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Have you tried the Red kind?

the more you take the more sedative it is.

everyones brain is different though.

coming off pain pills make feel shit and talk like a cold hearted asshole.

but the Kratom is taking that all that way

I was on pills for 16 years.
Getting off was the best thing I ever did.

I've tried white, green, gold, yellow, and red. Plus all the extracts.
I love white, then green.
I've noticed it's like cannabis- you build tolerance to strains, and need to switch up often.
These are the ones I can remember:
Maeng da, Hulu, Malay, Bali, Vietnam, Borneo, bentaguie, Horn, plus a bunch more.
I take two giant heaping spoons at a time every three hours or so.
Shilajit helps it absorb. My wife loves taking a tiny piece with kratom, but it makes me have horrible headache, so I just take the kratom.

I heard that it takes decades for the tree to get mature enough to produce the alkaloids. Anyone know if this is true?

I want to try chewing the fresh leaf, like the natives do.


Well-known member
I got a clone online. It was a pretested strong plant. That's the way to go. Just like someone said on here, it will soon be a tree, putting out pounds of leaves; Its a beautiful plant with gorgeous leaves. I plan on getting several different varieties. I think mine was 60 bucks. It started jumping right out of the box :biggrin:

Is it still possible to get clones? I can take it outside spring through fall then bring it i side if I understand correctly. I do the same with a couple lemon trees.


what color kratom helped with the pain? Does it also make you sleepy? That's a problem with the opioids is the following sleepiness as is also the constipation. Does kratom cause any constipation or on the other hand diarrhea? I am a long term chronic pain sufferer, opioids for many years. On pain scale 1-10 with 10 being so bad need immediate surgery, I was at 8 for years until I introduced cannabis and this was despite 6-8 pain mds a day! After cannabis now less than 2 a day and I'd like to see if I can eliminate it....can kratom replace this needed pain relief?

Yes it causes constipation. But like 1/5 asbad as opiates.

It definitely can replace the pills. But you would probably need to use it to ween off. Don't just stop the pills cold turkey.
Everybody is different, but generally they say green and white is for energy, red is for pain and sleep. The yellow/gold depends on the person.

However, it's weird. Irregardless of strain name and color- A little bit might give someone energy, alot make them tired.
Even a little bit of red can give you energy, and alot of white, can make you tired.


Cool to see some IC Mag people chatting up kratom. It is truly an amazing plant. I have eaten pounds of it over the years and grown several outdoor trees of it here in Michigan. Bali is my favorite, or was my favorite. Personally, I choose not to use it any longer. Not trying to speak negatively of those that do, however, as a recovering alcoholic, I found my desire to take more and more of it very similar to the desires when I drank. I also suffer from pain, sometime severe, so I found myself using it "for just till the pain is gone", but it would always be a week or more of constant use, sometimes a month, after the pain was gone. It is very euphoric, I liken it to MDMA in some respects. I always found myself chatting it up with folks in a line, or in the market, etc. it made me just want to connect with another human, which is great! It has great attributes, unfortunately for me, its negatives slightly outweighed the beneficial qualities. I was getting up to over an ounce total a day in dosages (3x daily). Be careful out the folks. It can be very habit forming, but it is not addictive. Cold turkey quitting would have no negative side effects for me. Personally, I just didn't like to be under the spell of something so strongly.

PS Try taking it with a Magnesium supplement, such as CALM brand soluble Mag, you will be shocked at the potentiating quality of Mag on Kratom, I was.

Bless you all on your paths.



mama tried
my local headshop came me a tester few years back. made a tea did not like the taste. made my face warm and relaxed me


Active member
Any one interested in the plants should PM me. All the online major distribution places like ebay have shutdown sellers. I have contact info for a guy who had the best prices and forced other ebay sellers to match his. He's got the Thai Red Rifat and the Malaysian Green. They were selling for $30-$40 for plants that were 6-10" tall and rooted. He also had plants between 12"-22" going for $75.

I've got those two varieties from him and the Red is my favorite for chronic pain, but I know there are other varieties from past sellers. I can't find the other types now, but people with websites up selling those two varieties are charging through the nose for them. They want easily double what this other guy is asking.

I'd buy asap though if you're thinking about it. The gov tried to ban this back in 2016 or so and it failed due to outrage and people finding out big pharma patented one of the Kratom alkaloids. But since that failed they're making it hard for sellers to setup shop.

And now it comes out Google is looking to alter search results for "hate speech", which means they're probably already filtering other shit like kratom vendor sites and any thing that messes with the big boys money flow.

Hit me up for the contact info of this seller if you want to get good plants at good prices. Fuck ebay and big pharma.


Active member
How can I get seeds to grow this? I understand it will be outlawed soon will that apply with seeds too?

