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Your a good man canna. And congrats on you and your wifes sobriety. About your buddy, I can personally attest to how painful and debilitating gout is. You are probably a godsend to him lol.

I first had it in my toe which was bad, but when I started getting it in my knee, I never knew pain like that existed. A broken bone pales in comparison. Had I not been able to get some old painkillers from a family member, I would have had to call someone to bring me to the ER. I'm dreading my next attack, but I did order an oz of red vein kratom in anticipation and put it in 00 capsules.. Luckily I only get 2-3 serious attack a year, however, they have been getting progressively worse.

I'm sure you friend knows, but prevention is key. I now drink diluted cherry juice everyday, which studies have shown reduces the risk of uric acid buildup.

Take care :tiphat:
Thanks for good words.
Have you read about cannabis roots being a treatment for gout?
Ancient Chinese used roots for gout, not r exactly sure how. But here's a thread where they make a topical


Militia has a link in the post above
Dang link wont load. Looks like for live plants? I was speaking more so to the concentrated and powders...
Good to see other folks have found relief in kratom.
I spent around 5 years on the pain pills for my injuries. Graduated to heroin for another 5.
Started using the kratom the last 7 years. Along with weed it has helped me live a productive and manageable life.
I take a crap ton. Locally its hit or miss with quality. Kind of frustrating.


Thanks for good words.
Have you read about cannabis roots being a treatment for gout?
Ancient Chinese used roots for gout, not r exactly sure how. But here's a thread where they make a topical

Antacids if I catch it early enough will knock my gout down pretty good. Shit starts in my big toe knuckle n used to get me so I couldnt put on my boots. Been many years since its got that bad.
I steer away from shellfish as that triggers it in me quick


Anyone know about the "red bubble".
It's a process that makes the compounds more available by rupturing cell was during freezing.


Dang link wont load. Looks like for live plants? I was speaking more so to the concentrated and powders...
Good to see other folks have found relief in kratom.
I spent around 5 years on the pain pills for my injuries. Graduated to heroin for another 5.
Started using the kratom the last 7 years. Along with weed it has helped me live a productive and manageable life.
I take a crap ton. Locally its hit or miss with quality. Kind of frustrating.

Glad you kicked brother


Antacids if I catch it early enough will knock my gout down pretty good. Shit starts in my big toe knuckle n used to get me so I couldnt put on my boots. Been many years since its got that bad.
I steer away from shellfish as that triggers it in me quick

My buddy suffers pretty bad from it. He drinks Evan Williams like a fish. So it's mostly his own doing. But I know how it is to be an addict, so I don't say anything. Need to fix the topicals for him, he's due for another bout.


Anyone know about the "red bubble".
It's a process that makes the compounds more available by rupturing cell was during freezing.
I just looked it up. Gunna give it a go.
Been getting qps of green bali and white vein lately. 2 spoonfuls in some grapefruit juice in the am keeps me solid through a 10 hr shift. Will see what that does after freezing.


I just looked it up. Gunna give it a go.
Been getting qps of green bali and white vein lately. 2 spoonfuls in some grapefruit juice in the am keeps me solid through a 10 hr shift. Will see what that does after freezing.

Def. could tell a difference this am. Going to freeze me up a bunch of doses this weekend.


Def. could tell a difference this am. Going to freeze me up a bunch of doses this weekend.

So you can take less, and get same effect?

I also heard just simply freezing the dry powder opens cell walls, just not as well and adding water.


I toss and wash. I've never made tea. Hate the taste.
How did the red bubble taste.? Absolutely disgusting?

And how do you take the bubble? I assume you don't dehydrate back to dry powder, mold would be an issue probably.
Defrost and drink? Or you supposed to eat frozen?


I toss and wash. I've never made tea. Hate the taste.
How did the red bubble taste.? Absolutely disgusting?

And how do you take the bubble? I assume you don't dehydrate back to dry powder, mold would be an issue probably.
Defrost and drink? Or you supposed to eat frozen?

I let it thaw some and took it slushy. I toss my powder in grapefruit juice to kill taste


Active member
Militia, how are you man? I'm sorry I didn't see that post from last month.
I don't know how I miss stuff sometimes. Sometimes things don't show up in the "my ic" list.

No sweat man. Sometimes I ramble on when the conversation is already dead. Doing okay at the moment. Had some serious ups and downs until I worked that one traditional chinese formula into my daily routine. My memory was shit and I forgot about the instance I mentioned in my last post. So I remembered about 5 days ago and started doing it multiple times daily and it's got my blood flowing well again and things loosened up and the pain lowered.

I hope you were able to taper off those evil fucking opiates.

I know how it is tho...

