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Hollow Stems?

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G `day CH

We have Hemp , drug cannabis and another group .
The multi purpose plant . used for fibre , seed and for cooking . Nth Thailand , Laos and Yunnan have these types . THC / CBD mixes in them too .

Could this be the hemp type you are describing ?

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Active member
So I haven’t been on for AWHILE LOL.. I’m glad more people got into this discussion though.. I also still think Nutes has a lot to do with it in my OPINION, based off of research I have done and from grow experience..

I was taught A hollow stem was A Weak stem, but mainly for plants that aren’t meant to have Hollow stems lol. Like certain water plants and grasses that grow in marsh or directly on the side of some type of body of water, they are genetically made to have Hollow stems..

From what I’ve read Hemp/Cannabis/Sativa isn’t meant to have A Hollow Stem.. I think Silica really does play A BIG PART, as it is needed for Cell Production/Growth..
There isn’t any readily available Silica in A tub of water that’s usually used for A Hydro set up lol.. Plus other minerals/Nutes but we know that lol..
But Soil naturally has A good amount of Silica and Minerals available for our plants because of certain rock dust we use, but also because there’s already different rocks in our soil..

Damn this is still really debatable in my opinion.. But I recently got the opportunity to meet with another local grower, and he’s been growing Hydroponically for A Few years already..
We talked about this and he has noticed that every plant has always had A hollow stem, some had A very small hole but still technically A hollow stem..

So we both decided that I’m gonna run A couple cuts of some strains he has been running hydro for multiple runs already, and knows that they’ve had Hollow stems each run.. Im going to grow the cuts in soil and let them veg For atleast 2 months before I take more cuts off of them, and prune them back A little.. Then I’ll let the original cuts I received that I pruned back, veg for 1 more month before flowering.. I think that’ll give ample time for any changes to occur if Nutrients does play A part in the hollow stems..
But the cuts that Im gonna take from them are what I’m real giddy about LOL... Cause they’ll be vegged for atleast 2 months before being flowered. So they’ll technically have a lot longer in soil, and have enough time to get fully acclimated to its environment..

I hope this experiment will give us any info on nutrients being A major role in Hollow stems or not lol.. If it doesn’t, I’ll still have some Dank ass nugs to shmoke!!!

EDIT- I forgot to mention that the friend I’m getting those cuts from is going to take some cuts from me, and he’ll grow them hydroponically and do another run after the first run with cuts that he takes from the ones he gets from me!!

So he’s doing the experiment as well, just vice versa!


Masochist Educator
From Royal Quees Seeds:

Every living organism is the result of evolution that works by the same basic principle. The genotype or genetic code carries all the genetic information regarding growth, appearance, and all the characteristics we can later observe. It’s crucial to understand that a genotype or genetic code is not something that is set in stone but rather defines a certain range of possibilities. It mainly depends on the environment the organism lives in what specific bits and pieces of the genotype will be activated. The interaction between genotype and environment results in a phenotype, meaning the physical expression of certain genes the environment triggered.

genotype (G) + environment (E) + genotype and environment interactions (GE) = phenotype (P)

If you’re aiming for maximum efficiency and consistency, your best option is to select a mother plant to take clones from. These clones copy the genotype of the mother plant 1:1 and you’ll continuously end up with the same phenotype assuming a constant environment. Let’s say you grow one of these identical clones using a hydro set-up, and one in organic soil. This varying environment might result in different phenotypes of the same genotype.


Jidoka has brought to our attention that many bottle nutrients are lacking calcium badly and have excess levels of potassium, its common knowledge they contain very little or no silicon. Its possible your friends hydro plants are hollow because lack of calcium and silicon. Only way to know is to change the feeding for the hydro plants, BY RUNNING CLONES OF HIS IN SOIL AND IN YOUR GROW AREA PHENOTYPE CAN CHANGE INVALIDATING THE TEST!

