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The Doctor is OUT and has moved on...
LOL, weed from aliens...and cannabis being the ONLY plant that is "male" or "female"....too funny. Many trees require a "male" tree to be planted nearby for fruit to bear on the "female" tree--so that theory does not hold water.

But I do know this--all the gold, platinum, and tungsten here on Earth originated from outerspace. Proof? If these precious metals originated from Earth (here when this planet was born)--then all traces would have bonded to iron and sunk into the Earth's core long ago. Instead, we find them primarily on the planet's surface--predominately within the ocean.


atomizing haze essence
if weed wouldnt arise at planet Earth, they would not be able to read dna code of it..

sure, there are such organisms at planet Earth.

We Wait

Your ignorance is radiating

No you are the ignorant one, little man.

the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of HIM THAT SITTETH ON THE THRONE, and from the wrath of the Lamb

God does not sound very happy with all of you.

Look what Jesus has to say about all of my generation:

An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign,

So it is you who are the ignorant ones.


ICMag Donor
^ the essence of aromatherapy:

the higher the frequency the better it is for you healing wise. cannabis is illegal because it's good for you in many ways, uses.

cannabis is illegal because the ppl in charge (1% that own 99% of the world's wealth) can't control it. they want us to go to synthetics that they can control.

this is called a conspiracy theory.

If there is any sort of evidence of a possible conspiracy you can drop the term theory.

This is clearly a conspiracy!


ICMag Donor
Ok heathen, it's your butt in the end. I could careless honestly.

I know one thing, God sure has some house cleaning to do.

Why do the most self righteous always imply that they are correct in any discussion?

What if what YOU believe is wrong?

Then WHO goes to the most unholy of places?

RELIGIOUS banter is a TOU violation.
I just want you to see how ignorant you sound to those that believe differently than you & to show you how disrespectful you are when you directly attack others with your "I'm better than you" attitude.

We Wait

Why do the most self righteous always imply that they are correct in any discussion?

What if what YOU believe is wrong?

Then WHO goes to the most unholy of places?

RELIGIOUS banter is a TOU violation.
I just want you to see how ignorant you sound to those that believe differently than you & to show you how disrespectful you are when you directly attack others with your "I'm better than you" attitude.

You have described yourself, that is what you see when you look into the mirror MJ fake passion.

Now you are trying to get me banned because you do not like what I have to say.

I never attacked anyone. It is the world that hatteth me so and reap what you sow.

Every thief shall be expelled . . . Every perjurer shall be expelled



ICMag Donor
We Wait...
I have delt w you before.

It seems you've resurfaced with your same antics.

Please R&U the TOU before you get yourself banned.
You are the one attacking others with your better than thou attitude.

We Wait

We Wait...
I have delt w you before.

It seems you've resurfaced with your same antics.

Please R&U the TOU before you get yourself banned.
You are the one attacking others with your better than thou attitude.

Whatever dude.

peace out


Invertebrata Inebriata
Whatever dude.

peace out

No, you really need to stop it. TOU prevents religious debates. This isn't Facebook or the USA- free speech rules don't apply.

Plus, you have a really shitty attitude, which isn't against the TOU, but it sure won't win you any friends on ICMAG.

To quote John Lennon- "If you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao, you ain't gonna make it with anyone anyhow."

Presumably you smoke pot, so try chilling. :biggrin:

We Wait

No, you really need to stop it. TOU prevents religious debates. This isn't Facebook or the USA- free speech rules don't apply.

Plus, you have a really shitty attitude, which isn't against the TOU, but it sure won't win you any friends on ICMAG.

To quote John Lennon- "If you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao, you ain't gonna make it with anyone anyhow."

Presumably you smoke pot, so try chilling. :biggrin:

Sure thing buddy. Have a good one!

Bobby Boucher

Active member

moses wellfleet

Well-known member
Why waist your time bible bashing at ICMAG? Wtf there has got to be plenty of fertile ground on the Internet for that kinda shit, but on a cannabis resource site? And in a thread about aliens too... Fucking hilarious!!!


The Doctor is OUT and has moved on...
Why waist your time bible bashing at ICMAG? Wtf there has got to be plenty of fertile ground on the Internet for that kinda shit, but on a cannabis resource site? And in a thread about aliens too... Fucking hilarious!!!

I guess they never read the Book of Enoch...which discusses a time when giants, "watchers" (aka angels) and Nephilim (human offspring of fallen angels) lived on Earth prior to the great flood. It will change (if not destroy) much of what was taught at Sunday School....lol.

Ahh--Ancient Astronaut Aliens conspiracy.

St. Phatty

Active member
I guess they never read the Book of Enoch...which discusses a time when giants, "watchers" (aka angels) and Nephilim (human offspring of fallen angels) lived on Earth prior to the great flood. It will change (if not destroy) much of what was taught at Sunday School....lol.

Ahh--Ancient Astronaut Aliens conspiracy.

If there's ever a serious front page US gov. disclosure about UFO's etc. (as opposed to a serious page 12 US gov. disclosure, which has already occurred),

I think the resulting thinking will be like,

"we're both right".

i.e. the models suggested by believers in the Christian mythology, and the experiences described by people who describe contact experiences, and probably a bunch of other schools of thought ...

will all say, "yeah, that's what we were talking about".

as far as Cannabis, I think I've read scientific articles where they dissect space debris and sometimes found pollen like materials - including Cannabis pollen.