with some kind of UV inhibitor--whatever it is-don't doubt these tarps for building grow holes and tubes.
And the duct tape......barely affected after three years time.........Ahhhhhhh duct tape....fixes anything, anywhere, anytime-the stuff will survive nuclear war and beyond.
This area will soon be planted with Mental Floss and Calizahr cuttings


another one using three metal fence posts and baling wire-see how, as time goes by, these tubes become surrounded by, and a part of, the swamp and the woods.


another one, very well camouflaged and surrounded


Some wierd nitrogen-deficient? swamp weed enjoying the benefits of the swamp tube


You can see that the water is not as deep here as at the other location. The water around these containers will be anywhere from just above ground level to more than half way up the sides of the tubes.


the rest of these tubes will be planted with Calizahr and Mental Floss clones in the coming weeks. I am not worried about the late start because the last time I used these tubes, the Mendocino Madness plants planted May 30 were from 10 to 13 feet tall on July 30, and the Mango plants were ten feet tall minimum, also on July 30- exactly 8 weeks and the fan leaves were bigger than my hand and the stems (at the base) looked like small tree trunks. Unfortunately, one of the "pre-sexed" clones was actually a male and pollinated the entire crop. The male was 12 feet tall (Mendo Madness) so it covered the entire garden in pollen. Be careful when rushing to sex your cuttings--one missed male could mean the end of every one of your sites if you planted cuttings from him at every one of your grows!
All I can say is I almost cried-I usually check on the plants once a week at my buddys location, but this time I waited two weeks and I got called on my laziness!

The three Calizahr have been planted in the three swamp tube location and, of course, the only thing I forgot to bring was my camera. I will post some pics of the Calizahr in about a week when I go out for the second watering.

Hope that this stuff helps some of you guys visualize the swamp method a little more clearly......there seem to be a lot of doubters concerning swamp tubes and growing in the water?

Happy 4th of July and God Bless America
I was joking about the nitrogen deficiency in the unknown swampweed Jiu Jitsu Playa

As I said, the cannabis plants love it when the bottom half or so of the grow mix is at or near saturation-this is with a grow mix that has a minimal amount of lime added

When I had the Mango and the Mendocino Madness plants out there, the water was almost halfway up the sides of the swamp tubes, and the plants grew at unbelievable rates and were dark green with no nutrient deficiencies

I have been growing since 1983 (started with outdoor SK1 x NL5 from Neville at the Seedbank in Holland. These were grown from 1985 to 1990 and were grown in 24 gallon camo pattern grow bags placed into a very shallow part of a different swamp, with the grow mix wicking up the swamp water through the drainage holes. I know healthy outdoor plants when I see them-and the plants in the swamp tubes were very healthy with fan leaves as big as my hand and an unbelievable rate of growth

Mr $HoRtDaWg-thanks for the approval-I have been studying this swamp thing for years-There were posts up about it as far back as year 2000 on cannabinoid.com and overgrow (when they both existed) I live in an area where there are many swampy areas to "play" in

Just getting started here-moving towards 50 swamp tubes and a brighter future
Mental Floss and Calizahr basking in the swamp

Mental Floss and Calizahr basking in the swamp

Hi Everyone:

Sorry it took so long to post these pics up-been very busy doing my gardening chores--But I do have three weeks worth of swamp growth to share with you

Calizahr #1 in swamp tube #1 on July 13--started 8 days ago as a 6 inch cutting in a styrofoam coffee cup--watered heavily with 20-20-20


Calizahr #1 on July 20--15 days after transplant


Calizahr #1 on July 27--22 days after transplant


Calizahr #2 in swamp tube #2 on July 13--8 days since transplanting


Calizahr #2 on July 20--15 days after transplant


Calizahr #2 on July 27--22 days after transplant


Calizahr #3 in swamp tube #3 on July 13--eight days after transplant I found Calizahr #3 cutting shredded and eaten on day 8--will now transplant 2 cuttings of Calizahr #3 into this swamp tube on my next visit


replanted 2 Calizahr #3 cuttings in swamp tube #3 on July 20 and hit with a heavy dose of 20-20-20


2 replanted Calizahr #3 's on July 27--beefing up pretty nicely after only seven days of growth--next time I am out there in about two weeks I will tie the two plants down so that one is growing to the right and the other is pulled over to the left


Heading out to fertilize and maintain the 8 swamp tube location later today-out there we have eight total plants (6 calizahr and 2 mental floss seedlings)
that were planted and watered (20-20-20) on July 11--watered again on July 14 using Earth Juice Hi-N mix.

will have some pictures of that location posted later tonite


Excellent work and photos Thunderbunny, thanks! I remember reading of your frustrations with last year's males, glad to see you're still at it.

