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Advanced Nutrients, Love it or Hate it, State your claim!


New member
I used AN Seni bloom and zym with good results but would never use any of their other products. the voodoo juice is garbage Ive herd from plenty of peeps about it giving them root rot. also the fact the have to break down all the micro herd into different products, i mean you can buy great white and get tarantula and piranha for the price of one. Another thing is products like kushie kush... that's just ridiculous, how do you have a strain specific fertilizer? I have also noticed that their big bloom has different NPK s on the side of em. i knw i kinda ranted there but AN did give me good results from the 3 things i used but i just think its crap the way they try and deceive people and take advantage of them. If i didnt have friends that own a hydro store i would even knw about all the shady stuff they're pulling, so im thankful and just try n pass the buck forward. Good grown folks!


Great for soil bruh.... AN is full of urea (urine = urea, ammonium, uric acid +):) Enjoy the piss!

I thought urea was not a good source of N for pot growers because it made buds taste bad? When I look at all the ferts in the local garden centre, only the cheapest ones contain urea.


Urea in pots tends to lower the pH of the media over time...which, if countermeasures are not taken could result in micro nute toxicity.

In pots it is far better to start with a media that is either naturally close to the pH you want to run like coco or in a media like peat with naturally very low pH but amended with lime to bring the pH back up into the proper range. Then you pick a fert that allows you to feed without changing that proper media pH.

Ammonical N (and urea) tend to lower pH over time. Alkalinity from your water or from your nutes (in the form of carbonates...Ca, Mg, K carbonate) will raise your media pH over time.

I prefer to avoid excess of either in my nutes (although there is some ammonical N in my CaNO3). That way I do not have to worry much about pH my entire grow.

Urea is probably the cheapest of all N sources. It pisses me off that AN advertises that they use only the finest, purest, most expensive ingredients secretly flown in from the planet Krypton after being approved by a team of PhDs when my 3rd grader can read the derived from section and see what a bald faced lie that really is.


Yeah, can't think of another ganja marketed fert brand that uses Urea to be honest.

Totally agree about An talking BS about their ingredients, I worked out there is something like 26g of humic acid powder in a litre of H-1 and I can buy 70% humic powder for about ten bucks a pound. I buy powdered aminos for the same price.

If I see some people getting good results with an AN product I research what's in it and make my own copy as I know AN is the most expensive possible source. A few guys who were growing some killer shit told me one secret to a bit more resin was Hammerhead (the original 9/18 formula) so I bought a bottle, it happened to be a bit cheaper than Canna PK13/14 at the time and I also found it added a bit of resin over the PK13-14. Hammerhead only has two things in it - mono potassium phosphate and sulphate of potash, I bought a kilo of each of those salts and mixed my own Hammerhead for a twentieth the price.


ICMag Donor
Urine depends on source, and in commercial situations is normally contaminated with chemicals , steroids, contraceptive and/or grow promoting hormones. For example we'd never use female urine that was subject to the pill in our teas. The old saying 'what goes in one end, comes out the other end' is true... with wine producing the best grade pee .. haha

Otherwise urine is sterile when produced and acts as a natural accelerate when mixed with sugars.

Personally however, we'd never buy piss in a bottle :D

Hope this helps


As usual you're talking utter rubbish. We're talking about Urea, not Urine, Urea is a nitrogen containing organic compound found in Urine of mammals. However, the Urea we are discussing, the stuff used if fertilisers is synthetic and nothing at all to do with urine.

Best if you keep out of this debate doc, clearly you haven't got a clue.


As usual you're talking utter rubbish. We're talking about Urea, not Urine, Urea is a nitrogen containing organic compound found in Urine of mammals. However, the Urea we are discussing, the stuff used if fertilisers is synthetic and nothing at all to do with urine.

Best if you keep out of this debate doc, clearly you haven't got a clue.

Can't talk about urine without having a douche

Your good people DOC


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
final phase

Using the above products from advanced nutrients I was able to get continuous heavy yields of quality nugs crop after crop in recirculating dwc. I used AN for I think 4-5 years steady...

Thats all I have to say!


Great for soil bruh.... AN is full of urea (urine = urea, ammonium, uric acid +) Enjoy the piss!

AN's Bloom has one tenth of one percent Urea. That's the only urea in the entire 3-part line, including the bloom boosters Big Bud & Overdrive.

So... AN's not full of piss, but some people are full of shit.

And yes, Urea in fertilizers is a synthesized version of urea in your urine. It's not harvested from urinals, it's created in labs. It's a dense nitrogen compound which is very quickly converted to Ammonium.

It's pretty childish to call it urine and giggle. Perhaps just pop over to the organic section, where most people are playing with poop.


