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Hempy Grows da Chronic


Active member

This thread will document my introduction of Chronic to my perpetual harvest from seed.

Why Chronic? I've been running only two strains for the past few months as I got the garden up to speed. Now that I am comfortable with my process and results, I'm ready to try a new strain. I need to pick up some more funds to add electronic monitoring and data logging and I heard Chronic is a big yeilder. A friend had given me a pack of Serious Seeds Chronic a few months back and it seems that now is the perfect time to grow some out and look for a good mother.

I gave each seed a little scrape on the shell to help water penetrate then dropped them in a shot glass with plain RO water. Two seeds sank right away, but one had floated up after only a few moments.

The glass has been placed in the top compartment of the Nursery cab where it's warm and dark. I'll revisit them in about 4-6 hours.



congratz on the exellent choice :joint:
you will be very happu hedgehog soon, once you see them maincolas...
i flower them close to 10 weeks to get them really phat.
i'll be watching ths one closely...


Active member


I got 5 healthy sprouts after finding the right place to keep them. First was too dry, then too cold. Bleh!

Sorry for the shitty pic, I can't quite get the hang of this digital photography..

In an effort to provide more light to reduce the amount of stretch, I've decided to place them in the Veg cabinet under a 250w MH.

Using some emtpy Del Monte fruit cups, I created nice little homes for my babies. I placed a cleaned rockwool cube in the cup, popped a sprout into the hole and placed another cup upsidedown on the top to act as a humidome.

To keep them out of the MegaGarden nutes, I placed on an upsidedown rubbermaid bin.

There are only 5 cups as the remaining two seed are barely showing a taproot so I am giving them more time in towel. I also didn't have enough cups. ;)

That's it for today's update. I'll update again when the sprouts start showing some leaves.



Definetly gonna take a seat in the front row if you don't mind. :lurk:
I just placed my own rooted Chronic cutting (2) in the aqafarm a week ago or so, theyre really starting to grow. Great timing HempHog, maybe i can find some good tip's & trick's checking out how you do with the Chronic. :wave:


Active member
Quick update..
Here's the babies 2 days from being placed in the cubes:

I've replaced the bin with a board to give me a better platform to place the cups on. They are starting to get a little stretchy but I hope it won't be too bad.



i just had to germ some beans, and first ones were chronic x ww, all beans sprouted, and one ak-47x skunk#1 ...oh happy dayz..
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Yo Hempy I love your setup man (seen your other threads). Good luck with the chronic, Im sure you will do them plenty of justice. I see big yields in your future :D


I've been interested in this strain for awhile after reading about its yield potential. All the best on yer grow mate, I'll be watchin this one closely for sure....


Active member
Update Veg Day 1

Update Veg Day 1

The seedlings have been placed in the square pots lined with a grow bag and filled with hydroton.

I lost a seedling last night to drying out :wallbash: that's why you only see 6 in the garden. It never fails that I loose one at this point.

The light in cab has been lowered about 6" to help combat any stretch.



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Weekly Update

Weekly Update

It seems I've lost yet another one. I think the cube was too high and it dried out. As you can see from the photo, the remaining 5 look awesome.

Not much else to update on this week.



Active member
Update Veg Day 10

Update Veg Day 10

Ten days in and we've got a few healthly looking individuals.

I've left the one that looked like a loss and she's managing to hang in for dear life. The cots have shriveled and dried up but there is some real leaf material starting to grow slowly.

The one front and center seems to be a bit stunted. The one on the top right has a deformed leaf on one side.

Anyone for a "puck"?



slap shot... oh glove save by blackfin... wait were's he going, he's walking off the ice, with puck in hand :yoinks:

have a good grow bro,
blackfin said:
slap shot... oh glove save by blackfin... wait were's he going, he's walking off the ice, with puck in hand :yoinks:

have a good grow bro,

LOL :D :bow:

Nice weed puck Hempy. :yummy: The Chronics lookin real nice too.


nice setup. Im about to get the Chronic going on also. Go for the Hat trick man!


Active member
Update Veg Day 20

Update Veg Day 20

I've moved the pots around in the system. They are now along the left side.

They've gotten really big and have really fat leaves. The smallest one seems to be growing fine now, just about 10 days behind.

If any of the healthy ones turn male, I'm gonna snatch a cutting and keep it in a glass of water till it drops pollen. I'm thinking of crossing with my Lifesaver and Royal Hawaiian just for kicks.

Cheers and happy holidays!


Active member
Update Veg Day 30

Update Veg Day 30

Happy New Year!

The holidays have put me behind in my grow updates so here's a quick status update.

Three of the plants are showing FEMALE pre-flowers! I put the two largest into flower. The third one is a few inches shorter, so I am going to give it a few more days to be equal in height when flowered.

One of the plants is growing tall and lanky and I am betting hard it's a male. Another of the remaining ones is really bushy. The last one is the troubled one, but it has regained full vigor and growth, just a week or so behind.

That's it for this week, hopefully I'll start getting weekly flowering photos added now.



looking marvellous, they Will strech like hell, i experienced 3-4x strech, when put under flowering.also some sidebuds might grow too big, so they have to supported..Like that is a bad thing. :yummy: