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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Well-known member
Trump logic says what's good for the cannabis grow room is good for the environment.....derpa gurgladerplablahhh



Well-known member

floyd was no saint (and yes i've seen the pics of him as one, it's embarrassing), but like you said... 9 minutes with a knee on the neck is completely insane.
they have physically proved that was a legal position after they had exerted every other option of restraint. that the pressure was not enough to kill .

that pig did nothing wrong . at all


Well-known member
why do you have repeat offenders and bacon roaming your streets committing crime after crime, and then you blame the guy trying to arrest him for the 100th time


Well-known member
then you have these creepy antifa people . in the usa , they were chasing and trying to kill that young man kyle rittenhouse,,, when he was running away , all on camera too, and defending himself, every attacker that he managed to shoot , was a convicted nonce . what are the chances? how many shots fired? 6 ? and each one hit a sex offender . what are the odds?

well at an antifa rallye, the odds are high .

these are the folk siding with george

Jericho Mile

Well-known member
I would like to ask a question which has sort of been on my mind for a few years now.

Did Trump ever actually build that wall or not?
Part of it. Around border cities and towns you’ll find the wall/fence. In the desert
and mountains…away from towns there is no wall. The wall also continued to be built while Biden was president.

Does it work? No.


Well-known member
Part of it. Around border cities and towns you’ll find the wall/fence. In the desert
and mountains…away from towns there is no wall. The wall also continued to be built while Biden was president.

Does it work? No.

who´d have thought , huh?
Have any of them been decorated with graffiti yet?


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Jericho Mile

Well-known member

who´d have thought , huh?
Have any of them been decorated with graffiti yet?
I’m sure.

The wall does have an effect though. It funnels migrants out into the desert and the mountains. Many are dying out in the vastness of inhospitable terrain. Especially in the summer heat. That’s not propaganda.

I was asked if I wanted to join a volunteer organization that hikes into the deserts of Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas to recover bodies. I have not taken them up on that yet…but I know people who have. It’s real.

I live more than 100 miles above the border here in New Mexico. Above the boot heel part of the State. There’s only a barb wire fence on the border. Same when I lived 20 miles above the border in the backcountry of Southern California. Barb wire fence. No wall.


Active member
What collapse are you speaking of? If you’re talking about poisons in our water, food, and air, it’s not exactly a collapse, but we’re in trouble.

Co2 is the least of our environmental issues.

If co2 tripled and temps rose 5-15*f crop productivity would double. Ask anyone using co2 to grow cannabis how much it helps plant growth.

The sixth mass extinction happening right now isn't enough of a collapse for you? What would be cause for a collapse then? Just a meteor-level event that wiped out the dinosaurs?

Seriously, are you a denier, lacking knowledge on the subject, or just a bad character?

The global ecosystem is not made of soy and potatoes, much less of Cannabis in a tent. My God, you really sum up the world in your own way and you do it in the most stupid way possible. What a stupid comment. It's clear that you're getting involved in a subject that you understand absolutely nothing about. You don't understand anything about plant or animal physiology, you have no idea about the impact of temperature on the environment. I'm pissed off at your stupidity on this subject and your insistence on wanting to get involved in talking about it. I work with wildlife, I studied biology, and honestly, I've rarely come across someone so blind and stupid. Just asking for "proof" of something that is VISIBLE TO EVERYONE shows how much of a denier you are.

And please, if you are a right-wing denier of reality, don't tag me anymore, I don't argue with that kind of people.


they have physically proved that was a legal position after they had exerted every other option of restraint. that the pressure was not enough to kill .

that pig did nothing wrong . at all
i can't speak to the legality of the move, but it was very wrong and the coroners said homicide, again whether legal human- kill or not.

Jericho Mile

Well-known member
I saw a video of a 12 year old girl scaling it in 10 seconds.
You’d have to be a complete fool to believe the wall is anything other than political grandstanding. Something more to argue over….appease some…divert away attention…allot funds…even create temporary jobs. In those ways it has worked.

Some of the effects of the wall are real though….as I mentioned above. That is not by accident. People are dying. Funneling people into specific areas is a military tactic. Fields of fire. In this case they let nature take care of the dirty work.

If you really wanted to button up the southern border it would require total militarization. I’d very much rather that not happen. So if we have to play the wall game….so be it. It’s unfortunate that this is what it comes down to but the alternatives are no better realistically.


The wall does have an effect though. It funnels migrants out into the desert and the mountains. Many are dying out in the vastness of inhospitable terrain. Especially in the summer heat. That’s not propaganda.

I was asked if I wanted to join a volunteer organization that hikes into the deserts of Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas to recover bodies. I have not taken them up on that yet…but I know people who have. It’s real.
holy shit! a real person!

no, i'm not being sarcastic or sardonic... i always love it when i see there's a real person behind the keyboard, with real opinions.

good shit, man i like that. especially the part i highlighted, that shows you actually gave a shit and thought about it.

i'm being 100% serious lol i think it's cause i took a big hit and my tolerance is going down the last week or so as i taper

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