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the Mexican Landraces Thread


Hola elchischas and all :wave:

Thanks for sharing your pics and experiences with Mexican landraces. I've never had opportunity to grow a real Mexican sativa, the closest I've been is the so called "Mexican sativa" from Sensi - which is actually a polyhybrid and not even close to it's Oaxacan ancestors imho. But I hope someday I'll come by some true Mexican sativas.

These days I'm reproducing a Santa Marta Columbian Gold (line 2), a 16-week true sativa gifted from a Vibes friend ;). So I post a recent pic of one of these - I hope it's ok by you. A very productive pheno, really looking forward to the end... about 12 weeks flowering in the pic.

peace & love,


New member
Wow what a great first thread, and timely in my case since I am just harvesting my fist serious grow after collecting seeds from the pacific coast of mexico. They are broader leafed, hearty ladies, and those I am harvsting now have a distinctly lavender smell. Of course I have no idea to their genetics. I only took seeds from two strains though. One has been suffering through spring outdoors (terrible rain, hail storms) and is far from finished veging, so I cant really comment on how it is, but the indoor girls really took off. I was lucky in that of the seeds I sowed, I wound up with only 2 males out of 8. In anycase, I'd like to stress how these plants pretty much grew themselves. Nothing fancy as far as nutes, inexpensive lights and some good ol composted dirt. Viva mexico! Ill post pix when I figure out how to from my phone.


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
elchiscas, I had no idea this thread existed til this morning, but from now I'll drop by just to have a look at things I don't have the space and climate to grow :D


Active member
ICMag Donor
Ueeenass Chisschas guey, me motivas chischas.. tanto ke he buscaoo una foto vieja.. y la he escaneado, esta maravilla la hecho muuuuuxho de menos jeje..hermi claro.. la unica referencia ke me keda de ella/el jjejj
Pic from 95. oaxaca

PLEASEEEE speak more about mexicans lines ... old or new ;D
Un abrazotee


Well-known member
hi friends... thanks to everybody to be around here
hey Chomba64 bro, thanks for that kind of words... u will be the same soon....

Jetlife175, hi...is very interesting what you say
you know something
is still possible to find old lines I have an idea where you can find it
a matter of time and some effort ...
unfortunately I have none of those things
if you can travel to Oaxaca, not give up
I'm sure looking hard
You can find interesting things
BTW that beautiful pictures of the buds are interesting
cheers my friend.

Hi Glorioskie... Zamal things
always interesting to play with them
you say things may grow things Mexican
thanks for your comments friend
I'm no expert
only give the plants what they need.

hey Capitano!! me alegra saber de ti... hace tiempo que ya no conversamos; no se nada de ti?? que has hecho? como va todo por alla?? sabes ya tengo otra cuenta de correo... me rrobaron la otra; tal vez por eso no estamos en contacto, te mando un MP
abrazos wey....

hey LINX Hi how are you bro
I still remember you
the old vibes
I'm glad to hear from you
your plant is amazing Colombian
I know well who gave it to you
he is an incredible person
I also am very grateful
you know you have a friend in me
anything that can help you
just let me know ok

Hi Amelia773
can you tell us more about your seeds?
remember the year you collected these seeds?
and where you get these seeds?

hey Ixnay007 how are u??is very interesting what you say
You know something, I am very willing to give life
any ancient landrace
if we can help
just tell me.. my climate is ideal for sativas
and welcome here
thx man

hey nachillo!! bro! mucho sin saludarnos!! como estas?? abrazos !!!
esa foto es simplemente hermosa, apuesto a que es una autentica chica mexicana,
nunca mi instinto falla, lastima lo de la hermi man, gracias por tomarte la molestia, muy agradecido por dejarnos ver eso... oye yo perdi muchas fotos de proncipios de los 90 que lastima!! hubiesen visto cosas impresionantes todos....como aquella vieja sativa de 15 dedos!! wow!! como un autentico abanico flamenco.. oleee!!! jajajajaja
saludos man..
more pics of the oaxaca male... real male!! very hard to fine no hermi..





"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
I actually have a film container or two full of indian landrace seeds, I've just got a small indoor space, and not enough patience to sort through em.. I'm giving a couple haze crosses a go, but they're at least somewhat adapted to indoor growing.

