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Ethiopian sativa


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I tend to stash cannabis and forget about it. Well today I found a brown paper bag with about a quarter oz of Ethiopian that I harvested mid 2019. Not stored properly and I live in a warm sub tropical climate so I wasn't expecting much. I had a small vape half an hour ago and it is a very nice high, still focussed and positive, but not quite the euphoria I remember. Very nice find. I still have 5 seeds so must get around to popping them. I used to post on here as "hard rain" and notice my pics of these are still in the thread!

I really liked this strain. Funny Dubi mentioning Oldtimers Haze, because the highs to me are similar, but the Ethiopian has a shorter flowering time and a bit more euphoric.

I was also gifted a cross of Ethiopian with Malawi that I need to grow as well. So many strains, so little time. :ying:


Well-known member
Very nice description of the high @Chi13

I remember smoking a premature African Seeds version. I settled down to read a book but had to put it down as i kept having to read the paragraph again and again.

The high from that plant was meant for meditating. It was quite a serene blissful centred high for observing the mind gently wander.


Well-known member
I'm not too proud of this grow. I had issues with white flies and they really battered the plants, they even got into my clones, I have to try and save the clone for this pheno because this is exactly what I was hoping in terms of growth with the Ethiopian. I wanted that calyx stacking sativa growth without it being too leafy. Even though I had to pull of a bunch of crispy leaves the actual calyx stacks have a great calyx to leaf ratio

The aroma is mild, I can smell the Ocimene, I wouldn't say it's minty but it has the base note. I saw someone compare it to a green banana and I can smell that too. I had a very small smoke of a very quickly dried bottom piece, really a minuscule piece and the effects impressed me, same with the potency.

Potency is not a earth shattering but it's stronger than I expected. It's an extremely clean and giddy high with 0 stone, my frontal cortex felt unaffected all the effects could be felt in my crown with a happy and active energy. I'll try and save the clone because it looks really bad right now, I want to smoke this one after a full healthy grow. I also hit it with feminised pollen and unfortunately nothing took, I think the pollen wasn't the most viable, it looked like there were seeds forming but those seed pods are filled with air.

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again, I apologize to dubi & co. for not giving this plant the best chance


ACE Seeds Breeder
so I recon 70nitrate-25p-36k-64ca-20mg-11s should be fine? + 25 mg Ca and 15 mg of Mg from my tap water (if I need extra CaMg). This is 100% concentration and should work for flowering and gives you 1 EC.

For veg just a half from that...IMHO.

Hi @Mateiro thanks for your interest. The NPK ratio you mention is correct for growth stage although maybe too high in Ca, the rest is fine. Ethiopian plants (not small seedlings) grow green and healthy with EC around 1, rarely asking more.


ACE Seeds Breeder
I tend to stash cannabis and forget about it. Well today I found a brown paper bag with about a quarter oz of Ethiopian that I harvested mid 2019. Not stored properly and I live in a warm sub tropical climate so I wasn't expecting much. I had a small vape half an hour ago and it is a very nice high, still focussed and positive, but not quite the euphoria I remember. Very nice find. I still have 5 seeds so must get around to popping them. I used to post on here as "hard rain" and notice my pics of these are still in the thread!

I really liked this strain. Funny Dubi mentioning Oldtimers Haze, because the highs to me are similar, but the Ethiopian has a shorter flowering time and a bit more euphoric.

I was also gifted a cross of Ethiopian with Malawi that I need to grow as well. So many strains, so little time. :ying:

hehehehhehe love that :) glad you found a lost bag of pure Ethiopian to revist and appreciate again her effects. It's normal that unless stored in sealed jars, sativa harvested flowers has lost terpenes and bright effects.

This pure Ethiopian is an untamed psychoactive tropical sativa ganja strain like Oldtimer's Haze, and as such they share similar super clear, energetic effects without ceiling or burnout.


ACE Seeds Breeder
I'm not too proud of this grow. I had issues with white flies and they really battered the plants, they even got into my clones, I have to try and save the clone for this pheno because this is exactly what I was hoping in terms of growth with the Ethiopian. I wanted that calyx stacking sativa growth without it being too leafy. Even though I had to pull of a bunch of crispy leaves the actual calyx stacks have a great calyx to leaf ratio

The aroma is mild, I can smell the Ocimene, I wouldn't say it's minty but it has the base note. I saw someone compare it to a green banana and I can smell that too. I had a very small smoke of a very quickly dried bottom piece, really a minuscule piece and the effects impressed me, same with the potency.

Potency is not a earth shattering but it's stronger than I expected. It's an extremely clean and giddy high with 0 stone, my frontal cortex felt unaffected all the effects could be felt in my crown with a happy and active energy. I'll try and save the clone because it looks really bad right now, I want to smoke this one after a full healthy grow. I also hit it with feminised pollen and unfortunately nothing took, I think the pollen wasn't the most viable, it looked like there were seeds forming but those seed pods are filled with air.

