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Stupid Potent Butter With Minimal Trim


I love the smell of cannabis in the morning
I've been playing with my butter recipe for some time now and decided to toss it out there. Before going any further, I should say that the 7 easy canna butter steps is a must read - and that my recipe is merely an adaptation of the recipe for perpetual growers who want to use as little material as possible (generally 1 plant's worth of trim) and still produce borderline-scary edibles.

I don't like tasting weed in my edibles! Edibles are better without random pieces of plant matter in them. Also, by using only one plant or one pheno of plant you can duplicate the high from smoking buds - but add longevity and a strong body buzz to the high.

3-6 cups of water (or till the leaf matter floats in the crock pot)
1 stick of butter
trim from a single plant (my plants usually yield 2-3oz of bud for a size reference)
2 tablespoons of cinnamon

Why cinnamon?
Cinnamon is part of the old testament holy anointing oil recipe in the Bible (Exodus 30:22-25). It has a synergistic effect with the thc making the butter more potent via revving up the metabolism. This means you ingest more thc than normal - cinnamon is tasty, and it masks the smell of cannabis while you're making butter - its a win-win-win!

  • Cooking: On low (or high if you can trust your crock pot) in a crock-pot, bring the butter, water, trim and cinnamon to a light boil as you normally would, but do so for 6-9 hours till the mixture turns black. Stir the mix every 30-60 minutes for the duration of the boil.


Why such a long boil?
After reading Rick Simpson's oil recipe, I realized that his concoction gets its potency from the length of time it is heated into a reduction. My initial edibles confirmed this, boils for 4 hours were not as strong as 6 hours, which were less potent than 8 hours. So far, 12 hours is the longest I've gone and I think 8 is plenty to get the job done.

  • Plant Matter Removal / Refrigeration: After the mix has blackened, pour it through a fine metal screen or fine food strainer into a bowl just as you would normally. Feel free to rinse and press the hot trim "clump" with hot water and a metal spoon through the screen into the bowl as the additional water will not hurt the mix. Take some time on this part, you will get more butter back this way. After straining, put the mix in the fridge to cool, harden and separate for several hours.

    Here's a step by step on the pressing process. As you can see, the plant matter is nearly dry after a few minutes of pressing.

  • Waste Water Removal: After the butter has had a several hours to cool and solidify, pour out the dirty water. You'll notice the water will be a disgusting brown-green color.

  • Multiple Extractions: Heat up your teapot and pour near boiling water back over the cannabutter stirring until it dissolves. Feel free to generously use the hot water, the more water you use, the fewer number of extractions are required. Put it back in the fridge. After it solidifies, pour out the dirty water. Repeat this process until the water coming out is clean, pure and drinkable. At this point, nearly all chlorophyll and contaminants have been removed and you are ready to cook with the butter.
Why add water / multiple extractions?
By adding hot water, the butter goes back into solution allowing the plant matter, chlorophyll and other ish to fall out of the butter as it sets. The cannaboids bind to the fats in the mixture, which separate off the water, leaving you with purer and purer butter on each extraction. In my experience, butter that has been "washed" several times produces far better tasting edibles - and that's what baking is all about right?

How far does the mix go?
One stick of canna butter is a very small amount, but it will be more than you need. I have to dilute my cannabutter with regular butter. I recently had to stop making batches of 16 2x2 inch brownies out of each plant's trim because the high lasted over 10 hours and was borderline terrifying for its duration no matter what strain I used. I have since switched to making 30-50 chocolate chip cookies with a single stick of cannabutter so each cookie was more appropriately dosed.

Here's a shot of the waste water after each wash / extraction with about a liter of hot water used each time. As you can see, there is a big difference!

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Active member
Awesome...I'm looking forward to trying your method. Thanks for sharing!

Cool bit on the cinnamon too! My friend gave me some bud-made lotion for my arthritis and he used cinnamon. It's so cool to see ancient techniques being passed down and used!

So I'm still curious... How long is best to cook?

I posted this this bit in the oil vs. butter thread..

This site, http://www.marijuanagrowershq.com/decarboxylating-cannabis-turning-thca-into-thc/, says that thca is converted into effective thc through decarboxylation which is basically just heat (I think, I'm new to this)... but after a certain point, thc and other cannabinoids degrade,

Compound-Before Decarb-30 Min Decarb-60 Min Decarb
THCA 24.5% 2.6% .1%
THC 3.8% 25.4% 25.5%
CBDA .6% .3% .3%
CBD 0% 1% .1%
CBN .4% 1% 1.4%
Moisture 0% 0% 0%
Total Cannabanoids 29.3% 30.3% 27.4%

Cannabis Trim

Compound-Before Decarb-30 Min Decarb-60 Min Decarb
THCA 6.5% 2.9% .2%
THC .6% 4.8% 6.9%
CBDA .2% .2% .1%
CBD 0% 0% .1%
CBN 0% 0% 0%
Moisture 3.4% 4.5% 0%
Total Cannabanoids 7.3% 7.9% 7.3%

But Terpene, you say your 1st hand experience says otherwise? Longer the more potent? Maybe there is something this lab test isn't calculating (and perhaps we haven't quantified?)...

