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Breeding under fluorescents?


Active member
thanks beancounter, that is sweet.....good to know i can use smaller pots also, the other times i did breeding the plants were in 3 gal containers. less soil, less light, less veg and i'll still get the results i need!! peace


Dear god man, a 4in pot for flowering(thats what I plant in, at least do it in a closet or something you could get about the plants about 3ft tall, in a 7-8in pot. Its important to transplant afteryou veg or a few weeks into flowering, you'll get allot more growth, when the roots tangle up up the plants grow slower and smaller. You could use the same small pots if you use the BOG style of transplanting, he leaves the top part of the dirt ball above the soil. It will grow in a small of a pot as you want but your plants will only produce about 100-150 seeds like BeanCounter said, I'm just sayin that you could get at least double that in a 8in pot.


rez makes money because he has done a shitload of work to stabalize a very sought-after clone only strain. i would gladly pay for his knowledge and expertise over buying some hermie seeds. a hermaphrodite is a plant with both male and female parts, there are no degrees of hermie. a hermie is a hermie.
sorry about the bullshit, back on topic. i have bred using fluoros and they seeds made were of the same quality as those created outside or under hids. the seed yield was far less, but that wasnt a problem as the seeds were for personal use. only about 100 seeds per small plant instead of thousands outside.


T2U yea I did, I just never heard of anyone finishing in a 4 incher, I was just letting you know how much more you could get with a 7-8in pot.

Stabilize? he has about three to five pheno's fo SD, whats that about. The main reason I started ICmag was that some of the seed guru's actually chat on here with everyone, I think thats cool. Back to the SD, I was sadly dissappointed by all the variation in that strain, I want to buy some buy I dont know which one to get. I think that he should have just waited a few years to offer the seed, because he needs to stabilize the strain further, I realize that he crossed an ECSD with a some NYCD male, so now you have F1 but, I would have held out until I had it down to the allaround best pheno. If you want a good example
strain stabilization, Soma. Soma Sunk is now at least three(maybe four) different strains because he stabilized the pheno's, into Somango, Rock Bud, Budda's Sister(all the Soma strains with red leafs). That's stabiliing a strain.

I have a question for you Rezdog, lovers. Did rez actually refine the ECSD genes from P1 seeds, or did he just go to a compassion club and buy a cutting of ECSD and cross it with the NYCD male, because this is what I hear all the time, makes since too because if Rez refined this strain as a P1 he wouldn't need to cross it. Im not sayin Rez isnt a stand up guy, I've never chatted with him, I'm just sayin that I think he jumped into the seed company game a little early, Like I said before I would stabilize all my strains before offering them to the general public. Guys I have smoked sour strains, none Rezdog's but they probably taste the same, let me guess guys when you smoke it, you get the tangy citrus sour that is so tasty that it makes your mouth sallivate heavily then it gets sweet-sour as you blow it out. Just letting you know that Rez isnt the only guy holdin some sour genetics, I have about 10 beans of Sour Skunk, not to mention a nice collection of other strains, to put It lightly I have enough new strains to srtart a small company including a legend from the 70's, wich I would actually like to send a few beans of to someone who has a good indoor growroom and a digi cam. Things here are on fire, not to mention my county owns heat detecting cameras, and they just busted a court appointed lawyer with 15plants with these heat cams. Acapulco Gold is the legendary strain, this is the REAL P1 uncrossed sativa strain not some bullshit other mexican strain. The high clarity is out of this world, it gets you so high you are almost in disbelief, because you can still think clearly if not clearer than before, and it give out so much energy that I smoke and go play chase with my bulldog, as opposed to smoking and sittting down infront of the t.v. and sometimes it even gives the elusive spine tingle. It is the best high I have ever had and I smoke all day and sometimes grow my own, but Acapulco Gold is far better than any other strain that I've smoked because of the clarity of the high and the energy that it gives you. If I had to pick one strain to smoke the rest of my life it would be the AG. Its a real tinking high, unlike anything I've ever smoked before, or since. Thank You, to the wetback who sold me the buds, and a special thanks for the wetback grower that left the beans in the buds, muchos gracias from me.


it is my understanding that rez is on the east coast where compassion clubs dont exist. he has been working with the strain since before any selfed seeds came out. he crossed the ecsd clone to a nycd male then backcrossed and backcrossed it over many generations until he made it into an ibl. there were many phenos of his earlier work such as double sour diesel, v2, and v3, but his ibl is pretty uniform.
as for the smoke: when i smoked his ibl, it had a sour lemon taste upon hitting it. on the exhale, however, it had a very strong, robust diesel flavor, unlike any other strain i've tried. this taste is the aftertaste that the smoker is left with. the first time i had it, i was only able to take two hits and i was completely gone. i usually have a pretty high tolerance and smoke 5-6 times a day but when i smoked the ibl i was completely smashed.
back to breeding with fluoros....