I know a guy selling them for $40 bucks a pop. Ebay banned the sellers but I kept his contact info after buying. His plants are top notch. He feeds them fish emulsion and the same shit you'd feed your weed. You should see how red the veins are on the Thai Rifat he sold me. PM me if you want his contact info.


Active member
what color kratom helped with the pain? Does it also make you sleepy? That's a problem with the opioids is the following sleepiness as is also the constipation. Does kratom cause any constipation or on the other hand diarrhea? I am a long term chronic pain sufferer, opioids for many years. On pain scale 1-10 with 10 being so bad need immediate surgery, I was at 8 for years until I introduced cannabis and this was despite 6-8 pain mds a day! After cannabis now less than 2 a day and I'd like to see if I can eliminate it....can kratom replace this needed pain relief?

I'm also a long term chronic pain and inflammation sufferer. All of them help with the pain. The red (Thai Rifat) is the best for it though. But you can get tolerance to the varieties, so it's best to get as many different types as you can to change what you're taking to reduce tolerance some.

It can cause constipation. Take higher doses of vitamin C. Or google "diy liposomal vitamin c". That will get rid of the constipation and help also with the pain and definitely inflammation.

My chronic pain for 9 years was fucking horrible. The biggest game changer was that liposomal vitamin C. I was 5-6 pain average, going to 7-8 when I overused my tendons in my legs. After the lipo C it all dropped so I average 2-3 each day, but if I'm stupid and over use my legs it can shoot back to 8 for a few days while I lay in bed.

I don't think it will completely get rid of the pain but it will improve your mood as you won't feel like shit. And seriously look up the liposomal vitamin C. It's dirt cheap to make, but buying through vendors costs a lot. You might buy through vendors initially to try it but it's worth buying bulk all the ingredients and staying on it for life.


Active member
I was on pills for 16 years.
Getting off was the best thing I ever did.

What were the biggest things that improved for you? I'm trying to cut hydrocodone but my pain sucks. I know it's fucked my liver up. I do a water extract but the transsulfuration liver detox pathway seems blocked or slowed from the pills.

I've noticed it's like cannabis- you build tolerance to strains, and need to switch up often.

That's exactly my experience. Having multiple strains works perfect for me! I just bounce between them. I read a lot about this on the blu light forums and there were plenty of others who reported this effect. They also reported that if you take too little it may be stimulating, take too much, and you hit a ceiling effect where you're wasting the powder. Take the right dose (max something like 4-6grams per dose) and you hit the money spot.

Shilajit helps it absorb. My wife loves taking a tiny piece with kratom, but it makes me have horrible headache, so I just take the kratom.

What the hell is Shilajit? Never heard of it. If you get a headache from it it could be a liver thing or maybe you have "leaky gut"?

I heard that it takes decades for the tree to get mature enough to produce the alkaloids. Anyone know if this is true?

Totally untrue. They'll have effects even at 3 feet tall. Just feed them right. I follow the directions from the ebay vendor I got mine from. Basically treat them like pot with the fertilizer. They fucking love fish emulsion. I actually think it makes them more potent. I think any one who is getting weak shit is getting it from plants that weren't fed right. It's all about the fertilizer.

I want to try chewing the fresh leaf, like the natives do.
It's bitter but hardly untolerably so. I usually pack a single big leaf in the side of my cheek and let it sit for an hour then chew it up and swallow it when I eat them raw. Other than that I harvest them and dry them then grind them in my chinese medicine grinder, then store it in a jar until I'm ready to make pills.

I prefer pills because the tea hits too hard too fast. I think the pill form gives a longer more stable effect. Chewing is similar to pills. Tea is what you want when the pain goes above a 5 and you need fast relief. Ideally you do tea, wait until you know you're close to coming down, then take the kratom filled gel caps. And avoid doing what ever causes your pain to get worse if it's that kind of pain.


Masochist Educator
I have inoperable spine and nerve damage. Been interested in trying kratom for awhile now, thanks for info.


Active member
I have inoperable spine and nerve damage. Been interested in trying kratom for awhile now, thanks for info.

If you can set aside a little money here and there you should seriously look into buying a 10 vial set of human growth hormone, and also a 10 vial set of IGF1-R3. Especially the latter. It's proven to help with nerve issues. These are hormones we make in our own body, the -R3 is a modifier to make the IGF1 (insulin like growth factor) last up to 18 hours rather than the 15 minutes it normally lasts.

Brother, I've got nerve damage and entrapment in scar tissue too so any time I over work that area and it gets inflamed my pain goes through the roof.

You need to google these two things, but especially the IGF1-R3. People like us need all the tools available. This shit is ridiculously cheap. It does require shots via insulin needle into your butt cheek (the pin prick is nothing compared to the gains you could experience). It's quite possible that this will heal some of your injury.

