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Fucking Busted Hardcore........

Fucking Busted Hardcore........

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The million dollar question. Will the feds prosecute me?

lots of determining factors, on most cultivation charges on a state level the case is forworded to the feds and they take a look at it. If you have something they want then yes they will not hesitate to come after you.

The more you have the higher the chances are they'll come.

house, rental property. boats, cars, campers that are paid off.

If you have a bunch of shit but it isn't paid off they know the bank gets it.

if you have cars, four wheelers, and stuff like that that is paid off then get nervous especially if you own rental property.


very sorry to read this news hope everything works out for you in the long run .
Sorry to hear of your misfortune. It sounds like you still are in a bit of jeopardy regarding what wasn't found so I agree with Jack and think you should delete your posts pronto...
What to expect the first 24-36 hours.

The first 24-36 hours after you are bailed out expect to be followed. you didn't go home so thats a good thing but once you do go there to check things out expect to be tailed to see where you go. so they can use that to investigate those people.

one of the first things they do is rock your phone address book and then download your computer hard drive. hopefully they didn't get your computer.



First of all let me say that I'm sorry to read of your misfortune. No-one should go through the upheaval and life changing experience that you are going to go through. This is just the beginning, prepare to be challenged each step of the way.

MillitantHippie and JacktheGrower are giving you some very good advice, heed them.

Everyone else:

This is an example of why we need to make Cannabis legal.
We need to remove all the gray areas so that no-one can be persecuted for this harmless plant. No law will be perfect, but we need to move the MMJ concept forward towards eventual full legalization.

Again Krunch, good vibes in your dark times.


New member
The million dollar question. Will the feds prosecute me?

lots of determining factors, on most cultivation charges on a state level the case is forworded to the feds and they take a look at it. If you have something they want then yes they will not hesitate to come after you.

The more you have the higher the chances are they'll come.

house, rental property. boats, cars, campers that are paid off.

If you have a bunch of shit but it isn't paid off they know the bank gets it.

if you have cars, four wheelers, and stuff like that that is paid off then get nervous especially if you own rental property.
this is so true we had are house took from us and we were legal


Active member
Hmmm. I know nothing of the laws in Cali but, i'd get a lawyer ASAP to find out whats on that search warrant. That's one of the easiest ways to get shit thrown out. One thing I'd look for specifically is their basis for a search warrant. If they were indeed local law enforcement and not the Fed's pulling you over(just making sure), and you in fact had your medical license on you, and were following the guidelines, anything they base solely off of that( specifically that search warrant) should be tossed IME. I repeat though I'm not a lawyer, just talking on things i've seen first hand.

And oh yeah. THis is strictly LEO im talking about..Not if the feds pursue, don't know anything about that part.


The cat that loves cannabis
I hear Mexico's nice this time of year.

Good luck buddy.
If you want to go renegade, we'd be happy to take in a guy with your level of expertise up here.


Cannabis 101
damn bull shit man that sucks, and im trying to move to cali because I thought no jail time...


Active member
. . . .

REZDOG said:
Let's see....
Firstly,I'm genuinely sorry for your troubles.

Let's go over some Rules,in case there's anybody here that can learn from this,shall we?

RULE NUMBER ONE: Shut the fuck UP.
Say NOTHING about this to ANYBODY.
(Ooops,that's one's shat out and gone... Next!!)

RULE NUMBER TWO: Hide your fucking assets,if you have any.
(Transfer titles for anything and everything you own Monday morning,to people who are NOT related to you.)

(This would have been Rule Number One,but it's irrelevant here-I cannot BELIEVE you missed this one bro!!)
<< Every year a boatload of Mexicans are busted in VW/Ford panel vans packed full of TONS of weed,running with a headlight out,and usually trhey have no current plates,& a busted tail light,as well. >>
They always appear surprised to have been caught-notice "deer in headlights" looks in news pics!
....I call this one Ze' TACO FACTOR. :D

(Welcome to California,you "protected pot growers",you!)
Just because you're based in California,the land of
"kind of lax,sometimes not,pot laws" doesn't make it
fucking legal.
Now,you've found this out,The Hard Way.

(While shutting the fuck up,)
Try www.norml.org for a list of blood-sucking leeches,
they (pot defense attorneys) are ALL over the Bay Area.
Try Bruce Margolin,he doesn't fuck around,and is Bay-area based.

Stick around,maybe we can help.


. . . .
As others have stated it might not be a bad idea to delete account and all pics and re-register as Krunch#2.

But in all honesty it probably doesn't matter.
They got everything they need. couple elbows in possesion being transported and the grow op. posting online about it really is the least of your worries.

the computer techs can easily pull everything off the hard drive even if it's deleted.
unless it's being scrubbed and sanitized with something like white canyon.

They go by PHYSICAL evidence and this is very important.
If your hard drive was seized and downloaded they now have physical evidence. and can be submitted as a evidence

but here's what my attorney told me. They cannot "recreate" evidence.
meaning back on such and such date you were posting online about growing marijuana.

but what they can do is use your emails. this is hard data stored on the physical evidence the computer.

what they can and did do to me was use my emails against me.
corresponding with seedbanks.

your honor we have over 200 emails where defendant X was attempting to purchase pot seeds from seedbank x


Active member
and im trying to move to cali because I thought no jail time...

Good GOD.
Another one (potentially) bites the dust.

If some of you with "Big Dreams" would just fucking READ,you'd see that,on the books,
California's marijuana laws are Draconian in nature,
as are the potential PRISON times associated with
marijuana sales,cultivation,and the like.
CERTAIN AREAS of California are LAX when it comes to ENFORCEMENT,
and other areas it SEEMS downright "legal",
but as our friend above's recent troubles show,

COLORADO,for instance,kicks California's ASS in
regards to SANE marijuana laws,as do a few other "med-legal" states.
But,hey,"Cali did it FIRST",so they must have done
it Right,no?


