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Golden Tiger


sallyforthDeleted member 75382

Great post and reporting on your golden tiger and nice smoke report ThaiBliss.

Zamaldelica and orient express I have grown. Zamaldelica is an amazing strain that I can't let go of. Alas I have no photograph to show, but for me out of 20 seeds I grew out, I had 13 females of which all pheno's were worthy of keepers. The best Sativa hybrid I've come across. I have kept three as mothers, two exceptional males and two Orient Express, again one male for future experiments in breeding. The males will be used to cross with a trainwreck pheno I'm hoping to find out of various seeds from different companies.


New member

a few pix of my goldentiger spring grow. 6 weeks of veg under a 400 watt light. Topped at the 6 node 2 weeks before transplanting and moved outside to flower, organic soil, dark room for the 11/13 cycle. Im in the 5th week of flowering


Well-known member
Thanks for the detailed and honest report thaibliss. Not sure if I spoke to you about this or someone else but Zamal x's are what you're looking for in the effects department. Zamal/Thai, Zamal/Haze etc. If more peeps request these I'm sure Dubi will remake em. I'm also not surprised you didn't find a keeper from two females as the one I liked was a recessive thai pheno that flowered forever. This is why I'm sure alot of people will find keepers in zamal/malawi fems especially if doing them indoors they'll have more plants to evaluate without males in the garden. Love your thoughts on the Bangi Haze btw

lost in a sea

I can definitely see why Dubi gives a warning with this weed. If someone found a particularly good individual, and grew it correctly, they could find themselves in trouble if they have a few drinks, smoked, and took out the car for a spin afterwards. You could find yourself spun out into a ditch.

oh hell yeah!

that's the shit!! some fine liquor and some blunts of some hazy trippy shit in the sun in a car doing 60 through a shopping mall like hunter..


Active member
still haven't gotten my crew's final report. . i'm smoking gt almost every night now. this year's gt is the second best weed (after a 6month cure) i've ever smoked. last year's gt was more potent and quite a bit trippier. last year's gt was way better than anything i've ever experienced and i relived those experiences every night for two straight months.

this year's gt is very potent, narcotic dreamy weed. it makes me smarter in some respects. it's very enjoyable. no tolerance buildup no matter how often i smoke it. the very appreciated smoke effects were not nearly as evident and enjoyable until after 3 month cure. until then ( 3 month cure at least) like i stated in my original gt smoke report i too was disappointed in gt ( high expectations) but it was still good and everyone wanted more back before it even got to three month cure.

as to how after the necessary cure time gt makes me smarter i'll give out a couple of recent examples. i'm handling power of attorney family estate related issues now and i had a couple of problems with family members, estate attorney issues. after smoking some gt i was able to finally see the easy way to resolve some issues that while sober i couldn't resolve. second example is last night i made up a made up a joke that i think is pretty funny,insightful and useful in stressful situations with some ppl who are not acting in cognitively achieved manner. it is funny and handles the situation in a rather clever way. i rarely come up with stuff like this sober. i actually used the gt inspired methods yesterday and they resolved some ongoing conflicts wonderfully.

i also have a frosty malawi clone. it is my first bud run indoors for testing and breeding purposes with her. the bud only has a couple of weeks cure on her and i'm not super impressed yet with her performance yet. i've got a few clones of her put od for 2013 and i'll let her get some cure time before final appraisal.

i have never been one to value cure time past a few weeks until the last two year's experiences with extensively cured gt. it opened up my eyes to how some landrace strains should not be judged too early. malawi dominant gt ( what i'm working with) is the first strain i've even cured 6 months for smoking pleasure.


Well-known member
the very appreciated smoke effects were not nearly as evident and enjoyable until after 3 month cure. until then ( 3 month cure at least) like i stated in my original gt smoke report i too was disappointed in gt

i have never been one to value cure time past a few weeks until the last two year's experiences with extensively cured gt.

Nice post Idiit.


Thanks for reminding me to be patient. I still have lots of bud from the first plant that I grew, over six months of curing. I have one more other strain to test, before I can get back to testing the well cured GT.

I liked the first GT better than the second GT that I did the report on. It was very close to the best cutting that I am holding, SAGE. It just lacked in the trippy side that the SAGE has. But the first GT did have a hum or vibration to it, for lack of a better description, that I liked. It was not nearly as narcotic as the second Malawi leaning GT individual.

