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Occupy Wall Street: Not on major media but worth watching!

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Wow such an interesting article. Absolutely every thought of mine put out in a text form.

I encourage anyone interested in OWS movement to read it right now.

It was published yesterday.

Edit: Exept that I don't exactly agree on the idea of another great depression. I don't think anyone is going to allow it to happen. I believe this deflation is only short term and should be over rather soon. I think in any case we are headed for hyperinflation.

But these words... man... "if you treat money as a commodity, which it should be, then like any commodity there is a price".


or this

" Interest rates are always a measure of how valuable money is at any given time. If money is scarce then the interest rate is higher, if money is widely available then interest is lower."

Haha since 2009 Federal funds rate is doing 0-0.25%

Obviously money is widely available, no? :D

yet it's getting deflated somehow. :D


Overall: a very entertaining read. Makes you think twice on where to put your dollars today.


Active member
good quote:

Unfortunately when large portions of income are spent on survival items, savings are destroyed and debt obligations rise - you are left with nothing, hell, nothing would be preferable to the mountains of debt that people have accumulated.
This is the source of our income inequality, this is what happens when the free market and capitalism are replaced with central planners and cronyism. This is our America.

Haha since 2009 Federal funds rate is doing 0-0.25%

Obviously money is widely available, no? :D

yet it's getting deflated somehow. :D


Imo, the current inflation/deflation/cpi benchmarks are strangley skewed, and have been, ever since the exclusion of food and gas.

In the current financial enviornment, the skew is increased, since the majority of people in prlower/middle income are spending such a huge amount on survival, as the article claims.

to joe six pack, inflation, in the everything costs more for me, has been happening regardless of what the official (often gamed) numbers say, as early as george W's post 911. However, since wages have moved backwards, and little electronic gadgets are cheapper, you have some offset.

the article also touched on the fact that many of the ows are hard lefters as everyone flaming the flag shitters and ipod brats have voiced discontent with. someoen on this thread also mentioned the take over the movement by sponsored sides etc as well.

dispite any political disagreements etc, it does seem that there is something brewing, which may not end with the OWS, that transcends the left/right duality. This, i believe is the hope for even those on the fiscal right that do not share the same political views.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
I agree for the most part. Imo, the kings are those that loan money to our central banks. The people JFK was talking about...

And yes, I've always thought that speech was chilling...

What our satanic, murdering government officials do out in the woods is chilling. smfh...


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Interesting how this is becoming a global phenomenon. If it can continue as an international movement then the cold NYC weather will not bind it.

I think Occupy Europe may start to become much more popular shortly. Europeans are historically more versed in protesting. To see their cousins across the pond getting off their collective asses (TP & OWS) may have a contagion effect. Or so I hope it does.

Some monarchs cared for their peasants. I'm not sure if the same curtsey is afforded these days. Neither system of centralized power can be the best system humans can philosophically construct. I must have more faith that we are better.


the shit spoon
What our satanic, murdering government officials do out in the woods is chilling. smfh...



Quoting marx in order to explain today's world troubles? I got news for you, marx didn't know what the fuck he was talking about back then, and he certainily isnt relevant today. Quite a bit like your random musings.

I got news for you. We never left the times of kings.

wtf obviously you
a) never read marx
b) understood 0 words of marxs analyses.


Active member
Are you saying you read some Marx and understood it well? Or have you read the whole Marx? Engels too?

Seriously now.

I grew up in soviet union and even there to quote or say that you know Karl Marx would need to take some nerve.

I am sure we have some educated folks up in here, but lets not wave our dicks. If you have an opinion - share it.


Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen
I think Occupy Europe may start to become much more popular shortly. Europeans are historically more versed in protesting.

Thank you! But the americans made a better revolution in 1776 than the sowjets in 1917. And I think big respect to the civil rights movement in the 1960 in the states! :yes:

Yesterday in Frankfurt/Germany 2000 people were on the streets!


Are you saying you read some Marx and understood it well? Or have you read the whole Marx? Engels too?

Seriously now.

I grew up in soviet union and even there to quote or say that you know Karl Marx would need to take some nerve.

I am sure we have some educated folks up in here, but lets not wave our dicks. If you have an opinion - share it.
wtf i dont know what youre interpreting into my words right here, but yeah ive read marx (basics) and no i haven´t read to much of engels. my opinion: that other guy above calling bs on marx is an idiot. the next guy describing the loop of revolutions is kind of right. and marx acctually never described his own thoughts about a how-to-revolution. all he did was describing history and future. and he is still right. probably he is going to be for a long time.
if there is going to be a true revolution its going to the poor ones(asia,africa,maaybe south america) but not the us/eu middle class.




Andinismo Hierbatero
all I said in reference to Marx was that if the OWS mentality takes charge of goverment, they will become the "new class", the "new class" is a marxist term used to describe the new-commers to goverment-power and becoming the same elite as they claim to have been against in the first place; all that changes is the political-spectrum and the lingo used. this happens all the time all over the world in all the 'revolutions', just look at France for an older example, and look at Venezuela for a very actual one.

now, a good King would be good imo; when I was young, dumb and full of cum, I thought Anarchy was the best possible system, that is, no goverment at all; but then the better I got to know human-nature, the more I loved dogs; so...


Active member
all I said in reference to Marx was that if the OWS mentality takes charge of goverment, they will become the "new class", the "new class" is a marxist term used to describe the new-commers to goverment-power and becoming the same elite as they claim to have been against in the first place; all that changes is the political-spectrum and the lingo used. this happens all the time all over the world in all the 'revolutions', just look at France for an older example, and look at Venezuela for a very actual one.

now, a good King would be good imo; when I was young, dumb and full of cum, I thought Anarchy was the best possible system, that is, no goverment at all; but then the better I got to know human-nature, the more I loved dogs; so...

yet I just can't stand this feeling that no matter what revolution there was in a country, somehow eventually it all came down to the same ruling class.

Here is a couple of facts about revolution in Russia:

The revolution in Russia, for some reason, was financed with money of the Biggest traders families. I happen to be from a family of one of those.

Before the revolution my surename meant that one had connections to a capital no less than that of JPMorgan's or Rockefeller's.

Weird enough that those were the same people who financed the revolution, and who stayed on top of the system throughout the whole USSR period.

Ok now many say that in USSR everyone was equal. Haha :D

Trust me, some folks were more equal, than the others. It's called investing

Otherwise, how do you think my family owns the most expensive realestate in the center of St.Petersburg? How do you think my grandpa could allow himself to have a bakery shop during the Communist Russia times? Now I am talking about the times of Stalin aswell.

The funniest thing is: You will not meet anyone wearing this surename who had hard times in ussr.

I however remember that it was better for us. Not for the majority.

So if you look at Russia now you will notice that those are the same families running the country even after the times of Perestroika.

The same families will always adopt to anything. Unlike of those who just go with whatever is given.
In Russia those families are called Clans.


Active member

ok this is just rude :D

I honestly believe, that if you want to understand anything about Capital, you will want to read 2 books in your life:

The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith


Capital by Karl Heinrich Marx

he was a great thinker imo. The only problem was, that he was too dedicated in past and future, not taking the present into count too much. But that is just imo.


the shit spoon
O please there won't be anything like Chavez in America, if anything people are trying to move the system closer to free enterprise and out of the zombie deathhug of crony capitalism.


Active member
O please there won't be anything like Chavez in America, if anything people are trying to move the system closer to free enterprise and out of the zombie deathhug of crony capitalism.

it's just that not too many realize that this is the goal. Many of them actually think, that that's what they are fighting :D:dance013:
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