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What yields are you getting with the Gavita & E-Papillon?

Chemdawggy Dawg

Active member
The gavitas grow shorter stockier plants but they do need to be further off the tops. The 750s will give at least as good of results as what you have if you run them on 825 and your electric bill will go down. If your ceiling is unfinished you can hide them up in the floor joists to get as much height as you can.


Theres no need to run the lights that high. 3rd coast is pulling 2.5lbs on 600w. My buddy did the same shit. Put 4 gavitas in bedroom by the time they finished flowering they were almost touching the lights and he barely pulled 1.25 a light. These are not designed to be ran in short ceilings turned all the way up you are harming your plants. if you cant maintain around a 3 foot distance to the bulb you wont be seeing the yields you hear people talk about. Simple as that. I dont understand why people hear " they arent designed to be ran with just a couple lights and you need high ceilings" and then go out and buy them and crank them up past 1000w and then are wondering why their yields go to shit. No matter how good of a grower you think you are you cannot change the requirements. If you cant maintain that distance you're damaging your plants. Im sorry if you don't have access to a building or a room with 10 foot ceilings stick with $150 craigslist lights. These weren't developed for a little grow op in the extra building. Its like getting a product, completely ignoring the directions on how to setup and use a product, Then get online and complain and not know whats happening...uhhhhhh hello?

*Not directed to anyone in particular it just seems to be the story with most people switching*


New member
I'm running gavitas in 8ft rooms with no I'll effect.... just pulled 3 per... it's more about that A/C than anything else. If you wanna go cheap and not pay the bill it's not the route to go. If you can cool the room efficiently there aren't issues. I suppose it also depends on what height you flip em and what style you are growing.


New member
I just pulled the trigger on two of the 1000s for a large room with 10 ft ceilings. I'm waiting on a 14" fan rated at 2K++ cfm and a large Phresh filter before firing them up for real though, as a little test firing proved I needed to up my airflow game to run these lights. I wonder, since I have the room to run either way, if I should configure the footprint end to end 4X12 or side by side 6X8 or does it matter as far as most efficient? I'm thinking it doesn't matter.

Snow Crash

Active member
I just pulled the trigger on two of the 1000s for a large room with 10 ft ceilings. I'm waiting on a 14" fan rated at 2K++ cfm and a large Phresh filter before firing them up for real though, as a little test firing proved I needed to up my airflow game to run these lights. I wonder, since I have the room to run either way, if I should configure the footprint end to end 4X12 or side by side 6X8 or does it matter as far as most efficient? I'm thinking it doesn't matter.

Play around with the lighting layout tool from Sunlight and I bet that will help.

I'd go with a 6x8 personally. The calculator adds about 10% more LUX to the measurement in that config.


New member
Most of the research I've did and info received from Gavita, it's reps and growers using them points to the side by side layout as being g most efficient. One example was 3 tables, each 4X8, placed in a row creating one long 4X24 table. My initial thought was you would need 4 lights placed end to end, but the consensus was you should use 5 placed side to side for this example.


Registered Med User
yall are confusing me with the distance from canopy. Ive heard some say keep them no more than 2 ft from canopy, others have said you need um 4 ft from canopy. now 4 ft seems way to far for me. Can someone who knows break down the proper distance for each setting (1125, 1000, 800, ect) or provide a link to the information?

Snow Crash

Active member
yall are confusing me with the distance from canopy. Ive heard some say keep them no more than 2 ft from canopy, others have said you need um 4 ft from canopy. now 4 ft seems way to far for me. Can someone who knows break down the proper distance for each setting (1125, 1000, 800, ect) or provide a link to the information?

It's not about smashing your bulb as close to the center of your canopy as possible and starving the corners. It's about pulling them up high and creating a lot of overlap between multiple fixtures so you have plenty of PAR everywhere in the garden.

Most indoor cannabis gardens with these systems have the lights somewhere between 2 and 4 feet from the top of the canopy. 2 feet is the absolute minimum (and might be a little too close at full intensity). 4 Feet is about as far away as you'd like to be before the reflector focuses the photons into a footprint larger than intended. 32 to 40 inches (80-100cm) seems to be the sweet spot for the average guy. But it's going to be different from one grow space to another depending on how they do what they do.

