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genetic differnces between an IBL and S1

Greetings Bluebeard

I am humbled by your acknowledgement; if you followed what was being said, then we indeed do share the same "eloquence and clarity of thought."

...the whole concept of generational numbering is largely arbitrary and more just a way for a breeder to keep track of his or her own work....Bluebeard

Yes, but also for the purposes of independent verification of method and peer-review of conclusions.

Generally: If a plant is purposefully self-pollinated it is automatically designated P1.



"I'm well aware that the pure chemovars arent found in nature except for thc and it takes a minimum of three generations to create them. What I am asking is why is it "near impossible" to create them using males? Don't the male populations show the same variations in cannabinoid levels as the females? If the male population physically expresses it's genes regulating various cannabinoid levels in ratios similar to that of females with the same genotype then there really is no real advantage to using selfed plants other than cutting the population size in half."

If you try making pure single Cannabinoid varieties, then the answer becomes clear, I suggest you try... It is like trying to make paint white that is black, add an equal amount of white paint and it is closer to white but not white, same with Cannabis that has Cannabonoids other then what you want, you can get a little closer to the target but will never reach the target. By selfing a single plant you will reach your target for sure, if the Cannabinoid compound is found in the original selfed plant, and you have the means to analyze the S1, S2, S3, S4, for Cannabinoid contents. Just reject all plants that are not what you are after, and self the best. Do this again and again until you only have the single Cannabinoid you are after.
BTW, pure THC varieties are not found in nature, rather they have all been created by man, and much more then 3 generations were involved to make them. It took generations of farmers to do so, with sifted hashish varieties it is still not done, the hashish varieties are 25% high in CBD, 25% high in THC, and 50% high in both THC/CBD.

Charles Xavier,
"Generally: If a plant is purposefully self-pollinated it is automatically designated P1."

Then how do you designate parental lines? Or Pure lines?

Selfed family selection
The plants in the original base population are selfed to produce S1 progenies, which are evaluated in the next season to identify promising S1 families. Hence, the units of selection and recombination are S1 progenies.

F1 hybrid - is the first generation of a cross between any two unrelated seedlines in the creation of a hybrid. F1 hybrids can be uniform or variable depending on the P1 parent stock used.



Active member
thank you all

thank you all

many thanks for this great read !!! lots of useful info to read & re-read !!! just finnished...wow !!! monkey5
well this thread is off the chain...xavier i have honestly never read such cool..calm..to the point and informative post ever on ic mag or any forum for that matter..thanks for your contribution...peace
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Greetings Sam Skunkman

Please excuse the tardiness of this response. I hope this New Year brings for you the prosperity of expectation.

Then how do you designate parental lines? Or Pure lines?....Sam Skunkman

Parental lines are designated 'P'; meaning, if a plant is purposefully self-pollinated then it is automatically classified as a parent, the assumption being the specimen possesses some trait of interest or of genetic value/purpose that warranted the attempt at genotype isolation.

Pure Lines are designated 'IL' (inbred line).

The plants in the original base population are selfed to produce S1 progenies, which are evaluated in the next season to identify promising S1 families....Sam Skunkman

I would urge: Any member interested in the role of nomenclature in regards to breeding should peruse this thread in general:


and post #122 in specific.

F1 hybrid - is the first generation of a cross between any two unrelated seedlines in the creation of a hybrid. F1 hybrids can be uniform or variable depending on the P1 parent stock used....Sam Skunkman

The stated definition of F1 always produces a generation of uniform offspring.



Thank you for your kind acknowledgement; it was neither overlooked nor unappreciated.

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Mr. Alkaline

Your Changable Self is Constantly Becoming a Refle
ICMag Donor
Haha, life is not so rigid guys! Learn from Dj; who uses...an adj as a bridge to the audience- PURE...P1 Stock;)

Mr. Alkaline

Your Changable Self is Constantly Becoming a Refle
ICMag Donor
Haha, life is not so rigid guys! Learn from Dj; who uses...an adj as a bridge to the audience- PURE...P1 Stock;)


Greetings Sam Skunkman

Please excuse the tardiness of this response. I hope this New Year brings for you the prosperity of expectation.

Parental lines are designated 'P'; meaning, if a plant is purposefully self-pollinated then it is automatically classified as a parent, the assumption being the specimen possesses some trait of interest or of genetic value/purpose that warranted the attempt at genotype isolation.

Pure Lines are designated 'IL' (inbred line).

I would urge: Any member interested in the role of nomenclature in regards to breeding should peruse this thread in general:


and post #122 in specific.

The stated definition of F1 always produces a generation of uniform offspring.



Thank you for your kind acknowledgement; it was neither overlooked nor unappreciated.


I hope you don't think your right lol,, Try grow some stuff other than the s12/15's.. Seperate f1 hybrids made of regular stock will not make uniformity to sister hybrids neither will a perfect P1 f1 cross of un related lines, they will show hetrosis which masks the bad things and makes the line more resistant to crap growers!!!!! but you need to go to f2 properly to make the line homogenious. This stabelizes the given desired traits..to the power of 1, Charles do any people grow stuff from you,,,

all growers use terminoligy from pioneer time before them and mis education from books and collage is where you must not learn from and think your no 1 cos your NOT!,,,

like DJ and Sam you need to do it for yourself to make your own Id markers and family trees of useable visable desired traits to witness the stuff 1st hand and document it to learn,, because this isnt theory,, and F1 and s1 or S1 or R1's in hypothetical horticulture are still never the same.. Propper hybrid F1's are crazy good . S in modern terms isnt aplicable towards landrace or (IL) made hybrids because the plants used were males so who knows?? Are F1 hybrids are gonna be better than a selfed oxacan female to a pure african female,???
I don't care !!!!

How back then could you lab test stuff ????? so quieten down.

my tone isnt condercending. just ic mag and the internet ganja crew has so many people who know f all and even more who are learning from the f all ers and more again claming there gods left testicle and know it to teach in a few posts, most of them have a real high standing on here and this is the way it is stupidity is ignorance which is arogent and foolish.