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cops profiling legal pot store in Lacey WA

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not like it effects me directly but it still saddens me to see. I was driving to the hydro store today and passed by the new legal pot shop that opened today in Lacey Washington. Not really to my surprise but one person was pulled over and another cop was sitting directly across the driveway from the legal store. the way to test for DUI is to send you in for a blood test so everyone is going in for DUIs today that got pulled over I'm assuming. can't wait to see the headlines tomorrow. wasn't sure if anyone knew and wanted to warn people who were going; even if its just to see what it's like. I kinda wanted to go inside but not after seeing these poor people being targeted. :noway:


Wow that's my area man,
fuck that bullshit, knowing
this was going to happen.
It makes me pretty upset
but not surprised one bit.



I told everyone that this was going to happen since they put a small thing in I502 about DUIs but nobody believed me. the law should've been written better and resubmitted.

Bud Green

I dig dirt
if they can't make money off of busting you for possessing it anymore,,
the localities are gonna figure another way to keep the $$ rolling in..


kinda fucked since it almost $20 gram with the 25% tax on each level of the three tier system. I graduate soon with my BA and I'm seriously considering saving up to move out of state.


saw a headline today in the paper about the first man to buy legal pot in Washington. his employer saw the news with him on it being interviewed and he was fired. did the same type of stuff happen in Colorado?

Slim Pickens

Well-known member
if they can't make money off of busting you for possessing it anymore,,
the localities are gonna figure another way to keep the $$ rolling in..

That is the truth,plain and simple.The greedy manipulative opportunistic co*ksuckers are going to get their due one way or another.

If there were only a way to stick it up their collective a**es.Wouldn't it be great if everyone understood what is really going on in our police departments?Then maybe referendums could be initiated to roll back their funding.Put a bunch of those dickwads on roller skates.See how they like that.

Yeah. I know.I'm dreaming.Too many people that are afraid of their shadows to see the benefit in doing something like that.

<end rant..carry on>

Bud Green

I dig dirt
kinda fucked since it almost $20 gram .......

I read about the store in Seattle.
Said they had 10 lbs. to sell, and would sell it for $15 to $20 per gram.
Said they expected to sell out before the day was over.

Let's see, at an average of $17.50 a gram, that comes to $79,500 gross income when they close the doors before the day is over....For 10 measley pounds!

WOW, I can certainly see now how legalization in Washington is gonna help curtail the illegal sales of weed by the cartel.....NOT.


Well-known member
Im noticing (having recently moved to WA) that each county, each town, seems to treat cannabis differently.

Maybe a patient will end up suing the police for harassment while trying to obtain medicine ;)


exactly! this is what I was trying to tell someone earlier who was arguing with me. I think the "black market" is going to open up since we will have the most expensive pot. with the talk of shutting down all the medical colletives forcing everyone to buy the state taxed pot, and taking away growing rights possibly, the price for pot is going to better for people in Washington if they buy it from a old school dealer; not uncle sam.


Target the prosecutors and judges who allow this horseshit in the next election. They usually only win by a few votes.
We gotta quit letting the losers write the rules. We won the fuckin war.


October 26, 1989. Operation Green Merchant.

DEA targeted growers based on UPS shipments from grow-stores.

Back then - it was always wise to take mass transit to anything related to Cannabis.


Well-known member
saw a headline today in the paper about the first man to buy legal pot in Washington. his employer saw the news with him on it being interviewed and he was fired. did the same type of stuff happen in Colorado?

fellow was re-hired yesterday. his employer saw him on TV & did not realize that he had taken day off from work. he was initially fired because they thought he had come to work that day after smoking his purchase.


if it smells like fish
I would have to question the validity of the blood test...I would fight it ...we all know how long thc stays in system..how are they decieding your high then???? there needs to be a test that's a true judge oof your impairment.... not a cops guess or an unreliable blood test..cause my blood has had thc in it consistently for a longass time..


Just Say Grow
i know in CA you can refuse a blood test and only submit urine...in which case any lawyer worth his salt will get that dismissed with little more than a phone call, coming from someone charged with a weed dui...got it reduced to speeding even after submitting blood, urine would have made it a no-brainer according to my attorney


Well-known member
Those police are sending a very clear message. They do not care at all what the people of Washington think or want. In a democracy the police would serve the people, but we do not have that. We live in a state where the police abuse and kill at will and are never punished or censured for it. When i was younger, I used to feel like things were getting better. It has been a long time since I have felt that way.
I can not be the only one who wants to clear his throat and spit when I hear the term "homeland". What the fuck ever happened to this stuff we once had called integrity, it seems to have evaporated here in this country.
Listening to a radio show in which they are speaking of a great grandmother in LA who had the shit beat out of her by a highway patrol cop, there is a really terrible video of it that is making the rounds. The show is making the point that nothing ever happens to the cops who do this over and over again, and it is in fact getting much worse with respect to attacks on women and elderly people.
I heard on the radio yesterday, that no charges are to be filed against the cop who shoot to death the kid with a bb gun in California recently.
The victim is always vilified, while the police are always vindicated.

I find myself asking, is this what it felt like to the people of Germany in the mid thirties ?
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Those police are sending a very clear message. They do not care at all what the people of Washington think or want. In a democracy the police would serve the people, but we do not have that. We live in a state where the police abuse and kill at will and are never punished or censured for it. When i was younger, I used to feel like things were getting better. It has been a long time since I have felt that way.
I can not be the only one who wants to clear his throat and spit when I hear the term "homeland". What the fuck ever happened to this stuff we once had called integrity, it seems to have evaporated here in this country.

One euphemism for this kind of corruption is Control Fraud, sort of the same as White Collar Crime.

With all these 'Abuse of Power under Color of Authority' (FBI term for police brutality) incidents, there is a common thread - they turn a molehill into a mountain, and use up lots of police hours in the process.

When they call out 12 cops to deal with 1 depressed woman in a car with a gun - a situation that most of us here could deal with, just one of us - that is a jobs creation program.

I saw that happen recently. They took a depressed woman, and pepper-sprayed her AND tased her. So now she is, suicidal. Progress ? YES, it is, for the cops - because their approach to 'solving' the problem created 4 hours of work for each of about 15 officers and managers.

Behind each of those bullshit SWAT team badges is some guy without a lot of talent, who needed a job, and who now gets paid to be a bully - with impunity.

But one of the conditions of their employment is, they have to go along with the homeland security bullshit.

In 2011, the annual budget for DHS was about $65 Billion. That's a lot of Powerpoint Engineering. And also, a lot of jobs.

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