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Thai roundup!

OG bub

ICMag Donor
I am seeking opinions from experienced, well known folks, about pure Thai.

Im seen rediculous claims on a nother forum about "thai" from EGB.. this thread isnt directed at Him/Her.. this thread is directed at Thai!

Im curious about anyone who has been familiar with thai since/ from 1989 and on.

Thai is NOT my specialty.. I have thought about PMing DJ about this, but befor I bother him, Id like to hear from our community.

please share ALL you know about Thai.
Peace, bub.


Hope you don't mind me pulling up a chair for this one...
I have 4 Thai landrace strains on hand/incoming and would love to hear of others' experience with strains from this area.


hi what type of info you needing ? .

I have grown many thia lines threw the years i dont agre with a few things some have stated about thia wich didnt add up to what i saw growing them.


Active member
I have three Thai plants growing outdoors. I am in Thailand and have collected a bunch of seeds from different Thai bricks I have smoked over the past few years. I am expecting some beans from Northern Thailand soon. I believe they are likely to be similar to the ones for sale on SB, they are coming from that general area...
Here is one...



Dalaihempy said:
hi what type of info you needing ? .

I have grown many thia lines threw the years i dont agre with a few things some have stated about thia wich didnt add up to what i saw growing them.

Such as?


Active member
ICMag Donor
Gonna watch this thread with great interest as ive only heard good things about the high of the Thai sativas.
Ive got some many things going this fall/winter with interesting strains and crosses as i might not be able to try the Thais out for awhile so im gathering info for the day im gonna grow some of them myself.

BTW anyone tried the Traveling Thai from Nirvana?
Sounds nice but it might be hyped compared to some other thais around?
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Active member
From 89 on was when the real Thais started disappearing in my opinion,just some hybrids that would finish.The old Thai lines stared to go when the indicas showed up and havn't seen many people work the real lines because of the herms and took forever to something to finish without herming on you.If you remember all the great old Thai was seeded and very few peeps saw Thai sinse. I just think peeps stopped working the lines,its still around but have to work it hard to get a line that only herms a little .Goldkings 79 Thai is the last Thai I seen around that someone actually passed some beans out of it ,i still wonder about those as wonder if he found a true male or not. :wave:


Dalaihempy, what have you seen that is different than what other have stated?


Active member
I bet the Thai seeds that Gypsy put up under the specials on seedbay would be pure....? I mean if he came all the way here and visited some farmers in NongKhai, why wouldn't they be? NongKhai is in the Northeast of Thailand. It's one of the provinces that borders Laos along the Mekhong river...

Tropical Rain

Haze, Kush & Grey Goose
ThaiPhoon said:
I bet the Thai seeds that Gypsy put up under the specials on seedbay would be pure....? I mean if he came all the way here and visited some farmers in NongKhai, why wouldn't they be? NongKhai is in the Northeast of Thailand. It's one of the provinces that borders Laos along the Mekhong river...

highland then?



I have ridden the mighty sandworm.
ThaiPhoon said:
I bet the Thai seeds that Gypsy put up under the specials on seedbay would be pure....? I mean if he came all the way here and visited some farmers in NongKhai, why wouldn't they be? NongKhai is in the Northeast of Thailand. It's one of the provinces that borders Laos along the Mekhong river...
the description on the bay says its a laotian strain not thai or did i miss the auction for the thai.


Hempster said:
Dalaihempy, what have you seen that is different than what other have stated?
hi Hempster well i have seen people post saying all thias hermie well what i have seen is diffrent.

I have never seen a thia line ever go hermie once it was sexet as a fem or as a male the only time i saw hermies was at sexing if it was going to be a hermie it would express its self as a hermie at sexing and in short thias like some other pure sativas showed 3 types of sex fem/male/hermie.

Also i have seen a few lay claim to have pure thia yet the plant and its harvested flowers were nothing close to thia.

The good imported thia basicly stopet comeing in around 87 any thing before that i found was extreamly good after that it basicly came in in dribs n drabs and stopet but was poor quolity.

Heres few pics of a few cured flowers from a thia line i have its a low land thia from 78 .

Not claiming to be an expert but have grown lots outdoors and indoors mostly out doors and a lot of dirrent thia lines threw the years.


Active member
Hi Tropical Rain.
I don't think Nong Khai would be considered "highland" as I believe highland refers to what the Hmong and other hill tribes would grow up in the mountains around Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai for example. Most parts of Nong Khai province are located on a plateau and it is roughly between 500 and 900 feet above sea level on average. Whereas in Chiang Mai Chiang Rai areas is about 1200 feet plus on average...If you have a look at Google Earth or something I believe you'll see what I mean. Nong Khai province is the one that is directly opposite the Laotian capital of Vientiane. Gypsy wrote that the seeds are from the southern region of that province...

You must have missed the auction...he definitely had the Thai's up there!!
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I have ridden the mighty sandworm.
dammit im on this site everyday multiple times a day first waiting for breeders choice which seems to have just disappeared. there is ssuch a huge demandfor these genetics someone needs to start providing these seeds on a regular basis they would clean up. man this sucks ive been trying to get thai strains for the longest. is there anygood threads which keep stock of landraces as they become available because it seems as soon as i hear about something its alrleady gone and like i said im on her 3 4 5 times a day.


ndnguy, howdy goldking here :) yep of course i,ve found true male Thai79s ,other wise i wouldn't have been able to IB her all these years, but for some reason the males evade me big time, i get less males from my T79 seed stash then i got from the 3 pks of OGK S1 i bought once LOL

if a person wanted a sack for 90+% fem seeds from a normal male/female cross they,ld never find one. hehehe

I was thinging about Nirvana thai beans my self, they probably have 50% males and would add some hi-bred vigor to my IBL. i,d keep them separate from T79 pure of course.

the last sac of Thai79 kerns i bred was with 3 ladies reversed sex with Colodial silver..again Thai 79 fems aagghhh!!!

they are kept separate from the others too.

stay warm everyone GK

PS hermies have never been a problem, i can't even remember culling one due to it, maybe cause my first breeding project years ago didn't include any hermies, and possibly they have been bred out of my line as they have been acclimated to indoor grows. I was just lucky i guess.

personally i prefer short fat fast growin heavy Indicas myself :)


Hempy, Excellent post. I agree with everything you said 100%. I've seen hermi thai lines but only in those polluted by indica genes. The pure equatorial sativa thai lines dont seem to produce herms except aybe a few male flowers very late in flowering or intersexed plants from the beginning of flowering. Authentic thai flowers resembling the old thais are few and far between in the online community. I'm cracking some goldking thai79 as we speak. Another I've seen on seedbay is the rodwal thai that looks very authentic from the pics posted on icmag (do a search). Most but not all pure authentic thais have a very distinct leaf shape with some being more exaagerated than others with very course serrations, very pronounced veins on the top surface, and a handlike as opposed to circular array (thaiphoon the leaves you posted look correct for apure thai to me but I cannot tell the purity of the line solely from leaf shape. Not all thai lines are tall some are quite short but some are also very tall. The two other distinct traits are calyx size/shape and maturation. The key thai trait is calyx size/shape. Thais are capable of producing the longest calyxes of any cultivar I'm aware of with the some approaching a half inch with a small round base and extreme elongated tip. the leaves also reflect this frequently with long needlelike unserrated tip. Like I've seen in some colombian and south Indian (true equatorial lines) the flowers should also never fully mature. They will keep producing new calyxes out of the tops of the clusters indefinitely. What I would love to see surface is a thai line that grows as a perennial producing new flowers and revegging with little to no change in light cycle based on other factors effected on seasonal changes, 1/4"-1/2' long calyxes, indeterminate floral maturity, floppy creeper like stems and alligator tail leaves with very course very rounded serrations that actually compose about 60-70% of the width of the leaves. If a thai line with these traits surface I would be very happy. I've seen indian and colombian lines with all of the above traits except the leaf shape and possessing much smaller calyxes. Also from my experience the more extreme indian and colombian lines tend to be more electric and energetic than the more extreme sativa phenos in the thai genepool but that is not to say its 100% true. Djshort has often mentioned his highland thai line is extremely electric and I dont doubt that. I'm quite curious about the new seedbay offerings and hopefully resemble my personal ideal of a thai but will reserve judgement until a grow report is seen.

I've heard from a reliable source much of the thai genepool even as early as the late 1960's was from genetics brought over by BOEL and being grown on farms they helped set up. In the 1960's commercial growing didnt exist in thailand and was almost strictly done in the mountains. From what I gather however is that indica phenos do better in the highlands and after acclimation the highland lines now lean more towards indica. Whereas the higher temps and humidity have caused the lowland to be phenotypically closer to the traditional thai but possess a more mild buzz.
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