I only smoke about once or twice a month. Since my medical card only allows a limited number of plants, and I am trying to test a number of new plants in search of a great top shelf strain, I tend to be quick to judge in order to keep my plant count down. Luckily, the germination rate of the GT is perfect so far, and I still have a number of GT seeds left.




Active member
Was the 2 runs of GT flowered the same times and were the trics the same color? Maybe that had something to do with it. Malawi is said to be more potent at 14 wks flowering.
I also learned the importance of a good cure, and not all strains cure alike. Some grower use a humidity gage when they cure in glass jars. You can really dial in the cure for the optimal cure with these. They sell them on e-bay and at home depot. I have to check them out on my next cure.

Hey ThaiBliss, I know exactly what you mean, maybe GT just isn´t the bud for you, many time friends come to me with buds that are preety famous and when I light them up... I know they are good, I know they are strong, and I know they are tasty, but just doesn´t fit my pallate... I think what you look for, is that clear up sativa high with that racy trippy feeling that makes you feel like your floating in space, but you actually haven´t lifted your ass off the couch? and when you notice whats going on you giggle eaven iff youre alone? haha ....

well, if that is the kind of high you are looking for I do suggest you try some highland colombian lines.... few years ago I had quite a batch of true fresh Santa Martha Colombian Gold, and may I say.... Oh Boy, what a TRIP.... I usualy smoke joints, instead of bong rips....and when I smoked a thin joint of that tasty bud, I felt like my head was expanding and lifting me up like a baloon...very soaring long lasting sativa high... it did present a tremendous falldown to a sleepy couchlock but only if yo smoke too much of her.....

and I also found Brazilian Manga Rosa to have a wonderful up trippy high....but not close in potency terms of the colombian ... just my 2 cents...hope to have helped.... I´ve got a few malawii beans on the way.... lets see how the african lady will come out....I love sativas... and am really hyped about these malawii since for the past 4 years I´ve been only growing indicas due to space limitations....now with a new setup, things are going to get a bit more fun =)


Well-known member
Was the 2 runs of GT flowered the same times and were the trics the same color? Maybe that had something to do with it. Malawi is said to be more potent at 14 wks flowering.
I also learned the importance of a good cure, and not all strains cure alike. Some grower use a humidity gage when they cure in glass jars. You can really dial in the cure for the optimal cure with these. They sell them on e-bay and at home depot. I have to check them out on my next cure. Painfull


The two GTs were grown in different flowering cycles. By that, I mean different batches. Both were flowered under a 11.5/12.5 day/night cycle. Both went the same number of weeks, 14. To be clear, the 14 week count started the day I turned the light cycle to 11.5/12.5.

The second plant that I based my smoke report on, the Malawi looking phenotype, looked a bit more ripe, having a greater percentage of amber trichomes. It also matured very quickly and all at once at the very end.

The first plant, the one that I prefer, looked like a Thai leaning phenotype. It matured more gradually. It was not an all at once occurrence. It was harder to decide when to harvest. If I were to repeat this grow, I would let it go a week or two more. This was actually one of the two reasons why I did not do a smoke report on it. I was less confident that I got it right. The other reason was that the Malawi phenotype appears to be what the breeder prefers.

I do have a hygrometer to test the moisture in my jars. It is an analogue one that I got from a cigar store. I should get the digital one as a cross check. Your point about the cure is well taken. The first plant has been curing a long time now, and I will do another test.

Crazyfool - I think you are correct about my preferences for effects. For me, narcotic effects do not count towards the overall potency. In fact, I have to try to not to let it influence my judgment of potency in a negative way. It is a negative in quality, in my opinion.

Similarly, I do not count speediness towards my judgment of potency. Speediness is a positive in quality, but a negative quality when it is so much that it makes my muscles twitch or makes me paranoid. However, I probably tolerate it more than I do narcosis.

To me, potency is directly related to trippiness and euphoria. Certainly other effects that I cannot describe/categorize influence me. My peculiar way of judging may be the reason my smoke report is out of line with other experiences. I'd love to smoke someone else's buds that are rated highly to eliminate the possibility of my incompetence in growing this particular strain. I could do particular things when I grow, that some strains like, and other strains don't.