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again, I apologize to dubi & co. for not giving this plant the best chance

nothing to apologize for @burningfire Quite the opposite, thanks for sharing your experience. Really happy you have found the type of plant you were looking for when starting your Ethiopian seeds :D and that you are pleased with her flower traits, effects and potency! Hope you manage to keep a clone in the mother room for further cycles.

Keif Cake

Active member
So, as usual, just browsing around on a different forum I come across someone asking for Pine recommendations, and they were pointed in the direction of Ace Ethiopian, as having insane levels of Pinene.

I rank Pine 🌲 scented bud up there with Gassy ⛽️ Terps, just like when some Christmas tree would come around close to Christmas, smelling all Pine and Christmas tree like.

Looks like I'll have to be running some of these soon

Keif Cake

Active member
And that sounds wonderful @dubi
I wish I'd have known about the possibility of pulling something piney months ago, but I have plenty of time to "plan" out how I'll fit them in the always overbooked schedule of Seeds to start and finish by next Christmas


Active member
Im looking for fem seeds in the states. This would be perfect for my wife and friends who arent used to elevated thc levels


Well-known member
I played with coco but never had much success with it for cannabis. It is easy to do things wrong and when it goes wrong it is hard to pinpoint why, unless you have a very good idea on how coco works and your measurements can be trusted. It is easy to overdo things too. If you had successful runs with coco then it is a mystery why your Ethiopians do not run well.

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Well-known member
Coco is easy to fix make up 1/4 strength nute mix and flush them until it runs out the bottom.
Then use 1/4 strength nutes to start, water only when the coco is dry.
Pick up the pot after watering judge the weight then when it feels lighter water
I use coco all the time but never use more than 50% strength nutes if they look sick flush well with 1/4 strength and it fixes everything.
They look like too much nutes to me.


Well-known member
Coco is easy to fix make up 1/4 strength nute mix and flush them until it runs out the bottom.
Then use 1/4 strength nutes to start, water only when the coco is dry.
Pick up the pot after watering judge the weight then when it feels lighter water
I use coco all the time but never use more than 50% strength nutes if they look sick flush well with 1/4 strength and it fixes everything.
They look like too much nutes to me.
People say you should never let coco dry out (it can become hydrophobic or something like that). I'm still a relative noob to coco, have only used it a couple of years, but I have been following that advice to pretty good success.

Also have to disagree with the too much nutes diagnosis. They look underfed to me with the thick yellow borders on the leaves. And also based on the text.. Started in clean coco with RO2 water - so not prebuffered - and then fed 125ppm (isn't this like 0.25EC). Very light feeding.

The important thing I do agree with: what to do. Quarter strength nute flush could indeed fix the issue.


Well-known member
I'd go even lower on the nutes, less is more in my experience, especially for a winter grow, growth is slower in the winter months because the average temp is lower, same with the humidity so the uptake is faster. These are delicate plants.


Well-known member
People say you should never let coco dry out (it can become hydrophobic or something like that). I'm still a relative noob to coco, have only used it a couple of years, but I have been following that advice to pretty good success.

Also have to disagree with the too much nutes diagnosis. They look underfed to me with the thick yellow borders on the leaves. And also based on the text.. Started in clean coco with RO2 water - so not prebuffered - and then fed 125ppm (isn't this like 0.25EC). Very light feeding.

The important thing I do agree with: what to do. Quarter strength nute flush could indeed fix the issue.
Yeah you could be right I'm no expert. I never measure EC or PH just tap water and measure nutes by ml in a measuring cup.
I have found the nutes I use, Canna Coco are very strong so the highest EC I use (when my meter was working) is 1.2. I now know from experience how to judge that by the measuring cup.
I only grow sativas and only use coco. I've found it to be set and forget now I use blumat drippers to drip feed them.


Well-known member
Thank you all. Tangwena, I made Canna Coco AB from super clean salts. 4 ml/L (100%) gives me this: 181-64-95 (170ca-55mg-29s). So I start from 1/8 (0.5 ml) at week 2 from seed. 10% TAP + 90% RO.
Summary PPM:

TDS meter 1 - 150 ppm
TDS meter 2 - 115 ppm

My TAP is around 150 ppm, RO 30 ppm.

Also hybrids always lazy first two weeks in coco. Ethiopian want a longer seedling stage before VEG. Probably my mistake was in the light. 200 w LM301H + 660 nm Epistar is too much for the first month. Any thoughts?
PS: Also made a 50-40-100-60-27-26 AB solution. Watered in 125 ppm of this to my clones...
Also running now organics now under fluoras:

50% UGRO coco + 50% clean peat + 10% light EWC made from peat (not manure) + 37 g/10L dry amendments (blood meal, hi- quality bone meal, dry manure etc.) + dolomite lime 30 g/10L.

Please feel free to share your organic recipe for such a delicate plant!

PS2: having access to Biobizz allmix/light mix, Plagron bat mix etc. Maybe mix it up like 50/50 light mix with bat mix? Any thoughts would be appreciated.
These are the buds I grew in coco the plant was beautiful and fragrant the high was like riding a wild animal ha ha.


These seeds were planted the first week of October and have 9 hrs of light a day and grow like crazy from day one in coco.