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American weed is superior to dutch.


Well-known member
so the irrefutable evidence actually explains common descent? i agree. the only other choice is the creator is tricking us. cause the evidence really is irrefutable... i can try to explain the ERV thing if you ever become interested in learning about our genetic history.


Do you know what that word means?


Well-known member
yes, man and animal... cause monkeys are animals and we are monkeys; i guess unless i'm talking to a space alien...

and yes, "irrefutable" means it cannot be refuted


You are.

My genetics are vastly different.

This is what you refuse to accept, you and I are not equals.


Well-known member
Any economy that is based on Debt is designed to fail. Run the numbers, you can’t win.

Sweet heart I love my life even more so when I listen to people whine and blame thier misery on me and others. KARMA in action.

FYI the only way to be happy is to understand human nature "ego" and rise above it.

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