Here's a picture from a recent trip to Holland where these lights have been in use in greenhouses for a long time. The photons don't evaporate. The intensity might decrease at certain focal points but these bulbs are producing a lot of quanta at a wavelength the plants use. Really soak in the size of that greenhouse and get a feel for how many lights and how valuable an operation it is. If there was a better way, they'd be doing it.


  • gavita-tour_21.JPG
    105.7 KB · Views: 26


im running 4 1k gavita bulbs in AC DE Hoods. the good ones with no air flowing over the bulb.

ill have results in october but the growth alone on the plants in rediculous.

i almost want to turn them down to 600 watt lol but its not that warm. only 78


New member
Here's a picture from a recent trip to Holland where these lights have been in use in greenhouses for a long time. The photons don't evaporate. The intensity might decrease at certain focal points but these bulbs are producing a lot of quanta at a wavelength the plants use. Really soak in the size of that greenhouse and get a feel for how many lights and how valuable an operation it is. If there was a better way, they'd be doing it.

Couldn't have said it better


Overkill is under-rated.
We found a huge difference using gavita de's in veg, at 1150w. Made 3 week plants look like 5 week plants. Had to add more food and cooling, but we'll worth it.

In flower, we swapped out 10 old hps for 9 gavita 1000w des, and went from 14-15 pound pulls to 20-22, running low yielding cuts like og and sour. So, yeah, averaging around 2.3 a light, which still isn't a gram per watt, but we have got .90gpw before.


Registered Med User
Play around with the lighting layout tool from Sunlight and I bet that will help.

I'd go with a 6x8 personally. The calculator adds about 10% more LUX to the measurement in that config.

Good lookin out on the link, but I ran into an issue...
So if I swap the width with the length you would think the lights would be organized the same way, but this is what i got...


What i have right now is the second pic, only my lights are turned sideways instead of parallel with the longer portion of the room.

Im vegging right now and got them a little less than 3 ft away turned down to 1000, should i raise them up a little? And should I turn them the other way? I thought they would overlap better the position i have them in, does the light spread out more from sides of bulb or top and bottom of bulb?

Chemdawggy Dawg

Active member
You want the Gavitas side to side or perpendicular to the room. They put more out the side of the reflector. With 2 you can cover 12ft x 4ft.
I just watched a review of these Gavita copies made by a company called Yieldlab. Apparently they outperform the Gavitas. Anyone tried them?


my grow is under DE and amazingly better then under the HPS i had last time.

yields will be totaled in October though :(

Chemdawggy Dawg

Active member
I just watched a review of these Gavita copies made by a company called Yieldlab. Apparently they outperform the Gavitas. Anyone tried them?

You get what you pay for. It seems like you'd need to keep those like 5ft plus off the canopy or burn up your plants. I'd stick with the Gavitas any knock off stuff I've ever bought was trash.
You don't need an AC unit with sufficiently low intake temperatures and adequate ventilation, although an enclosed grow with CO2 enrichment in addition would pay for itself in yield gains.

I don't think 30" is all that much height. You can always get the Sun Supply AC/DC hood, Philips or Ushio DE bulb, and use a standard 1000w high-frequency digital ballast. The hood doesn't directly air cool the bulb, but the glass holds the heat in quite a bit and allows you to be as close as 6" from the top of the canopy. Although, the additional IR from the bulb will probably bleach out the tops at that distance.

It is still a solid $450 investment to upgrade, but the bulb lasts for 2 years at over 90% efficiency. If the yield increase is there, and it should be just looking at the PAR readings, then these really can be worth it for even a 1-2 light operation.

I run 3 Ac/DC hoods with a lumatek and let me go ahead and say that there's no way you can run DE bulbs that close. Hell you can't even run a regular bulb that close. Don't do it
I've been doing anywhere between 1.2 to 1.5 GPW in the past year SOG style 3 week veg min with SSSDH . The variance IME has to do with care taking with my numbers.

Having said that, I'd say the the difference can easily be calculated to be a minimum of 12 to 15 percent increase. I haven't found the upper limit yet. I run recycled Organics so there's alway that crutch of inconsistency.