Do you know what ate that Calizahr #3?

I had a dozen or so plants in a similar setup in a marsh / swamp this summer I was using much smaller 'tubes', just trying out this location. The plants were fine for the first several weeks, until growth really started to accelerate. My last visit found every plant but one completely eaten. Some stalks remained, but many were eaten right down to where the stalk comes out of the ground. Couldn't find any pawprints, soil disturbance, or disturbance in the 40" fence surrounding them.

And again, thanks for the photos and thread. It's just about enough motivation to try this swamp thing again next year. I just want to figure out how to protect the plants against critters.

Oh, one more question: do you cut back the surrounding reeds and plants for a bit more sun, or just let the cannabis grow up to find the sun? Looks like the latter...

two heads

Well-known member
Excellent swamp tubes. Highly recommended read for anyone trying any kind of swamp grow.

boroboro - I had a similar problem last year and it turned out to be slugs. I probably should have anticipated slugs but that was the first time in ten years I had a problem with them. This year I am using slug bait and diatomaceous earth. (You can see it in the pics below). Hopefully it works.



two heads

Well-known member
I love it, you swamp growers go,go go:joint: Makes me wish I had a swamp to plant.
JITAMON - too late for this year but you probably do have a swamp to grow in unless you are in a hot dry location. My swamp grows are 'urban' - adjacent to an industrial park and a set of railway tracks people walk dogs along. Just keep your entry/exit hidden and you can be sure no one will be wandering in. Admittedly, thunderbunny has it made with his location though...

My experience is people in the country pay a lot more attention to what is going on around them, especially strangers poking around in the bush and swamps, than city folk do.


My experience is people in the country pay a lot more attention to what is going on around them, especially strangers poking around in the bush and swamps, than city folk do.

:yeahthats Exactly right, at least in my limited experience. It's taken a while to find rural swamp/marsh settings with plausible cover stories for my being in the area.

Oh, and thanks for the tip on the slugs. Never would have guessed that they would eat the stalks. Can they climb the walls of plastic grow bags?


Active member
Nice swamp grow, thunderbunny.

The swamp tube method described by breederbrad any myself are meant to be permanent swamp tubes as well. I used the 20 to 30 gallon rubbermaids with the bottoms cut out and they have been used for 6 years now. This year will be the first year they won't be put to use (I know, what a waste of a grow spot).

If you plan on expanding by making more swamp tubes, I would suggest trying coco coir. It is so much easier to haul in than any other type of medium, especially when you have to take them a long way. From the spot I park to where my main grow was, it took about a half hour walk to get there through the forest. Coco coir made it possible to put 40 something tubes out there.

Good luck with the rest of your grow! May your swamp tubes be productive for years to come!

2heads, you might be right about country folk being more nosey. However, the key is to find spots that are ABSOLUTELY secluded, so you never run into anyone. I've never encountered anyone in years of growing at the spot I park to walk into my swamp. In an urban setting, it's basically only a matter of time before someone stumbles upon it.


two heads

Well-known member
Hi Greens, the other head and I do all our visits by bike which is one reason we use urban swamps. It's been more than ten years and six different swamp sites and we've only been found once and that time was our fault for being too obvious. Our current swamp sites both involve a couple of thigh-high water crossings before you get to them which discourages casual hikers and probably even typically lazy rippers.

Ironically the one time I went to scout out a wilderness site I wasn't five minutes parked on a seasonal road in the middle of mosquito infested bush when a local pops by wondering what I'm doing there. I told him I was scouting the river for canoeing but of course never returned.

BTW, good luck in your future. We'll miss your grow this year. I hope you have a good reserve from last year!

boroboro, here's a couple of pics that show last year's slug damage and the breakdown of the tubs. The tubs were quite a bit worse this spring, which is why we have switched to grow mounds. As far as climbing grow bags, I don't know but they either climbed our plastic tubs or burrowed in through the holes in the bottom.

thunderbunny, sorry for the hijack. Back to you, please keep us posted.
6 weeks of growth at the 8 swamp tube location

6 weeks of growth at the 8 swamp tube location

Hi everybody-sorry I haven't been able to post any pics in the past couple of weeks; been busy watering and digging out a few more grow sites. My wife bought me a used Ryobi mini rototiller at a garage sale (for $15 !!) and I have been putting it to good use putting in some late season cuttings that should get no taller than about three feet and give up a couple of ozs per plant. These mini tillers are awesome, but that's a subject for another thread.