Someone did tell me that the monks he learned to grow from cooks theirs for 8 hours.



I love the smell of cannabis in the morning
Yeah, the longer it cooks the better and stronger it gets.

At first the mix is greenish, then brown, dark brown and then black. When you get to the black color, you're there. Any further cooking is diminishing returns, doesn't seem to affect the potency, but doesn't add anything either.

My crockpot takes about 8 hours on low to get to this point, but I have gone as long as 12 hours for giggles. So far, 8-9 seems to be about right, but the main thing is to look for that blackened color.

Medium Pimpin'

Ask Beavis, I Get Nothing Butt Head
Cool bro, going to try the cinnamon.
I usually do an oz of mugs or 2 oz of trim per 2 sticks of butter.
I get about 50 or so pb/ chocochip cookies out of the batch.
I also find cookies easier to keep your high in check per say.


ICMag Donor
I don't like tasting weed in my edibles! To me the fun of edibles is total stealth. Also, by using only one plant or one pheno of plant you can duplicate the high from smoking buds - but add longevity and a strong body buzz to the high.

How do they taste?:thank you:


I love the smell of cannabis in the morning
How do they taste?:thank you:
As if they had no cannabis in them whatsoever. My medical cookies are simply delicious chocolate chip cookies, my brownies are just double fudge brownies. There isn't the telltale smell or taste that you would expect, just tasty baked goods without contaminants.


I love the smell of cannabis in the morning
Update - added a shot of the waste water at each pour so everyone could see what the difference would look like.


Well-known member
Good post... Yeah, when I tried making butter and I then baked it into some cookies but they tasted like shit so I really do wanna try this ... Thanks.


Make hash, infuse hash in ghee, bake in cookies. Until you put in around 7 grams in 113 grams (1 stick butter) and bake ~ 30 cookies, you absolutely can't taste the cannabis.


I love the smell of cannabis in the morning
I have to ask, how does Cinnamon make it more potent?

Why cinnamon?
Cinnamon is part of the old testament holy anointing oil recipe in the Bible (Exodus 30:22-25). It has a synergistic effect with the thc making the butter more potent via revving up the metabolism. This means you ingest more thc than normal - and cinnamon is tasty, its a win-win!

I also would like to ask if there is any cinnamon left in the butter after the extractions...

Yes, there is still a cinnamon flavor to the butter. Not sure how much stays in the mix, but you can taste a hint of cinnamon in everything I've done.


Active member
Looking to do this with Ghee and no water... just need to find a lower heat source.

Ghee is clarified butter and doesn't burn easily like butter will, no need for water. Ghee also doesn't pick up the water soluble stuff you have to wash out.

Anyone tried this with ghee yet? Awesome call on the cinnamon. lol

Keep it Clean! :D


I love the smell of cannabis in the morning
could i use 4 ounces of extra virgin coconut oil instead of 1 stick of butter?

Good question. I had to visit wikipedia to determine whether or not it would work!

Coconut oil is an edible oil extracted from the kernel or meat of matured coconuts harvested from the coconut palm (Cocos nucifera). It has various applications in food, medicine, and industry. Because of its high saturated fat content it is slow to oxidize and, thus, resistant to rancidification, lasting up to two years without spoiling.[1]

THC binds to fats which is the reason I use butter (that and every recipe for baked goods always calls for butter). I see no downsides to using any other oil or fatty base like Coconut Oil. The only part I see that could be an issue will be separation from the dirty water. I don't know if coconut oil separates into a layer like most oils, but provided it does, all the same steps will work.

In the old testament recipe I reference, they used olive oil because olives are widely available in the area. Olive oil also doesn't require refrigeration like butter does, but then again, when Exodus was written refrigeration wasn't exactly available yet.


Active member
Coconut oil will rise to the top and solidify when cooled. Works perfectly. Very clean tasting fat.


Active member
Works great, I do find I prefer the taste of my canabutter over coco-cana-oil.. The coconut is a bit nuttier, whereas the butter version is sweeter.

No issues with seperating/washing it either..


I love the smell of cannabis in the morning
Works great, I do find I prefer the taste of my canabutter over coco-cana-oil.. The coconut is a bit nuttier, whereas the butter version is sweeter.

No issues with seperating/washing it either..

Glad to hear it! Hope your baked goods give ya a good time. :)