Dank1 - H & L has described a cubing solution and this is a very possible route taken by Rez to stabilize the ECSD CLONE (but not the only one). It is the formula Mr Soul used to stabilize the Princess/C99 (a very stable strain IMHO). There is a thread describing The Cubing Theory. And to answer some of your questions (I think). No. Seeds don't make seeds. Plants do. You need to read up a bit on this and it'll start to make some sense. "P1" is the name given to the 2 True Breeding Parents of a Hybrid Angiosperm (flowering plant) within a species (ie:cannabis but not exclusive to). "F1" is the First Generation of a hybrid. Made from brother and sister of the F1 stock "F2s" are the second filial generation of that same hybrid and so on as long as a Brother and Sister from the Same Filial Generation are used to make the seed stock. Once the filial chain is broken it is broken. Feminized Seeds have no bearing on this conversation.

Sorry on the topic issue T2U. Yes I too believe you can achieve excellent seed breeding results using floros.
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ECSD is a compassion club bud, a friend of mine gets it in Colorado. They have allot of strains, S.A.G.E., ECSD, Widows, HP13(lots more), and my buddy in CO grows Blueberry(dutch passion), and Pure Power Plant. I think the ECSD was just a cutting from a bad ass mother of WCSD(only my opinion), and why isn't his SD pink anymore, all the times I've seen it, it had a pinkish trichomes, now the ones he offers has clear tri's and it looks green?

You stabilize strains by selective breeding, thats really the only was to do it. You have to take your P1(origional uncrossed, purebread) seeds, plant them, grow them, and pick out the ones tht express the best characteristics(tirchome production, oil production, yield, smell, density, size, leaf style, calyx size), and then cross them with the according males. It usually takes about 10 grows to stabilize a strain(says Soma), and when you finally reallystabilize a strain, when you plant the seeds they will come up with little variation. thats how i want to buy my seeds, I dont want to grow a pack of seeds, and get plants that dont express the same characteristics, anybody else see what I'm sayin?
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hey time this is what i have been using to breed with i don't have the room for 100 monsters for millons of seeds but i have found that i can run a good number out like this :woohoo: this one will bring me 100 per side at least.now if we times that by 30 well you get the idea

:off2: i know but i thought this was a cfl breeding thread well thats my two cents there are so many ways to do it you just need to find the best for you bro let us know how it goes ok


Active member
nice, that little bugger is gonna give you 200 seeds? how long did you veg it before you went 12/12? did you top it then go 12/12?

The Dopest

[THC] True Hippie Coonass
hey Time2Unite :wave:

hows it goit potna! Great Thread! look i use what i call my "mother bucket" or "male bucket" depending what time of the grow. check it out. i installed a 22w circuline fluorescent in the lid of a 3.5 gallon bucket. i then drilled a 2.5" hole in the bottom of that 3.5gal and that is my grow chamber. i have recently added foil tape to the inside of the lid for light proofing and inside of the 3.5gal top couple inches. it used to glow at night! :bat: anyway i can have a clone in here vegging and within weeks have ready to take cones from it. so if i need to keep a strain on hold for a couple months i can. also once i found a male ak i took a clone and rooted it then put it in here 12/12 so i can collect the pollen. i also recently added a couple clones form females, so ill let ya know how makin seeds on clones in 10oz cups goes:wink: the grow chamber 3.5gal fits perfectly inside a 5gal with about 6-7 inches in between, i use a small fountain pump and an air pump with a 5" airstone to keep the nutes circulated. since its a small reserve its a chore but i guess dumping in the tub and filling in the tub isnt that big of a deal eh? lol

hope this helps


Active member
whats up dopest! thats a neat little setup there bro! can't say i've seen anything like that for growing clones or collecting pollen for breeding, that little set up could probably help out alot of people that don't have much space! thanks for adding that to the thread man.....peace

The Dopest

[THC] True Hippie Coonass
i comes in handy for me cause it only takes up a 12" footprint, not too stealthy though, i can hear the pump and stone when in the room, kinda makes ya wonder wtf the noise is. lol thanks bro glad ya liked...


Cool man never seen one in a round bucket, If you need a room you can use a rubermaid storage tote, you could probably fit 10-15 cuttings inside. Great idea on flowering a male in that, its allways a hassle to clean te walls so no pollen hits the next girls.


I am thinking about going this route to stableize a strain fast but i was wondering
how would we know what the plants really look like?

I mean if we are flowering right away that would not give them time to show the different phenos so we would be blind breeding in a senice.


Active member
well the only thing you'd not really be sure about would be yield, but if they are all the same size and one yields more that one would probably be the bigger yielder if you grew them all big, you'll still get to know the flavor, smell, and potency.

i think in my situation though i'm gonna grow them all big like normal and bud them, meanwhile i'm gonna keep a clone of each mom/male under fluoros in veg, then at harvest i'll know what mom is my keeper then pollinate her clone with my chosen male clone that i'll have in veg too.

then each further generation i'll already know what i'm looking for when choosing further parents, or just keep doing it the same way as i described, the breeding and seed making with short veg under fluoros in a seperate closet/spot is what saves time,money,space....and makes sure your normal sinse crop doesn't get seeded.

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