I'm actually working my way down successfully. I decided I wouldn't make a drop except for every 2 weeks which should make it very smooth and I'll be more likely not to cave to pain or increased sensitivity. With my science background I'm lucky to know how to do all this. I've been successful each time I've tried, but what happens is the shitty scar tissue in my tendons will get a severe reinjury every now and then and it's insufferable, so back onto the opiates. But, this time, I'm going to shoot to keep it 100% herbs. That will include a poppy grow maybe later this summer. They're stronger than kratom but for people with addictive tendencies I wouldn't recommend them at all. I keep track of all doses, when I dose, and what I dose. And I can save some poppies for if I tear the scar tissue severely. That way I know that the pain reliever isn't from big pharma, has no pesticides or hidden shit in it, which are huge concerns. The kratom will be my go to for general pain, and the TCM stuff I'm going to juggle based on symptoms and trying to actually heal up as best as I can.

Actually I'm proud of my wife. I had to take her to the hospital not long ago. Kidney stones. They gave her percs. She took a few. As prescribed. I'm so proud that she just eat the bottle at once. That's how we rolled. When we did those back in the day (before graduating to the 80's and methadone) we would take 12-15 10mg hydros or percs, each. At once.
Then the next day after the worst pain was over, she gave the bottle away! Our buddy always has gout, and he could barely walk.

We laughed about it. How weird it was they WE gave away pills. For free.

Holy shit dude. I had kidney stones once. Definitely a percacet situation. Never felt it pass, but going from the kidney, through the urator, to the bladder actually made me pass out from pain. She definitely exhibited some good will power and you should let her know that (I have a psychology education). I never had tolerance so high to do more than 1 which always blows my mind when I hear of friends or others doing that much. I got a friend who was doing like 100 some mgs equivalent of morphine and working a job. Just glad he's gone into rehab. I know I'll get down off. It's just gonna take about 2 months for a smooth ride. Then I hope I can pay enough attention to my legs to not restrain any thing (hard when scar tissue is weak and brittle). Both of you exhibited a change and will power by giving away those pills and not housing them.

Have you tried kratom extracts/concentrates? Of course we didn't have any on hand, when she got sick. And we didn't know it was just kidney stones, we thought it was something much worse, so I took her to hospital.

I made some back before it was a thing. Sometime in early 2000's I made some early tar extracts of a Rifat from vodka. That stuff melts all pain away. I don't think I've felt any thing like that smoked before or since. I can't recall the morphine the ER put me on for the kidney stone because it knocked me out, but that rifat extract was potent. A bit harsh on the lungs though. I would prefer to eat it now to spare the lungs. I had planned on keeping some opium from poppies when I grow them, but maybe a little of that and the kratom extract would be good. I stick to using it for pain.

One thing I've noticed is taking only concentrate, doesn't really work for me. I have to take less powder than normal with a little concentrate added. And the effects are much stronger.

There's supposed to be some interaction between the alkaloids that others on the bluelight forum have noted. There can be a ceiling effect. And rotating types keeps tolerance down. You might be dealing with one of the complex interactions. Kratom actually has alkaloids that inhibit the opioid receptors and that excite the same receptors. So you can get some varied effects. If I get the chance I'll try to find the thread and link it so you guys can read. It's one reason you can't just keep increasing the dose like opiates and get wasted. Kratom has those different effects that balance things out.

Hopefully you are well, sorry I didn't respond earlier.

Things are heating up in Hawaii. It's the best time of year health wise for me. Hope you're doing well likewise. Another day, another struggle. Just like many of you know on here. But, each day has new opportunities. I plan to stick around a while if I can. Pain or not.
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Active member
Your a good man canna. And congrats on you and your wifes sobriety. About your buddy, I can personally attest to how painful and debilitating gout is. You are probably a godsend to him lol.

I first had it in my toe which was bad, but when I started getting it in my knee, I never knew pain like that existed. A broken bone pales in comparison. Had I not been able to get some old painkillers from a family member, I would have had to call someone to bring me to the ER. I'm dreading my next attack, but I did order an oz of red vein kratom in anticipation and put it in 00 capsules.. Luckily I only get 2-3 serious attack a year, however, they have been getting progressively worse.

I'm sure you friend knows, but prevention is key. I now drink diluted cherry juice everyday, which studies have shown reduces the risk of uric acid buildup.

Take care :tiphat:
Hey dude, my wife's father has gout. I researched it a while back. I think you might want to google: gout "malic acid". I can't remember if that's the one. But there's a cheap basic supplement that can help with breaking things down so they don't accumulate. Also the liposomal vitamin C helps keep everything running a little better. Ah just googled it myself: https://goutpal.net/forums/topic/malic-acid/

It should help. Have a look into it. Malic acid is cheap. Like $10 for 1/4lb or something. Go with the purer stuff that gets used for wine and beer making.


