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Magical Grapefruit w/ weird top


Long time no see

Long time no see

I finally got the money to buy Cool Shade to my cab. The temps really started to get kinda high and I kept burning the tops AGAIN!

Before, plant needed to be at minimum of 25cm from the bulb, otherwise it started to show some kind of burning and eventually if it got dry, leaves would die. Now I could keep the bulb 5-10cm from the tops, no problem.

Right after installation:

And a week after that:

Looks pretty strong grow to me. Well, the glass probably couldn't take more than a couple of percent off the light.

And it actually works already, 40 days into flowering :smoker:


your in for such a treat i cant beleave it, halfway there compared to what you chopped last, and the buds are already looking HUGE!!!


Maybe not as dense as the last one at 40 days.

Stalk looks cool. I somehow feel it can't handle a third time. Yet I don't find any reasons why it couldn't do it.. Maybe mold or rotting on old stalks but if kept dry, should be fine, I suppose.



Day 44

Day 44

Ok, day 44. This thing is really getting heavy, glad the cab is so small that the walls can support branches.

From above it looks psychedelic with tens and tens of little branches growing from each big branch :eek: I've got to take a photo one day, although it's risky business..

Just realized what a monster this one is turning into! Check the previous grow (and yeah, this is reveg of that), and compare a near harvest photo with this one. I'm like going to end up with 3 cubic ft. of ganja. :muahaha: Nice hobby indeed :joint:


Whoa, pretty nice minttu!

I have a feeling that you might hit 1g/w ratio...at least very close to it.
Looks like scrog and doubling the root space are gonna bring mighty yield for you.

Please keep us updated.




Day 47, and scrog seems to be doing its job.

And suddenly I don't anymore feel so bad for the tops that got some severe heat burn..

Spotted some nasty small animals in soil the other day. But got rid of them with some soap - yes, soap - but it was kind of organic, no harm done there.

Almost forgot: I measured that tops get between 50 000 and 62 000 lux, which is just about the optimum according to some sources.


I seem to have really fucking reliable timer indeed! I happened to be up at the middle of night, hours before when the lights should come up, and what do I see? There are lights in my cab!? I wonder if this is the first time, or has this been going on for a long time! Fucking hell I say. Can't the chinese make ANYTHING properly! Pisses me off. :wallbash:

But hey, I've given my plants hard times before, and they're still going strong. :joint:

my grapefruit "suffered of the same problem" :redface:

Yeah I can see there are some similarities :biglaugh: Lucky us!

u took a clone this time right?

I took several and gave them light when I wasn't too busy on other things, and still like 9 out of 10 got rooted very well. I'm going to flower few clones and one daughter of this plant after this round.

I really should buy a bigger space for my garden, I'd really like to get my chilis to thrive too.

Well, back to planting chilis!


I love the variety of the cannabis plant, one beautiful monster! octopus cola for the win


Quick update..day 70

Auto supercrop in front:

Lights are now on 11 hours a day. I will probably cut off 30min each week from now on. Last time that really did the trick. The last week was on 10/14, after which two days complete darkness.

No where near finished, at least two weeks to go. I'd like to get to my stash bud of different maturity like 70days, 80days, 90days even. But the 70days I have called off since it's way too immature and would make too a big cut to quantity. 90days+ sounds very interesting, tho! Definate must-have!


Nice Plant but a product of wrong nutrient levels or heat.

How come? Temps during the day time are about at 85F while 80F at night. A bit high but I really don't see plant suffering from it.. These temps are at least pretty much optimum for CO2-fixation on C3-pathway plants, which Cannabis S. is. Sure there are other variables too, but I don't know of them :biglaugh:

Nutrients could be too high but what I've heard it's hard to overfeed with Bio Bizz. Currently the plant is given 1ml/l Grow, 4ml/l Bloom, 3ml/l Alg-A-Mic, 4ml/l TopMax every other watering. I've been trying to search the forums for some advice on amounts to give, but really no luck so far :1help:


Nice Plant but a product of wrong nutrient levels or heat.

Nothing else.

sorry but, when hes now growing it again, and its doing the EXSACT budding routine as the last did, its the pheno, not the nutes or heat.

there are mutant phenos, some mutants are goooooood.

i love the look of your plant man, she must be a yeilder.


Imo this growth is typical overfeed sign.

U should lower the dosage N.

Then it wont yield that much but it finishs faster and the weed have a better taste and burns better.



Thanks for comments!

I do a week or two plain water before harvesting so nutes in itselves shouldn't be problem, if the plant can handle them for time being. For the second time with pretty much the same dosage as the first time, I can say it's doing fine.

I can't see any nitrogen overfeeding as leaves are not too deep green. Tho I have a clone of her with definate overfeeding :eek::

Well, maybe these night shots are worth thousand words

Hopefully the responsible genes were passed onto the next generation in seeds, since after this it's time for one.


Hi cork!

Things are pretty much as they were before. I'm still waiting for the final weight-gaining-stage to begin, hopefully it'll start soon. Or then I'm just too blinded to see the growth.

I started the flush couple of days ago, hopefully not too early. Damn it's hard. I want maximum yield but still quality product. Well, better to start early than too late. I wonder would it do any good, or bad, to feed TopMax and Alg-A-Mic till the end? Being micronutrients it shouldn't affect the taste that much, should it?

Broke the 80 day barrier yesterday, so day 81 pics here:

I should just cut off that branch laying on the front. It's basically getting no light at all. Hmm..I could smoke it this weekend..

One hint of graceful maturing is that the plant is kinda "coming down", I mean the walls have been keeping it from falling, but now it's just getting heavy and vertical walls won't help a bit :1help: :biglaugh:

I wish I had a 400 Watt. Lower buds are getting no where near enough light. Tops are enjoying themselves at 50 000 to 100 000 lux but it drops so quick as distance gets greater :(

Oh and here's a clone of her in a tiny 5 liter bucket, probably going in right after I get this one out.

Looking those deep green leaves and comparing to the one above, looks kinda OD to me. My apartment is so full of clones and what other plants that there sometimes just is too much work to do it all properly :wallbash: