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Glycerin based Cannabis Tincture


New member
Blessings dear ones...

I would like to share with you a process for an excellent non-alcoholic tincture. This sublingual Cannabis Medicine is spreading quickly through our Medical Community in Oregon.

You will need ONE CUP of food grade glycerin.
ONE OUNCE of top grade bud....chopped up with scissors or a burst in a cuisinart.
A Quart jar with a good SEAL.

Put the ingredients in the jar and give it a shake for about 5-10 minutes a day for two months. (IT IS WORTH the TIME!)

Press out the glycerin and strain well; and put in brown bottles with eyedropper.

I use a professional food press, so I get back the total amount of glycerin plus a little extra. A ricer will also work well if you line it with cheesecloth.

The medicine is as good as what you put into it. I find this a very good way to medicate at social functions. I carry mine in an herb tincture bottle. A drop or a dropper under the tongue is a good way to find relief.

healing energy and loving thoughts

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New member
In this cyberworld I am sure you can find it on the web.
I get my glycerin at MAMA's clinic in Portland ORegon for about $10 a quart.

It goes a long way when you use a cup of glycerin to an ounce of bud.

I hope there are many out there that find healing with this medication.

Blessings to you too Eaglevision!!

Anyone ready for hash suppositories. give a holler out!
These are good for those who CANNOT take food, going through chemotherapy. IN fact the US governement has granted patents for Cannbis suppositories...

At Oregongreenfree.com in the medical forum there is a list of SOME of the US patents granted to CANNABIS medicines. YES my beloveds....it is coming but the pharmaceutical companies would like to make this ANCIENT medicine ONLY at their CALL and for THEIR PROFIT.

All of the recipes I post are FREE. CANNABIS is MEDICINE.
Take care. USE responsibly. BE well.

Spread the NEWS....Cannabis HEALS!

with healing energy and loving kindness

Sequoia the Crone :smile:

H. Wurst

Hello Sequoia,

thank you for sharing this info. It sounds very interesting and i would like to give this a try. But before that i have some questions which i hope you will answer:

1. Can i compare the strength of the tincture to that of a hit of a joint? Is it more or less strong?
2. Will the tincture smell strong? Or is it stealth?
3. Will it burn under the tongue? I had other tinctures that would give great pain to my mouth.
4. How fast is the onset of the effects? As fast as smoking or as fast as eating?
5. Can i use more than an ounce if the strength is not enough for me? I have a high tolerance.
6. I always get sick when i eat cannabis in any form. My stomach does react very badly to it. Will this be a way to help me with this kind of problem? Do i need to swallow any or is all absorbed via tongue?

I hope that these are not too many questions, but i think that many others might be interested in the answers too.

H. Wurst

#Edit: I am not able to find pure Glycerin where i live, all i can get is 86,5% Glycerin and the rest is water. Will it do the trick?
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Custom User Title
Anybody have any answers to those questions? Those are all good things to know, I'm definitely interested.


1. Can i compare the strength of the tincture to that of a hit of a joint? Is it more or less strong?
2. Will the tincture smell strong? Or is it stealth?
3. Will it burn under the tongue? I had other tinctures that would give great pain to my mouth.
4. How fast is the onset of the effects? As fast as smoking or as fast as eating?
5. Can i use more than an ounce if the strength is not enough for me? I have a high tolerance.
6. I always get sick when i eat cannabis in any form. My stomach does react very badly to it. Will this be a way to help me with this kind of problem? Do i need to swallow any or is all absorbed via tongue?

1. For me its hard to dose the tincture to a hit. A little bit goes along way.
2. The Tincture wont have much smell at all. Very stealth.
3. Doesnt seem to burn my mouth.
4. Its onset is more to the eating side but not quite as long.
5. make it as strong as you want.
6. Any form as in even baked goods? If that is the case this wont help that. If you are talkin bout munching on some buds, then yes this will help that. Because you get all the THC goodness that is 99% plant matter free.


sorry to dig this one up out of the depths... curious to know if anyone knows the ratio of kief to glycerine for this recipe? i have a lot of kief that is just too strong for me and i'd like to incorporate it in to a tincture.

Thanks so much,
-dodo :joint:


Hi, Anyone know if it's possible to speed up this process?
I wonder if you could cook it in a pressure cooker to extract?

Also, will vinegar extract thc ?



Active member
Would heating this mixture make it more effective?
What is the shelf life of this tincture?

Mr. Charlie

Great post chock full of info, thanks.

Do you use dry buds or wet buds and do you know what the difference may be?



I have a bottle of Glycerin ganja drops. Its great stuff. I usually take 3 dropers in a cup of hot tea. Cant taste it at all!! Most edibles upset my stomach but these drops dont at all. It usually takes about an hr kick in and last about 5 hrs. Its a very strong body high " kills my back pain" and very relaxing melt into the couch feeling.

:smoker::smoke out:


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  • ganja Glycerin 1.jpg
    ganja Glycerin 1.jpg
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Active member
Sounds nice - I recently stopped smoking tobacco and would like to reserve smoking at all for special occasions. Maybe I should try it.


I have a bottle of Glycerin ganja drops. Its great stuff. I usually take 3 dropers in a cup of hot tea. Cant taste it at all!! Most edibles upset my stomach but these drops dont at all. It usually takes about an hr kick in and last about 5 hrs. Its a very strong body high " kills my back pain" and very relaxing melt into the couch feeling.

:smoker::smoke out:

HAHAHA! awesome shot of the oreo's in the background! damn i love me some oreo's.

i'm totally with you on the upset stomach. for me it feels like a tube of sandpaper running through me. an acupuncture friend of mine says that cannabis, when ingested acts as a natural laxative and that could be what is causing my discomfort. even more so if you don't have a problem with constipation, otherwise if you have a problem with constipation it possibly won't cause such an issue.

either way the tincture does not seem to effect me the same way as other breaded edibles. i dig the high, it's very comfortable for me and does not make me self conscious that i smell like weed.

-dodo :joint:


sorry to dig this one up out of the depths... curious to know if anyone knows the ratio of kief to glycerine for this recipe? i have a lot of kief that is just too strong for me and i'd like to incorporate it in to a tincture.

Thanks so much,
-dodo :joint:

alright, well back to my original question. i really couldn't find anything with the proper ratios, so i decided to give it a stab, and see what happens. i added about 3.7g of kief in a small glass jar that i believe will hold 4 fl. oz. filled it up to the neck with glycerin and have it sittin' on my baseboard heater which is currently around 132F. i've been shakin' it in the am/pm (sometimes in the middle of the day too :) ) and i'm going to do this for 5 weeks.

i may have used too much kief, but i'm tired of having to drink 1/4 fl. oz. to just start feeling the effects. i'd rather have something that only takes a couple droppers... so we'll see what we gonna see. in the pics attached you can see the kief separated and in the other all mixed up. before i get ready to use what i make in 5 weeks i'm going to see if i can skim off what has separated, put it in another jar and see if i can pull out any more.

If anyone has ideas or other recommendations, let me know.

-dodo :joint:


THC degrades with light, so I recommend keeping it in a dark place, brown bag, or brown jars... nice experiment!

thanks, good call. i was reading around when i was preparing this setup and ran across something called sunshine tincture, but don't recall where they said to use a brown jar so i was on the fence about that ( i believe they used a clear mason jar). didn't know if it was more in terms of long term storage, after the 5 weeks... but i have seen some people comment about that before. i guess i was too impatient about wanting to get it started. imo 5 weeks is worth the wait.

much appreciated, i think i'll grab some black electrical tape and wrap it up to keep the light out :laughing:

-dodo :joint:

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