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Major Earthquake In Japan Major Tsunamis



fuck you guys with all the doomsday mumbo jumbo/vodoo. I have a prediction of my own, and ill write it in proper mystisism.

cue ambient noise.

"double click your calendar on the bottom right of your screen, click change time and date, then click on year, why does it not go beyond 2099?! Guys! Armageddon is truly upon us! ."

Cyberwaxianus. (seriously should the mayans be writing the calendar to the end of time? beyond the year of a google? how many slaves and stones would that waste? I dont think the
maya's were that stupid, in fact evidence shows otherwise.)

If by chance some date, by some guy hits the day where the end is truly upon us; i garantee you its not because he actually knew; but because he was incredibly "lucky".

I'm not telling that Armageddon is among us neither do the indigenous people, that's just BS of Hollywood which let you believe in it.There are some warnings like what you had more than a week ago with the millions dead fish in the harbor of Redondo Beach.

Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:


There are some warnings like what you had more than a week ago with the millions dead fish in the harbor of Redondo Beach.
I will add that it seems domoic acid concentrations were high in the fish sampled. Domoic acid is a strange thing...get some into your brain and it just stays in there frying some synapses. Could be part of the reason the little fishies had problems but does not explain the mass movement toward shore IMO cause it seems they were on autopilot. Seems like they're trying to get as far away from the ocean (or 'problem') as they can. DA comes from 'toxic' algal blooms. The blooms could be from La Nina or El Nino stuff...no clue really. First time I heard about DA was about 20 years ago and mainly about shellfish but was starting to show up in fish with scales.


Well-known member
this is pretty scary stuff, according to this CNN news link: http://www.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/asiapcf/03/16/japan.nuclear.reactors/index.html?hpt=T1
the spent fuel rods are exposed, i quote from the article, 'He said the next solution may involve nuclear plant workers having to take heroic acts. Asked to be more specific, he said, This is a situation where people may be called in to sacrifice their lives. ... It's very difficult for me to contemplate that but it's, it may have reached that point.'


Watching those helecopters dumping water on the reactors and I cant but help thinking it's a last ditch attempt to avoid a disaster that our grand kids will read about in history books.

Reactors 5 and 6 are said to be losing water in their spent fuel cooling tanks.

Thoughts and prayers to the guys on the ground who will no doubt sacrafice their lives for the greater good :(


In a country were honor,pride and work ethic are part of the fiber.These men rise above.
Putting their lives on the line for sure.

WASHINGTON – The United States on Wednesday authorized the first evacuations of Americans out of Japan, taking a tougher stand on the deepening nuclear crisis and warning U.S. citizens to defer all non-essential travel to any part of the country as unpredictable weather and wind conditions risked spreading radioactive contamination.
Yeah I know it's all just news/internet BS. There's no problem really because of the reactor construction/containment vessels...right?


Active member
600,000 spent rods (some plutonium) in several pits, all heating up and spewing or beginning to heat up.

This is thousands of times worse than chernobyl and no one is going to be able to "put it out" by dumping concrete on it.

Japan is basically screwed.... all of it. Bank on opportunities arising from that country no longer producing what it does now..... for decades to come if not longer.

I seriously hope I'm wrong but it looks like I'm not. Military recorded radiation levels that were off the charts. Why do you think they've moved back and haven't gone in to help "evacuate" or assist in some way? Hell, they won't even put a plane overhead.

Got a geiger counter? Better calibrate it. This planet is about to become a few rads hotter as far as "Background" goes and a lot of us will be doing active 'Dust' control for quite some time.

Water, plants, meat, even the air you breathe will be contaminated. Some of those particles will definitely kill you quite quickly if you are unlucky enough to inhale one.

Eat Haddock and Kelp.... highest in iodine.


oh shit fox news and ic mag both say i should be losing my mind.... fucking roll with it boys and girls...... if it it all over you aint gonna miss anyone... does panic help? never tried it.... always worked out for me


Well, i can't help it it was on fox news, btw there is not much difference with the other news channels, but what this man tells is interesting like below.

Was the Japan earthquake related to the Mayan calendar?

In the discussions about the meaning of “2012” suggestions have commonly been made that we would be approaching a time filled with so called Earth Changes and natural disasters of different kinds to the point where it has sometimes been presented as if this would be all that the Mayan calendar is all about. Especially in the light of the terrible disaster that has struck Japan only a few days after the beginning of the 9th wave it then becomes natural to ask if this was predictable based on the Mayan calendar and if there are more such to expect for instance in the Pacific Rim of Fire.

