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Wisconsin Medical Marijuana Legislation


New member
From Is My Medicine Legal Yet:

For immediate release Monday, September 17, 2007


Mondovi & Madison - Ten years ago in September 1997, Jacki Rickert led 15 medical marijuana patients on a 210-mile wheelchair "Journey for Justice" from Mondovi to Madison that reached the Capitol on Sept. 18, 1997. On Tuesday Sept. 18, 2007, Jacki will again be at the Capitol for the "Quest for Justice", this time after a brief "Last Mile" wheelchair march honoring fallen comrades, with other patients and supporters up State St. to the Capitol steps. The march leaves Library Mall at State and Lake at 12:30 pm, arriving about 1:10 pm. Upon arrival, Jacki will proceed to a 1:30 pm press conference in the Senate Parlor with Reps. Mark Pocan (D-Madison) and Frank Boyle (D-Superior) and others, announcing the introduction of medical marijuana legislation named in her honor: "The Jacki Rickert Medical Marijuana Act".

In 1991, Jacki, who suffers from several incurable medical conditions including Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, was approved for participation in a small federal program that still supplies 5 living Americans with US government supplied medical marijuana. Jacki ultimately never received her medicine from the government when the program was suspended and then closed to new participants. One of the last people approved for the program, George McMahon, from Iowa, will be at the Capitol with Jacki and will join the press conference. Unlike Jacki and other Wisconsin patients in attendance, George will be able to legally use his medicine when the need arises.

Former gubernatorial candidate Ed Thompson from Tomah, a representative from the Wisconsin Nurses Association and patient-activist Gary Storck are also expected to join the press conference.

"Serious illness affects not just the patient, but also their families and friends. Watching a loved one suffer, and knowing the only medicine that helps is illegal is a cruel position far too many families face. Today, we are asking the legislature to put patients and families first. We have never asked for any special treatment, merely treatment," said Jacki Rickert.

Gary Storck, a glaucoma patient, said, "I met Jacki 10 years ago Sept. 18 and I've seen the difference medical cannabis makes in her life when she is able to access it. It's incomprehensible to me that in these 10 years, state lawmakers have passed hundreds of bills pushed by special interests, while failing to pass legislation protecting chronically and seriously ill patients that has overwhelming support among the people of Wisconsin."

Is My Medicine Legal YET? is a Mondovi and Madison based grass roots patient and caregiver organization dedicated to advancing public education about the medicinal benefits of marijuana. For further information contact Jacki Rickert or Gary Storck at 608.241.8922 or visit the IMMLY website.

Wisconsin residents, make sure to do your part by letting your assemblymen and women along with your state senators know you support this bill!


I was told the 'political climate' was not right and that nobody would support it just six months ago, by my assemblyperson.

Dirty Whore.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
sgt.stedanko said:
I was told the 'political climate' was not right and that nobody would support it just six months ago, by my assemblyperson.

Dirty Whore.

Because one woman, Leah Vukmir, chairperson to the Committee of Health and Healthcare reform, has stated time and time again that any mmj bill that comes across her desk will be thrown in the trash.

She's a ****ing nurse, and she believes the Fed's stance on mmj. And she is in a very Republican distrcit, insuring her a long time seat at this position. :badday:

What a twunt.
Im a new resident of wisconsin. They made me buy a non-resident deer license (because I havent lived here 30 days), but Im gonna write letters like a resident.

Anyone got a list of assembly peoples, senators, and the areas they represent?


New member
Jack D Ripper said:
Im a new resident of wisconsin. They made me buy a non-resident deer license (because I havent lived here 30 days), but Im gonna write letters like a resident.

Anyone got a list of assembly peoples, senators, and the areas they represent?

I can't post URL's but just google for Wisconsin State Legislature and click the "Who Represents Me?" links.


Active member
I'm leaving wisconsin asap back to cali specifically because of the lack of legal med use\grow. I cannot wait for this state to get their sheeite together and Madtown is a pretty lib place you would've thought it would have passed some kind of laws before some of the other legal states. When I'm in the redwoods harvesting my plants I will be chanting a mantra for all wisco med users. Much love wisco but gotta go. nuggler
whos going to the marijuana harvest festival in madison the weekend of oct. 5, also sound tribe sector 9 is playing the barrymore in madison same weekend, and there playing the rave in milwaulkee the next day...


Active member
i may go to sts9 at barrymore you?hey beaners where is harmnoy?do ya mean Harmony Grove?pm me if ya wanna hook up.nuggler


Thanks for the info Mintgrizz,,thanks for the link jack d ripper..hey youll be here long enough for gun season,not to buy the temp license..**** the temp lic you can come hunt by me..no one one will see ya,,lots of corn choped already, a litle on the early this year,havent seen to many deer yet this year though,,, I might go this weekend,,hope hope the wife and i can get a babytsiter.i would like to go...I agree,Wis needs to get their heads out theirs ass"s..ill send a leter or two, also what should i write or put down???? Danknuggler good luck out their,i whish all the best of luck..i whish i could be heading in the same direction as you,maybe someday..jimi


does wisconsin have ballot initiatives? thats the only way to get around bitches like Leah Vukmir, chairperson to the Committee of Health and Healthcare reform. thats what we had to do out here in cali.


I haven't been able to find out how to do this in order to get started.

And thanks a lot to all that would bail on wisconsin to go to cali. What a coward.


Wisconsinites unite for medical marijuana!

Wisconsinites unite for medical marijuana!

Jackie-Rickert is being re-introduced in September in Wisconsin I believe. Looking pretty good, but Gov. Doyle is not going to run again next term so WI needs to get this for his signature this term! :1help::1help::1help::1help:


Medical Cannabis in Wisconsin?​
Help pass
the Jacki Rickert
Medical Marijuana Act!​
Using medical cannabis to treat debilitating illnesses
remains a crime under current Wisconsin law. The Jacki
Rickert Medical Marijuana Act would protect Wisconsin
patients from arrest and prosecution and allow them or
a designated caregiver to possess and grow a small
amount of cannabis for medical use.​
An updated version of the Jacki Rickert Medical Marijuana Act,
sponsored by Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Madison), is awaiting introduction.
Help pass this bill by contacting your Wisconsin State Senator and
State Assembly Representative and request they cosponsor this
Who Are My Legislators?​
Toll-free Legislative Hotline: 1-800-362-9472​
More info: IMMLY.org – WINORML.org – MadisonNORML.org​
Join Wisconsin NORML on Facebook:​


~~Good News~~

~~Good News~~

Per the office of chief bill sponsor Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Madison), the
Jacki Rickert Medical Marijuana Act is still at the bill drafters. These
delays are often inexplicable, and the bill is expected literally any

Our recent lobby visits to the Capitol have found growing interest in
the bill from lawmakers and their offices. We will let people know as
soon as the draft becomes publicly available.

In the meantime, please continue to call your state Assembly Rep and
State Senator and to talk to friends, family, co-workers, health care
professionals, anyone, and ask them to do the same.

It's time for Medical Cannabis in Wisconsin, but we all must become
activists in our communities to make this a reality.

Toll-free Legislative Hotline: 800-362-9472 (M-F 8a-4:30p) - Who Are My
Legislators? http://www.legis.state.wi.us/w3asp/waml/waml.aspx

Gary Storck



Next lobby day Wed Sept. 16 at 11:00 am in the WI State Capitol rotunda. Help pass the Jacki Rickert MMJ Act! LIFE with Dignity!...Please do your part, now is the time..Thanks Jimi