Active member
Dang link wont load. Looks like for live plants? I was speaking more so to the concentrated and powders...
Good to see other folks have found relief in kratom.
I spent around 5 years on the pain pills for my injuries. Graduated to heroin for another 5.
Started using the kratom the last 7 years. Along with weed it has helped me live a productive and manageable life.
I take a crap ton. Locally its hit or miss with quality. Kind of frustrating.

I'm a nerd and grow it and have a running theory that a lot of the variance in strength is actually a result of poor fertilizing. The ones I have vary in the intensity of the alkaloid bitterness when I chew leaves that look rich with color versus those that are looking like they need some nitrogen.

I think big scale farms in the tropics aren't consistent with good fertilizer to keep them nice and spunky. If they don't eat well, how can they produce growth or any thing well.


Active member
Antacids if I catch it early enough will knock my gout down pretty good. Shit starts in my big toe knuckle n used to get me so I couldnt put on my boots. Been many years since its got that bad.
I steer away from shellfish as that triggers it in me quick

I developed anaphylactic shock to shellfish even though I ate them until I was about 10 or 12. They are high in arsenic. You might consider doing a hair test to see what your arsenic and other metals are like. Some of us have trouble clearing metals and they can get accumulated and passed down intergenerationally from mother to child because metals cross the placenta into a child.

A lot of us had ancestors that worked in shit conditions like mines (my grandfather) and they would come home with clothes covered in the shit that our grandmothers would get exposed to doing the laundry by hand.

I've been doing a low dose frequent chelation therapy for several years that brought me back from early dementia and severe memory loss.

I'd seriously look into the arsenic thing. Have you ever had shingles? I had them when I was 23 and had my serious tendon injuries. The zoster virus that causes shingles is consistently found with increased arsenic levels.

Proper chelation can reduce pain and other metal symptoms.


Active member
My buddy suffers pretty bad from it. He drinks Evan Williams like a fish. So it's mostly his own doing. But I know how it is to be an addict, so I don't say anything. Need to fix the topicals for him, he's due for another bout.

Hey guys for any health issues check out this website. It's strictly formulas and ingredients for tcm approaches to various health issues. I also use a traditional chinese veterinary medicine book for some formulas and info on herbs. Most formulas work between animals or humans because we have many of the same systems.


There's a page on Gout. The formulas on that page can be life altering but if you're going down the path on your own study it well. It doesn't hurt to get a basic book on TCM. If you're living in chronic conditions then only each of us has our own best interest at heart.

Just based on that above page there's a lot of different things that can lead to gout. Reading the symptoms under the various causes can help home in on the type of customized formula that works the best. Usually there's a base formula and if it's like gout, with a bunch of ways of occurring, there's different herbs that modify the treatment.

I use the Du Huo formula which ties in with three different causes, reading through the causes it's easy for me to see which formula should be for me, and I've used it for years with great benefit. I would have needed stronger pain killers with out it and I didn't wanna go down that road.

Have a look when you get the time.


Active member
I toss and wash. I've never made tea. Hate the taste.
How did the red bubble taste.? Absolutely disgusting?

I had to snicker at this. It does taste horribly bitter. I actually prefer fresh leaves over the dried ones if it's going on my taste buds. The fresh ones are bitter but some how taste better.

Have any of you tried Cissus Quadranularis as a powder chugged with water? That's even more foul and the powder tends to stick on your tongue. It's great for healing but horrible tasting.

I actually make pills with my kratom because the tea usually hits too fast and is gone too fast for me. I guess if you have a decent size meal with it it should slow that down some.
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I developed anaphylactic shock to shellfish even though I ate them until I was about 10 or 12. They are high in arsenic. You might consider doing a hair test to see what your arsenic and other metals are like. Some of us have trouble clearing metals and they can get accumulated and passed down intergenerationally from mother to child because metals cross the placenta into a

A lot of us had ancestors that worked in shit conditions like mines (my grandfather) and they would come home with clothes covered in the shit that our grandmothers would get exposed to doing the laundry by hand.

I've been doing a low dose frequent chelation therapy for several years that brought me back from early dementia and severe memory loss.

I'd seriously look into the arsenic thing. Have you ever had shingles? I had them when I was 23 and had my serious tendon injuries. The zoster virus that causes shingles is consistently found with increased arsenic levels.

Proper chelation can reduce pain and other metal symptoms.

Thats fantastic and appreciated info.
Never had shingles to my knowledge.
We lost the old ladys father a couple years ago to alzheimers.
Ive been pretty positive I have something of the nature coming on. Breaks my heart as I will not put my family through what I saw. Would be awesome if it was a metal build up that I could counteract.
Ill def be left looking into this, thank you

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