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wtfn's 4000w legal medical soil food web organic grow show

I did it. 68 days. In an ideal world they would have gone another week, especially the SSDs, but they're certainly far enough for government work. Anybody wanna take a crack at the yield?

im gonna go with ALOT! nicely done! do you always dry trim?

I haven't figured out how to keep the quality super high consistently if I don't, but what I do is I'll start trimming all the fans off, say, later today or tomorrow, but trim the bud leaves off before/during cure. It's just me trimming all this, so it'd be silly for me to pick one particular time to trim anyway, since it'll probably be a couple weeks of work.

My neck has lost its natural curvature and is overextended from working on a laptop in my lap too much, and because I have shitty genes that way, giving me bizarre and at times excruciating pains in my back, and causing random migraines. I've only recently found out that it was my neck causing all my back and head problems but the absolute worst thing I can do for it is look down and ahead for hours at a time. I've got a pretty decent workstation set up here for my techy job (very high table), and that's where I'll be trimming, but it's still going to be painstaking and I'll have to take my time with it, and spend a lot of time stretching and coaxing the curvature back into my neck, which I've been doing a lot of anyway.

But honestly, I don't mind! Trimming sucks but I'm like a pig in shit right now! By far my largest and most successful harvest yet.


Active member
Ahhhh man that sucks! Sorry to hear and hopefully everything turns out ok with the neck and back.

Trimming absolutely sucks....one of the hardest parts for me, as i can barely sit still for 3-4 hours at a time....like you, trimming takes me forever. I typically wet trim though as its easier for me to trim the sugar leaves.....when i tried dry trimming the sugar leaves wrapped around the bud and i had a hard time getting fiskars underneath there without damaging it
Ahhhh man that sucks! Sorry to hear and hopefully everything turns out ok with the neck and back.

Trimming absolutely sucks....one of the hardest parts for me, as i can barely sit still for 3-4 hours at a time....like you, trimming takes me forever. I typically wet trim though as its easier for me to trim the sugar leaves.....when i tried dry trimming the sugar leaves wrapped around the bud and i had a hard time getting fiskars underneath there without damaging it

Yeah, I get a little of that. I just normally take my time and try to do a good job, but that's not always how it turns out. Dry trimming sucks leopard balls, I agree. Pretty much sucks after 2 - 3 days no matter what, the scissors get all gummed up and whatnot... but I would be nowhere near halfway done by then anyway, so I figure I'll just do the whole crop that way, since I always dry too fast if I don't.
These aren't bad to dry trim at all. The sugar leaves aren't wrapping around the buds like you mentioned. I've seen it with some strains, and it's terrible to deal with, but it's not happening with these strains. Going pretty quickly, probably be done in ~ a week.
nice! well congrats on the harvest! look forward to seeing some dry shots!

Hehehe I am too! They are super dense and frosty as all hell! Both smoke very nicely too: very strong strains. I couldn't open my eyes last night after some scissor hash -- I was awake, but I just couldn't pry my eyelids open. That's the Blue Bubba, and the SSD seems even stronger after sampling this morning :D
Still trimming, looks like the weight wasn't anything too spectacular, but I don't have a final number on it yet, though it looks pretty close to 6. But I bought a new vacuum pump yesterday only to bring it home and have the gauge read 27.5 instead of 29.5 again. So it must be my gauge, and I didn't get ripped off at the pawn shop. I'll be returning the new pump today.
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Active member
not bad .. not bad at all man.. we run around the same size room.. i been hitting between 6-9 lbs.. per harvest.. 30-50 days apart.. i usually hit another 4 pounds .. i use 1400w to start flowering a bunch of plants.. by the time the others finish i put them into the 4000w room to finish out and they bulk up nicely . proly could pull another 6-9 lbs if i make myself a flipbox to use all my power i have.. but i dont have the room yet.
not bad .. not bad at all man.. we run around the same size room.. i been hitting between 6-9 lbs.. per harvest.. 30-50 days apart.. i usually hit another 4 pounds .. i use 1400w to start flowering a bunch of plants.. by the time the others finish i put them into the 4000w room to finish out and they bulk up nicely . proly could pull another 6-9 lbs if i make myself a flipbox to use all my power i have.. but i dont have the room yet.

Sounds killer. I'm slowly working my way there...finally about to build a veg room at least. I'm having a hard time getting going this round because I didn't have a proper environment to veg my clones last time. Oh, well ... takes money to make money!!

I finally got this wax coming out the way I like it so I'll post up a tek sometime real soon.


Active member
are you using a closed loop system for wax? Id love to find someone in my neck of the woods i could offload my larf and trim to


Active member
Nooooor am I :biggrin:

hows the trimmin comin along? Ive been hammering away lately and got a good portion done! Got some nice colors right at the very end

^That is impressive.

I've got something really big brewing, you guys. It's gonna make this room look like a toy, but that's all I'll say. Sorry if I'm not around for a while.
Hehe, I'm moving again. I'm going to wrap this thread up when I get a little time, but I've already taken everything down and started the house repairs. I got a job offer I couldn't refuse. I'm not going to be posting a whole lot of grow pics for a while since work is taking precedent (still owe you guys some nug pics, this stuff came out really nice!!), but when I come back it will definitely have been worth the wait. :tiphat:
Meh, looks like my moving/expanding plans fell through for the time being. Gonna get this grow going again. It's bittersweet, but I'm doing decently well financially either way, and now I get to make a few good changes in here.