First some replies:

BoroBoro-thanks for the compliments--this time around, I am checking the plants weekly until I confirm 100% females--I am not doing all of this work again and ending up with only a seed crop!

I have no idea what happened to the Calizahr 3 -- maybe a deer had a taste for a salad that day? definitely have a lot of deer around here, but they hve never really bothered my grow sites before.

Yes, for extra sunlight I will snap down the upper 2 feet or so of the cattails to let more light in--you can see the bent and snapped cattails in the foreground of the picture below:


TWO HEADS Excellent idea and setup-I love the idea of my own little "grow islands" spread out amongst the countryside and surrounded by water.
Have you finished up a complete grow on one of your islands yet?

BoroBoro try using Google satellite photos to find swampy areas . Bring up your location and scan for swampy areas and industrial areas that are abandoned/semi abandoned

Mr Greens Good idea on using the large rubbermaids-I was at Wal Mart yesterday and saw that they have 45 gallon sized tubs! My only fear with the rubbermaid tubs is that they are too low profile for my swamp area--My tubes are three feet tall; and when the heavy rains come in the Fall the swamp will fill up (for a few days) to the 1.5 foot level or deeper on my swamp tubes, and then slowly recede over the next week or 10 days-this soaks the hell out of the grow mix and the plants will put on 2 feet of growth in that same 7 - 10 day time period. I have lost plants in my 100 gallon rubbermaid trough that I have out in the middle of the swamp filled with grow mix and the top of the trough is at the 2.5 foot level
I assume you are using the rubbermaids in more of a marsh area where the water doesnt rise as high as my situation? have you ever lost any plants due to the water level rising too fast and too high?

Here are the full-season-to-date pics from the 8 swamp tube location off of my friends property:

This is Mental Floss 1 and Mental Floss 2 by Chimera seeds-these were planted as 10 inch tall seedlings on July 11

This is Mental Floss 1 and 2 on July 20 after 9 days growth


Mental Floss 1 and 2 on July 29


Calizahr 4 by Chimera seeds-planted on July 11--this is July 20th


Calizahr 4: 9 days later on July 29


Calizahr 5 and 6--planted as seedlings on July 11

Calizahr 5 and 6 basking in the swamp on July 20th


Calizahr 5 close up on July 29 with Calizahr 6 kinda visible in the background


Calizahr 5 close up on July 20th


Here is Calizahr 7 and 8--planted July 11 as ten inch seedlings

this is Calizahr 7 and 8 hiding in the cattails on July 20th


Calizahr 7 and 8 on July 29th #8 in background and #7 front left)


Calizahr 8 close up on July 20


Calizahr 8 on July 29


Calizahr 7 on July 29th


More pictures due soon-I will be checking up on the ladies in about 5 more days and will get some pictures then-the ladies have tripled their size compared to the above picture posts!

The next trip I will be feeding the ladies with some Hi-P bat guano and Earth Juice Bloom formula-along with some Maxicrop and some 1/2 strength 10-50-10 just to give the ladies a boost at the beginning of flowering and to make sure that all of their nutrition needs are met.


Well-known member
All I can say is awesome grow thread and great explanation. If greens and 2heads give it a thumbs up you did a good job. Really great addition to the outdoor forum grow threads. Great to have you aboard.

Hard work always pays off please keep this thread updated when you have time.

Don’t the 10 ft plants stick way above the 5-6ft tall cattails? Maybe it's not a big deal in your locations.

Do you ever have problems with the containers breaking when the swamps freeze over?
more swamp tube photos...august september october

more swamp tube photos...august september october

Hi everyone-finally back in from the swamps-sorry that it has taken so long to update

Past 60 days or so: I have dropped my other camera into the swamp (bought new camera), my hard drive crashed (had to recover drive contents and purchase new computer), upper and lower ball joints on my SUV started creaking real bad (took a week to replace in my driveway), rusted leaking gas tank on kids pickup truck had to be removed and replaced (almost another weeks time)....and all of the other "adventures" that go along with living everyday life and taking care of a CHIMERA plantation.

Here we go...playing catch-up from 2+ months ago


This is Mental Floss 1 and 2 on Aug 19 09-you can kinda see the swamp tubes there at the bottom of the picture-plants are about 6 feet tall at the highest growing tip


Sept 29 09 Mental Floss 1 and 2 starting to fill in nicely-definitely still hungry for some Nitrogen at this point in budding cycle


Mental Floss 2 on October 7 09 starting to chunk up very nicely-Mental Floss 1 is hiding behind MF2--a lot of very deep purple coloration in some of the buds-others are lime green
Harvest planned for Oct 15 or 16 depending on the weather forecast-I think that the mental floss could use a little more time than the chicago weather will allow it.