There's MASSIVE holes in California's decade-old medical marijuana laws,
and they are exploited by LEO,both state and federal,at EVERY opportunity.

Own a dispensary?
FUCK YOU,they'll take your HOUSE.
Own a 200-plant co-op?
They'll take your KIDS.
(And then send you off for 1-3 years of walking around looking over your shoulder with a
champagne cork wedged in your ass to prevent shower-time "violations".)

So,you say it's (kinda') "legal" in your California county.
Guess what?

Don't believe me?
Think I'm full of shit?
Reference,please,those dim-witted,lovable (NOT!) asshats on the Oakland City Council
that are possibly getting ready to start issuing permits for giant
pot farms while warning people that it's
(and I quote) "100% illegal."
For what it's worth,gang,the entire Oakland City Council
is potentially guilty of FEDERAL CONSPIRACY charges,

JUST for (hypothetically) "knowing about in advance and allowing" this to happen.

Don't be surprised that if they issue actual permits,
the Feds indict the whole ignorant lot of those monkeys.
(I'd find this amusing,as they're a bunch of retards,
and a good "test case",imVho.)

People go for LONG "vacations" in California State Prison every day in
California for "violating" State and Federal marijuana laws.
(IMO having a Muslim Crip or Aryan Brotherhood baby-raper as a roomate = MASSIVE FAIL!)
If you think that's not the case,do a little research-
Sentencing guidelines,especially for "repeat offenses" are actually worse in Cali
than in some states where marijuana is 100% "not-legal".

**Also,please note-JoeSchmoe (who is a Personal Friend of Mine)
did NOT go to prison for three UGLY years
for what he did IN California.
Not for oils or bubble,or any of that.
It was,simply,a fucking rat-bastard,ass-fucking,butt-plug
Joe was "legal" (100% "In Compliance") in his county.
Joe Epic Fucked Up.
Joe (allegedly) mailed shit across state lines,and the guy he sent to,
set him up after he got caught receiving a VERY "not-minimal" amount in the mail.
A multi-state task force busted Joe,due to that evil,snitching fuck.
(May he rot forever in Hell!)
Crossing state lines with "X" amount of weed to sell,
or shipping it with the same intent,in ANY case,is the dumbest fucking thing anybody can do!!!)

(And FYI-That individual,rat-bastard,pig-diddling SNITCH cocksucker
is STILL registered at ICM,and I'm sure he's not the only one.
I strongly suggest you don't mail
ANYONE a gram or a seed,ever. PERIOD.)

In Closing....

Get a GRIP,people.
California is NOT Shang-ri-fucking-LA,or even a minor Nirvana.
If it was,RESERVOIR would have been entrenched there MANY YEARS AGO,
but Sound Legal Advice and Good research fortunately
precluded a fuckup of that nature,almost a decade ago.

Read this,re-read this,and then do some research,and for the Love of God-
Don't make uninformed decisions when your fucking life is at stake.

Want my advice?
If you want to be involved with the medical marijuana business,
then DO THE RESEARCH and pick a state that has got its' shit straight-
and that's NOT California.
Not right now,IF ever.
(If it becomes "state-legal" in Cali, in November,if I was you,
I would still would NOT consider moving there for at least 24 months,
to see how the Feds play it out....)

....I've said My Piece,time to move on to something more HAPPY in disposition,
for such a beautiful Saturday!

:thank you:


. . . .
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Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
bad luck, hope you can get away with as much as possible...

do you still think cannabis shouldnt be legalized?


Active member
Rez- you may be right if you are caught with 100's of plants, but you are wrong about small amounts. I got raided with 25 outdoor plants and the cops didn't take my plants, didn't take me down to the station, didn't give me "too much" bullshit. I showed them my paper work, and that is all they could do. If it was brought to court a judge would have thrown it out in two seconds.

I also got pulled over once and forgot about an ounce I had in the glove box. (pot head) Cop freaked out and ticketed me and threatened to take me to jail. I got my court date, stood infront of a judge with no lawyer and said, "Didn't this cop take a pledge saying he would serve and protect the will of the people of the state of California? I believe the people of California have spoken back in 1996 with prop 215 and later senate bill 420. Unless you your honor has any reason to go against the will of the people in the state of California, I move to get this case thrown out." Then the judge gave me a dirty look and said, "dismissed."

There are advantages to having a med card, tell me what other states I would have gotten away with those things? Colorado maybe, Oregon. I still believe that Cali is one of the best places on the planet for growing cannabis.


&#9835;All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..

Very sorry to hear about your troubles my brotha. You've helped more than a few peeps here at the mag, and I'm certain your good deeds don't end there. If anyone's earned angel wings for their time, it's you.
I hope things go smoothly for you. Do what Rez said with regards to assets/lawyers.
As far as draconian laws in CA, I'm not qualified to comment. Don't live there, don't know about them.
Good vibes until you straighten things out.


Active member
Like I said,Bulldog,it's ALL about location,timing,size of garden,county and local ordinances,etc.


Active member
krunchbubble - I am going to go one further. I believe you will not get convicted of anything regarding sale, transport, or growing. Where I think they will try to get you is making oil and having a weapon. I bet everything else gets thrown out. They might till seize everything and make your life hell for quite some time, but I believe you will win the legal battle. Best of luck, and I will be pulling for you. Let us know what the community can do for you when the time is right, picketing and protesting type of thing. I am in the bay area also, I am here to help if needed.
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