I've been designated as inoperable too. The IGF1-R3 is better than pain killers for me because it lowers or eliminates pain for me as a result of healing some of the chronically injured areas.

17 years total of chronic pain and injury in my hamstring tendons. The best things that have helped so far:

-liposomal vitamin C
-HGH and IGF1-R3
-Certain traditional chinese medicine formulas geared to my tendonosis issues
-then the pain killers of different sorts.

On the one hand I use things that are specifically geared towards healing on the other I use the pain killers to manage the pain when things go sideways since I can't fully heal (my tendons have permanent damage).

Any way, I hope this helps you and others reading. The TCM stuff and similar things you guys should make a routine, it can help reduce tolerance to pain killers and they're better for you.


What were the biggest things that improved for you? I'm trying to cut hydrocodone but my pain sucks. I know it's fucked my liver up. I do a water extract but the transsulfuration liver detox pathway seems blocked or slowed from the pills.

That's exactly my experience. Having multiple strains works perfect for me! I just bounce between them. I read a lot about this on the blu light forums and there were plenty of others who reported this effect. They also reported that if you take too little it may be stimulating, take too much, and you hit a ceiling effect where you're wasting the powder. Take the right dose (max something like 4-6grams per dose) and you hit the money spot.

What the hell is Shilajit? Never heard of it. If you get a headache from it it could be a liver thing or maybe you have "leaky gut"?

Totally untrue. They'll have effects even at 3 feet tall. Just feed them right. I follow the directions from the ebay vendor I got mine from. Basically treat them like pot with the fertilizer. They fucking love fish emulsion. I actually think it makes them more potent. I think any one who is getting weak shit is getting it from plants that weren't fed right. It's all about the fertilizer.

It's bitter but hardly untolerably so. I usually pack a single big leaf in the side of my cheek and let it sit for an hour then chew it up and swallow it when I eat them raw. Other than that I harvest them and dry them then grind them in my chinese medicine grinder, then store it in a jar until I'm ready to make pills.

I prefer pills because the tea hits too hard too fast. I think the pill form gives a longer more stable effect. Chewing is similar to pills. Tea is what you want when the pain goes above a 5 and you need fast relief. Ideally you do tea, wait until you know you're close to coming down, then take the kratom filled gel caps. And avoid doing what ever causes your pain to get worse if it's that kind of pain.

Thanks for the response on the plant.

Shilajit is a tar like substance that oozes up thru rocks in Himalayan mtns.
Scientist do not agree on what it actually is. Some think a certain class of plants produce it, because those plants are usually near by. Others think it's a substance like fossil fuel.
I heard of it first on icmag. Some people add it to their nutrient mix.
Supposedly it causes the plant to absorb the nutrients better.
Then when I looked it up, people eat it too for the same reasons. Help your body absorb nutrients and vitamins.
Some take for energy (my wife).
Some people sell it specifically for cannabis smokers. Supposedly gets you higher because you absorb more thc. I'm not sure about that- maybe edibles.


What were the biggest things that improved for you? I'm trying to cut hydrocodone but my pain sucks. I know it's fucked my liver up. I do a water extract but the transsulfuration liver detox pathway seems blocked or slowed from the pills.
I was sick and tired of being sick and tired.
I wasted years of life. No progress.
Hydrocodone, oxys, Dilaudid, morphine, fentanyl, Suboxone, heroin, oppana, and methadone. It was hard to let it go.

I was ready to stop, I think that's the main thing.
I'm an addict. Doesn't matter what - opiates, food, sex, growing weed, cigarettes, caffeine, etc
And now, I'm addicted to kratom as well. Wish I didn't need it. I still wake up and take kratom. BUT my life has improved tenfold since I quit the pills. It just gives me energy, and improves my mood.

No more nodding out, no more driving while fucked, wrecking cars.
I once "woke up" and thought "what the hell am I holding on to?"
It was the steering wheel. I had nodded out and drove out of my lane, across incoming traffic, off road, over a sidewalk and was now driving on the front lawn of the COUNTY COURTHOUSE!!!

Me and my wife should have died dozens of times. We were lucky, and are now productive members of society.

We were clean for about a year, before the urges came at us. I shouldn't have tried kratom, but I'm so thankful for it, because without it... I'd be back on pills... Or worse.

I spend about $100 every two weeks, instead of $120 every three days. So we now have money to do things that we missed out on. Like bill paying! Lol

When I quit, I had to focus all that addict energy on something. I focused on cannabis. I started putting all my spare time in to my grow. I study for hours every night. I set up a private cannabis bar in my home.
Started collecting cannabis related paraphernalia, and have a huge collection of silicone pipes, bongs, containers and accessories.