I've grown some sativas outdoors here, but if I didn't have a greenhouse that year they'd have never made it until the end of flowering. It's just too wet in late fall.. although it usually doesn't freeze until Jan or Feb.


Active member
elchischas, Every time that I see this thread I stop in but never post because I have no good old time Mexican landrace seeds. I do have Chimeras excellent cross though & I am looking forward to growing that one out! I can remember the most excellent kind buds good quality Mexican grows! So, not all of us are only about the Kushes. I like me some Kush..that is for sure! But given the choise to have a nice fat bag of Mexican from say 1970 or a bag of Kush..I would pick the bag of Mexican sativa every time..as I am a sativa freak! Thank you all for making this thread what it is..great! monkey5

Mr. Alkaline

Your Changable Self is Constantly Becoming a Refle
ICMag Donor
hey Mr. Alkaline... how are you? nice to see ya here dude!!
that pics looks awesome!!! BTW its the 12 fingers hybrid??
the bud looks similar....!

No.....it is just Kalimist x Flo!!!!!
It was made in september of last year
Now going to server fund monday as F2:)


Well-known member
hi friends...
Ixnay007.. hello, sounds great
about their Indian lines
it's a shame you can not cultivate comfortably
the two lines belong to different regions?

hey monkey5 how are u?
do not worry
is very difficult today have seeds of the mexican strains
the future does not look good...
about crossing of chimera I'm sure there must be something very good; spend a little time
in the section of Cannabiogen
our friend Raspablo
has interesting things to offer
certainly something you'll like..
thanks for your words friend.

Bohempian, hi sir.... thx for stopping here

Mr, alkaline your cross sound very interesting... looks like a old sativa
this one crossing with a mexican lady should procude something wonderful..

I leave here more oaxacans photos
I did not want use
by the problem of hermaphroditism
but they were beautiful ...
and pure







See the world through a puff of smoke
Love the leaves with the thin fingers.:yes: It's great that some still grow those old varieties which seems to be more disappearing nowadays.How's the aroma like???

Keep on growing :)


This is a Verde Limon from seed given to me by a friend. I have never grown her out but I have one flowering now, and this one will be going outside in a week or so.


charlie garcia

Nice Verde Limon KSP, I shared some lots picked up in late 90's
Wish still has nice potential
Here a picture of Michoacan Spirit (Michoacan/Chihuahua/Michoacan) this cut is branching madly since the beginning
Best vibes


  • Michoacan Spirit 120610 003 copia.jpg
    Michoacan Spirit 120610 003 copia.jpg
    114.3 KB · Views: 84

charlie garcia

Magnificent views Bushweed, many thx for sharing. Beautiful bushes
How long do they take to finish?
Keep them well amigos
best vibes


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
hi friends...
Ixnay007.. hello, sounds great
about their Indian lines
it's a shame you can not cultivate comfortably
the two lines belong to different regions?

Well, the seeds are from a friend who got them from a hippy who used to go on 3 month charas making tours in india, and he gave him some seeds which came from his personal grow in the country, so there are some which are the originals from india, and some which are "open" F1s and F2s.

I never had a chance to talk to the guy, and my friend wasn't exactly a horticulturist.. so it's definitely a little gamble.

Then there's the slight possibility that they might not be viable :D

As for not being able to cultivate sativas comfortably here, it's mostly due to the climate, late fall it gets rainy and grey, and a lot of the surrounding vegetation starts to die back.. making plants which are already a mold risk into a security risk as well.


Well-known member
Love the leaves with the thin fingers. It's great that some still grow those old varieties which seems to be more disappearing nowadays.How's the aroma like???
hi mexcurandero420... Im not very good at describing the smells...
but I think they smell a little citric
is very similar to other plants that are here in Mexico....

hey KSP your michoacan looks great.. any info about origin??

Kaiki wey! esa cruza michoacana luce muy buena....las de aca apenas van tirando poco a poco...ya te avizare cuando haya resultados... un abrazo bro....

hey Bushweed... your pictures are really amazing!!!! that oaxaquena looks simply majestic!!! as you says: la mejor mota ever!!!

ok brothers... some pics of mexicans ladys.... oaxaca of course.






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