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
i used an for the lst 3-4 years to the lsat 2 using conni-line. i used most of there products not all are good some are great. theres alot of copies and products they want u to mix that just work horrible together for example mixing b52 and budcandy at the same time not a good idea. but once u find the right combo of products they just cant be beat.
after 2 years of cutting unessessary products out of my soup. i currently have sensi grow ab calmag b52 voodoojuice rhino and conni ab bigbud budcandy budignitor overdrive and final phase being used on my shelf rightnow. neone out there use kushie kush and when ya do u do u still use big bud. i have noticed my leaves would get slightly burned with the combo so i shelfed it and stuck with the big bud.


I've read many times about Urea not being suitable for soilless and hydro systems.

I worked out there was something like 26g of humic powder in a bottle of AN H-1 the other day, I but 70% humic powder for 12 bucks a pound. You'd have to be a sucker to buy AN stuff because it's so dilute and overpriced.

Hammerhead I used to like when it was 0-9-18 and 9 quid a litre, it was 4 ukp cheaper than Canna PK13-14 and gave more resin. Then they reduced it to half strength (0-4-8) and hiked the price a few quid making it 5x as expensive. Then they changed it again and added nitrogen so it's 2-4-10, god knows why you'd want nitrogen in a PK booster!

I used to use Barricade, it was by far the most concentrated potassium silicate on the market making it the best value one to buy. Then they replaced it with Rhino Skin which was 20x more dilute and hiked the price 2.5x making Rhinoskin 45x more expensive than Barricade.

So even without all the lies and appalling marketing BS, there's plenty of reason to hate AN because of the scandalous profiteering they do when they reformulate their products.


Interesting, I've had great results with both Hammerhead and my own copy. I add it to a base nute from week 4 of 12/12. My DIY version consists of 100g of Sulphate of Potash and 85g of Mono PK in a 1 litre bottle then top up with distilled water and shake till all the potash dissolves.

NH4 Nitrogen, Magnesium, Sulphur and Boron eh?

I have Magnesium Sulphate which would take care of the Mag and S, I also have Boric Acid would would provide the Boron, I suppose I could use Potassium Nitrate for the N, I also have some of that.

Do you have a recipe for a bloom booster with these ingredients?

If so, please post it then I an mix it up and do a side-by-side trial vs my 0-9-18 recipe.


Interesting recipe. I have the Citric Acid, I use it as PH down. I have Magnesium Sulphate too. Potassium hydroxide is readily available on ebay cheap, not sure about the other ingredients, I'll have to see what I can find.

Suphuric Acid and Phosphoric Acid are only available as liquids and they are expensive, I'll have to see if I can find em cheap. i have no idea were to buy solubor, it's not sold in the UK.

The Mag Sulph I have is horti Epsom Salts, will that do for this recipe? I dunno if it's heptahydrate.

Is Potassium Gluconate any use as a fertiliser? I was looking at alternative potassium sources and this one sounded interesting, it's a chelated organic salt.

What would be a suitable NO3 mix? A base nute containing NO3 nitrogen? Care to give an example or post a recipe?

Many thanks for that PK recipe, I'd love to make it, but I don't think I will be able to find all the ingredients. Do you have any alternative recipes?


I'll have to do some hunting for ingredients, see what I can find. Hydrogarden Essentials PH Down is 81% Phosphoric Acid, a 250ml bottle of that is dirt cheap, could I use that in this recipe?

I happen to have a big bag of amino acid powder sat here, I read a post you made a while back about chelating various elements using citric acid and amino acid, can you give some more info about using amino acids to chelate things please, I'm keen on making my own nute mixes with aminos.


The 250ml bottle is under 4 quid.

It's a blend of aminos:

Amino Acids

Alainie 2.0%

Arginine 5.0%

Aspartic 3.5%

Cystine 2.5%

Glutamin Acid 9.2%

Glysine 2.5%

Histidine 1.0%

Isoleucine 1.8%

Leucine 2.5%

Lysine 2.2%

Methionine 0.2%

Pheinylalanine 1.9%

Proline 3.5%

Serine 4.5%

Threonine 3.5%

Tyrosine 1.0%

Valine 3.0%


Looks like that blend consists of some kind of plant material, These products are most likely kelp or alfalfa meals. It contains about the same amount of each aminos at similar ratios.


Perhaps you can get better quality kelp meal for less.


  • kelp vs custom amino.jpg
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I also have and use kelp powder. The amino powder is light brown like the colour of demerera sugar, the kelp powder is a very dark green. I use them together with powdered humic/fulvic and molasses, much cheaper than bottles of boosters and seems to work really well for me.


they changed big bud the only product of theirs i still used so now im totally off them except for their ph up and down

heard b-52 is changed also

much better value in other products