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Diatomaceous Earth - The Best Pesticide You've Never Heard Of


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Diatomaceous earth is an all natural by product of our planet's changing environment. Made up of the fossilized remains of microscopic phtytoplankton, this dirt is an absolute death trap for anything with an exoskeleton. It's also very effective on gastropods (slugs), but not quite as much as on exoskeletal bugs.

The key to DE is it's composition. As the phytoplankton fossilized, they did so with lots of teeny tiny sharp edges poking out. Was the fossilization continued, the shape of the plankton was set into 95-98% silica. As we all know, silica is one of the best dessicants on the market, widely used in those little packets you find in just about everything nowadays.

These jagged edges pierce the waxy protective layer of the exoskeleton, opening the bodily fluids to the dessication effects of the silica. This, obviously, is a very bad thing for the bugs. The bodily fluids are rapidly depleted by the silica, leaving one very dead bug.

Imagine crossing the Sahara, but instead of sand, it's tiny shards of glass, and you get the idea.

To the safety aspect, it doesn't get much better. 100% safe for humans and pets, it's often used to treat medical conditions. In pets (and less food scrupulous humans), it is used as both a flea and tick dust, but also internally to kill off intestinal worms. In the food grade form, the worst side effect from direct inhalation is sneezing. I wouldn't try that with a No-Pest Strip :biglaugh:

This safety margin means that it can be applied at any time. It is not a liquid, and so can't effectively be absorbed by the plant via the foliage. Sprinkled on top of the medium, it provides a dual purpose. Fungus gnat larvae live in the medium, coming up through the surface to begin they're life as gnats. With a layer of DE on the surface, they never get the chance. As you water the plant, the DE is driven farther into the medium, where it can be taken up into the plant as a silica supplement, which is good for the plant both in root health and the support structures, making it more resistant to attacks.

I personally use it in a preventative mode, dusting the medium and plant at every transplant. I also dust around every possible entry point, and the entir floor. So, any bug tries to get in, and they die. If it's not at the door, it's on the floor, if they make it across the floor, they die on the container or medium. If they manage to make it to the plant by some freakish luck, the plants themselves have a layer of DE armor.

Last but not least, food grade DE only costs about $15 for 10 pounds. I think I've used almost a half a pound doing my entire house and growroom :wink:

Hope this helps some of you having pest problems out!

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You will not be forgotten
Great read, i think this will help alot of people out, Especially outdoors and around structures or houses, it will obviously also help to spread about in your pots indoors and i will definitely be doing that now. You stated a few things that i had questions on like its affects if breathed, and its use with plants. i spread DE around the perimiter of my garden and have noticed a huge decrease in pests compared to previous gardening.

the best part is you can find this stuff in almost all hardware store, it is also used as pool cleaner for filters i believe so alot of places carry it.

Kill pests and strengthen your plants!! good stuff :joint:


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Yes, it's used in filters and as a chemical absorbant (also used in kitty litter for this purpose), but these are industrial grade products, not the food grade. It's also much more expensive.

I got my 10 pounds from eBay.


Active member
Great post NT,
Got it on my list...just moved it up. Thanks man.

Stay safe, keep it green and fly free.....



Great topic, NT. I was gonna ask where you get the food grade, but I see you covered that. The local super-home-improvement-mega-mart has some OMRI listed DE with roach bait in it. It works wonders around the outdoor shrubbery where the lil bastids live and breed- or used to.

Thanks! :joint:


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Glad you approve guys!

Here's some pics...

You can see the DE dusting the leaves. And the floors.

Something else occurred to me -

As a dessicant, a preventative dusting applied to early buds could help prevent mold...


Well-known member
Budweiser13 said:
Cool stuff i am not sure of the grade but they sell it at swimming pool supply stores... :wave:

As Nite Tiger pointed out the DE sold in pool supply stores is industrial grade, and it should be avoided.
The type of hazard posed by inhalation depends on the form of the silica. Crystalline silica poses a serious inhalation hazard because it can cause silicosis. Amorphous silica can cause dusty lungs, but does not carry the same degree of risk as crystalline silica. Food-grade diatomite generally contains very low percentages of crystalline silica. Diatomite produced for pool filters is treated with heat, causing the formerly amorphous silicon dioxide to assume its crystalline form.


Boxy Brown

Iv been using diatomaceous earth to help keep ants off my fruit trees for a couple months (tho Iv know about it for years), I just spread it out in a circle around the trunk of the trees and it keeps the ants off.
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Great information nitetiger!!!

i have also been using this great product time has given us... and its taken care of my never ending gnat battle.

what i do is mix in couple hand fulls of DE into the soil while i'm mixing for transplant(+a layer on top of the soil).

i've also used it as a foliar spray, by mixing different strengths for testing. i'm also testing - a paint sprayer with a compressor to mist the plants getting every little spot.

K+ great job NT!!


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
I love DE! :D

Just re-dusted my girls tonight.

I'm thinking about making a dehumidifier out of it. I'm thinking of doing it just like a carbon filter, but with DE. With DE as a dessicant, moving the air through it should have a pretty significant impact on humidity. In theory, it should work great.

Plus, if it works, it's a HELL of a lot cheaper than an actual Dehumidifier, without the excess heat and power consumption.


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
nice find nitetiger, you got respectable opinions and facts my friend, just wanna say, glad your on here. there were/are alotta people i shouldve thanked over at OG but never had a chance to.


DE has been around so long that people have forgotten about it, we just used a bunch of DE under our house to prevent termites from building new mud tunnels.


Active member
Until you inhale it by smoking.

Other than that, great info, but the whole dusting of buds freaks me out.

But it did work wonders on a fungus gnat invasion I had.
Also like the idea of dusting the saucers where stagnat water could stand and form a fungus gnat/mosquito breeding ground.
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Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
And yet, inhalation is not dangerous. Plus, the DE isn't absorbed by the plant, so you can rinse it off with a foliar feed.

I love DE :woohoo: