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KBS, KFB or Freedom Bucket questions...


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Why does starting this thread fill me with a sense of foreboding? With a bit of luck, this can stay clear of trolling and hard feelings and provide the answers to some questions.

I was a member of overgrow before it's death (awaiting ressurection?) and have been lurking about here for a few months now. During that time, i've read MANY threads on the style Krusty taught, as well as watched with much interest as many different growers repeated his efforts and some toyed with different aspects of it, some to much success, others to less. It certainly seems fascinating to me.

The problem is that so many K threads, Freedom threads and whateveryouwannacallembucket threads have ended up so offensive and pointless that the mods on whatever site, for whatever reason, have had to remove them, along with precious information. So i was hoping some of you old hands at the buckets would answer some questions. some of these, i know and are asked hopefully for the benefit of others who don't, some are questions i'm asking for my own info.

Please, i do not want this thread to turn into a pro-con look at the system. This all too easily ends up with arguments, name calling and eventual death of the thread. please stick to the K style, and identify any personal tweaks as such and where they differ from what Krusty recommended. some are general questions that any grower with experience can answer, and i'll identify them as such, but again, i hope that Krusty/Freedom/KFB growers will have some good answers :)

1. let's say a person had a 11x11 room, and 1 1000 MH and 4 600 HPS at their disposal, the MH would hang in the center, would it be better to orient the 4 HPS so each hung in the middle of a wall, or in a corner? as the plants get big, which will allow the best light angle and the most space?

2. is a 12000 BTU a/c enough to cool 3400 watts in an 11x11 room? how much will the combo of lights and a/c dry the air? will a typical house humidifier help or is a fogger a must?

3. which of the following three strains (cloned) would provide the best results in this system, Ice, Northern Lights x BigBud, or Pure Power Plant (all Nirvana genetics) should the grower be seeking more sativa dominant strains? obviously Krusty's BB and Hash plant aren't available

4. General indoor question.... Ozone or Carbon Filter? a. don't vent, no need with a/c and CO2, just tolerate the wondrous reek. b. vent using a carbon filter. c. vent using ozone

5. Air pump. the froth desired, what psi and cfm are recquired to get the soaker hose to put out the proper bubbles when split between 4 buckets, and would model # 669CE44(see catalog below) work, be underkill or overkill? does anyone remember what pump Krusty recommended for a 4 bucket system? for some reason the number 917 sticks in my head. i remember once upon a time krusty came out and said how much psi/cfm per bucket but damned if i can find it or remember it. all i know is anyone who's seen that soaker hose knows it'll take a shitbunch of pressure to push out the air!

6. Nutrients should be full strength GH Flora series, 68-72 F temperature and PH of 5.5-6.0? Krusty once mentioned warming the res up a bit at night to 72-75 and likened it to keeping the feet warm while sleeping, has anyone experiemented with that.

7. air temps with co2 should be 85ish and nighttime temps no more than 15-20 degrees cooler?

8. Nutrient feeding to the roots should start at the top of the bucket until the clones are established, then should be moved significantly lower in the bucket? what is a good GPH # to shoot for with 4 buckets, as too low runs the risk of the 1.5 inches of water warming up past healthy temps and too high runs the risk of overwhelming 1 3/4" drains.

9. air circulation. the a/c will have a certain amount of circulating power of its own, and no additional fans should be added? is co2 truly heavier than air, and if so will it pool on the floor if not continously mixed into the room, or does it stay where it's put.

10. 1000 ppm is sufficient CO2 enrichment? assuming timer and 5 minutes to get the 11x11 room up to desired levels, and no venting taking place to speak of (just a few times per day for smell) how often should CO2 be released? in other words, just how fast will these babies use 1000ppm's of co2? would it be desirable or even safe to have a very slow (1 cf/m) constant drip of CO2 if no venting is happening? will the CO2 in that case reach toxic levels?

11. res flushes should be every 5 days, and should consist of draining the res of water, filling with just ph proper temp water, running for 24 hours, draining, filling again with just ph proper temp water, running for another 24, drain and fill with normal nutrient water? can you just add nutes to the second clean water refill after the second 24 hour period, or is it best to not be lazy and just drain/fill it again?

12. drain lines from buckets should be 1 3/4"? would running two drain lines decrease the likelihood of root clogs? should an emergency drain be added high up on bottom bucket to prevent back ups from flooding?

13. is PVC safe to use as drain line?

sorry, i guess after typing this i realize many of these are not BUCKET questions, but environment questions, but it all plays into providing the plants with the most stress free environment possible. it's also late so cut me some slack!

With luck, we can get some answers to these questions. please if anyone else has any questions about the method they'd like to throw in so we can make it more comprehensive, please do so. i will add more when i can think more coherently.



Active member
Theres a sticky at the top of the page called FREEDOM FOR BONZ its all about the freedom/krusty/whateveryouwanttocallitbucket
there any amount of info in there and if you questions arnt answered in there allready they soon will be
hope this helps


Active member
thanx bozwell. i actually have read the thread of which you speak. i think i detect some pretty serious divergence from what krusty put forward. i believe he uses hooded lights, a low psi pump and stones rather than high psi and soaker hose. does he use a/c and co2? he is obviously a decent grower, but as i said, i'm looking for the krusty way with no tweaks, and i think bonz has tweaked plenty. hopefully there are some out there that can answer my questions the way krusty would.

i'm not trying to start an argument here, just wondering what krusty or someone who has run strictly according to his advice would do.



Active member
there is,nt anyone but Krusty himself that can answer the questions your looking for, no not true, ill talk to a couple people and see if there willing to help.


thanks BOZWELL for mentioning my thread, and i like, in my case, thewhateveryouwannacallitbucket

i love that


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Active member
Thanx Bonzo! i want to reiterate that i think your a fantastic grower and builder, and i look at your stuff in awe. it's just that for the purpose of testing the K style with all it's aspects, i was hoping to get answers along those lines. i especially like the larger than 5 gallon bottom pot, but do you have any problem with light getting in there? perhaps you covered that in your thread and i missed it. out of curiosity do you have any input on questions 1,11, or 13?

whatever happened to Krusty? is he gone for good? whatever happened to kbsgrowers.com? can he be elsewhere?

i find nothing wrong with tweaking the system, without experimentation there can be no improvement. Krusty didn't spring full grown with ideas from his fathers head, i'm sure he learned it through much experimentation. i just want to emulate that method with success before tweaking.


Active member
hey bruce: i've been along side some krusty runs so i can answer a few of these for you and here are some links that should help even more.

i'm gonna start from the back.

13. pvc is fine

12....i've seen runs with 1 1/4 but as long as it is above this you should be fine. 2' would be the best imo but like i said it's not a huge deal, as along as it drains evenly and it drains. and yeah if you want you can add an overflow connection. there's no harm in that, you can never know 100% of the time....but if you go 2' there should be very little chance of cloggin.

11. i know krusty did 5 on 2 off. so he would do nutes 5 days and week and then the other 2 ph'd water. personally i've seen a lot of variation with this so there are many other ways to do it imo. but 5/2 is how he rolled.

10. that's someting your going to have to experiment with in the room. typically you can go to 1500 enrichment depening on strain, room circulation, etc....also co2 uptake differs imo from strain to strain. you have to expirement and observe how your girls take it.

9. yeah co2 is heavier than air but you should have plant fans going on within the room as well. your growing trees so you need big fans. the fans should be more than enough to pummel the air into circulation.

skipping 8 cause what i said above about feeding

7.yeah i think that's pretty much what he said but you gotta take everything with a grain of salt....i've seen runs in the 70's the entire way...depends on strain imo

6. yeah rez temp. anywhere from 60-72 really depends on how ur girls respond. trial and error in order to determine the correct temp for them...its like people. some like taking scalding hot baths (72) while others like a polar swim at 60...no need to elaborate there.

5.the famous PUMP.....this got really annoying after a while.......he used a thomas pump i believe but cannot remember specs...anyway you can never have enough pressure..more is always better here. ur links not working.....

4. if ur not going to vent you don't want to use ozone....you'll kill your lungs...it is really going to smell so i would recommend carbon scrubber and you sure you dont want to vent?

3.don't know.....i've never grown those strains. if you have you should be the wiser one out of the two, and know their characteristcs so.........

2.yeah that should be fine depending on ambient are around the grow room..you can always go bigger.

1.a link for that one and another for some more reading.



these are just a few things i've learned along the way and i'm sure there are some others out here lurking that probably have some more knowledge to drop,lets hope they come out and play, so everyone can benefit from what has been earsed but hopefully can be retraced through the grows of our others. good luck



Active member
Thanx Somoz for your excellent info :) those links are awesome, the more info on this style we can get in one easy to find place the better imo.

i guess as far as the air pump is concerned, here is what i understand as the principle. soaker hose of the proper type has WAY more holes to put out air than any airstone, the problem is that the holes are so tiny that it has enormous resistance and recquires high PSI to push air out of all the available holes, which results in many many more smaller bubbles than you get with regular airstones/pumps. this creates a much higher % of air volume in the given water volume? anyway, my question now for any that have experience with soaker hose and high output pumps is....

1. how much psi is necessary to get the most out of soaker hose with 4 buckets
2. how many CFM is necessary? from my understanding this is far less relevant than PSI but does anyone have any clue? the pump i'm looking at is a piston pump rated at 35 PSI continuous operation and 1.6 cfm at 20 psi.
3. i can imagine this thing will be loud as hell. would building a styrofoam lined box with muffled intake and putting the thing on a rubber pad, then putting it (box) in a closet lined with sheet insulation cut the noise down sufficiently?

ventilation.... i might be overengineering here, but would it be possible to take say a 55 gallon rubbermaid tub made air tight and placing the ozone generator inside it. cut a passive intake with one of those nifty one way flaps so air cant come out but can be sucked in, and then putting an exhaust fan to vent outside. have the ozone come on about 10 minutes prior to venting, then vent the room through the box full of ozone to the outside for 5 minutes or so, letting it mix with the ozone before the ozone shuts off followed shortly by the exhaust fan? are carbon scrubbers (which sounds far easier) as effective, more effective, or less effective? i know ozone is bad for lungs and metal, but i can make an ozone generator for far less than i can pick up a good carbon scrubber!

what can anyone tell me about carbon scrubbers? do they recquire a certain amount of air flow/pressure to work? just how effective are they REALLY? so much crap for sale from unscrupulous retailers that i'm always nervous trying out new products.

thanx again for those who have taken the time to answer these questions and provide input :)
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Hi Bruce
I made a carbon scrubber, the dyi thread is in here someplace I made mine when OG was going and was easier as pics were posted as well,however its the one using hardware cloth ,pantyhose (black queen size) and duct reducers, anyhow I used crystal cat litter as it was alot cheaper and more readily available then activated charcoal and its worked beaty, not a whiff . Keep in mind neg pressure is a big factor so this is a must> My scrubber vents back into my house ventilation and so far no probs.


For the drain I use a 1 inch flex pipe then connect it to a 3 inch pvc drain. It Drains perfectly and is easy to setup. I got this idea from nitrousinmyveins.



Dewd ..........Ive done the 3400 watt 4 plant kbs thingy and prospered greatly.............. Krusty would be proud of yas for the concise explanation youve provided thus far...........stressfree,perfect environment down to the ppms on co2 and dont forget 70% constant r.h. (even tho droppin it drastically in late flower will help considerably with stoppin budrot)buncha simple steps that if you forget or f-up itll shut yas down form reapin those 2 1/2 - 3 lb plus trees... not a system to go into half-cocked.................Anything to help......btw.....lights in a X-pattern and plants diamond shaped......... .........PEACE.............DHF...................


Active member

The KFBs are many a gardener's wet dream. I have run them twice after spending 3+ years gathering all the info I could. If I understand correctly, you want exactly Krusty's reccommendations, so that is what I will give you. I respect starting with the right recipe before making modifications, but I don't think anyone doesn't eventually make modifications to KFBs.

1. the 600's are centered on the walls, not in the corners
(that being said, the 4 plant version of this system is the least efficient,
with respect to lighting. I think adding 400's in the corners - on a 4 plant
system only - would help)

2. 3400 watts * 3.413 btu/hour/watt = 11,604 btu, so yes, unless you are
above the ground in a warm climate. Krusty used a fogger designed for
applying cleaning products. I doubt a house humidifier would work,
as your ac depletes humidity quickly. Look at the amount of water your
ac will remove from the air per hour or per day. This is available
information at retail and manufacturers' websites online. Whatever you
use to humidify should be rated to put out at least what your ac will
remove really depletes humidity. Not what Krusty used, but check out
hydrofogger.com. My personal note to add about humidification: use ro.
My tap is 110 ppm, and left residue on my walls lamps, and fogger itself.

3. I don't know. Look for a big yielder that finishes in 8 weeks. Krusty
claimed that we could delay maturation by a week, stretching it to 9
weeks, and adding considerable weight.

4. Krusty used ozone with light ventilation. This was to pull a vaccuum on
the room, as room are damn hard to actually seal. He ran his ozone
generator downline from the fan, which is located high up in the room.
We are not trying to exchange air here, so don't match the ventilation the
the room size.

5. Go to www.grainger.com. Look up item number 5Z348. This is a thomas
diaphragm air compressor. 60 psi peak/50psi continuous. I didn't like my
bubbles and traded up to a gast diaphragm that is 60/60. Couldn't tell
any difference. Some are using regenereative blowers with sweetwater
air diffusers.

6. I have not experimented, but this is exactly Krusty's recipe. He said not
to worry about the increase in nightime temps until everything else is
dialed in.

7. Krusty said no more than 10 degrees less at night

8. Krusty used 3/4 inch drains. They didn't work for me. Stepped up to 1
inch for the next round, still didn't like it. I used a 300 gallon per hour
pump. If he had a reccommendation for this, I never read it. Just don't
overwhelm your drains.

9. Krusty said no fans.

10. Krusty ran 1000 to 1200 ppm from a 50# tank on a simple timer.

11. I have no idea how he ran 3/4 inch drains. Probably because he always
ran at least 10 plants with a low flow pump. Very few people stick with
this set-up. I have seen at least one person double up on 3/4 inch
drains, and was quite happy. Go as big as you can.

12. PVS is safe, but not how krusty did it. If I ran it again, I would use pvc
or the cheaper corrugated 4 inch drain line, as it is black inside, white
outside, keepng your nutes light free and unheated.

Wash, then cook on broil all you lava each run. Nasty root stuff will happen at the 70-72 degrees reccommended if this is not done. Good luck



Active member
Thank you all for your encouragement, advice and kind words :)

i too have have been researching these for years now, and while i realize there are other systems that promise excellent results as well, for some reason this is the one that caught my eye. i've run NFT (homemade) and NFT (Aeroflo) systems before as well as a variety of dirt projects, and this time i want to get things a little krusty lol.

as far as humidity, i'll just have to do some tests with everything running and see if a humidifier can keep up or if i'll have to get a fogger. i'm relatively certain i will.

as for the soaker hose, i'm guessing that once a certain psi is reached, forcing air out all available openings, then it becomes the volume of air that it moves that is important? I can't see volume making any impact at all unless sufficient psi exists to force it out of all openings. anyone care to hazard a guess about it? is 20 psi enough to force bubbles out of all the soaker hose in four buckets? i have two main concerns here, #1 spending 200$ on a pump that doesnt "cut the mustard" and #2 setting up air lines for a real high psi system (50+ psi). what do others use for air line? is regular aquarium airline good enough to deal with 20psi? 50psi? is it easiest to build a manifold just like the res pump? just from what i have read and (somewhat) understand, the air to the roots is one of the harder things to get just right, and i've never run any high pressure air pumps before lol.

anyway many thanx again for your great info and advice and stuff!



For the pumps, i was using a thomas air pump with soaker hose. But I swap it out for a regenerative pump with sweet water air stone. It is much quieter with even more froth.


Active member
what have the results been since you switched blunt? does it look like the froth is made up of the same tiny bubbles the thomas/soaker hose put out or are the bubbles larger? has it made any noticable difference?


Active member
You could use this stuff instead of soaker hose.

It looks and feels like soaker hose, but is larger, even though it is labeled as 1/4 inch. That's 1/4 inch pipe fitting size, not irrigation size like the soaker hose. Use 3/8 inch barbed fittings to connect it. I have used this and the soaker hose, and like this a lot better. It is designed to diffuse air.

I know it is a deviation, but listen to bluntitup on that regenerative blower and sweetwater air diffusers. All the pics I have seen of those blow away Krusty's original design. (which I have run) I don't know if noise is an issue, but the diaphragm compressor is loud. I haven't heard a regenerative blower myself, but people say they are quieter.

I used a portable ac, but if I had it to do again, I would use ductless split system.



Active member
hey blunt, what blower do you use? any chance of a model number? any particular type of air stones? i searched under sweetwater air stones and found many different types. also, what do you use to keep the stones down, do you attach them to the bucket?