Earthquakes have their origin in the continental drift, which is caused by convection streams in the mantle rising from the hot interior of the Earth. As these convection streams cause tectonic plates to move tensions between these plates will be created on the surface of the Earth and when these are released enormous energies may give rise to disasters. As I have presented both in Solving the Greatest Mystery of Time: The Mayan Calendar (2001) and The Purposeful Universe (2009) the continental drift in general has its origin in the alautun shifts of the Mayan calendar that in the Mammalian Underworld was behind this drift. In this very general sense you might say that all earthquakes (and Volcanic eruptions) have an origin in the shifts that the Mayan calendar describes.

Given that an alautun is as much as 63.1 million years long and the size of the continents there has however hardly existed any basis for making detailed predictions as to when and where an earthquake may strike. To my knowledge no one has been able to provide a convincing pattern relating smaller Earthquakes to the Mayan calendar even though serious attempts have been made (see for instance William C. Treurniet’s http://www.treurniet.ca/MayanCal/QuakeMC.htm). There are many factors complicating such predictions and so for instance while some sources claim that there has been an increase in earthquakes over the past decades for quakes 3.0 and above on the Richter scale the US Geological Survey maintains that the number of quakes of 7.0 (which are potentially of a disastrous nature) has remained constant over several decades. I see no reason to question their general assessment even though today with the high population density all over the world there is always a very serious risk that large numbers of human lives will be lost.

Nonetheless, I tend to believe that the terrible 9.0 quake that hit Japan was directly related to the beginning of the Ninth wave. There are a few reasons that I believe this to be the case. The first is that already on March 9, 2011 a very unusual pattern was apparent in the printouts of global seismographs (as observed by Frank Zweers: see http://nunki.nl/post/3746640161/9-march-2011-activation-of-the-9th-wave). This observation was made before, and lasted until, the actual quake in Japan took place and showed that something was in the works already as the energy of the Ninth wave first started to come in. The other reason to believe that the quake and tsunami in Japan was actually related to the beginning of the Ninth wave is the astonishing parallel with the great Lisbon Earthquake in 1755. Both of these quakes, and the tsunamis that followed, happened as a new wave in the Mayan calendar began, the one in Lisbon at the beginning of the Planetary Underworld and the one in Sendai at the beginning of the Universal.

The one in Lisbon hit several months (on All Saints Day) after the day on which the new wave had been activated, but given that this wave had a much lower frequency this is what you would expect if you saw it as an immediate effect of this. The strength of both quakes has been estimated to 9.0, and there were in both cases also many aftershocks. They occurred at exactly the same latitude and not far from opposite longitudes on the planet and this is again exactly what you would expect if they were related to the shift in the Mayan calendar. The logic here is that as a new wave is activated changes take place in the interior of the Earth in order to create a new form of resonance to the human beings. While the Seventh Wave favored the back side of the planet (where Lisbon is located) the Ninth Wave is expected to favor the front side of the planet (where Japan is located). If this reasoning is true we would look upon these two quakes as reflections of adjustments in the interior of the Earth that are necessary to mediate the information from the Cosmic Tree of Life to the human beings.

The Lisbon quake in 1755 is considered one of the most devastating of all time and prompted the development of modern systems of surveillance. It also had strong repercussions of a philosophical nature and so for instance Voltaire argued that the creator overseeing this world could not be benevolent as he allowed this disaster to destroy a whole capital of Europe taking more than 100,000 lives. In a similar way I know some people are now asking if the 9th wave that seemed to be designed to bring unity consciousness will bring many natural catastrophes such as earthquakes. Could there be a benevolent plan behind this? Before we place judgment on the intelligence that created this cosmic plan I feel we should be aware that it is not necessarily an easy thing to manifest such a plan without causing some harm. In fact, paleontologists argue that plate tectonics, which only the Earth has among the planets of the solar system, is a necessary pre-requisite for the evolution of life and so without earthquakes we would not be here in the first place. Such intellectual arguments obviously do not ease the pain of someone who has lost a daughter or a husband in an earthquake, but for others it may help us understand that there is no evil intent behind the creation of plate tectonics on the part of the Creator.

I thus think that plate tectonics and earthquakes are a necessary side effect of the creation of resonance between the human beings and the Earth and that when a new wave starts its interior structure needs to undergo change. I also believe that this is a time when we need to show our solidarity with the Japanese people and offer help in the ways that it is in our power to do. My own view is that we should continue to focus on the transformation to unity consciousness and praying for and sharing the experience of the Japanese people is exactly an expression of this. I do not believe that there will necessarily be an increased frequency of strong quakes in the time to come (there was for instance not such an increase after the Lisbon quake), but this is only a guess. Yet, while we always have a choice as to how to look upon reality I believe that what will lead us forward is the light. Maybe the Earth is now adjusted to mediate unity consciousness to the human beings, which remains our highest purpose and presumably also that of the cosmic plan.