(read the link in my signature about silicon)

Cellulose, hemi cellulose and pectin take Ca to form. B and Si increase the delivery of Ca

If you never get enough Ca you might not know

Also how different is the n-p-k-Ca-mg-s on those 3 formulas? If those are close how much difference do you expect a label to make

I started using a tissue lab in CO. They had never measured Ca at 1% or more. Avg K was 7%. The big problem was immediately obvious

The bottle dudes followed each other down a very weird path. And the mix your own guys did not go far off that path...including glow


Well-known member
My guess is you will find hollow stems more often in a traditional hydro set up, because the plant is growing so fast the inner stem can't keep up with the outer stem and leaf growth


Active member
So I haven’t been on for AWHILE LOL.. I’m glad more people got into this discussion though.. I also still think Nutes has a lot to do with it in my OPINION, based off of research I have done and from grow experience..

I was taught A hollow stem was A Weak stem, but mainly for plants that aren’t meant to have Hollow stems lol. Like certain water plants and grasses that grow in marsh or directly on the side of some type of body of water, they are genetically made to have Hollow stems..

From what I’ve read Hemp/Cannabis/Sativa isn’t meant to have A Hollow Stem.. I think Silica really does play A BIG PART, as it is needed for Cell Production/Growth..
There isn’t any readily available Silica in A tub of water that’s usually used for A Hydro set up lol.. Plus other minerals/Nutes but we know that lol..
But Soil naturally has A good amount of Silica and Minerals available for our plants because of certain rock dust we use, but also because there’s already different rocks in our soil..

Damn this is still really debatable in my opinion.. But I recently got the opportunity to meet with another local grower, and he’s been growing Hydroponically for A Few years already..
We talked about this and he has noticed that every plant has always had A hollow stem, some had A very small hole but still technically A hollow stem..

So we both decided that I’m gonna run A couple cuts of some strains he has been running hydro for multiple runs already, and knows that they’ve had Hollow stems each run.. Im going to grow the cuts in soil and let them veg For atleast 2 months before I take more cuts off of them, and prune them back A little.. Then I’ll let the original cuts I received that I pruned back, veg for 1 more month before flowering.. I think that’ll give ample time for any changes to occur if Nutrients does play A part in the hollow stems..
But the cuts that Im gonna take from them are what I’m real giddy about LOL... Cause they’ll be vegged for atleast 2 months before being flowered. So they’ll technically have a lot longer in soil, and have enough time to get fully acclimated to its environment..

I hope this experiment will give us any info on nutrients being A major role in Hollow stems or not lol.. If it doesn’t, I’ll still have some Dank ass nugs to shmoke!!!

EDIT- I forgot to mention that the friend I’m getting those cuts from is going to take some cuts from me, and he’ll grow them hydroponically and do another run after the first run with cuts that he takes from the ones he gets from me!!

So he’s doing the experiment as well, just vice versa!

if you look back hemp is infact supposed to have a hollow stem and is described as such in published literature. they make a point of showing hollow stem of hemp and why thats a good thing for hemp and fibers.. ie why selecting for hollow stems is selecting for hemp traits. hense why blueberry (dj selects for hollow stemmed males) has a large degree of similarity to hemp when u look at its genetic test and why it also has intersex issues. trainwreck having intersex issues also happens to have a large amount in common genetically according to phylos to hemp.

yes enviro plays small part but again plants grown at same facility had shown hemp having hollow which is desirable for hemp and drug having more pithy stem.


Active member
the reason lower Ca in hydro nutes is because most peoples water has alot of Ca in it. along with Cal nit used in "micro" usually enough. but when using RO water that def changes things but most people dont use RO water. there is a company that produces commerical nutrients here in canada similar to jacks in the states, however they have cannabis specific 25kg bags of nutrients for cannabis. have a look what they do. notice added chelater in cal kick https://www.plantprod.com/product/plant-prod-mj-cal-kick-15-0-14/

in hydro I think alot more attention needs to be payed to chelators not just levels. aminos help chelate and i think why many people find success when hydro nutes use cheap or less effective chelators.


