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Bubble Buckets ???


The Best Is Yet To Come

well i was bored today and decide to make some hash. the only thing is i dont have bubblebags. and is water hash i had in mind. well i did ordered some fine mesh so my tailor can make me bags like bubblemans.
so i just had nothing to do ,and i got a idea to make something i can use it now to make hash. hehe

this is basically how i did it. it works great. there are some things i need to perfected ,but other than that ,they work just like bubblemans bags.
nothing against bubblebags,there are best shit out there,but if i can save some money and have plenty of fun doing it ,why not.hehe

if you can get the correct mesh count like i did, i dont see a problem making hash with bubble buckets baby,hehe

i made four dif mesh counts ones ,but i will make five dif ones ,for cleaner hash














Very creative HC.Looks good.If you grow,you have to have BBags or some way to make water hash.Its a must.lol


The Best Is Yet To Come

thanks guys

it turn out to be some killer shit. very nice hash for a first try.
only run it for 15 min ,maybe one oz+ of shake and leaf
got back 8 grams,hehe too good. and it was only second grade leaf.
cant wait to see how much im gonna end up with. looks like shit loads,hehe




Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Nice one ...there is the same design done by a chap called andy the celt over at UKC, he just used 2 buckets, I was gonna do a thread, I been waiting on my mesh a while...so thats 2 things i been beaten to this week! Man, Im gonna have to get my arse into gear, lol.
nice works though....I just found some good quality budget bubblehash bags..ill call them that as its not fair to say bubblebags when they aint bubblemans. They will be 37 pounds for a 3 bag, 5 gallon set delivered to my house from weed city in Blackppol. they call them Bub-L-Hash u will have seen the advert in Weed world if u read it at all!
Primo job there, kudos to you!


The Best Is Yet To Come

this just came to me one day, never see anybody make it like that before. i knew i can make it very easy. once it came to me,it was like putting legos together ,hehe i find this system to be very worthy. i used original bublebags and this is really no different.



The Best Is Yet To Come
once its nice and dry, it turns to nice gold,brown color.
this shit is a mind bender,hehe


credit card is fake,no need to inform me,hehe

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sounds like an awsome idea.. i have so much leaf material laying around from previous harvestes.. I just was too lazy to order bubblebags.. I am however a little confused with your writeup. I see the pics.. and once you pour the ice over the leaf material... then next picture shows you blending the mixture.. do you wait for the ice to melt? Also you show 4 different mesh buckets but only one seems to be used in the pictures to make the hash. My appologies for all the questions.. I just do not know much about making hash without bubble buckets and I would really love to learn. Could you please go into a little more detial.. thanks


The Best Is Yet To Come

well this was intended to show you what can be used, instead of bubblrbags.
the process is identical to bubblebags hash. you make it the same way.
i dont put mesh bucket inside the other mesh bucket. i do it each one separately
thats why you only see one collection going on. go to bubble mans web site ,he has a nice directions and a video on how to make the hash. this is no dif,the only dif thing is bags are buckets,hehe



New member
Hi there, only recently found out about this site so this is my 1st post. For those interested in seeing a bigger version of this system...


I've always insisted you can make blindingly good hash and oil without spending loads, I have a bubblehash system, a slow tumbler, an assortment of BHO tubes and an ISO system and I doubt I've spent over 50 pounds in total.


The Best Is Yet To Come
very nice AndytheCelt

yeah i like the big version. still like to make things even better with this sytem. but it sure works great. its easy and clean system. that yes will save you $200+ if you do it your self.hehe


Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Hey there Andy the Celt...i'll just call u ATC for the sake of my lazy ass typing, hehehe. anyway, Its me pal, growguy, or Harry as I am known here! Glad you finally made it over here buddy. I been telling peeps about the great shit u have made, like ur home made tumbler, much easier than the big un on IOG made form all that wood huh, hehe.
Speaking of your tumbler mate, i have had an idea and want ur opinion please. You know those fibre optic xmas trees right, well they work by a little motor turning a coloured disc, with the light shining through it, it is differtn colours as it turns the lights shines through the next colour anbd it changes. Anyway, Do you reckon the motor would be anby good for a small tumbler, ar would it be too slow/weak.whatever. What do u reckon!!! I had my heart set on an O'keif, hbut finaces are tight a the mo so ive had to put it off.