Kratom allows me to be normal. Something I had to relearn. 16 years of abnormality will crush you.


Active member
I was ready to stop, I think that's the main thing.
I'm an addict. Doesn't matter what - opiates, food, sex, growing weed, cigarettes, caffeine, etc
And now, I'm addicted to kratom as well. Wish I didn't need it. I still wake up and take kratom. BUT my life has improved tenfold since I quit the pills. It just gives me energy, and improves my mood.

No more nodding out, no more driving while fucked, wrecking cars.
I once "woke up" and thought "what the hell am I holding on to?"
It was the steering wheel. I had nodded out and drove out of my lane, across incoming traffic, off road, over a sidewalk and was now driving on the front lawn of the COUNTY COURTHOUSE!!!

Kratom allows me to be normal. Something I had to relearn. 16 years of abnormality will crush you.

Glad to hear you made it through those crazy times. Some people aren't that lucky. Weed is definitely a safe outlet as long as you keep good operation security. I've got to try to work off of hydrocodone AGAIN. Kratom is nice for sure but it's hard as hell to stay off of hydro when I restrain my shitty hamstring tendons. I would have rather lost several fingers or maybe a hand than to deal with this shit, but things could always be worse.

Just tonight I took an extra one of my traditional chinese medicine pills for relieving stagnation in the liver and low and behold my hamstring tendon starts feeling better and looser than it has in a week. I'm hoping I can get something figured out to allow me to work on strengthening these tendons while avoiding setbacks and pain because the hydro is sitting right there and I know the kratom only works for up to a 4-5/10 on my pain scale.

Live life to it's fullest though man. It's a blessing to be able to still grow weed. I had to take a 5 or 6 year break because of how fucked up these legs were. I actually had the best grow of my life last summer. I couldn't believe how big the plants were and in fact it stressed me out because I GREW TOO MUCH. Hahaha! I always start with about double the plants I intend to finish with in case shit happens, some die, get disease, whatever. All lived, and I'm one guy, crippled, and in Hawaii during a good stretch. And I couldn't bring myself to chop any of them even though I knew I should for simple harvesting logistics. Too much is too much and I don't know any one well enough here to trust bringing in helper harvesters. The next thing you know you're getting ripped or cops are busting the door down (fuck licensing, it gives cops your info and they can harass you, which is what I've seen other licensees talk about.) I've still got shit hang dried in a back room waiting on a butane extract and for me to harvest select seeds. Better to have over grown and had stuff potentially wasted than to have gotten busted, ripped, or bum crop.

Any way it's spring. Here's to another bumper crop and to my kratom plants blowing up.


Militia, how are you man? I'm sorry I didn't see that post from last month.
I don't know how I miss stuff sometimes. Sometimes things don't show up in the "my ic" list.

I hope you were able to taper off those evil fucking opiates.

I know how it is tho...

Actually I'm proud of my wife. I had to take her to the hospital not long ago. Kidney stones. They gave her percs. She took a few. As prescribed. I'm so proud that she just eat the bottle at once. That's how we rolled. When we did those back in the day (before graduating to the 80's and methadone) we would take 12-15 10mg hydros or percs, each. At once.

Then the next day after the worst pain was over, she gave the bottle away! Our buddy always has gout, and he could barely walk.

We laughed about it. How weird it was they WE gave away pills. For free.

I'm for real man. You can do it. If the two of us could do it, I know you can too.

Have you tried kratom extracts/concentrates? Of course we didn't have any on hand, when she got sick. And we didn't know it was just kidney stones, we thought it was something much worse, so I took her to hospital.

Maybe get some good red extracts for pain. Try to use the powder for energy and regular light pain. And save the concentrate for the hard days.

One thing I've noticed is taking only concentrate, doesn't really work for me. I have to take less powder than normal with a little concentrate added. And the effects are much stronger.

Hopefully you are well, sorry I didn't respond earlier.

Green Squall

Well-known member
Your a good man canna. And congrats on you and your wifes sobriety. About your buddy, I can personally attest to how painful and debilitating gout is. You are probably a godsend to him lol.

I first had it in my toe which was bad, but when I started getting it in my knee, I never knew pain like that existed. A broken bone pales in comparison. Had I not been able to get some old painkillers from a family member, I would have had to call someone to bring me to the ER. I'm dreading my next attack, but I did order an oz of red vein kratom in anticipation and put it in 00 capsules.. Luckily I only get 2-3 serious attack a year, however, they have been getting progressively worse.

I'm sure you friend knows, but prevention is key. I now drink diluted cherry juice everyday, which studies have shown reduces the risk of uric acid buildup.

Take care :tiphat:

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