6th day of the Ninth wave
March 14, 2011, 6 Eb

Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:


Well-known member
Putting their lives on the line for sure.

Yeah I know it's all just news/internet BS. There's no problem really because of the reactor construction/containment vessels...right?

the reactor containments might be working(but it's very murky), it's the spent fuel rod pit that seems to be the primary disaster point right now
that containment process seems to have found a weak point
all military families within a 50 mile radius of the reactors are evacuating.
tomorrow all military personnel will be evacuated to Okinawa.
the coolant for the rods have been evaporated and a Chernobyl like disaster may occur, which poses a threat to the world


Freedom Fighter
Bungling, cover-ups define Japanese nuclear power

Bungling, cover-ups define Japanese nuclear power

TOKYO – Behind Japan's escalating nuclear crisis sits a scandal-ridden energy industry in a comfy relationship with government regulators often willing to overlook safety lapses.
Leaks of radioactive steam and workers contaminated with radiation are just part of the disturbing catalog of accidents that have occurred over the years and been belatedly reported to the public, if at all.
In one case, workers hand-mixed uranium in stainless steel buckets, instead of processing by machine, so the fuel could be reused, exposing hundreds of workers to radiation. Two later died.
"Everything is a secret," said Kei Sugaoka, a former nuclear power plant engineer in Japan who now lives in California. "There's not enough transparency in the industry."
Sugaoka worked at the same utility that runs the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant where workers are racing to prevent a full meltdown following Friday's 9.0 magnitude quake and tsunami.
[Related: What is acute radiation syndrome?]
In 1989 Sugaoka received an order that horrified him: edit out footage showing cracks in plant steam pipes in video being submitted to regulators. Sugaoka alerted his superiors in the Tokyo Electric Power Co., but nothing happened — for years. He decided to go public in 2000. Three Tepco executives lost their jobs.
The legacy of scandals and cover-ups over Japan's half-century reliance on nuclear power has strained its credibility with the public. That mistrust has been renewed this past week with the crisis at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi plant. No evidence has emerged of officials hiding information in this catastrophe. But the vagueness and scarcity of details offered by the government and Tepco — and news that seems to grow worse each day — are fueling public anger and frustration.
"We don't know what is true. That makes us worried," said Taku Harada, chief executive of the Tokyo-based Internet startup Orinoco. Harada said his many American friends are being urged to leave the capital while the Japanese government says the area is safe, probably to avoid triggering panic.
The difference is unsettling, he said. He has rented an office in Osaka 250 miles (400 kilometers) to the southwest to give his 12 employees the option of leaving Tokyo.
"We still don't know the long-term effects of radiation," he said. "That's a big question."
Tokyo Electric Power Co. official Takeshi Makigami says experts are doing their utmost to get the reactors under control.
"We are doing all that is possible," he told reporters.
Worried that over-dependence on imported oil could undermine Japan's humming economy, the government threw its support into nuclear power, and the industry boomed in profile and influence. The country has 54 nuclear plants, which provide 30 percent of the nation's energy needs, is building two more and studying proposals for 12 more plants.
[Related: What is radioactive iodine poisoning?]
Before Friday's earthquake and tsunami that triggered the Fukushima crisis and sent the economy reeling, Japan's 11 utility companies, many of them nuclear plant operators, were worth $139 billion on the stock market.
Tepco — the utility that supplies power for Japan's capital and biggest city — accounted for nearly a third of that market capitalization, though its shares have been battered since the disasters, falling 65 percent over the past week to 759 yen ($9.6) Thursday. Last month, it got a boost from the government, which renewed authorization for Tepco to operate Fukushima's 40-year-old Unit 1 reactor for another 10 years.
With such strong government support and a culture that ordinarily frowns upon dissent, regulators tend not to push for rigorous safety, said Amory Lovins, an expert on energy policy and founder of the Rocky Mountain Institute.
"You add all that up and it's a recipe for people to cut corners in operation and regulation," Lovins said.
The United States, Japan's close ally, has also raised questions about the coziness between Japanese regulators and industry and implicitly questioned Tokyo's forthrightness over the Fukushima crisis. The director of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the U.S. ambassador this week issued bleaker assessments about the dangers at the plant than the Japanese government or Tepco.
Competence and transparency issues aside, some say it's just too dangerous to build nuclear plants in an earthquake-prone nation like Japan, where land can liquefy during a major temblor.
"You're building on a heap of tofu," said Philip White of Tokyo-based Citizens' Nuclear Information Center, a group of scientists and activists who have opposed nuclear power since 1975.
"There is absolutely no reason to trust them," he said of those that run Japan's nuclear power plants.
Japan is haunted by memories of past nuclear accidents.
_In 1999, fuel-reprocessing workers were reported to be using stainless steel buckets to hand-mix uranium in flagrant violation of safety standards at the Tokaimura plant. Two workers later died in what was the deadliest accident in the Japanese industry's history.
• At least 37 workers were exposed to low doses of radiation at a 1997 fire and explosion at a nuclear reprocessing plant operated in Tokaimura, northeast of Tokyo. The operator, Donen, later acknowledged it had initially suppressed information about the fire.
• Hundreds of people were exposed to radiation and thousands evacuated in the more serious 1999 Tokaimura accident involving JCO Co. The government assigned the accident a level 4 rating on the International Nuclear Event Scale ranging from 1 to 7, with 7 being most serious.
• In 2007, a powerful earthquake ripped into Japan's northwest coast, killing at least eight people and causing malfunctions at the Kashiwazaki Kariwa nuclear power plant, including radioactive water spills, burst pipes and fires. Radiation did not leak from the facility.
Tepco has safety violations that stretch back decades. In 1978, control rods at one Fukushima reactor dislodged but the accident was not reported because utilities were not required to notify the government of such accidents. In 2006, Tepco reported a negligible amount of radioactive steam seeped from the Fukushima plant — and blew beyond the compound.
Now with the public on edge over safety, Tatsumi Tanaka, head of Risk Hedge and a crisis management expert, believes the government would find it difficult to approve new plants in the immediate future.
Tanaka says that, true to Japan's dismal nuclear power record, officials bungled the latest crisis, failing to set up a special crisis team and appoint credible outside experts.
Tokyo Electric Power Co., regulators and the government spokesman have been holding nationally televised news conferences, sometimes several a day, on the latest developments at the Fukushima plant.
But the reactors have been volatile, changing by the hour, with multiple explosions, fires and leaks of radiation. The utility, regulators and government spokesmen often send conflicting information, adding to the confusion and the perception they aren't being forthright, Tanaka says.
"They are only making people's fears worse," he said. "They need to study at the onset what are the possible scenarios that might happen in about five stages and then figure out what the response should be."



admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof.

8 ways to help japan


Active member
Hawaii has Not ONE nuclear power plant.

So We should Learn from their Example how they make their energy...Kinda Puzzles me that Obama Claims he was Born in Hawaii and learned Nothing living over there and claims nuclear power is Safe and not even pressing for clean energy.

Some folks are asking Japan where the heck is some of their Nuclear wastes is given the amount of plants they have.

Some politicians should put the fire out of those reactors themselves.Fly over there and do the work.Leave the people alone to take those risks.

Even in a perfect world free of accidents,nuclear’s environmental,financial,logistical and opportunity costs are simply too high.Today,splitting atoms for energy is by no means clean.The mining, production and disposal of nuclear fuel is messy and energy intensive.The dual threats of accidents and persistent radioactive waste make it difficult for nuclear power to pencil out economically.That’s one reason the nuclear industry enjoys a vast subsidy through a taxpayer-backed liability cap.No one wants to own that risk,so the public holds the bag.

Go GreenPeace !!! Say No to Nukes!!!


Game Bred
Hawaii has Not ONE nuclear power plant.

So We should Learn from their Example how they make their energy...Kinda Puzzles me that Obama Claims he was Born in Hawaii and learned Nothing living over there and claims nuclear power is Safe and not even pressing for clean energy.

Some folks are asking Japan where the heck is some of their Nuclear wastes is given the amount of plants they have.

Some politicians should put the fire out of those reactors themselves.Fly over there and do the work.Leave the people alone to take those risks.

Even in a perfect world free of accidents,nuclear’s environmental,financial,logistical and opportunity costs are simply too high.Today,splitting atoms for energy is by no means clean.The mining, production and disposal of nuclear fuel is messy and energy intensive.The dual threats of accidents and persistent radioactive waste make it difficult for nuclear power to pencil out economically.That’s one reason the nuclear industry enjoys a vast subsidy through a taxpayer-backed liability cap.No one wants to own that risk,so the public holds the bag.

Go GreenPeace !!! Say No to Nukes!!!

Hawai'i is the most oil-dependent state in the nation, and relies on imported petroleum for about 90% of its primary energy.


this is your clean example?


Andinismo Hierbatero
Some politicians should put the fire out of those reactors themselves.Fly over there and do the work.Leave the people alone to take those risks.

yeah right, most politicians, specially the ones making policies only to benefit their pockets, can hardly wipe their own ass properly...

but ask them to vomit meaningless demagogic dribble, and see how well they do!