Calizahr 4:


Calizahr 4 from Chimera seeds on August 19 2009


Calizahr 4 on Sept 29 09-this one seems to be the earliest Calizahr of the bunch so far


Oct 7 09 Calizahr 4 chunking up and purpling out quite nicely--should be ready any day now-gonna keep the Nitrogen feed a little higher on this one when I grow it out again next year.

Calizahr 5 and 6:


Calizahr 5 and 6 on Aug 19 09-6 to 7 feet tall at this point


Sept 29 09--Calizahr 5 in front and Calizahr 6 in the back--starting to fill out nicely


Calizahr 5 and 6 at about 8 days before harvest-shooting for oct 15 harvest date

Calizahr 7 and 8:


Calizahr 7 on Aug 19 09


Calizahr 8 on Aug 19 09


Calizahr 7 and 8 getting a suntan on Sept 29 09


Oct 7 2009: Calizahr 7 (front) with Calizahr 8 in the background-about 8 days from harvest-not the best photo, sorry.

And now on to the three swamp tube location where Calizahr 1, 2, and 3 are growing:


this is Calizahr 1 on Aug 19 09--trunk split after a storm and duct tape was used to repair her-the other end of the broken branch was tied off to another tree branch using steel baling wire for more support
This broken branch has the largest "main" cola of the entire plant!


Calizahr 1 on Sept 15--bottom up shot


Calizahr 1 also on Sept 15--back about 10 feet or so from plant


Calizahr 1 on Oct 5 09--waiting for those football sized buds to be harvested on Oct 15 or so

Calizahr 2:


Calizahr 2 on Aug 19 09 with the 2x3 repair stilt in view (main branch-a large one-had snapped off of the mainstem and was hanging by a hair)--break was repaired with duct tape and the branch was supported on a 6 foot tall 2x3 with a V shaped notch cut in the top for the branch to rest in.


a little better view of the supporting stilt used on Calizahr 2--the 2x3 was stuck between the swamp tube and the burlap bag being used as camo


Sept 15 09--Calizahr 2 with better view of support


Calizahr 2 buds backlit by the sunset


Calizahr 2 buds backlit by sun: Codename: CHUNKY MONKEYS


Calizahr 3 Twins (the original calizahr 3 was uprooted and eaten by something, so I replanted 2 Calizahr 3 cuttings in the place of the single plant

These grew so well that I think I am putting 2 plants per swamp tube next year instead of singles. The two plants in this tube grew as fast as the other single plants per tube did. And the yield looks like it is going to be Great!


Aug 19 09 Calizahr 3 twin plants about three weeks after being replanted


Sept 15 09 Calizahr 3 twins starting to show heavy bud formation


Oct 5 09-10 days to harvest-Calizahr 3 twins have huge, sticky, sparkling buds that sparkle like diamonds in the sun.


They are looking sweet considering they drank swamp water! Did you use lime to counter the water's low ph?


New member
any problems with mold or snails this year? im north of chicago and have had issues with both...i like your approach to guerilla gardening and am thinking of implementing a few swamp tubes next year myself...thanks for the inspiration..watch out for the frost this weekend<

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Hey Thunderbunny, those swamp tubes are works of art, and they remind me of all the back-breaking hauling of soil that was involved when I made my swamp tubes a couple of years back. There definitely is a real sense of accomplishment when those ultra-stealth grow spots are finally complete, and my favourite part of the job is the finishing touches of adding camo.

I also like the permanence of the tubes you have constructed. Mine are just as durable, seeing that they are made of stacks of old car tires lashed together, stuffed with coconut husks, topped with a bottomless soil-filled rubber tub and propped upright with sturdy poles driven deep into the muck.

I'm taking a hiatus from growing right now, but it is just good to know that deep in that swamp, for now completely swallowed by undergrowth, and just a short canoe ride and muddy hike through the watery labyrinth, are four scattered groups of swamp tubes that I can use to create monster buds in ABSOLUTE secrecy for years to come.

Speaking of buds, all but the last series of pictures you posted left me with the impression that growing conditions in your swamp were less than ideal. That wrong assumption changed as soon as I saw the last set of photos you put up, which show those puny seedlings finally transformed into fearsome Godzilla trees laden with massive nuggets. Holy cow !!!! SWAMPS RULE fer sure.

Styles P

i am so doing this next year. i am thinking about using rubbermaids though im thinking about 2 plants in each. and only having to plots with a total of 4 plants i dont want to go too crazy on my first attempt with swamp growing.

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