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customs took package..and usda is calling my house


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Tell them you're too busy tripping on Peyote to field any questions. That should end their line of questioning real quick.
Then ask them if they can hook you up with any magic mushrooms. With those two suggestions you can't go wrong bro.

danny karey

Man, thats some sketchy shit for sure man, hope that lawyer gives ya some good advice.

Good luck man

I would say look into the laws about transporting endangered or illegal plants. most likely they are going to want to charge you. Signing anything would amount to you testifying against yourself. DO NOT DO IT! if you did nothing wrong then why would you want to sign anything.

The reason you have to meet him is because your statement requires a witness, which is the officer. I would deny the package, I hope you didn't pay with a credit card linked to you. And instruct him that that's all you have to say about the matter .

If your in trouble, your in trouble. everything you say to the USDA person will only be used against you. If you require a lawyer or defense the statement- WILL HURT YOUR CASE.

Things can be sorted out better with help should things go bad. You know sometimes people get their orders messed up you wouldn't be the first one.


Active member
Don't talk to them.
Anyone can send you anything, doesn't mean you asked for it to be sent to you, it must be a mistake, you don't know what it is, who sent it, or where it came from, it's not for you, so yes, go ahead and seize it, as you never asked for it in the first place.
Make sure you destroy your WU money transfer slip or whatever you used to pay for it.

Don't talk to them at all, if they could make you, then they wouldn't be asking.
Again, you don't know what this is about, and you really would not feel comfortable answering any questions without your attorney present.

Might not be a bad idea to get rid of the PC you ordered it on or at least have the hard drive wiped, but I'm not a computer expert so I'm not sure on this one, but better safe then sorry


Autoflower Crusader
ICMag Donor
If you have no other worries that you are involved in wouldn't it be better to speak to someone on the phone before they start knocking on the door ?

The advise you need is going to come from a lawyer familiar with these types of cases. Good job contacting Norml.

Don't talk to anyone about this to anyone but your lawyer, who can then answer whatever questions these friendly folks from the government have for you.

Good luck.


Let em knock and then do not answer the door unless they have a warrant. Nothing good can come from a chat...they are chatting because they want something and the only way to screw up at this point is saying the wrong thing...there is no right thing. They did not do a controlled delivery so they missed that opportunity and if they had anything solid they would not be "asking".

They are fishing...nibbling at that bait is gonna end badly.

If one is extracting the mescaline one should, of course, remove all of the chems and glass from one's location.
These boys are into lot's of narcotic plants with potential for abuse, they can be cool to work with. They have a lot of pressure, mostly from dumb asses not knowing them.

I bet your lawyer wants in on this, a nice fat cut.

Weedman Herb

When customs seizes a package or the contents of and those contents are Living (a seed is alive) the Dept of Agriculture is whom customs seizes said item under the jurisdiction of ... when it's Contraband (non living items) the appropriate agency is contacted by customs (DEA ATF FBI DOE etc etc). I got a Customs/USDA notice for seized seeds sent from Canuckistan ... well the spot formerly known as a Safe Addy got a notice ...


if your in the U.S.
Wyoming is a great place to disappear.. :joint:

Since 911 and homeland security, no place is a good place to disappear. Freaking computers are all linked up now. Used to be able to get away from your past, now they got everything they need to know about you right on the comp in the cop car...Damn you Bin Laden...


put some money aside for emergincies ive found that to be an obvious that the best of them forget untill the last moment and its too late.

story sounds weird not regular protocol


Registered Cannabis User
Any idea on how they aquired your phone # to contact you? Thats what scares me. Unless you paid with a CC, but im guessing you didint cuz thats probly not the smartest move when ordering a plant that contains mescaline internationally.