Active member
they are cannabis specific yes. are u talking about platn prod? its developed for licensed producers in canada. ie for multi million dollar operations that buy in bulk and not water based nutes.


Active member
Most soil guys use water also. You miss the point so far it is not worth discussing

No matter soil or hydro(u missed the point) most water has lots of Ca in it. of course in hydro u will see more deficiencies if u dont have aminos or proper chelation. another reason of course is too much calcium will gum ur shit up and precip with phos heavy nutes. ;) when running a big operation u get your water tested for this reason.

But its funny, ur little attempts at jabs make u look sorta silly.
I can’t believe this discussion is still happening. Hollow stems are a boron deficiency. Add boron and no more hollow stems. Amazing. Hemp probably has hollow stems because it is grown in boron deficient fields.


Active member
Facepalm. Lets just say there is a reason in test feilds grown together that scientists make note of how hemp has hollow stems. There is an advantage for hemp to have hollow stems. Boron may help create more storage ie thicker pith. also if u look at cultivars that have intersex issues they tend to have genetic variability of hemp class in the phylos galaxy. Ie dj blueberry not a coinsidence its related ro hemp as he selected hollow stemmed males ie related to hemp. How would he select for hollow stems if all his plants were grown in same medium and was just boron. its a taxinomic described dofference between hemp and drug cuktivars. Sure enviro plays a role in expression but not to the extent of literature describing taxanomic differences.

If you want to read i have linked many articles describing hemp pith etc.

Think of it like this most indicas tend ro be slightly darker green. Can a equitorial sativa" have very dark green leaves if give it lots of variety of N sources. Yes. But changing expression through enviro doesnt change taxanomic descriptions.


Active member
Facepalm. Lets just say there is a reason in test feilds grown together that scientists make note of how hemp has hollow stems. There is an advantage for hemp to have hollow stems. Boron may help create more storage ie thicker pith. also if u look at cultivars that have intersex issues they tend to have genetic variability of hemp class in the phylos galaxy. Ie dj blueberry not a coinsidence its related ro hemp as he selected hollow stemmed males ie related to hemp. How would he select for hollow stems if all his plants were grown in same medium and was just boron. its a taxinomic described dofference between hemp and drug cuktivars. Sure enviro plays a role in expression but not to the extent of literature describing taxanomic differences.

If you want to read i have linked many articles describing hemp pith etc.

Think of it like this most indicas tend ro be slightly darker green. Can a equitorial sativa" have very dark green leaves if give it lots of variety of N sources. Yes. But changing expression through enviro doesnt change taxanomic descriptions.


New member
Hollow stem


Well-known member
A vegetable like broccoli is the easiest to use to diagnose low B uptake/availability. It is well know that low B soils cause hollow stems in Broccoli, but also that heavy periods of growth can cause the same thing.

After a number of different methods, getting Ca and B into the plant at those heavy growth periods, entirely stops hollow stem in Broc. This gives the produce a much better chance for a longer shelf life in this instance.

No matter which theory you believe, B is the cause.


Never seen this shit since the age of 14


Now I know why. Root cause of every problem afflicting Cannabis today, all of which I've never experienced since I've never been to a hydro shop, ever.

Hollow stems, pesticides, "sweetners", mold, bugs, wasted time and money, all go hand in hand with growstore garbage. At this point you deserve to smoke reggie if you still buy the hydro store con. Growing plant fiber instead of oils. And that's all you're growing if you use these chems, oil-less sugarless alcoholess gross tasting reggie.
So I have been working on a 70 acre hemp farm in PA. We have 7 varieties of Eurpoean hemp grown for grain and flower. I have found that almost all varieties have in some capacity hollow stems. Some larger and some smaller. The larger the plant does not correlate to a more hollow stem. Therefore, I do not believe that hollow stems correlates to phenotypic fitness. The stems also do not seem to be hollow the entire way through, instead they seem to be chambers ranging from 6 to 12 inches long. The widest of holes are holding water in these chambers. This was seen after cutting down certain large plants with machetes after a heavy rain storm.

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