The good news is that I also got some Purple Haze x Thai seeds to try. I believe the Purple Haze phenotype may be due to Haze's Columbian ancestry. I think it is obvious how highly I regard southeast Asian genetics.

Thanks for everyone's input,



Active member
ThaiBliss> Thanks for your reply and I ask these questions because I am also looking for the best up, trippy type sativa. We don't know unless we ask questions. GT caught my eye for it's Malawi potency and it's Thai cross. Reading the grow /smoke reports of GT I want to select them because they are more up and trippy if it leans toward the Thai traits. I also like it because it is a shorter flowering time then the pure hazes which is much too long for me. I also only grow fem. seeds since I do seed to weed, no mother or clones. The panama sounds nice and maybe close to the Columbian gold I used to get in the 70ties, but too long to flower for me. Zamal x Malawi x Thai sounds like what I would want but the fem.. has no Thai in it. So keep the reports coming and good luck with all you endeavors.

:thank you:


Active member
^ looking good! they get big. first 'couple grows of gt by me were placed too close. if you train 'em out and cull males should be good to go.


nice....they got big for winter.....fingers crossed for a nice reveg after you pick them.

have you used that area before.....i ask because it looks like termite country ...keep an eye on tjem come flower


Well-known member

Those are looking very good. They are gorgeous plants that are well grown. I wish I lived in a climate where they can grow in natural sunlight. I'd like to test the effects of this strain grown outdoors.

Picking up on one of Painfull's points, I have been mightily impressed with the internode lengths on a plant that is 50% Thai. Excellent breeding on this goal.

Good luck with the grow. I'm looking forward to the updates.

^ looking good! they get big. first 'couple grows of gt by me were placed too close. if you train 'em out and cull males should be good to go.

I see what you mean idiit. I was very surprised to see how much they have grown in 4 weeks. I've starting tying them apart. Hopefully no males as the were all female seed
Those are looking very good. They are gorgeous plants that are well grown. I wish I lived in a climate where they can grow in natural sunlight. I'd like to test the effects of this strain grown outdoors.

Picking up on one of Painfull's points, I have been mightily impressed with the internode lengths on a plant that is 50% Thai. Excellent breeding on this goal.

Good luck with the grow. I'm looking forward to the updates.


Thanks thaibliss. I usually get out to see them every fortnight or so. I will take a few photos each trip so I can post up the progress. It will be interesting to see how much they stretch now they are beginning to flower. I've tipped about 25% of them just as an experiment to see how they react.
nice....they got big for winter.....fingers crossed for a nice reveg after you pick them.

have you used that area before.....i ask because it looks like termite country ...keep an eye on tjem come flower

Hi drodube. I've never really tried to reveg before and never really thought about it too much either. From my experience the old plants never really grow or yield as well as young plants. Have you had any luck with reveg with GT's or have any experience/tips. You're right about the termites, I've had a few problems with them, but not as much problem as the beetle borers and mice/rats when things start getting dry


hey mate.....the reveg plants do get a bit woody and messy.....but there great to take cuts off.

havent seen gt but the meo thai...destroyer would regrow no worries.

if they havent finished by august/sep they should regrow for you.

the ground looks pretty sandy ...you should carry some good soil in and mix it with the sand and fill some big 100 ltr pots, put them on tin to stop whte ants and getting them off the ground might slow the other pests.

looks like a great sunny spot though....perfect for winter....good luuck
hey mate.....the reveg plants do get a bit woody and messy.....but there great to take cuts off.

havent seen gt but the meo thai...destroyer would regrow no worries.

if they havent finished by august/sep they should regrow for you.

the ground looks pretty sandy ...you should carry some good soil in and mix it with the sand and fill some big 100 ltr pots, put them on tin to stop whte ants and getting them off the ground might slow the other pests.

looks like a great sunny spot though....perfect for winter....good luuck

The soil is pure fine white sand. They seem to grow well in the sand however ever i'm pretty lucky to have a big turkey nest close by. I've been mixing about 20% in with the sand and it's working well. Any more than thee 20% and the water doesn't penetrate due to the oil being present off the turkey's feathers. The water just beads otherwise. I'll definitely keep an eye on them to see if they want to reveg. I've also got a few panama's there to keep an eye on too. Thanks for your advise!