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Post your favorite large patch or FIELD pics!


Old School Cottonmouth
No hemp plantations please. none of these pics are mine unfortunately. :badday:

but I fella could dream can't he?

there was one in particular from back at OG an entire little valley between two big rocky hills just full of norcal kind. I'd like to see that one again. but I like seeing any of them.

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who is that cute asian girl, and why doesnt she tend for MY PLANTS? i think i need to go out and find a cute asian girl now.. not for me of course... for-uh-the plants.. yeah.. the plants.. of course..
and a greenhouse while im dreaming :chin:


Leave this place better then when i arrived
I think the first 1 the girl is photoshoped in. I wouldnt mind having any of those.


Old School Cottonmouth
nah I think the first pic was from 420girls back when it was free. it could be photoshopped though I don't know. like I said none of them are mine.
i remember a thread from og where this guy went into the wilderness of arizona or new mexico where he and like 5 other dudes built a shack and grew the whole summer. they got busted and apparently the crop was 30 tons or something like that. it was in the 70's i think and the guy said he was thinking about writing a book or screenplay about it.

it wasnt a bullshit thread either, he had a fuckload of old photos. im pretty sure the guy said that they were being paid to do it by some dude he met who had been growing out some type of purple bud that kept getting more potent every generation he'd been growing it.



Active member
yeah man i saw that too. That was an exellent thread. They were growin huge mexi sativas in new mexico. There were pictures of him and his buddies with 14' males that just showed signs of sexing. He had pictures of huge plots of 5-10,000 plants.

Fast Pine

Active member
He was known as "Ijustneedit"....and he is the man.
He represented for New Mexico...

9th generation purple carlotta was tha strain...

They pulled that shit off in a rugged part of the state,,,no water or trees...barron ass desert....

Nothing will equal that shit!!!! :joint:
I've always loved that picture of KC Brains.....

Where's Shantibaba when you need him!!!...He's had some awesome "greenhouse" shots as well.

Great thread motaco... Looking forward to more pictures :)


Old School Cottonmouth
ah, thank you wally.

its a shame there are so few pics of large patches.

that one from OG I was talking about was just beautiful. a guy came and posted it and then deleted his account.

I wish more people would just put them up, lord knows there are giant weed patches, but hell if I had one I'd be hesitant to show it too.

I found tom hill's old med pics but I think everyone has seen them. I'll put up the nug pic though.

and this was always a favorite. I'm pretty sure the guys name was Billbo. and the weed was swT3.
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He had to have a good trimming crew. With an 8 man crew of really good trimmers, one plant could be done in about 5 hours of actual work.


Active member
sednal said:
yeah man i saw that too. That was an exellent thread. They were growin huge mexi sativas in new mexico. There were pictures of him and his buddies with 14' males that just showed signs of sexing. He had pictures of huge plots of 5-10,000 plants.

Ya that was a great thread!

Makes me wanna build a shack out of male stocks. :chin:
motaco said:
and this was always a favorite. I'm pretty sure the guys name was Billbo. and the weed was swT3.

:yummy: ....Wow..... That gives donkey dick buds a whole new meaning...LOL...

Thanks for the pictues wally and Z10N....Schweet....